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When You Were Mine (Adams Sisters)

Page 16

by Byrd, Adrianne

  “They have? But how would you--”

  “Entertainment Tonight,” the sisters answered in sync.

  Joey rolled her eyes. “I didn’t realize so many eyes were paying attention to us.”

  “Forget that,” Peyton chimed in. “If your plan worked, why are you still wearing this guy’s ring? Why aren’t you and Laurence on a plane heading back to L.A.?”

  “And why are you sleeping with your fake fiancé?”

  Joey knew the questions were coming, but she’d failed to come up with real answers. How did she explain that she no longer loved Laurence without sounding flighty or fickle--especially when she had a reputation for being both?

  “Joseph?” Peyton asked.

  “I’m still here.”

  “Do you have an answer?”

  “Things didn’t quite go as planned.”

  “Meaning you’re whipped,” Michael read in between the lines.

  “I’m not whipped,” she protested. “I just decided I Larry wasn’t what I wanted and there’s wasn’t any reason why I couldn’t have a little fun.”

  “She’s whipped,” the sisters spoke again in unison.

  “Joey, sweetie.” Peyton trod lightly. “You’re obviously in a very emotional state right now. “Why don’t you just come home before you end up getting hurt again.”

  “I’m not going to get hurt. I know what I’m doing.”

  “Yes. You’re lying,” Sheldon added. “Not just not to the world, but more importantly to yourself. Nothing good is going to come out of playing house.”

  “Here we go.” Joey jumped up. “Mrs. Barefoot and Pregnant is going to give a lecture. Why don’t you give it to Michael? She’s the one who’s pretending and acting like the family doesn’t have the good sense God gave us to know she’s miserable. Or how about Frankie? She thinks she pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes by showing off what George buys her when we all knows he never comes home. Hell, when was the last time any of us seen George? Two Christmases ago?”

  Joey paced while her anger boiled over. “If you ask me the only one in a semi-normal marriage is Peyton and I would just as well like to be spared a lecture from her, too.”

  When she was finished, the line roared with a tense silence. There was a single click, signifying one of her sisters had hung up.

  Joey’s heart leaped, and tears of regret burned her eyes. “Oh, God. I’m sorry.” She slumped down onto the bed.

  “Well,” Michael began. “It looks like someone developed a backbone in Italy.”

  “Yeah,” Sheldon croaked. “You must really care for this director guy.”

  “Peyton? Frankie, are guys still there?” Joey asked.

  “I’m still here,” Peyton said. “I guess that means Frankie hung up.”

  “Damn.” Joey sighed. “I really put my foot in my mouth.”

  “That’s putting it lightly,” Michael sneered. “But you had a point...and if you must know, Phillip and I have been separated for the last six months. I think--I think we’re going to get a divorce.”

  “Mike, what happened?” Sheldon asked first.

  “Nothing. We should have never gotten married. Looking back on it, I think we did it to save the relationship. It didn’t work.”

  The girls did the best they could consoling her over the phone. There were a few sniffles and a whole lot of tears. All the while Joey felt two inches high and no amount of apologizing made her feel any better.

  “Girls, I need to call Frankie back.”

  “She’s not going to answer the phone.” Peyton warned. “I’ll drive over there and see about her.”

  “I’ll come with,” Sheldon chimed.

  “I wish I was down there with you guys,” Michael said, since she still resided in Los Angeles.

  “Me, too,” Joey said in earnest. “Since I’m the one who upset her.”

  “So when are you going to end this charade and come back home?” Peyton asked, her voice still laden with concern.

  It was a good question, Joey realized, and one that deserved an answer. “I’ll need a ticket.”

  “I’ll call the airport right now,” Peyton promised.

  Joey nodded and hung up the phone. Fat teardrops leaked from her eyes as she stared down at the diamond on her finger. Her sisters were right, only pain would come from pretending.

  And Ryan knew he’d won his bet the night she didn’t go meet with Laurence. In fact, they had hardly mentioned his name since then.

  She chuckled. Ten days. She had known Ryan only ten days and he had changed her life completely. But was it love or sex on the rebound. One thing was for sure, if she stayed she’ll never find out.

  It was time to go home. With her heart wedged in her throat, Joey pulled off her diamond ring and placed it on Ryan’s pillow.

  Chapter 25

  “And cut! That’s a wrap,” Ryan roared and stood from his chair. He glanced at his watch and winced how late taping had gone over. Hopefully a little kissing, a little hugging and some hot sex would be a sufficient apology for him missing dinner.

  The crew gave each other a round of applause, and a smiling Carlina sauntered off set. Nothing unusual about it, but there was definitely something to the way she looked at Ryan that puzzled him.

  No matter. He shook it off and went over a few more details with the stage crew and his assistant. Another hour and Ryan was the last to leave the set--or so he thought.

  “Have a minute?”

  Ryan turned toward the angelic voice, though he was certain whom it belonged to. “Carlina.” He glanced around. “What are you still doing here?”

  “Waiting to talk to you.” Her Cheshire Cat smile grew wider. “Lately, it’s almost impossible to get you alone.”

  He nodded and took a calm step back. “Well, you know how it is, being engaged and all.”

  She laughed. “Yes, I find it all a little tedious. But one does what one must do for the right press. Right?”

  Carlina had his full attention. “What are you talking about?”

  She didn’t walk so much as slink toward him. “You’re a smart man, Ryan. What do you think I’m talking about?”

  He lifted his chin as his eyes narrowed.

  “Ah. Cat got your tongue?” She continued slinking. “You know, I should have guessed something was up. Some things were a bit too coincidental. You and Joey at The Blue Diamond, you punching Laurence, and then both of you showing up here.” She stopped just inches before him. “You feel it, too. Don’t you?”

  Ryan was following along fine until she hit that road bump. “Feel what?”

  She leaned up so when she spoke her mint flavored breath blew against his face. “Feel the electricity flowing between us.” Her arms snaked around his neck while her famous, curvaceous body pressed against him. “We started something once. What do you say we finish it tonight?”

  Ryan laughed. He couldn’t help it. It was just that funny. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He tried to peel her arms off, but they were like a boa constrictor, the harder he pulled the more they tightened.

  “You’re going to deny that you punched Larry because you were jealous or that you staged your ‘fake engagement’ to that skinny nobody just to get my attention?”

  Speechless, Ryan stared.

  She laughed. “It’s okay. I heard you and Mr. Griffin talking earlier. I’m not mad. I’m flattered. And to tell you the truth, I was doing the same thing.” She giggled.

  “Come again?”

  “I accepted Larry’s proposal in hopes to make you jealous. And it work!” She launched forward and kissed him soundly on the lips.

  A light flashed and Ryan jumped back. “What the hell was that?”

  “If you don’t know then your fiancé hasn’t been doing a good job.”

  She launched again, but Ryan’s hand shot up before his face and Carlina’s lips smacked the center of his palm. “Carlina, stop. You’re making a fool of yourself.”

  She unplanted her lips an
d he lowered his hand. “You have the wrong idea. I didn’t hit Laurence because I was jealous, I hit him because of the way he treated Joey.”


  “Yeah. My fake fiancée.” He successfully pried her arms off and stepped back. “Only, the pretense is going to turn into reality. I love her--probably from the first time I saw her crawl through the men’s bathroom window.”


  He laughed and shook his head. “Nothing. It’s a story only our children will hear about.”

  Carlina looked as though she had a hard time digesting his words. “Then why--”

  “I was supposed to be helping her win back her ex-almost fiancé. But between you, me and the light post, my heart wasn’t in it.”

  “Her what? That doesn’t even make sense.”

  “Try and tell her that.” He chuckled.

  Carlina remained thunderstruck. “Why on earth would she want Larry back? I just sent him packing.” She flashed him her bare left hand.

  “She wanted--past tense.” His chest swelled. “I’m applying for the position of fiancé--for real this time.” Ryan had spent his last two projects trying to capture on camera the array of emotions that rippled across Carlina’s darkening face. “I’m sorry,” he added.

  She stared, and then suddenly Carlina burst out laughing. “You almost had me.” She invaded his personal space again. “You and Joey. You and eight children? Please.”

  Ryan’s face twisted. “What’s so funny about that?”

  “Come on.” Her arms slithered around his neck while her silicon breasts pressed hard into his chest. “Since when were you interested in another man’s leftovers?”

  He chuckled. “And what does that make you?”

  “I was with you first. Remember?” She winked and steered one hand south where it quickly slipped below his pants’ waistband.

  “Whoa!” Ryan jumped and jerked her arm back up before she had the chance to seize the family jewels. “Chill out. Chill out.” He successfully pushed her away.

  Carlina’s expression crumbled at his body’s lack of response. “What the hell is wrong with you? This is the second time I’ve practically thrown myself at you¾”


  “What are you, gay?” She grew taller as her indignity heightened. “Men would kill to be with me!”

  “That’s it.” Ryan latched on to the excuse, anything to get the woman off of him. “I’m gay.”

  “Please.” Carlina’s eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head. “You’re not gay. I know gay when I see gay.”

  Damn. What does it take to get rid of this woman?

  “It’s that damn Jo-Jo or Joey. Whatever the hell her damn name is,” Carlina snarled. Her rage distorted her beauty. “What is it about that bitch that has you and Larry salivating at her feet?”

  “This conversation is over.” Ryan turned away from her. “And if you want to stay aboard this production set, you’ll keep your mouth shut about me and Joey.”

  “Ryan, wait.” She leaped forward and caught him by the arm.

  He stopped, not because of her hand’s tight restraint but because of the note of panic in her voice. Slowly he faced her again.

  “I can’t lose both of you.” Tears shimmered in the actress’s eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” Ryan shrugged. “But you never had me.”


  Joey left Ryan’s suite wearing her old jeans, stained T-shirt and leather jacket. It wasn’t difficult for her to walk away from the designer clothes and expensive jewelry, but it was hard to leave the fantasy. The fictitious engagement, the unborn tribe of children and a Hollywood happily-ever-after all disappeared with the click of the door.

  Good ol’ reliable Peyton not only purchased her e-ticket, but she’d also wired money directly to the hotel’s concierge. The money was much needed to pay for her taxi. Silent tears streaked down her face during the ride to the airport, but she refused to look back.

  Joey had found, lived and lost love in a little over ten days. At least, she thought it was love or was love what she had with Laurence? And what was the point of being the only one in love?

  Ryan certainly never alluded to feeling the same way about her. Sure, he thought her beautiful or “perfect” and there was no denying he had a strong physical attraction to her. But love?

  Joey thrust up her chin and decided she was doing the right thing. The only way to sort everything out was to step away from the situation. If after a period time she felt the same way about Ryan, then...she would look him up.

  She dried her face and refused to let another teardrop fall. It was time to rely on old-fashioned courage. Yet, as she said that to herself, a hope coursed through the crevice of her heart, that Ryan would stop her from boarding her plane. Isn’t that what always happened at the end of her sappy romance novels?

  Ryan would find the letter she left and then race to the airport to stop her from making the biggest mistake of her life. It will be because he loved her--hopelessly so. Joey shook her head and laughed at herself, and then all too soon Milan Malpensa Airport came into view.

  “If it was meant to be, he’ll come.”


  “Lucy, I’m home.” Ryan crept through the door with a wide smile and a bundle of roses and was a little stunned to find the suite as dark as a tomb. “Joey?” He reached for the main switch and clicked on the lights.

  He called her name again and closed the door behind him. The place remained deathly silent as he removed his coat and then moved farther into the room. He glanced at his watch and thought surely Joey hadn’t retired for the night at nine o’clock.

  “Sorry I missed dinner,” he called out, hoping to appease her if in fact she was somewhere in the suite sulking. “Taping ran a little late mainly because I’m working with an actress who thinks its cute not to memorize her lines,” he chuckled at his own joke.

  He moved from the formal dining room to the corner living room but there was still no Joey. His frowned deepened as he waltzed from room to room. Did she go out to dinner without him?

  Ryan turned to walk out of the main bedroom Joey used when his eyes landed on one of the pillows. He strolled across the room. When he recognized the ring nestled in the center of pillow, his chest tightened. Once he arrived at the bed, he struggled with himself to pick up the heavy gem and the sealed enveloped with his name written in Joey’s loopy penmanship.

  If nothing, Ryan was a realist, and everything about this small scene screamed bad news!

  He drew a deep breath and contemplated whether to make himself a drink first. After a moment, he rationalized it was best to get the whole thing over with.

  Dear Ryan,

  I can never repay you for all you’ve done for me in the short time we’ve known each other. The last few days especially have been wonderful and I dare say you’ve come very close to winning your bet. Maybe I’m a sore loser for leaving now, but I need to save myself from myself. I don’t know. I’m starting to believe there is something wrong with being in love with love. For one thing, you begin to see it in everyone and everything until it’s all consuming. Pretending with you was nice and easy, but in the end it will only hurt. I wish you luck on your new film and I hope you’ll think of me from time to time...especially whenever you’re in a men’s room.

  Best of love,

  Joseph H. Adams.

  “Joseph?” Ryan stalled at the name. All along, he’d assumed her Joey was short for Joanne or Josephine, but Joseph? Just as quickly, his mind whizzed back to the screenwriter who had written his dream project. “It couldn’t be.”

  A buzz at the door drew Ryan from his private thoughts. He tossed the roses onto the bed, pocketed the diamond ring and letter and rushed to answer the door. Though he knew Joey had a key to the suite, it didn’t stop him from hoping it was her at the door. Her with woeful eyes, admitting that she’d made a mistake in leaving.

  Instead it was Zach.

  Ryan’s face collapsed i
n disappointment.

  “Who loves ya, baby?” Zach grinned from ear to ear and then rushed on into the apartment without an invitation.

  “Zach, this isn’t a good time.”

  “I’m not going to take much of you and your little lady’s time.” He glanced around, but made no further comment to Joey’s absence. “Guess what.”

  “Skip to the chase and just tell me.” Ryan grabbed his coat. “I have to get to the airport.”

  “I got your financing,” Zach declared triumphantly, and then belatedly caught what his friend had said. “Why are you going to the airport?”

  Ryan raced out of the suite. “I’ll have to tell you on the way.”

  Minutes later, Ryan and Zach climbed into the limo.

  “To the airport,” Ryan ordered.

  The driver glanced back at him through the rear view mirror. “Which one?”

  Ryan blinked and then made an educated guess that Joseph would fly out the same airport they’d arrived in last week. “Linate International.”


  Joey stalled at her gate until the last possible second. She tried to tell herself that she wasn’t really waiting for Ryan to appear out of nowhere and plead for her not to board the plane, but she knew it was a lie.

  “We’re about to shut the doors,” the agent gently told her as if she sensed Joey’s whole sad life story.

  Joey nodded and expelled a long breath. From here on out she was going to stop reading those damn romance novels. Handing over her ticket, she scanned the crowded airport and swallowed an enormous lump of disappointment.

  Maybe Ryan hadn’t found the letter yet, she reasoned. Maybe she should have placed it on his box of cigars. Or maybe this whole thing was just a fling for him.

  He pretty much said as much. She was just someone to end his little dry spell.

  “How do I always get myself into these things?”

  With a heavy heart, Joey boarded onto the plane and searched for her seat. Once again, she’d booked into first class¾or P.J. had always called¾the first crash.

  “Well, well,” a familiar voice floated out to her. “This must be my lucky day.”

  Joey glanced up and was stunned to see her ex-almost fiancé sitting next to her seat.


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