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Raising His Baby (The Sartoris Book 2)

Page 8

by Lockwood,Tressie

  “Conversation?” Romy suggested and brought a heavy hand down on Kevin’s shoulder.

  Kevin almost fell to the ground but recovered himself. “What’s he doing here?”

  “Are you spying on me?” Sonya demanded. “Oh wait, don’t tell me Frost told you?”

  Romy held up his hands in defense. “I apologize. It wasn’t my intention of following you.”

  She gasped.

  “I didn’t actually follow you.” Heat suffused his face, and he ground his teeth. There wasn’t an excuse for what he’d done, and her expression said so. He had crossed the line, and he certainly couldn’t say he was just passing through the neighborhood.

  Sonya tapped her sandaled foot on the ground, arms folded, and shooting daggers at him with her eyes. She waited for his answer, exuding anger, but all he noticed was how shapely her legs were in the shorts she wore and the way her T-shirt fit snuggly against her pert—jeez, pull yourself together, man!

  Romy’s phone rang, giving him a reprieve for the moment. He rushed to check the display and experienced a sensation of relief and annoyance at the name that flashed on the screen.

  “Sartori.” He winced because he usually answered personal calls with his first name. She would know that.

  “You’re still mad at me, Romy baby?” The pout in her voice grated where once it had turned him on. “I’m so sorry I betrayed you. It was a moment of weakness, and I promise nothing happened between Cason and me. It never will. You’re the only man I want.”


  “Hear me out, Romy. I’m not asking to get back together. I know I ruined the relationship we had, but I figured we both have needs, right? We can be occasional lovers.”

  Romy paused before answering. He glanced over his shoulder at Sonya. She had turned to Kevin and was chatting with him. Frost stood on alert as if he was just aching for Romy to give him the command to fold Kevin in half and drop him in the nearest trashcan. The same stirring of jealousy rose in Romy over Sonya. He strained to hear their conversation as he ignored Zeborah going on about their physical needs.

  “There’s a soccer team forming next week,” Kevin was saying. “I know you said it’s been a while for you, but you look good. I bet you could get back into the swing in no time. I’m joining, and I know for a fact they’re looking for three more players—good ones.”

  Sonya moaned. “Oh, man, I’d give my right arm to get in on that. I just don’t have anyone to watch Arron.”

  “The games and practices are in the evenings. Come on. You can manage it. Your whole life doesn’t have to be for him.”

  Romy flared his nostrils in annoyance.

  “You don’t understand how important he is to me,” Sonya snapped. “If you did you wouldn’t be saying that crap.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m stupid. Heck, you can probably teach me a thing or two about kids. I want some of my own some day. Maybe I’ll get you to teach me how to be a good dad.”

  Sonya laughed and shook her head. “Okay, dial it down, crazy.”

  She picked the baby up out of the swing, and the three of them wandered a few steps away, out of Romy’s earshot. He realized Zeborah was calling to him and focused on her. Maybe he should take her offer. The two of them had been good together physically, and she might serve to distract him from his feelings for Sonya. He knew where Zeborah stood as far as her morals went, so he was in no danger of falling for her.

  “Why don’t we have dinner and talk about it?” he suggested.

  She caught her breath. “Really?”

  “Did you call expecting me to say no?”

  She gave a nervous chuckle. “I guess I did, but I hoped. All right. Tonight? And then back to your place?”

  She had to be joking. “I said we’ll talk. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  He disconnected and looked back at Sonya and the idiot. Desire made him want to walk over there and claim her mouth and her curvy body. Common sense made him start back to his car. He typed in a text to Frost.

  “Take care of them.”

  Frost assured him he was on it, and he had to be satisfied with that.

  Romy descended the stairs to the first floor of the mansion. He paused at the sound of laughter and went to see what all the commotion was about. While he was still in the hall, he had a good view of the kitchen. Sonya sat at the kitchen table, barefoot in a pair of shorts and an oversized T-shirt. She had propped one foot up on the chair and was making silly faces at the baby who was strapped into his seat. The squeals of delight from the baby set off Sonya to join him, and Romy couldn’t look away.

  “Peek-a-boo,” she teased, and Arron squealed and clapped his hands.

  Romy leaned against the doorjamb to watch them. He tried to speak but failed. It didn’t matter anyway. All he wanted to do was to stare at them. His family. Well technically not Sonya but as Arron’s mamma, she was a part of the Sartori household.

  For an instant he envisioned what it would be like to add another baby to the group, one that looked like—What are you thinking, Romy?

  He ran a hand over his face and turned to go. All of a sudden the date he had with Zeborah didn’t appeal in the least. Yet, he forced himself to keep walking.


  He stopped. She came bouncing along the hall with the baby on her hip. Grinning up at him and stealing his sense of what the heck he was doing right about then, she held the baby out.

  “Arron wants to say good night. He’ll be asleep by the time you get back.”

  Didn’t she wonder what he was up to? Didn’t it bother her that he might have a date, that he might be sleeping with another woman?

  Of course not. You’re the sap that always falls for your lover.

  No, that wasn’t true. He didn’t have many lovers in his past, and he didn’t fall in love easily. His problem was when he did begin to care he made the wrong choice with the wrong one. Did that mean she was wrong for him?

  “Earth to Romy.”

  He came to himself and took his son into his arms. Arron had learned to stop fighting him whenever he held him. In fact, he wore a smile whenever Romy came into the room now. Romy couldn’t get enough of it. He kissed the baby’s head and held him close then looked at Sonya.

  “I happened to overhear that you want to play soccer again.”

  She frowned at him.

  “If you like, I can watch Arron.”

  “You’re kidding?”

  “Are you insinuating I can’t handle him for a two or three hours?”

  She laughed. “No, I didn’t think you would go for it.”

  “You’re not in prison.”

  Her head tilted to the side, and he could guess what flashed through her mind. She didn’t say it. “Oh, wow, Romy, if you’re serious, I could kiss you!”

  He shifted the baby to his other side. “My lips are at your disposal.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You have a date.”

  He started in surprise.

  “I heard things too.” She looked away, hiding her expression. “If that’s what you want… I mean you kind of did a switch pretty fast.”

  She turned completely away then, putting her back to him. He reached out to stop her from walking away. “I did a switch? I believe you were meeting a man at the park.”

  She faced him and raised her chin, which was more like the Sonya he knew. “Look, I’m already under your thumb.”

  “I’ve never placed you under my thumb.”

  “You want custody of Arron, and what am I going to say about it? I don’t even have a job right now or access to my former babysitter because you’re his father.”

  “I can’t change who I am.”

  “I’m not saying you should, but…”

  He had to know all she thought. “But?”

  “But being lovers means I give my body to you too. You have Arron and me. I don’t have anything.”

  She confused him. Most women would think they maintai
ned control by using their body. Was she trying to trick him, or did she truly not see how women worked men to their advantage? If he gave her what she wanted, which he would do only to get her under him, he would be the one who was being controlled. The fact that he was even considering it for a little honey meant he should escape the house and do what he intended—get her out of his system.

  He kissed his son again and handed Arron to her. “I’ll see you in the morning. Don’t wait up.”

  Chapter 11

  Sonya rolled over in bed, annoyed. She peered at the clock. Only five minutes had passed since she last looked. “Why the heck do I care if he’s out sleeping with some woman? I turned him down. He doesn’t concern me.”

  Sleep refused to come, and she punched the bed at her side. Arron slept soundly in his crib, so she got up and threw on a robe. With any luck no one would be up at that hour and she could wander around the house without witnesses.

  At Romy’s bedroom door, she listened. All lay in silence, but then she knew he hadn’t come in because he would have to pass her room to get to his. Next, she headed downstairs and peeked out the front window. Even if he had driven up, he might have gone around the side of the house to the six-car garage. She stood in the hallway, wondering if she dared to go check it out.

  “He’s not out there, but you could check if you don’t believe me.”

  She jumped and turned around. Cason leaned against the doorjamb to a darkened room behind him. His face lay in shadows, but she’d heard the teasing note in his voice.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she grumbled.

  He chuckled. “Aren’t you looking for Romy?”

  “No. I was just…”

  “Taking a midnight stroll?”

  “Shut up and leave me alone.” She moved to stomp past him. He had no business reading her mind and calling her out on it, the jerk.

  “How about some herbal tea? I won’t choke the stuff down, but Mamma swears by it. Says it helps her to sleep.”

  Sonya didn’t miss the emphasis on sleep. He knew she was up thinking about Romy. There was no sense denying it, and what else did she have to do to pass the time? If the tea worked, she could be in lala land in minutes and dismiss Romy from her mind.

  “Fine.” She followed him into the kitchen.

  He flipped the light on and pointed to a cabinet as he dropped into a chair, rearing it back on two legs. “It’s in there.”

  She put a hand on her hip. “I thought you were offering to make it.”

  He shrugged. “Never had to before.”

  “I can’t believe how spoiled you guys are.” She went about putting on the kettle and prepping a mug for her tea. Cason wanted coffee despite the hour, so she prepared that as well. She bet he’d never done anything in the kitchen for himself in his entire life.

  After everything was ready, she sat down and stirred sugar into her tea. Cason gave a masculine moan of appreciation of his coffee and raised his cup to her. She tried to ignore him, but she felt his all-seeing eyes on her.

  “What?” she demanded after a few minutes shifting beneath his gaze.

  “You’re never going to get him, bella.”

  She stiffened. “Excuse me?”

  “Romy doesn’t plan on getting married.”

  For some reason her heart sank. It wasn’t as if she thought he would ask her or as if she wanted him to. They hadn’t known each other that long, but in the back of her mind, she must have entertained the idea because it would give her more solid footing with Arron. That was a terrible reason to get married, but she must have considered it without realizing.

  “Don’t worry. I didn’t ask him to marry me.”

  He laughed. The chair rocked back and forth as he balanced it. “You don’t believe me.”

  “Lay off, Cason. I don’t know why you’re picking with me tonight, but I’m not for it.” She started to stand, ready to take her cup upstairs to her room.

  “He’s been hurt many times.”

  She froze.

  “I guess I should say disappointed many times and heartbroken at least once. Romy isn’t like Ezio or me. He’s sensitive.” His eyes glazed over as if he thought about it. “This last time he came to his senses. There won’t be another time a woman tricks him. Let me clarify that. I will make sure he isn’t tricked again.”

  She heard the threat and swallowed. Cason had never revealed this side to his personality. He still wore a half-smile, but there was a serious tone to his voice and steel in his eyes.

  “Romy is the oldest,” she said unnecessarily. “He can take care of himself. From what I’ve seen of him he’s strong.”

  “He can be manipulated by a beautiful woman.”

  She smirked. “Should you be telling me that?”

  “You consider yourself to be beautiful?”

  She frowned at him. “You know what I mean.”

  He grinned. “For sure. Sei bello.”

  “I’m not going to thank you for the compliment.”

  “I’m simply saying a woman like you can wrap my brother around your finger. You look small and helpless, which is a trigger for my brother’s protective nature. However, you’re a dominant type. You would rule him if you could.”

  “I don’t appreciate you diagnosing my character. You don’t know me. I’m not in the habit of bossing men around or for that matter manipulating them. As I said, Romy’s a grown man. From what I’ve seen when we interacted he—”

  The chair came down on all four legs, and Cason leaned on the table toward her. He was all grins. “He what? Did you two role play?”

  “I can’t believe you. Never mind. I’m going to bed.”

  She stood and walked around the table, but when she reached his side, he rose as well and blocked her path. His hand came up, and he dragged her against his chest. She fought to get loose.

  “Get your hands off me!”

  “Something about you makes a man want to do things.”

  “I don’t care about your perverted thoughts. Let go.”

  He dipped his head toward hers. She turned away, a bad move because it exposed her neck. Cason didn’t take advantage of it, thank goodness, but she heard a low rumble from his throat.

  “If you want, you can have me,” he suggested.

  She blinked at him. “You’re not asking me to marry you!”

  “Interesting, but no. I’m saying we can be lovers. I promise you I’m very generous.”

  “Please, I heard a similar promise from Romy.”

  He shrugged. “You’re looking for a higher bid? Then I’ll bid higher. Tell me what you want, and we’ll come to an agreement. Tonight you can be in my bed. I will make sure you’re exhausted enough to sleep.”

  She clenched her hands at her sides. “The only reason I’m not punching you in the face right now is because I’ve had enough of the violence. You and your brothers think so little of me that you can offer me money to go from one bed to the other?”

  He had the nerve to look surprised. “I assure you I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “I’m wondering how bidding could be taken any other way. Get off me, right now!”

  He held on a little longer and stared into her eyes. “I’m very serious, Sonya. I will take care of you for as long as my interest remains. Afterward, I can give you a good sum that will keep you for a while. You’re sure you don’t want to put your pride aside and think about it?”

  She lowered her voice so that he had to lean even closer to hear her. “Ten years of soccer have made my legs very strong. If you don’t let me go right now, when I get free, I’m going to kick your balls into the stratosphere.”

  Cason snorted, and he did his best to suppress his laughter. “I might want to see you try.”

  His hold loosened, and she pushed his chest with the flats of both hands to force him to release her all the way. His hands slid lower on her waist.

  “What’s going on here?”

  Both she and Cason froze. R
omy stood in the kitchen doorway, and his cool blue gaze took in the position of Cason’s hands and how her body was pressed up against his brother’s. She jerked out of his arms, and Cason let her go.


  “Good night. It’s late.” Romy turned on his heel to leave the room.

  Sonya wrestled between running after Romy to explain what happened, demanding Cason do it, or just heading to her own room. She and Romy weren’t seeing each other. He’d gone out on a date, and he knew about her trying to meet up with Kevin. So why did she still feel like she needed to explain?

  Cason dropped back into his seat and picked up his cup. She yanked it from his hand. “Are you going to go explain to him what happened?”

  “Why should I? It works in my favor if Romy thinks you’re so easy that as soon as he got loose from your web, you ran to me.”

  “You’re a lowlife!”

  The smile left his face, and he looked hard at her. “I told you I’m going to look out for Romy any way I see necessary. You think he—or any of us—should fall over you because you brought him his son? You think that gives you an automatic in to this family? I see you as just one more woman who’s trying to use him, and I’m telling you, lady. That’s not going to happen, not with Romy.”

  She had never heard such bitter anger in his voice. If she weren’t looking into his face, she might have thought it was Ezio speaking. They sounded just alike right then.

  “So in other words, I’m an enemy in this household? You’re all going to bully me until I leave?”

  The sudden anger drained away from his countenance. “No, you’re not an enemy, and I’m not going to make you an offer again.”

  “Of course not. You already did the damage.”

  “If you want to take care of Arron, I don’t have a problem with it. Just don’t screw around with Romy.”

  She walked out of the kitchen, leaving her tea behind and went up to her room. If she had any sense, she would pack her things now and get out of there. She might even take Arron with her, but she knew that would end badly. No, she had to stick it out and get past the embarrassment that just happened. It might be better to act like she wasn’t wrong if she did let Cason hold her, and since he said he wouldn’t make indecent proposals to her anymore, she was safe there. She might not like Romy believing a lie, but she had no choice. From the sound of it, not only Ezio but Cason too would fight her if she tried to get involved with Romy. Better to leave the misconceptions in place and build the best life she could at the mansion. As long as she was with Arron, that was all that mattered.


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