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The Alpha Billionaire Club Trilogy

Page 38

by Alexa Wilder

  “What is that? What are all these boxes?”

  Hands in his pockets, Sam shrugged, a little sheepish as he said, “I had your things moved here. Was there any furniture you wanted from your apartment?”

  “What?” Not an informative response, but I didn’t have one of those yet. “What are you talking about? Did you move me out of my apartment without asking me?” I put my hands on my hips, but the flare of pain reminded me they didn’t like being bent that way and I dropped my arms to my sides.

  “You weren’t going back there, were you?” Sam crossed his arms over his chest in challenge.

  “Sam, you can’t just move me out of my apartment without asking. And did you even ask Daniel how he feels?”

  Sam stared at me. “Are you kidding? If you move out I think my dad would make me leave with you. Is that what you want? To go back to your apartment? Because I thought this was a really good,” he said, his hand waving between us.

  “It is, but, I just-” I broke off, trying to think. Did I want to go back to the apartment? No, I didn’t. And not just because I couldn’t forget seeing strangers break in, knowing they’d torn the place apart. I wanted to be here, with Sam. He watched me, his normally confident blue eyes anxious and uncertain. “I don’t want to leave, Sam. I want to be with you. But isn’t this too soon?”

  “Is it? Chloe, it can’t be too soon. We’ve spent every day together for three years, and for at least two of those you’ve been so much more than my assistant, you’ve been my best friend. I love you. You love me. So what else is there to wait for?”

  “Nothing,” I said. There was nothing else to wait for. Sam took me in his arms and kissed me. He pulled away before I was ready, and looked into my eyes, studying my face. Whatever it was he was looking for, he must’ve found it because he led me into the kitchen and lifted me to sit on the island.

  “Stay there,” he said. “Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

  I waited, confused, the house empty but for the sounds of the movers going in and out of the garage in the distance. Sam was back a minute later, carrying something in his closed fist.

  “I was going to wait,” he said. “Do a big thing. But we don’t need a big thing, we just need this.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about. He moved to stand in front of me. I spread my legs a little, stretching out my feet to catch him with my heels and tug him closer. He complied, moving forward until I could wrap my legs around him. I was thinking about stealing a kiss, at least until it looked down and saw a square turquoise box wrapped in a white ribbon.

  “Open it,” Sam said. I did, tugging on the ribbon until it fell away and lifting the top off of the pretty blue box. Inside was a smaller black velvet box. My heart clenched in my chest and I looked at Sam’s face.

  “Open it, Chloe,” he whispered, tipping the blue box toward me so the velvet one slid out into my waiting hands.

  With trembling fingers, I turned the box right side up and lifted the lid. Diamonds and platinum sparkled in the bright lights of the kitchen, blinding me with joy.

  “Sam?” I asked, needing to hear him say it. Carefully, he pulled the ring from the box and took my left hand in his.

  “Chloe Henson, you’re my best friend, my partner, the most beautiful, strong, amazing, sexy woman I’ve ever known and the only woman I’ll ever want by my side. I love you. Will you be my wife?” He held the ring just in front of my fingertip, waiting for my answer before sliding it on.

  “Yes, yes I will.” Sam slipped the ring on and we both stared at my hand. “I’ve loved you forever Sam,” I said, unable to take my eyes off the ring he’d chosen for me. It was stunning. I couldn’t have imagined anything that represented our love better. Though it was kind of big. But I knew Sam. He wouldn’t have been able to help himself. It seemed he wanted everyone to know that I was his. Which was fine with me, because I wanted everyone to know, too.

  He raised my hand to his lips and kissed it, saying, “I’ve loved you forever too, Chloe. It just took me a little longer to figure it out.”

  With that, he scooped me up off the kitchen counter and carried me down the hall, kicking our bedroom door shut behind us.


  I watched the bride and groom spin around the dance floor, wide happy smiles on their faces, and leaned into Sam. After all the planning, it was wonderful to sit back and see Dylan and Leigha enjoy their wedding. Leigha and I had hit it off after that first dinner. About a week after we found Nolan, she’d called me to see if I wanted to get lunch. I’d said yes and together we had a blast.

  I would’ve put up with her for Dylan’s sake even if I hadn’t liked her. But it made all of our lives so much easier once we discovered how well we got along. The only downside, and it was a small one, was that I got dragged into the wedding preparations. Leigha hadn’t expected Dylan to propose. It was funny since she said she hadn’t been surprised to see my engagement ring during that first lunch together. But as she’d pointed out, in his own way, Sam had been courting me for a long time.

  She’d been thrilled about the idea of marrying Dylan, not so much about the wedding itself. Dylan had insisted on paying, since he was the one who wanted something big. And he’d hired the best wedding planner in Vegas to handle the details. I think the whole thing made Sam a little nervous. Sam was ready to get married, but like Leigha, he wasn’t all about a huge production.

  Though Dylan usually gave Leigha everything she wanted, in this his mind could not be changed. He wanted everyone to know that she was his. And since his profile wasn’t exactly low, he couldn’t just show that with a huge ring, he had to throw the biggest party in town.

  Sam and I had tentatively set a date after Sam proposed, but hadn’t gotten around to planning the details when Dylan gave Leigha her ring. It took about two weeks of exposure to the three ring circus Dylan had in mind before I brought up the wedding situation at dinner one night.

  “I don’t want a wedding,” I’d said. Sam had looked up at me in shock. Echoing my frequent response to his crazy pronouncements, he’d said,


  Backpedaling, I explained, “No, no, I want to get married. I just don’t want a ‘wedding’.” I made air quotes with my fingers. “Do we have to? I know part of the whole thing with Dylan and Leigha has to do with his job, and the Delecta, and what everyone expects from them. But I don’t want all that. I just want to be your wife.”

  Sam let out a breath and relaxed. “Oh thank God. I don’t want that either. I just want you in a beautiful dress, saying yes. And maybe some romantic candles and flowers and shit.”

  Daniel had broken in, saying, “That’s all fine, but if you two think you’re getting married without me there, you’d better think again.”

  Worried I’d hurt his feelings, I put my hand on his arm and assured him, “No, Daniel, not without you, that’s not what I meant. And I’d want to invite our close friends. I just mean something fun and small without a lot of planning. Maybe we could go somewhere. Like a resort on a beach. I’d love to get married on the beach at sunset and then have a party. And everybody else could go home and we’d have our honeymoon. Simple.”

  And that’s exactly what we’d done. Before Dylan and Leigha had even chosen a venue, Sam and I had picked an intimate, luxurious resort in the Caribbean that had a fantastically organized event planner. All I had to do was pick a dress and show up.

  We were married less than six weeks after Sam put his ring on my finger and it was everything I’d dreamed. Though the wedding was low-key, I chose a dress fit for a princess, with a huge tulle skirt and a corset bodice studded with crystals and pearls. Sam had worn a midnight navy-blue tuxedo, so dark it was almost black. With his tousled blond hair and blue eyes he’d been devastatingly handsome.

  Our guests had dressed as they pleased, some in bare feet and tropical dresses, some decked out for a formal affair. We didn’t care. We had the sunset, and the beach, and each other. The only part that wasn�
��t absolutely perfect was Nolan.

  He wasn’t at the wedding. We’d spoken over the phone, but I hadn’t seen him since that day in the warehouse and I didn’t know when I would. He seemed happy where he was, firmly ensconced in the middle of Tsepov’s criminal empire. He said he missed me, but apparently not enough to break away and start over.

  I tried not to take it personally. As Sam had pointed out, and Axel backed him up, getting away from Tsepov would be dangerous. As long as Nolan was happy enough working for the man, he was safer staying put even if it meant he couldn’t see me. Since I wanted my brother alive more than I wanted him in my life, I tried to let it go.

  Watching Dylan and Leigha dance, I slipped my hand into Sam’s and gave it a squeeze. I was keeping a secret, and I thought he suspected. I wouldn’t know for sure for another few days and I didn’t want to create a distraction from Dylan and Leigha’s big day. Sam was a smart guy. He was biding his time, waiting until I was ready. But I knew that he knew there was a reason I was drinking cider instead of champagne.

  He leaned over to whisper in my ear, “This is a great party, but I’m so glad we ran away to get married.”

  I whispered back, “Me too.”

  In the back of the room I spotted something interesting and nudged Sam. “Look at that,” I whispered. “Did you ever think you’d see that happen?”

  Sam followed my eyes to the back of the dance floor where Axel stood with his date, tucked behind an enormous potted plant. She was almost hidden from the rest of the room, though she was tall and striking enough to stand out, with her flame red hair and pale creamy skin. He held her in his arms as if she were the most fragile, precious creature in the world, his lips grazing her cheekbones gently before landing on her mouth. His mouth took hers with carnal abandon, falling so deeply into the kiss I wondered if he had forgotten where he was.

  Pretending to fan myself, I grinned at Sam and said, “Oh, how the mighty fall. Remember when he swore he’d never fall in love?” It hadn’t been that long ago. In fact, he’d said it while laughing at Sam and Dylan as they’d debated some stupid detail about the wedding, promising that he would never be fool enough to get sucked in like his friends had. It was a good thing he hadn’t known the havoc his redhead would wreak in his life the day her file landed on his desk. If he had, he probably would have run in the other direction and the rest of us would have missed the show.

  Sam grinned back. “I told you, it was just a matter of time. Eventually, if we’re lucky, love finds us all.”

  He stood and pulled me to my feet, drawing me out onto the dance floor where the rest of the guests were joining Dylan and Leigha in their celebration.

  “Dance with me, sweet Chloe,” he said.

  I went to him with a smile, never happier than when I was in Sam Logan’s arms.



  Emma Wright was becoming a problem. She was supposed to be a job. An easy job. Get close to her, find evidence that she was selling confidential data to a competitor. Get paid a ton of money. How hard could it be? She was the head of Human Resources at a shipping company, not Mata Hari. This kind of thing was the bread and butter of Sinclair Security. I figured I’d take the meeting and pass the case to one of my guys.

  Then I got a good look at Emma Wright.

  Fiery red hair, creamy skin, abundant curves, and clear blue eyes with a wicked glint. She was irresistible. Luscious, soft, and more than a handful in all the right places. The moment I saw her picture, I knew I’d be handling her myself.

  Fucking the suspect wasn’t usually my MO, but in this case, I was prepared to make an exception. Normally, my approach was to get the evidence, give it to the client, close the case, and cash the check. Not with Emma.

  Getting her into bed wasn’t the hard part. Neither was pretending to be her lover. But Emma was tricky. She was smart. Funny. Gorgeous. And surprisingly kinky. Deliciously kinky. I’d never admit it, but it’s possible I was taking my time on the case just to have an excuse to keep fucking her.

  That, and it was harder than I’d expected to find what I was looking for. I kept waiting for her to slip. Everyone did, eventually. But so far, nothing. I hadn’t caught her in even the tiniest lie. The client was getting restless, and I was starting to wonder if I was losing my touch.

  I knew she was guilty. Most people were when it came down to it. I already knew what would happen in the end. Tears. Pleading. Excuses and justifications. None of that would matter to me. I’d taken the contract, and I would do my job. In the back of my mind, I was hoping it would last just a little longer. I hadn’t yet had my fill of that lush body, and once I found the data Emma was smuggling out of Harper Shipping, she’d go to jail and our affair would be over.

  Tonight my plan was to push her off balance, enough so she might make a mistake. Until now, I’d worked it out so that most of our dates were dinner at her house. More intimate and easier to search her place. When I did take her out somewhere, I chose places that were upscale, expensive, and not my usual style. I didn’t need to be recognized as Axel Sinclair when I was pretending to be Adam Stewart. But tonight I’d picked a quiet, low-key Italian place around the corner from Emma’s. I’d expected her to pout or act annoyed that I wasn’t spending a few hundred dollars on her dinner. I should have known better.

  Emma was relaxed, drinking her wine and digging into her fettuccine Alfredo. Watching the woman eat pasta was a torturous form of foreplay. When the creamy sauce hit her tongue, she sucked a stray noodle into her mouth with pursed lips, her eyes closed in rapture. I couldn’t help but imagine her sucking me off with that same expression on her face.

  She couldn’t have cared less if she was in an exclusive restaurant surrounded by the best of Vegas society or a place like this one with paper napkins and a chalkboard menu on the wall. Emma enjoyed life however it came at her. I wondered if that would serve her well when she went to prison.

  There was a chance she could avoid going to jail. Either way, I had to remind myself it wasn’t my problem. My job was to find proof she was stealing and give that proof to her boss. What happened to her after that was between them. Most of the time the client didn’t press charges. That kind of publicity was worse for business than the crime itself. But the owner and CEO of Harper Shipping had made his intentions clear. As soon as he could prove what she’d done, he was calling the police.

  Knowing Emma, she’d get off with probation. She was smart enough to hire a good lawyer, and she’d be able to afford decent counsel. She’d managed to hide the money she was getting for the data she’d stolen. If my hackers couldn’t find it, neither would the police. Somewhere out there, Emma had a tidy little nest egg, ready to cushion her when she fell.

  Watching her wind pasta around her fork as she laughed over a story a friend had told her, I found it hard to reconcile the woman before me with the liar I knew she was. I’d been in this game long enough to know that anyone could be a criminal, no matter how innocent they appeared on the surface. But Emma just didn’t give me the guilty vibe. If I hadn’t seen surveillance video of her rifling through secured files and copying them, then later handing them off to a competitor in a dark parking lot late at night, I would have sworn she wasn’t the one they were looking for.

  But I had seen it, seen her face clearly. Even had one of my guys check it. Video could be manufactured. This was real. On top of that, she treated her briefcase like it held the keys to Fort Knox. And she got jumpy whenever I brought up her job. In fact, it was the only time she acted oddly. Not guilty. Not exactly. But not her usual fun loving self.

  All of it added together was more than enough to convince me. Emma was guilty, and I would bring her down. A voice in the back of my head told me to find the evidence and close the case before I got in any deeper. Sitting across from her, my eyes glued to her lips as she sipped her wine, I knew it was already too late. I was in deep with Emma. And part of me, a part I’d thought long dead, hoped that somehow I’d find a way to
prove her innocent.



  Adam had that look on his face again. I’d seen it before, and I didn’t know what it meant. He stared at me as if I was a puzzle and he needed to figure me out. It didn't make sense. There's not that much to figure out about me. I'm a basic girl. I have a job I like, good friends, nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, the only unusual thing in my life was Adam.

  We’d been dating for more than three weeks, and I still wasn’t sure what he was doing with me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a pretty good catch. I’m intelligent, not hard on the eyes, and my friends say I’m fun to be around. I have a few too many curves for guys who like skinny chicks, but that’s okay with me. For every guy who wants a waif, there are two who like a full set of DD’s and a round ass. I hate starving myself, and while I don’t mind going to the gym a couple of times a week I’m not spending my life there. I’d never be on a catwalk, and I didn’t care. None of the few guys who’d seen me naked had complained. That said, I’ve never dated much, mostly by choice. No offense to any good guys out there but most of the guys I’d hooked up with were assholes.

  Going out every night and trying to find a good man is a waste of time. I know they say you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince, but seriously, I’ve had enough frog kissing to last a lifetime. Maybe I have a low tolerance for bullshit. Or maybe I’m impatient. Either way, I’d rather hang out with my friends, have fun with my hobbies, and live the good life without one more lying, deadbeat guy asking to borrow money before he cheats on me.

  I'm not bitter or anything. I don't have some horrible ex in my past. I have a great Dad and two fantastic brothers. And I have some girlfriends with amazing husbands. I know there are good guys out there, I just don't seem to attract them. I attract the dicks who have mommy issues and can't hold down a job or think that having self-confidence makes me a bitch. No thanks.


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