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A Healer's Gift: Adventures of Brad: Book 1 (Adventures on Brad)

Page 14

by Tao Wong

  As Daniel sips on the stew and accepts praise for his cooking from all his party members but Asin, his thoughts turn to motivations. It was strange, how those in the Army, the Guard and Adventurers were so similar but so different. Each led a life of violence when a more peaceful life was an option, yet the individual motivations for each group were different - patriotism, service or adventure. Each gained strength in different ways too, training, peace or conflict and would eventually gain skills from their classes that marked them differently too. The Adventurers inventory ability, the Guards Truth Tell or the Brad Infantry’s Shield Wall were all individual skill proficiencies that were available only to those who dedicated themselves to the lifestyle. Perhaps it was the class skills, the distinction those created that motivated an individual to go one way or the other – or perhaps it was the way experience was garnered. Certainly, the Guards in his experience were more steady, more prone to finding peaceful solutions than your average Adventurer.

  It was a life that was far different from his time as a miner. Sometimes, he wondered if the others who chose a more peaceful, less dangerous life were correct – but like many of his peers, none of the other choices had felt right. No resource gathering, farming or crafting job would ever give him the chance to test himself like an Adventurer did, no guardsmen or soldier would ever have the freedom his vocation had.

  Perhaps that’s why he felt so much more at home among these Adventurers now than he ever had while mining as the choices each of them had made separated them all from common society. Though, did perhaps the thrill fade away? Certainly, it seemed that old Adventurers stopped being Adventurers if Khy’ra, Liev and Tharuk were anything to go by. Perhaps Adventuring was a young man’s job.

  Daniel smiles slightly, accepting the bottle of spirits from Kilroy and pushes aside those thoughts as he joins them for a game of cards. Musings like this were interesting, but in the end, it made no real difference. He was an Adventurer now and soon, they will fight.

  “Well, I guess the easy money is over,” Maximillian chuckles, eyeing the increased activity among the Army personnel ahead of them. The army has been moving ahead on the road, heading closer and closer to the border with each mile across rolling grassy plains. Perfect land for a farm, with fertile soil and plentiful rainfall, if you discounted the constant slopes.

  “Hmmm…?” Daniel turns away from the exaggerated story told by Kilroy – there was no way 3 goats and a wolf did that with a farmer – when Maximillian speaks. He brushes a hand through his brown hair in absent thought, peering at the movement in the distance.

  “Trouble looks like. If I’m correct, we’ll get a message soon and the wagons will be pulling to the side,” Maximillian speaks, gesturing for them to hurry up a bit to stand next to their assigned wagon. Events fall true to his word, word sent back for the supply wagons to pull over and set-up for potential attack in a small glen. The moment the wagons do so, the Adventuring groups spread out to stand guard while the wagon drivers and their attendants hurry to pull out needed equipment. Ahead, the army pulls away from the road to the top of the hill, spreading out with the infantry in front and archers behind. At the top of the hill, the commanders and the Champion take their place, watching.

  Daniel shifts from foot-to-foot, wanting a better view. Wanting to actually see the Orcs, but their job was simple – guard the supply train. Other Adventuring groups pull away, forming a smaller but more mobile force awaiting instructions, situated just behind the hill and to the right of the army. Those lucky Adventurers would see actual battle, thinks Daniel. That force would be used to help flank or reinforce the army as needed, a secondary reserve to the Army’s own.

  A hand drops on Daniel’s shoulder, causing him to stop moving. Maximillian smiles, pointing to Daniel’s back and speaking, “Might want to check that over. Don’t load it yet, we’ll get a signal when things are about to start, but there’s no reason not to check it now.”

  Daniel nods gratefully, falling to the task of checking the crossbow he carries as requested. Maximillian smiles, noting how the youngster calms down a little with something active to do. Of course, as Maximillian glances up to Daniel’s original partner and thinks, some people could afford to be a bit more excited. Asin sees the glance and guesses Max’s thoughts but just yawns, sharp teeth flashing in the sun as she stretches on top of the wagon they are guarding before lying back down.

  Next to the nervous Daniel, Kilroy sets up with his crossbow, sticking a few bolts in the ground as does Mia. She strings her bow swiftly and with ease, testing the pull before going through a series of eye-catching, slow stretches. All around them, various other Adventurers take part in their preparation rituals, getting ready for the battle.

  Time stretches on with no battle though, ticking by an hour then another. No fight, no battle, no sound from across the hill. Adventurers get impatient, annoyed and then finally bored. They relax, sitting around and one group even starts a card game.

  When the drums sound, everyone perks up again. Noise that was at first ignored bring everyone’s attention back to where they are, the danger they are all in. Adventurers stand and even the army that had been resting for a time straighten. The drums begin to grow in volume, accompanied by shouts and growls that travel across the hill. The roars grow louder, bugle calls of the Army finally sounding. Archers in the back row pull back and fire, sending arcs of arrows above the heads of their comrades, blows falling unseen by Daniel and the other Adventurers.

  When the clash finally comes, the meaty smack of blood and bone against steel and wood, it resounds through the glen, amplified between the two hills. Screams begin soon after, cries of rage and pain intersperse between the all too regular sound of metal against metal and metal against flesh. The battle happens on the other side of the hill for the most part, only the work of archers shooting over the hill seen, yet Daniel can imagine it.

  Soon enough, the Adventurers grouped to the right are sent around the flank at a run as the Champion strides away from the command group, disappearing behind the hill in a straight line. Others from the command tent break away at intervals to meet greater threats in the Orc army directly. All this Maximillian explains to the novice Adventurer standing beside him, his eyes glued to the action that they can see.

  The battle rages on for another thirty minutes then peters out as the drums change. Bugle calls bring the Adventurers back to their original position as the Champion strides back to the command post, shaking blood off his sword. A quick shake of his head negates the question asked of him while all around, soldiers and healers work to deal with the toils of combat.

  Time drags on, runners moving between the supply wagon and the front to provide drink and replacement equipment. A command is given and within the circle of wagons, a series of cook fires are started. Without warning, the drums begin again though the cooks in the centre ignore it all, working on their task.

  Daniel finds his stomach rumbling, hunger risen from the constant state of excitement he has been in. He can do nothing, see nothing, just guess at what is happening, yet his excitement will not decrease, nervous energy draining and energising him at the same time.

  The battle this time seems to go much the same to start, but after a short ten minutes, a human roar begins. The line at the back, at first orderly suddenly breaks apart in the centre and then spreads outwards quickly, the army disappearing past the hill in pursuit. The Adventurers quickly break up into hunting groups, tasked with dealing with the flanks even as the commanders take leave, following along behind the army themselves.

  For a time, silence reigns on the battlefield and Daniel looks to Maximillian, unsure if that was it. So much time for so little gain. Even before he can open his mouth, a low growl from Asin makes him look at her. She points and he follows her finger, following its path across the road to where a group of Orcs reveal themselves from amidst an untouched copse of trees.

  Chapter 29

  There is not much time to say anything as
the Orcs, realising they are spotted start off at a run to the group. Cries of alarm resound around Daniel and he himself does not realise his voice has been added to the throng.

  Mia and Kilroy turn themselves to face the oncoming horde, other Adventuring parties streaming up to reinforce the line from behind them. They are on the far right of the too thin line and Daniel can feel his mouth go dry as he sees the lumbering enemy. The Orcs are clad in a variety of clothing ranging from filthy rags to battered leather armour, though a pair of massive Orcs behind are clad in full chainmail. Outside of their clothing choices, Daniel is unable to spot differences in the screaming green, tusk-filled, hatred spewing creatures that bear down on him.

  Mia begins firing first along with a few of the other competent archers, sending their arrows into the horde. A few falter, arrows catching them in shoulder, chest and leg but most other shots miss. It is only a short moment later and another twenty meters before the crossbowmen among the group start firing, adding their bolts to the deluge. Kilroy does not even look, handing over his crossbow to Daniel who passes him his own before beginning to load Kilroy’s. Daniel forces himself to stay precise, ensuring that he gets the bolt seated properly before he begins cocking it. The moment he is done, he hands the crossbow over and notices how close the Orcs are.

  How did they get so close? Daniel thinks, surprised as he drops the crossbow Kilroy passed to him and grabbing his shield and mace to join the battle. The melee fighters like Maximillian have already taken off, charging the larger group to ensure they are not bowled over. However, the line is too thin and Orcs swirl around the Adventurers, rushing the line behind them.

  Having barely had time to set himself, the Orc facing Daniel almost bowls him over entirely from the initial rush. Daniel staggers back and only the sudden push from behind as Kilroy throws his shoulder into the younger man helps him keep his feet. Thankfully for Daniel, the Orc is unready for the burst of electricity that arcs through him from contact and Daniel is able to duck beneath the mistimed strike. He brings his own mace into play, smashing the Orc in the face twice before booting the creature away from him.

  Above the fighting, Asin is working her throwing daggers into the rushing horde, catching Orcs in the feet and face and causing them to falter in their headlong rush. The initial rush stalled, she begins to target her throws with care, picking on Orcs that attempt to flank and gang-up on nearby Adventurers.

  Mia and Kilroy, having dropped their ranged weapons have drawn a sword and a pair of knives respectively and work next to Daniel as he pushes forward, using his Shield Bash ability to create space for them to attack. In the centre of the fighting, the Adventurers have fallen into a quick circle to back each other up and avoid being surrounded entirely. Maximillian still stands, wielding his sword and dagger combination expertly, catching and turning aside blows with his dagger and striking back with the sword in quick, precise movements.

  Daniel continues to push forward, instinct driving him to close to his party member and help him. A blow to his left is caught on his shield, Kilroy taking the opportunity to slip in behind the Orc’s attack to drive his daggers into the Orc’s chest. Daniel brings his own mace down in a crushing blow on another Orc facing Mia who is forced to abort its own attack to dodge the strike, giving Mia a moment to recover her footing. As the Orc steadies itself after the dodge, a thrown dagger drives through its throat, piercing it completely through. Distracted and choking on its own blood, Mia ends the creature’s life.

  A loud roar catches Daniel’s attention just as he finishes engaging Double Strike, smashing the next Orc in line before him aside. Both of the massive Orc Warriors that Daniel first spotted have joined the fray in the centre, smashing aside the flimsy circle through brute force. Maximillian spins away from an attack against him, blade flicking upwards to slice tendons in the arm as he faces one Orc Warrior. The second Warrior rampages through the remains of the line.

  Distracted for a brief moment, Daniel is almost struck by the Orc facing him, only a last-minute jerk of his head stopping the blow from braining him. It lands against his shoulder though, numbing his left arm for a moment. Daniel growls, ducking forwards and closing with the Orc to give himself a moment, punching the creature in the face with his mace in hand. When the Orc backs away, he backhands the creature and then shoves it to the right to allow Mia to finish the creature off.

  Maximillian dances away from the large Orc Warrior, the creatures wide, inexperienced swings giving Maximillian a brief breathing room as other Orcs are forced to scramble away to ensure they too are not hit. He uses the time to launch his own attacks, striking arms and legs when he can. As the Orc grows angry, it steps forward to end the fight and that is when Maximillian steps forward in a perfect lunge, his sword glowing briefly and punching through the chainmail. The impaled Orc Warrior finishes its initial attack, though the weakened blow is easily turned aside by Maximillian’s dagger.

  Unfortunately, before Maximillian can retrieve his sword from the Orc Warrior’s body, the other Orc Warrior returns, swinging his sword at Maximillian. It catches the Adventurer under his chest but is unable to pierce the plate breastplate the man wears. Still, the blow is strong enough to lift the Adventurer off the ground and throw him feet away.

  Kilroy roars, pushing away from the group to become a blur of flickering blades as he whirls through the last few remaining Orcs between him and his party leader. The blows leave long, bleeding gashes on all his opponents, drawing their attention to the dagger-wielding fighter in their midst. As they concentrate on him, Daniel and Mia rush them from behind, laying waste to the distracted fighters.

  Behind, Asin has jumped down from her wagon and is working her way among the remaining Adventurers, killing their opponents with quick strikes of her daggers from behind before pulling them into a cohesive unit. Unknown to Daniel and his focused friends, they have pushed deep into the main group and created a flanking manoeuvre by themselves and Asin works to finish rolling up the Orcs with the others.

  Daniel finally closes in on Kilroy and Maximillian. A Shield Bash pushes one last remaining Orc off Kilroy who is bleeding from multiple wounds already but refusing to move away from his downed party leader. Spotting a brief moment of respite, Daniel drops his knee and places a hand on Maximillian’s prone body to cast Minor Healing. The casting takes precious seconds but is quicker than his Gift and less dangerous to use in such circumstances. Above him, Mia and Kilroy fight aggressively to keep the Orcs off Daniel to give him time to work.

  As Daniel looks up from casting the spell, he is greeted to the sight of Mia’s sword being driven aside as she mistimes her block and is overwhelmed by the sheer strength of the remaining Orc Warrior. The blow enters her left shoulder blade, shearing through muscle and bone and leaves her stunned and bleeding. Daniel surges to his feet, triggering a Shield Bash into the Orc Warriors mid-section, though it is Daniel who stumbles backwards. The Orc Warrior is not deterred from his attack, swinging its sword again at Mia. Daniel throws himself in the way, bracing his shield with his other hand and staggering back. He keeps staggering as the Orc Warrior does not relent, swinging blow after blow at Daniel, never letting him set himself properly, each blow widening cracks across the shield.

  The relentless attacks of the Orc are suddenly halted as a pair of throwing knives sink into its deltoids as Asin and her collected Adventurers finally arrive. Asin herself moves to flank the creature, throwing her knife with Piercing Shot to distract the creature further as Daniel charges ahead with his Double Strike. Working together, the two Adventurers fall into the routine they have developed to deal with Ogres on the seventh floor, whittling the more powerful Orc Warrior down with each blow. Beside them, the other Adventurers work to finish mopping up the remaining Orcs, leaving the two to finish the job.

  In contrast to the desperate battle only a few moments ago, the battle with the Orc Warrior now is almost too easy. Injured beforehand and with no other distractions to bother them, the Orc Warrio
r is no match for the two Rookie Adventurers. When the Warrior collapses from Daniel’s final blow to its forehead, the two adventurers step aside to look for further danger and find none. The battle for the supplies is done.

  Chapter 30

  For a brief moment, Daniel relaxes, relief flooding through him that he survived the carnage. A moment later, he sheaths his mace and shield as he rushes over to Mia’s body. Her wound is wide open, blood no longer pouring from it and even as he bends down to check, he knows it is too late. Still, he tries but the soul has fled and his Gift finds nothing to purchase upon.

  Grief threatens to overwhelm him but is pushed aside as Daniel moves to do his job. Kilroy limps over, tears running down his cheeks as he stares at his friend’s body. The grieving Adventurer goes to one knee, holding her as sobs rip themselves from his chest.

  Only Asin sees this, for Daniel works feverishly, moving from body to body to do what he can. Other Adventurers work to triage the situation, pulling the grievously injured aside while Daniel and the other healers stabilise them. Daniel uses his Gift sparingly, only doing so twice to quickly heal and stabilise Adventurers that would expire otherwise. Those that are injured but who will survive are cared for with more traditional means, mana saved for all but the most critical.


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