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Chief: Rebel Guardians MC

Page 7

by Liberty Parker

  “Don’t look like that! DJ, c’mere, we need to have a chat with our girl,” Cara states.

  Before I know what’s happening, the two crazy women I call friends, are dragging me back into my bedroom. “What?” I ask them once we’re behind closed doors.

  “Why are you so damn nervous?” DJ asks. “It’s just Chief. We’ve seen him sniffing around you for months now, ever since Maysen came into our lives!”

  Cara, who is apparently quicker on the uptake than DJ, gives her a look and softly says, “Honey? Is... will he be your first?” Embarrassment colors my face and I nod my head, unable to look at my two friends.

  “So, go slow. Go fast. Let yourself feel,” DJ says. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about, Trin. He’s obviously nuts about you and the girls. Hell, I’ve never even seen him give anyone else any attention.”

  “Why me? I mean, I’m not all that.” Heck, now I sound like I’m fishing for compliments.

  “Are you kidding? You’re gorgeous. If I were a guy, I’d do you,” DJ retorts.

  Her comment soon has the three of us laughing. “Just tell him, honey,” Cara says. “My ex was...awful in bed...and Braxton and I talked through it all when we got to that point.”

  “But everyone’s gonna know what we’re doing today.”

  “Just us, and c’mon now, the three of us talk about everything anyhow, so you’d have eventually said something.”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. What if it’s a deal breaker for him? I might not even be good at it. I’ve grown attached to him and don’t want to lose him.”

  “I don’t see that happening, if anything he’ll be beating his chest like the caveman he is, and in all his manliness announcing, that he is your first and only,” DJ tells me.

  Cara starts giggling before she says, “Do you at least have clean sheets on your bed?”

  I roll my eyes at her, feeling like I’m fifteen again before replying, “Yeah, did that when I first got up.” Then I start thinking about what type of undergarments I’m wearing. I freak out because I’m in my comfy ones and not my sexy ones. I run to the dresser and grab my sexy lingerie, if he’s going to see me for the first time, I want to give him a good impression. I look at the girls with them in my hands. They see what I have, and both give me a look of encouragement.

  “Okay, so here’s what’s going to happen. You’ll change into your sexy undies, then, when we leave, you play it by ear. He’s been working all night, so he’ll probably want a shower. Take a shower with him and let what happens happen,” DJ says.

  “Then I need two sets of undies out,” I say grabbing an extra set.

  “Why?” Cara asks me.

  “One for when we strip for the shower and the other to change into,” I say like it’s the dumbest question she’s ever asked.

  “Honey, I doubt you’ll be putting that second pair on once you’re out of the shower.” Her implied statement has my eyes widening in apprehension. I’ve felt him against me and he’s huge. What if I’m frigid? I don’t realize my last thought was said out loud until both women start laughing hysterically.

  “Girl, even if you were, I think he’d melt the polar caps off the Antarctica the way he looks at you,” Cara states. I think back to the way he was looking at me earlier and know that she’s right. He does look at me as if I’m the prey and he’s the hunter.

  “Fine. So, we all know that I’m having sex today. We should probably make sure the girls have everything they need.”

  “Nice change of subject, now go put those sexy panties on so we can get out of your hair,” DJ commands. I try to think of a reason for them to stay, with my nerves going crazy and the butterflies flying around in my tummy. DJ sees my look and shakes her head no. Bossy little hussy, but I’ve grown to love her and how devoted she is to Hatch and the kids. All of them have blossomed since going to live with her and Hatch.


  After the girls were gone to Trinity’s bedroom, for what felt like hours, we finally managed to get rid of everyone and now, I’m helping Trinity clean up the kitchen. She hasn’t said much, and I suspect she’s nervous about what’s to come. I’m determined to do everything I can to make her forget about her fears. Once everything is put away and the dishes are in the dishwasher, I pull her into a hug. “Y’know, we don’t have to do anything today, sweetness. But I’m dead on my feet and would love a shower and a nap. Come with me?” Her shoulders slump, and I’m not sure if it’s from relief or disappointment with my latter statement.

  “What has you so nervous?” I ask. I’d rather know up front, so I can deal with it than try to figure it out later.

  “I’m...I... hell...what if I’m no good at it? I... you mean a lot to me, Turk, and I’d hate for that to cause us to end.” Does she seriously believe this will be a game changer for me? I already had my suspicions that she was inexperienced, but now I’m thinking she’s never been with a man before. And I can’t wait to be her first, last and only.

  “Thinking it’s going to be just fine, sweetness. Now, lead me to your shower.” I take her hand and motion for her to go on in front of me. Something about the sway of her hips lets me know that the bullshit in her mind is just that...bullshit. I stop her, and grab her hand, then I bring the back of her hand up to my mouth and kiss the back of it, “Relax, beautiful. Everything will work out, I’ll see.”

  As we enter her room, I look around and see the sanctuary she’s built for herself. It’s not overly girly, but I can tell we’re going to have to get a bigger bed because she’s only got a queen-sized one right now. “Like the room, sweetness,” I tell her as we walk through and over to the bathroom. Again, I’m surprised at the size. “Something you should know before we go further,” I tell her, releasing her hand. “I’ve got piercings in my dick.”

  Her eyes widen further than before if that’s even possible before she says, “You have a what? Do they hurt?” she asks, and I’m waiting for her eyes to bug out with as wide as they’ve gotten.

  “My dick is pierced. And nope, they don’t hurt. Oh and sweetness? You’re gonna enjoy them as well.” I lean into the shower and get the water started before turning back around. Lifting her top, she obediently raises her arms and I’m met with a lacy bra that barely contains her breasts.

  “Perfect size, sweetness,” I murmur, leaning down and placing a chaste kiss between the two of them. She looks at me, eyes dilated, and I can tell she’s enjoying what I’m doing to her.

  “Did...did it hurt when you got it done?” Always the curious little thing. I have a feeling she’s trying to distract herself, I’ll play along...for now.

  “It did initially, like any piercing, but now it doesn’t,” I tell her, slipping the straps down her shoulders. She’s like a siren, her body is calling to me, and even though I’m exhausted, I find my second wind. Dusty-pink nipples are now pebbled and my mouth waters thinking of the fun we’re going to have. I lightly stroke my thumbs over her nipples, scraping them with my thumbnail, and see the shiver that runs through her body. So fucking responsive. How she thinks this won’t work, is beyond me.

  I remove my shirt, grateful that we went with a polo style, instead of a button-down, because I’d have to replace each button at this point. When she sees the barbells through my nipples, I hear a slight gasp, then feel her hand reach up and touch them. “Do they hurt?”

  “No, sweetheart, in fact, it feels good when you play with them,” I tell her, crouching down to slide her leggings off. Damn things have been distracting me all morning with how they encase her delectable ass, and now, I get to see what they’ve been hiding. The small lacy panties she has on make me want to howl out in delight, because I can see how turned on she is with just this little bit of play. Leaning in, I kiss below her belly button and murmur, “Beautiful. Absolutely stunning.”

  Once she’s standing there in just her panties, I quickly strip out of my pants and boxers and stand there, my dick jutting up toward my belly button. “O
h my,” she whispers before she reaches out to touch the tip where the hoop of my Prince Albert is, along with a bunch of pre-cum. I swear I’ve been leaking all morning long and now? If she keeps looking at me like that, this’ll be over before we ever get started. I bend down and am eye level with her pussy. I lean in and take a whiff, causing her to cross her legs in embarrassment. I take my hands and separate them again. “Don’t run or hide from me, Trin.”

  “I... I don’t exactly shave or wax,” she murmurs. Curious, I slide my fingers along the sides of her panties and pull them down, forcing her to lift her leg and kick them off.

  “All natural, just the way I like my woman,” I say to her.

  “Are you sure? I mean...don’t most men like their women waxed?”

  “Neatly trimmed works for me. I like my woman to look like a woman,” I tell her, leading her into the shower. As much as I’d love to bend her over the vanity, and sink into her warmth, right now is about getting her used to me, and my body. Time enough to do that when we get into bed. Although I mentally add shower sex to my list of things I’ll be doing with her in the future. I take her and get her wet then proceed to wash her, starting with her hair. I’ve wanted those honey-blonde locks in my hands for awhile now, so I take my time washing and conditioning her hair. Tuning out her moans is next to impossible and somehow, I’m even harder. I swear I could pound nails into concrete. Once her hair is done and I’ve run my hands over and around her body, I look at her and say, “Touch me. Nothing you will do is wrong, and nothing you do will hurt me, and I want your hands on me, please.” I may end up blowing my load, but it’ll be worth it to have her stroking me. I don’t imagine it will take much of anything to get me back into my current condition anyhow. Just one look from her, one touch and I’ll be as hard as steel.

  She takes the soap and lathers her hands and I have to close my eyes when they run across my shoulders and down over my chest. Motherfucker. This may be more than I can handle after all. I know she heard the moan that came from somewhere deep inside. As she continues to run her hands over my body, I realize that she’s a minx. “You teasing me?” I ask, my voice raspy with need.

  “Maybe a little,” she replies, a grin present on her face. I tilt her chin up and lean down to kiss her, being careful to keep my other hand to myself. I want her to explore every single, inch of me. I want her to memorize my body, the way I plan to memorize hers.

  “Okay, turn,” she says. Obeying her, I turn so that my front is now under the water and steel myself for her hands on my back. If there’s one word that comes to mind right now, it’s torture. This woman has the power to de-man me, and bring me to my knees, and I realize, while she’s washing my back, that I don’t care. She’s mine. Now and forever. Now to make sure she’s on the same page. She turns me, so I can rinse off my back and I find her reaching toward my dick.

  Gently, she grabs it and the moan that comes from my lips this time has her looking at me in wonder. “Yeah, sweetness, you did that,” I growl out, pointing to my dick. “Thinking we’re done with the shower,” I tell her, turning off the water and leading her out into the bathroom. Grabbing a towel, I dry her off, placing random kisses on the exposed skin. Once she’s dried, I wrap the towel around my waist, then before she can say anything, I scoop her up and carry her over to the bed. “Pull the covers down,” I command. She does what I ask, and I lay her down in the middle of the bed before I join her.

  Pulling her so we’re face-to-face, I say, “If you just want to cuddle, we can do that, but I’m telling you, I want you, Trinity.”

  She strokes my jaw before replying, “Please, don’t stop, Turk. Make me yours.”

  Slow kisses soon give way to heated, passion-driven kisses as my hands run up and down her body. “You’re sure?” I ask.

  I can see her eyes shining with passion as she says, “Positive.”

  Moving down, I take one nipple in my mouth. If her moans are proof, then I’m doing my girl right. Once I’ve got that one hard as a diamond, I move to the other one, and give it the same attention, while my hand descends to her hip. Lightly stroking, I say, “Open for me, sweetness.”

  She splays her legs open and I’m hit with the scent of her arousal. Fuck. My. Life. I may never leave this bed. Between her legs may be my permanent location, if you need me you’ll find me attached to this spot.


  Holy shit, I don’t know if I can handle any more! My body feels like it’s on fire and I want...hell, I don’t know what I want. More! Yes, that’s it. I want more of whatever he wants to give me. With my legs now splayed, I find he has moved from my side to between them and he’s...looking. “What...what are you doing?” I ask, my voice a mere whisper.

  “Looking at the prettiest pussy in the world,” he replies before he swipes his tongue from bottom to top. Holy hell! What was that? My legs begin to shake and involuntarily begin to move on their own accord.

  “Did you like that, sweetness?” he asks. His voice sounds husky, turning me on even further.

  My voice is shot by now, and I know it, so I merely get out, “Mmhm.” Apparently, my body knows what it wants. He continues his assault on my pussy and I feel like I’m winding up. Sure, I’m a woman and I’ve touched myself, but holy hell in a handbasket, I’ve never felt like this before. Ever. “Turk…” I cry out.

  “Don’t hold back on me, sweetness,” he commands. And... holy shit, he’s inserted a finger inside of me? My hips now join my restless legs, and have a mind of their own, because I’m writhing in time, to the movements of his tongue, and finger. Wait...two fingers now? “I... what’s happening?” I murmur, more to myself than to him. I feel like I’m about to explode and then...he increases his pace, paying attention to that special spot at the top, where it feels like all the blood in my body has disappeared to.

  “Come for me, Trinity.” At his words, my body responds, and it detonates, and I find myself crying out his name, as the spasms flow through me. Jeez, I’ve been missing out! What was I waiting for again?


  I continue my ministrations as she continues to ride out her orgasm. What I really want to do is, beat my chest, and holler mine, but I guess I need to wait on that. When she starts to move away, because she’s become overly sensitive, I give her clit one last kiss, and move up her body, until I’m covering her, my dick resting between her folds. “You okay?” I ask. Her hazel eyes are hooded once again. I want to beat my chest, but she’s more important than my ego right now.

  “Yes,” she replies, a smile on her lips. I lean closer and kiss her, knowing that she’s tasting herself on my lips, and it’s a huge turn-on for me, and I begin to feel my hips moving.

  “You ready for more?”

  “Hell, yes,” she breathes out.

  I reach down and grab my dick, now wet with her release and run it through her folds, making sure to stop and circle her clit with the head before I put him at her entrance. Slowly, oh so slowly, I begin entering her, knowing that in a few seconds, I’m going to cause her pain. “More, Turk, please,” she moans out. “Feels so good.”

  “This might hurt,” I warn her as I push in further only to be met by her resistance. Fuck, I knew it. Hope she’s content with my dick for the rest of her life, because I’m not letting her go. Ever.

  She widens her legs further and her hips buck up, causing me to slide the rest of the way in. I see a brief grimace cross her face and pause, waiting for her to get used to me. I’m a big man, plus I’ve got piercings, so the last thing I wanna do is hurt her. But damn, she feels so good wrapped around my dick. Hot, molten heat, that fits me like a glove. I’m aware of the fact that I am taking her bare, but there’s no chance of pregnancy. I know that we’re both clean, so I don’t mention anything to her about it.

  “Turk?” she asks.

  “Yeah, sweetness?”

  “Can you…move?” Her wish is my command. I begin moving slowly, but when she wraps her legs around my waist, I find myself embedded deeper
inside of her, I then lose all of my control. Thrust, after thrust, I find myself climbing higher, and from the way she’s reacting, she’s on the same path as me. Her hands are stroking my chest, and when she leans up and takes my nipple in her mouth, I growl and reach down to find her clit. No way am I going before she does. Angling my hips again, I hit her g-spot, a fact I realize when I hear her breath catch. “More, Turk,” she moans.

  Stroking her clit, I lean closer and take her lips in mine, mimicking with my tongue what’s happening down below. “Oh my God,” she cries out and I feel her pussy tighten around my dick. The spasms cause me to reach my own orgasm, and I come with a roar. Not wanting to crush her with my weight, I roll us to the side, still buried in her.

  “That was...that was awesome,” she says, looking at me. Her eyes are sated but sparkling and once again, I want to beat my chest.

  “Best I’ve ever had,” I reply, leaning in and kissing her forehead. I get up and get a wet cloth and gently clean her up before I pull the covers over us because while I know there will be a repeat performance, right now, I want to sleep.

  “When can we do that again,” she asks me. I’ve created a nympho, and I love it.

  “Soon, baby, I need to get some rest first,” I reply.

  She cuddles closer and I find that for the first time in my life, I’m content.

  Chapter Five


  It’s been a week since Cliff lawyered up, and Chief is beside himself. Cliff’s attorney is trying to plea bargain, but Law stepped up and said the only way the state, in which he’s assisting in this case, will accept a plea deal, is if he relinquishes all paternal rights to Shelby, and any claim he believes he has on Claree. Chief was joking around the other night, and thinks we should let DJ in the room with him, cameras off of course, he thinks she’ll get him to agree. I heard about the day she found Starla down the street and what interrogation techniques she used. It causes a shiver to run down my spine, because when I think of DJ, I don’t see this badass chick that everyone keeps boasting about. I see my sassy friend, with a heart of gold who would give someone the shirt off her back if they needed it. She’s so well put together, which I’m sure stems from her childhood, that you’d never imagine her taking on someone the way she did. My equipment arrived this morning, so once I got Claree to school, Shelby and I came home, and I hooked my new laptop and printer up in the corner of the living room.


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