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I Love You Twice (Falling For Him Contemporary Romance Series Book 7)

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by Gray, Jessica

  Dean longed to ask for more of an explanation, but her body language was obvious. She wouldn’t speak about the topic any more right now. Now I’m intrigued! She said they weren’t her real grandparents…Why would she choose to live with strangers instead of her own family?

  God, how old is she? I wonder if she’s even of legal drinking age? “Melissa, how old are you?” Please God, don’t let her say 18!

  Melissa looked at him before answering, “I just turned 21 a few weeks ago.”

  His relief at hearing her age was huge! Not jailbait! That would have definitely put a damper on what I’m about to do! “Melissa, I was wondering if you’d go out with me for dinner after you put Happy down for the night?”

  He could see the shock on her face. Doesn’t she want to go out with me? I thought she liked talking to me.

  “Uhm…well, I would need to ask Annie first if she could babysit. I try not to take advantage of her generosity and wouldn’t want to presume…”

  “I tell you what, how about I pick you up at 7 p.m. if she’s available? If she can’t watch Happy this evening, you call me and we’ll reschedule it for another time when she can.” Dean reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. His cell phone number was printed on one side, his name on the other. He handed it to Melissa and watched her as she looked the card over before tucking it into the back pocket of her jeans.

  “Okay, I’ll call you if Annie can’t watch her.” Melissa turned to take her daughter’s hand, “Ready to go sleepy girl?”

  Happy nodded tiredly. She still took a nap most days, but the excitement of the lake had allowed the time to slip away. Melissa had no doubt in her mind that the little girl would be out the minute her head touched her pillow.

  She gave Dean a shy smile and told him, “I hope I get to see you later. I really do.”

  “A hope I echo. Be safe going home.” He watched them head off, a warm and satisfied feeling in his heart. Today had been wonderful. It had been the best day since he broke off with Jacqueline. The first day he’d been happy.

  He looked down at his jeans, full of sand and mud. Who cares? But he should take a quick shower and change before he’d go out with Melissa. The most beautiful woman, he’d ever met. Inside and out. With a gracious little daughter. A girl he’d already taken to his heart.

  As he entered the back door of the small house he was currently renting and dropped off his pack and camera, he was suddenly hit by a longing for – family! A wife, children, and a house somewhere like the lake, where nature was just outside the doors of the house.

  The desire for that was so strong, he found himself wandering through the small house, trying to imagine it filled with the sounds of a wife and children as they welcomed him home for the night.

  God, that would be paradise! And if I could spend the rest of my life studying insects? That would be heaven on earth!

  Chapter 6

  Melissa arrived home with a little girl that was already halfway asleep. Annie met them as they entered through the back door, having already anticipated Happy’s need for an early night. “I have some mac and cheese already to go on the stove.”

  “Annie, that was sweet of you. She’s worn out!”

  “Did you two have fun?”

  “We did. We met that zoology professor, and she spent the afternoon talking his ear off and playing in the sand.”

  “Really?” Melissa met a nice man who wasn’t scared of the fact that she came with a child? Sounds like a man she should see more of!

  “Yes. He asked me to have dinner with him this evening, but if you’re too tired to watch Happy…”

  “Nonsense. You need to get out more. Make some friends your own age, rather than sitting around here with us old folks. Maybe even find yourself a boyfriend.”

  “No. I’m not interested in finding a boyfriend. I don’t have time for a relationship.”

  Annie offered up a dramatic sigh, at which Melissa chuckled. The two women had been over this same topic several times in the past. Melissa had told them about her horrible childhood since coming to live with Annie and her husband Hugh. She’d tried to impress upon them that she wanted a better life for her daughter, but Annie was old school and firmly believed a child should have two parents, and that Melissa wouldn’t be complete until she found a husband!

  Melissa bathed Happy, sat with her while she ate a small bowl of the macaroni, and then tucked her into bed. Her little daughter was soundly asleep before she even got through the third page of the bedtime story. The little one completely wore herself out today! She kissed her forehead and then exited the small room. Time to get ready for dinner!

  She took her own shower and then brushed her hair until it shone. The closer it got to 7 o’clock, the more nervous she became. Would he turn up? Or, would he stand her up? Had he only asked out of politeness? Had she misinterpreted his comment? Perhaps he’d only been making small talk and hadn’t really meant to ask her out to dinner?

  At five minutes till 7, she had worried herself into a frenzy. She was mentally counseling herself to not be disappointed when he didn’t show up. They never did! When the doorbell rang at precisely 7 o’clock, she couldn’t help the large grin that appeared on her face! He really came! She headed for the front door, overjoyed that he had shown up.

  As she prepared to open the door, her heart was pounding fast and her breathing had a slight hitch in it. She reached for the handle and repeated her mantra for the night – I am so not falling for this guy. We’re going to have dinner, and that’s where it ends!


  Dinner with Dean was nothing short of fantastic! They had so many things to talk about and Melissa thoroughly enjoyed hearing about his work. She enjoyed seeing the enthusiastic smile on his face when he told her about his studies. He loved his work so much and his whole body came to life, talking about it. Since when is talking about insects sexy?

  She couldn’t help the attraction to grow by the minute. He was intense. Powerful. Courteous. Enthusiastic. Sweet. Everything she’d ever wanted in a man. Even while talking about his work he never once forgot to make sure she was comfortable. Opening the door for her, holding the chair, helping her out of her coat, refilling her glass, all the little details that showed her he really cared for her.

  He never was absorbed into hearing himself talk, but excitedly answered her questions. He even paused every time she looked confused and made sure to explain in non-scientific words so she could understand. Dean gave her the feeling she was the only person that mattered. In the room. In the world.

  She told him about Annie’s rose garden. Grandma Annie had given Melissa her own small plot of the garden several years earlier, and Melissa had been experimenting with different types of roses.

  She’d been hesitant that first growing season, having never tried her hand at growing anything. But she had a definite knack for it, so much so that some people in the community raved about her green thumbs! Apart from growing the roses, she loved to arrange flowers into artistic centerpieces that were both esthetically pleasing to the human eye, and showed off the flower’s unique qualities as well.

  “You should do something with that talent,” Dean told her as they waited for the meals to arrive.

  Melissa smiled shyly at him, “Well, I’m planning to go to college in the fall. I’ve been saving up for that.”

  “Where are you enrolled?”

  “Well…I’ve applied at several colleges nearby, but so far I haven’t received a response back.” Melissa could her the concern evident in her voice. Hopefully he didn’t think she was a pathetic case. She’d been several years late finishing high school after taking some time off to care for her baby. The college advisors had assured that her age wouldn’t prove to be a handicap in terms of getting accepted to their institutions, but she’d sent the applications off months ago and was starting to get worried!

  “So what are you to do with a college degree?” Dean asked, a question he posed to most of h
is incoming freshmen students. Going to college had to have an end goal, or it was just a waste of time and resources.

  Melissa grinned at him and answered, “I want to open my own flower shop here at the lake.”

  “Really? The lake doesn’t have a florists shop to my knowledge. That sounds like a great idea!”

  “Thanks. I love flowers, and I figured if I could attend some business classes, I’d combine the two and make a go of it.”

  “Well, I’m sure you’ll be very successful. What does your family think of your plans?”

  Melissa tried to hide her dismay at being asked about her family, and instead deflected the question back to him, “We’ve talked about me for long enough. Tell me about you.”

  Dean looked like he wanted to argue, but then he relented, “Well, you already know I’m a professor at Princeton. My parents live in Chicago and I have five brothers and one sister.”

  “Wow! I can’t imagine having that many siblings!”

  “We had a lot of fun growing up. We’re still very close even though we’re all adults now and out on our own. I think we’ll always be close. My family are the most important people in my life!”

  “That’s cool! What do your brothers and sisters do? Are they all scientists?”

  He grinned. “Actually I’m the only one. They have much more fancy professions than I do.”

  “Please tell me about them.”

  “You really want me to tell you about my family?” Dean asked.


  “Okay, well…let’s start with the oldest, Trevor. He’s a pretty famous Divorce Lawyer. He handles divorces for the rich and famous. Personally, I don’t know how he keeps from hitting some of those reporters that are always harassing him! I couldn’t do it!”

  “A lawyer. That sounds boring.”

  He chuckled again. “Most people think it’s exciting. Everyone wants to be seen with him.”

  “I wouldn’t. Who’s second?”

  “Well, I’m.”

  “How old are you?”


  Thirty-two? Her guess had been very good. Her heart beat just a tad faster when he continued talking. Melissa had asked about his family in a desperate attempt to stop him asking questions about her past. But once he started talking, there was so much love in his voice; she was genuinely interested to hear more.

  “And then there’s Douglas who just turned thirty-one. He works with my father’s building enterprise as the COO. My father has been told by the doctors that he needs to slow down, so Douglas is preparing to take over the reins.”

  “A building company? Like constructing houses?”

  He chuckled again. “More like constructing bridges, airports or tunnels.”

  Melissa gasped. “Tunnels? You mean through a mountain?”


  “Wow. That’s an exciting job.”

  “So you think his job is more exiting than mine?”

  Dean put his hand on hers and the delicious touch shut down her brain. Melissa could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks. “No.. I.. mean…you…”

  Their eyes locked, and she’s again stunned by his charisma. After what seemed like an eternity he moved his warm and strong hand, brushing ever-so-softly with his thumb across the back of her hand. With a low and sexy whisper he continues “Sure you want to hear about the rest of my family?”

  She nods, out of words. Still reeling in the emotions caused by the soft touch of his hand.

  “My favorite brother is Ryan. He’s four years younger than me, but we always hung out together as kids. He’d constantly get into trouble and I had to bail him out.” The grin on his face gave away pleasant childhood memories.

  Melissa asked, “What does he do now? Do you still have to bail him out of trouble?” His words had struck a chord in her. She’d always wished for a bigger brother to protect her.

  “No, no. He’s grown up. I guess he now helps to bail his brothers out of trouble.”

  “How that?”

  “He makes very exclusive handmade jewelry, the kind you give to a woman when you mess up.”

  Dean said it half-jokingly. But Melissa’s heart jumped. He gave jewelry to a woman to apologize? The most her father had ever given her mother was a pat on the back.

  “Like beads and glass?” she asked.

  “Not quite. Ryan is a goldsmith, and smelts and molds his own jewelry. It’s very exclusive, and most of it is very expensive.”

  “Wow! You have quite a family.”

  “Yes. And I love them all.” He looked at her with curious eyes and Melissa quickly managed to ask for the next brother, so he wouldn’t ask her about her own family. No way she could tell them about her family from hell.

  “Patrick is a photo journalist. Have you ever read through a National Geographic magazine?”

  “Sure. Who hasn’t?”

  “Well, more than likely some of those pictures you saw were taken by my brother. He’s always traveling around the world.”

  “That must be fun. To travel. I’d love to explore different places. I’ve never left the country or the state. I don’t even own a passport.”

  Dean looked at her, surprised. “I’d love to take you wherever you want.”

  Melissa blushed again. How can he say that? We’ve known each other for a couple of days. “Ok. So any more exiting jobs in your family?”

  “Well yes. Evan. He’s twenty-five and a ski racer.”

  Melissa raised her eyebrows, “That sounds dangerous.”

  “It is. He’s probably the one child that gives our mother more grief now as an adult than when he was a teenager. Personally, I wish he’d retire and take a nice, stable job somewhere.”

  Melissa grinned at him as he finished speaking, “Maybe you’re just jealous you don’t get to race down the hills in his place?”

  Dean shook his head, “No! I’m most definitely not jealous of him. But, he’s always been the daredevil of the family. When my parents got a call from the hospital, you could be almost sure, it was him. He’s had so many broken bones and torn ligaments, I’ve lost count.”

  “So what about your sister?”

  “Samantha is the youngest with twenty-three, and against all of her brothers’ better judgment and advice, she went into modeling.“

  “She’s a model?” Melissa asked.

  “Sure is. She lives in New York City and is one of the top three new young models for this year.”

  “I bet family get-togethers are lots of fun for you.”

  “Crowded. Noisy. And yes, lots of fun. But we don’t always get along. When we were younger, we drove our parents crazy with our fighting. Being seven of us, we found lots of things to fuss about.”

  “What did your parents do when you fought?” Melissa asked. I know what my parents would have done. Beat the fight out of us!

  “My mother loves each one of us with her whole heart. My father, even though he was the stricter parent, and he never showed his affection the way mom did, still made sure we knew he loved us unconditionally.”

  Unconditionally? What was that? “But didn’t they get upset with you sometimes?” Melissa asked, trying to understand how his parents could have always been loving.

  “Of course they did, but that didn’t mean they quit loving us.” Dean looked at the confusion on Melissa’s face and frowned. “Didn’t your parents love you and want to protect you from everything that could harm you?”

  Melissa tried not to show the pain his question brought to the surface. Needing to distance herself from the conversation, she quickly looked away from his eyes. I’m jealous! I always wanted brothers and sisters, but then, I wouldn’t have wanted to have them suffer like I did. My parents didn’t want me. If there had been several of us, it would have been so much worse!


  Dean could tell the conversation had upset Melissa, but try as he might; she changed the subject each time he asked about her upbringing. Maybe she needs to get to
know me more before she can discuss what is obviously painful to her.

  He dropped the investigative questioning and concentrated instead on the delicious dinner that had arrived while they were discussing his siblings. The conversation soon turned more intimate, and he was surprised to find out how mature and responsible she was. So unlike his students of the same age.

  She had a good idea of what she wanted to achieve in live and was working hard to bring her dreams into reality. Dean himself was very goal-oriented and loved a woman who knew what she wanted.

  They told each other about their hopes and dreams for the future, a topic where Melissa was much more comfortable and didn’t evade his questions. She must have had a really rough childhood. I wonder in what kind of family she was brought up.

  Dean drove her home after dinner, sad, that this wonderful evening was about to end. They didn’t talk in the car, but instead each one was immersed into their own thoughts. And Dean knew exactly what his thoughts were. He wanted this woman. Forever. And her daughter. He wanted them to be his family.

  When they arrived at Grandma Annie’s farmhouse, he rounded the car to open the door for her and it seemed the most natural thing in the world to take her into his arms for the short walk to the house. She smelled heavenly, her scent of roses tingled in his nose. Roses. Melissa was a rose. Beautiful, strong, but with thorns to defend her heart.

  He kissed her passionately, his early misgivings about their age difference having disappeared. He pulled her into his arms, plastering his lips against her own, and holding the sides of her head as he learned her taste. I want her, and if the sounds she’s making are any indication, she wants me right back!

  Dean was caught up in the kiss, exploring her soft and lush lips. Melissa eagerly opened her mouth for him to slide his tongue inside. She felt terrific. Soft. Warm. Excited. This woman is driving me crazy! His hands slipped down her back and under the bottom edge of her shirt. Her skin was so soft. It was a pure joy to touch her. He felt goose bumps appear on her skin and softened his touch even more to a mere breeze. She does like me!


  Melissa closed her eyes for a moment, to inhale his manly scent, something woodsy with a hint of musk. His caresses were stirring her hormones into a frenzy of need and the butterflies in her stomach were in full flight.


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