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Page 3

by Maddie Coe

  Confident he was making the right call, he moved off along another trail, this one even narrower than the last. He knew these woods like the back of his hand and he moved off into the trees with a smile on his face. That bitch is gonna get what’s coming to her. Might take me all day, but I’ll find her. One way or another…she’s mine!


  Like a panther stealthily stalking its prey, Sarah followed in Mason’s wake as close as she could without fear of being discovered. Luckily, her adversary was barging through the woods with all the grace of an elephant and making so much noise she really didn’t have to keep him in sight to know exactly which route he was taking. She hung back a decent distance and only moved once she was sure he was still heading away from the cabin, and not trying to double back behind her and pull something sneaky. As it was, Sarah was fairly positive that Mason had no clue she was actually behind him so for the time being was relatively safe.

  At some point along their journey, Mason began to pick up his pace, his tentative movements becoming more confident and urgent. Sarah was forced to speed up to avoid being left behind and once or twice she was sure he must have heard the sound of her barefooted approach. If he did, he showed no sign of stopping or turning around, continuing to barrel along the narrow trails until eventually he led her back to the clearing where his F-150 was parked. Sarah was surprised at how quickly they’d made it all the way out to the dark blue colored truck, and equally surprised that the first step of her plan had worked. One thing had been true; there was no way she would have found her way back to this clearing all by herself.

  Okay, she thought, catching her breath. Now I’ve just got to wait him out. He’ll get tired of standing out there eventually, and when he leaves I’ll make my move.

  As quietly as she could, Sarah moved off the narrow dirt trail and into the thick forest surrounding the open clearing. She didn’t want to go far but she knew the last place she wanted to be standing when Mason decided to start looking for her, was right in the middle of the same trail that lead back to his father’s cabin. Moving over a carpet of dry pine needles that snapped and crackled beneath her and dug painfully into the tender flesh of her feet, she crept to a place about forty feet away from the trail where she could crouch down and keep an eye on Mason. In any other situation she would have burst out laughing, watching the big man marching around and around his pickup truck like some kind of toy soldier, stark naked except for his boots. There was nothing funny about this game they were playing though; and one wrong move or unnecessary sound could mean the difference between life and death.

  Sarah carefully lowered herself to the ground and sat cross-legged beneath the bows of a large pine tree. Several long, sharp pine needles jabbed her painfully in the ass and upper legs but she managed to wiggle into a fairly comfortable position and settled in to wait. If she moved her head just a few inches to the left, she could see Mason making his rounds, his bow drawn and ready to fire at the first sign of an intruder. Good…he’ll tire himself out all the faster that way. At some point he’ll give up and go back to the cabin.

  Unfortunately, it didn’t happen.

  It might have, but in the end it was Sarah who ran out of patience first. After a full hour of sitting immobile her legs were starting to cramp, and she was so itchy she felt ready to scream. Another ten minutes of silent suffering and she knew she had to do something soon or she’d make a noise that would give her hiding place away. If she did that, she was in big trouble, so before it was too late Sarah carefully stood up and spent a minute stretching her legs. From here she knew that she had two choices. She could slowly back away deeper into the forest and take her chances alone in the woods, or she could make her stand right here and now. It wouldn’t be dark out for several more hours yet but just the thought of having to spend the night naked in the woods was more than she could bear. No, she was tired of taking the safe, cowardly approach so retreating wasn’t an option she wanted to consider. Not when there was a perfectly good vehicle parked less than thirty feet away — one that she just happened to have the keys for.

  The keys? Sarah thought, an idea forming in her mind. What if I wait until he’s at the closest point to me in his march, and then I toss the keys into the bed of the pick-up? The metal keys hitting the metal truck bed will make a noise as loud as a gunshot going off. Mason will surely spin around to see what made the racket. If I time it right, I can duck out from under this tree and take him out before he knows what’s happening.

  It might just work too. Mason would nearly jump out of his skin at the unexpected loud noise and she could blindside him while his back was turned. She could stab him high in the back aiming for his lungs or heart, go in low for his kidneys, or maybe even reach around and slit his throat. Whichever target she went after, the important part was she could strike before he knew what hit him. Move fast and strike hard. Don’t give him a chance to get back up.

  Throw the keys… attack from his blindside… kill the perverted fucker!

  Throw… attack… kill!

  It was as good of a plan as any. Adrenaline surged through her rested body, her nipples hardening with the excitement of the imminent fight. As crazy as this would have sounded to her a month or a week — hell, even a day ago — she was looking forward to this confrontation. It was the classic battle between David and Goliath and even a non-religious Aussie fetish girl like her knew who had won that fight. Today would be no different. The giant was about to fall.

  Sarah’s muscles began to tense as she prepared to make her move.


  Mason continued to circle his truck, the reptilian part of his mind still amusing itself with images of death and carnal violence but his eyes and ears were wide open and on guard for any sign of his girlfriend’s approach. Sarah had to be close by now; she had to be. She was a smart woman and the longer this game of theirs played out, the smarter Mason was starting to think she was. She hadn’t panicked. She hadn’t begged. She hadn’t cried. No, she kicked him in the balls and taken his knife. Whatever else happened, he had to give her credit for that.

  Maybe I shouldn’t be standing out here in the open, he thought. Makes more sense to hide and perhaps let her think the truck is…


  “What the…?” Mason shouted, his heart jumping into his throat as something heavy banged behind him. He quickly spun in the direction of the noise with his hands shaking, bowstring pulled tight and ready to let loose his arrow if he saw anything moving. Unfortunately, there was no one there. Not Sarah. Not anyone. Taking a step or two closer to the pick-up he thought he heard a twig snap and the sound of footsteps approaching. In the reflective chrome of his front bumper, he saw the distorted shape of someone charging him from behind and instantly knew what had just happened.

  Mason turned toward the approaching figure and in the blink of an eye dropped to one knee, taking dead aim on Sarah’s belly button. The look on her face told him she knew her sneak attack had failed but she was fully committed to it now and wasn’t backing down. She came at him at full speed but was still ten feet away when Mason released the string and sent his arrow flying. He’d been aiming for the center of her muscular belly but his hunting skills hadn’t improved in the years since he’d last been here with his dad, and the razor sharp arrow hit Sarah high on the inside of her left shoulder. The head easily blasted through the meat of her upper chest but jarred to a sudden stop as the arrow deflected off her collarbone and stuck in her shoulder blade.

  The force of the blow put an end to Sarah’s charge, knocking the fight out of her as easily as it knocked her backwards off her feet. She screamed out in pain as she hit the ground hard. Mason couldn’t believe he’d actually hit her. Maybe hunting humans really was his cup of tea. Mason felt no pity for the woman he loved and in fact, her cries only added fuel to his fire. Her pain was actually turning him on and he salivated as he reloaded his bow, ready and willing to dish out more. Sarah managed to get to her feet and was trying to m
ake a dash for the trees. Obviously she felt she might have a chance to get away if she could use the cover of the forest to hide in. Mason had no intention of letting her get that far.

  With her back to him, his second arrow fired low and luckily found the big muscle at the back of her right thigh, piercing eighteen inches straight through and almost coming completely out the other side. A huge gout of blood splashed out of the wound and for a second Mason thought he’d severed her femoral artery but it didn’t keep pumping her life juices out onto the dirt so it was probably just another nasty flesh wound.

  Certainly slowed the bitch down though, Mason thought, a big smile on his face as he prepared another arrow.

  “Stop Mason!” Sarah said, turning to face him, staggering on her damaged leg but still managing to limp closer and closer to the safety of the forest. “Don’t do this!”

  “Sorry babe… but that’s not how the game works.”

  Mason waited until Sarah dragged herself in front of a large oak tree and let loose his third arrow. He must have been improving because this time the razor point flew straight and true where he was aiming, striking Sarah in the left nipple and pinning her naked body to the tree behind her like a butterfly stuck onto cardboard for a grade school science project. She shrieked in agony, feebly pawing at the exposed shaft with her left hand but to no avail. Mason watched her body twitch and shake for a few more seconds and then her head dropped to her chest and Sarah was still.

  I’ve done it! I’ve really done it! She’s dead!

  Mason dropped his bow and rushed over to get a closer look. He’d never felt a rush like this in his entire life and by the time he was standing in front of her slumped body his cock was standing straight up, slapping his belly, literally throbbing with blood lust and adrenaline. She’d wanted him to fuck her earlier; well now he was finally in the mood. Mason grabbed her roughly by the left arm and…

  …and Sarah’s head lifted up, her eyes open wide.

  She grabbed him by the balls with her left hand, bringing the knife out from behind her in her right. Before Mason could pull away, she sliced with all the strength she possessed, cutting clean through his manhood. The pressure from the gushing blood blasted the severed head of his cock up and over her shoulder into the woods behind her, a pulsing surge of blood splashing again and again across her chest and into her open mouth. Not content with the damage she’d done, Sarah struck again, burying her blade into Mason’s stomach and yanking skyward as hard as she could with what strength she had left. Her knife didn’t grind to a halt until it scraped into his sternum. Mason’s stomach burst opened like an over-ripe melon, his ropey intestines releasing out onto the ground and coiling onto the tops of his dirty work boots.

  How do you like me now, motherfucker? Sarah thought, the agony of her exertions nearly making her pass out.

  She took a deep breath, trying to clear her head. Mason was gasping for breath and making a high pitched keening noise she’d never heard him make before. She was having a lot of trouble breathing herself actually, her lungs starting to fill with blood, but at least the pain in her leg and shoulder was starting to go away. Or perhaps her body was going numb. She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Sarah pulled back out her knife and…

  …and Mason grabbed his girlfriend’s hand, forcing the blade out of her grasp and turning it to point in her direction. Using the last of his strength, blood pouring from his penis, his guts still sliding out onto the ground, he used his dying body weight to ram the gore-drenched knife into the center of Sarah’s chest. The dagger missed her heart, barely, scratching the edge of her aorta. Blood began seeping into her body cavity and she spit up a syrupy red mouthful into Mason’s face. For a brief moment their eyes locked on each other, their faces only inches apart. She still had the most beautiful eyes Mason had ever seen.

  “I…I love you,” Mason said, his vision fading, his body shutting down.

  “Fuck you,” Sarah whispered, then kissed Mason tenderly on his cheek and died in her lover’s arms.

  A Note From The Author

  Thanks for reading and supporting my work!

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  Copyright © 2013 by Maddie Coe

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance it bears to reality is entirely coincidental.




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