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A Duchess to Fight For: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 32

by Abigail Agar

  More than his fair share of chaperones approached Nash for introductions. He danced with all comers, partly because he was at the ball to meet girls and partly because he would never turn down a request to dance and thus embarrass someone.

  Nash treated all dances like subtle job interviews. Background, education level, interests, likes, dislikes. Over time, he had come up with ways to ask the questions without asking the question or initiating the process himself.

  “Richard. How long has it been? How are you?” Nash said to his boyhood friend.

  “I’m well, Nash. My God, you haven’t aged a bit since the last time I saw you.”

  “Thank you, I think. Unless you mean I still look like a 14-year-old boy,” Nash said as his gaze fell on the girl beside Richard.

  “Your Grace, may I introduce you to my cousin, Lady Claudia? Lady Claudia, the Duke of Norfolk.”

  Claudia curtsied, and Nash bowed.

  She was a plain looking girl with little grace to speak of, but Nash never turned down a dance partner on looks. It popped into his head that he would hope for Penelope to be treated with the same respect. Where did that come from? He hadn’t seen Penelope in a long time.

  Nash and Claudia danced, finding their rhythm after a few failed attempts.

  “Tell me, Lady Claudia, how are you enjoying London? Do you get the opportunity to come often?”

  Claudia stared at his chest. He didn’t think it was because of the rock-hard muscular specimen that he was. He’d feel more comfortable if she looked up at him.

  “It’s fine. We rented a townhouse on the east side for the season. I’m glad we’re not here permanently. I like the quiet and the calm of the country.

  “In what part of England do you call home?”

  “My family lives in the Lake District. Have you ever been? It’s lovely.”

  This time when Nash smiled down at her, Claudia was looking at his face. She seemed very excited that she lived in the Lake District. Nash thought the Lake District was so far north of London that it wouldn’t be very different from living in the Scottish Highlands.

  “I’ve never been able to push enough time aside to make the trip and do it justice.”

  Claudia nodded. “Yes, it is a destination far from London.”

  Nash was struggling. He didn’t want to go through his usual conversation questions with Claudia because he knew there was no point. The Lake District, ugh. But he also didn’t think she was much of a conversationalist, and Nash never leaned on his questions just to carry the banter. What to do. What to do.

  “Lady Claudia. I like to play a game when I’m dancing with someone I have just met. Would you be willing to play along?”

  She looked up at him with worry in her eyes, “How does it work?”

  Nash put on his best smile. “I tell you something I like, and then you tell me something you like. I tell you something I dislike, and you do the same. I’ll start. I like hydrangeas. Most people would say roses. I’m not sure why roses are so popular, but I like hydrangeas. Your turn.”

  Nash looked down at Claudia’s worried face. Worried? This was not a difficult game. He smiled in a friendly, encouraging way, and she smiled back. “I like the sun, especially how it feels on my face.”

  Oh, he was going to give her a point for that answer. “Good one,” Nash said, trying to look as encouraging as possible.

  “I’ll go next. Dislikes. Ice on stairs.” Nash thought that was an easy one to have her follow up on.

  Claudia laughed and looked into Nash’s eyes. “Oh, I liked that one. Keeping with the ice theme; I’ll say thin ice on a lake. It always makes me nervous that a child or an animal could fall through the ice. No one can tell how thick it is. Looks are deceiving.”

  “Yes, they certainly are.” Nash was going to suggest another round since that one went so well, but the music was winding down.

  With a self-satisfied grin, Nash said, “I wanted to go another round. That was fun. Thank you for the lovely dance, Lady Claudia.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace,” she said while curtsying. “And do be careful on the ice.”

  Nash bowed, “You also, Lady Claudia.”

  Harriman came and stood next to Nash. “You looked like you actually enjoyed that dance.”

  Nash looked out over the dance floor, “I did toward the end. We had one brief moment where we connected. I like surprises every now and then, don’t you?”

  “It entirely depends on the type of surprise. You going in for another round?”

  Nash laughed. “Of course. You think I’m here to talk with you all night?”

  Nash went for another dance with an unremarkable lady who had a questionable intelligence level. Darrell and Harriman were together on the sidelines. “Drink?” one of them said.

  Nash breathed deep. “That’s a very good idea. I need a break before I once again face the music.”

  They began to walk to the table bearing liquor when Darrell said, “I heard there is a gentleman here that has the ballroom buzzing with excitement. Ladies are begging to be introduced. Gentlemen want to trip him on the dance floor. Every girl at the ball can’t stop watching him. It’s caused quite a stir.”

  Nash shook his head. “Darrell, since when did you become an old lady paying attention to the buzz on the dance floor?”

  He turned to Harriman, “Whisky?”

  “Yes. But Darrell’s going to have tea with the old ladies gossiping about some dandy.”

  Darrell put a hand on Nash’s arm. “No, I’ll also have whisky. And for your information, that dandy on the dance floor? It’s you.”

  “Another?” Darrell asked after a while.

  “No. One whisky was enough. Let’s get back to it gentlemen,” Nash said.

  “Your Grace, may I introduce my sister, Lady Ann Graves.”

  Lady Ann curtsied, and Nash bowed.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Ann. The colour of your gown is perfect for your eyes, did you know that?” Of course she did, Nash thought. “Would you share a dance with me?”

  She danced well, one point for her. “Tell me, Lady Ann, are you in London for the season?”

  “Yes, Your Grace. I haven’t spent too much time in our London townhouse until now. I have a feeling I won’t be back to our estate in Plymouth for quite a while.”

  Manages to fit in London townhouse and Plymouth estate effortlessly.Another point for her.

  “Ah, this music is divine. If music be the food of love, play on,” Nash said with a twinkle in his eye.

  Lady Ann twirled through the waltz and smiled up at him. Her smile had the appearance of someone who knew a secret. “I prefer ‘The course of true love never did run smooth.’” Three points for the lady. Her knowledge of Shakespeare is more than adequate.

  “Quoting ‘A Midsummer’s Night Dream’ to ‘Twelfth Night.’ Shall we move onto ‘Hamlet’ and ‘King Lear’?”

  She shook her head. “We don’t have time. The dance will end, and you won’t have asked me everything you need to know about me.”

  Nash laughed. “I can skip down the list to the last two questions. Likes and dislikes.”

  Lady Ann tilted her head up and looked into Nash’s eyes. “Likes? Bursting bubbles. Dislikes? Pompous gentlemen.”And yet another point for Lady Ann.

  Nash smiled down at her. “You are a charming dance partner. May I ask you for another dance later?”

  She gave a mock look of surprise. “Did I pass the test?”

  “With flying colours.”

  Want to read the rest of the story? Check out the book on Amazon!

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  Abigail Agar, A Duchess to Fight For: A Historical Regency Romance Book




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