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Silver Bella

Page 6

by Lucy Monroe

  Stifling an unladylike urge to yawn, she tried to pay attention to her current companion’s meandering. A young buck enjoying his first season, Mr. Green still had the spotty complexion of youth. Experience had taught her that dancing with him required vigilance on her part to protect her tender toes. Safer to sit, sipping tepid lemonade and listening to his monologue. Unfortunately, it was not more enjoyable.

  Annabelle’s mind drifted. So did her eyes, back to the entrance. Her heart skipped a beat. Laird MacKay stood in the doorway, surveying the room as if he was looking for someone. She could not tamp down hope that the person he sought was herself.

  His gaze locked on her and their eyes met. His firm lips, lips that she had spent entirely too much time daydreaming about, tipped at the corners. It took all her self-discipline not to return his smile across the crowded room in a most unladylike manner. He began moving toward her. He ignored bids for attention by lovely young debutantes and their fond mammas.

  Unbelievable as it seemed, Ian found her company more fascinating than the loveliest creatures of the ton.

  It was extraordinary, but then so was Ian. He towered above his peers and walked with an air of authority that would have done Wellington proud. Annabelle no longer even made a pretense of listening to Mr. Green. She simply waited for Ian to arrive and stop the boredom threatening to overwhelm her.

  Would he ask her to dance? She experienced the most extraordinary feeling whenever he touched her, as if her corsets were laced too tight. Although she lectured herself severely on being a modern woman of the nineteenth century who did not need a gentleman in her life, he invaded her dreams and the thoughts of her waking hours.

  However, Ian never called on her. He did not send her posies and notes. He did none of the things a gentleman falling in love was supposed to do. She chastised herself for being a ninny and wanting him to. She had given up finding a love like her late parents had enjoyed. Hadn’t she?

  Mr. Green’s monologue stopped abruptly. “I say. Do you know this gentleman?”

  Annabelle forced herself back to the present. Ian stood in front of her, a sardonic smile on his face. “Yes, indeed, Mr. Green. Lord Graenfrae and I have been introduced. Do you know him?”

  “We have not had the pleasure.” Ian’s voice filled her being and Annabelle wanted nothing more than to find a secluded spot and continue their latest debate on Greek antiquities.

  Mr. Green looked pained. Ian had that effect on people. He could be quite overwhelming. Annabelle smiled at Mr. Green reassuringly and introduced the two gentlemen.

  Mr. Green stood and bowed toward Ian. “Pleasure.”

  Ian inclined his head. “Same.”

  Annabelle offered her hand to Ian and he bowed over it. “’Tis a pleasure to see you again, Lady Annabelle.”

  Without releasing her hand, he turned to Mr. Green. “I believe the music for this set has ended.” Under Ian’s gimlet stare, Mr. Green hastily made his excuses to depart. Ian turned back to Annabelle as she vainly attempted to remove her hand from his powerful grip.

  “My lord, if you will permit me.” The breathless sound of her voice shocked her.

  He looked down at their joined hands and let hers go. “Sorry, lass.”

  Annabelle opened her fan and brushed it gently before her face. “You seem a bit preoccupied.”

  He nodded absently. “Finchley was right. You are perfect. ’Tis an advantage so early in my hunt, don’t you see?”

  No, she didn’t see. Her cheeks heated. She fanned herself more vigorously. His hunt for a wife? Feeling lightheaded, she watched the whirl of dancers forming the next set. Ladies in high-waisted silk gowns danced with gentlemen in breeches and black coats. The lights reflected garishly off the jewels adorning the beau monde.

  Annabelle’s attention shifted back to Ian. Eyes the color of chocolate sauce bore into hers and she could not form a thought in her head. She had an inexplicable urge to touch the silky blackness of Ian’s hair. Grateful that he could not read her mind, she dropped her eyes to his waistcoat. Something about this man filled her with desires that had not plagued her before.

  “May I have the pleasure?” Ian’s voice intruded on her thoughts.

  She nodded her assent before she realized that the orchestra had begun a waltz. Dancing with Ian never failed to set her pulse racing. Waltzing with his hard, muscled body so close to her own devastated her senses.

  She had to swallow a sigh of pleasure as he pulled her into his arms. She tilted her head to maintain eye contact.

  He asked, “This isn’t your first season then?”

  Disappointment coursed through her. Annabelle had grown addicted to the stimulating conversation she usually shared with Ian. Discussing banalities like this were a far cry from it. “No. It’s my fifth, but it should be my sixth.”

  “Why is that, lass?” The thick Scottish burr of his voice caressed her.

  “My parents died of the flu the year I planned to attend my first season.”

  His eyes filled with understanding and he nodded. “I’m sorry.” He whirled her around the room, his dancing as pleasing as the rest of him. “I suppose your first season would have been when you were seventeen?”

  Understanding dawned. “If you are fishing to find out my age, I will gladly tell you. I am four and twenty.” Well past her first blush of youth as her aunt would gladly have told him.

  “’Tis just as I thought.”

  “Surely you could have asked Ceddy my age. We’ve known each other since we were in leading strings.”

  “Aye. I wanted to hear your answer, though.” He winked at her and she winked back, surprised by her own audacity.

  “Did you think I might lie about my age?”


  She almost asked him to explain, but there was something else she wanted to know more. “It’s your turn to answer a question from me.”

  Her knees went weak at his smile and she felt gratitude that his arms held her so firmly as he led her in the seductive steps of the waltz.

  He said, “’Tis only fair, that.”

  “What did you mean when you said I was perfect earlier?”

  The brown velvet depths of his eyes took on a deeper intensity. “’Tis quite simple. I am in need of a wife and you are perfect.”

  When lust turns to love, it’s one fire he can’t extinguish…

  White-Hot Christmas

  © 2011 Serenity Woods

  Merle Cameron’s not looking for love. Between her job as a university lecturer and caring for a mother recovering from breast cancer, she has no room in her schedule for a demanding relationship.

  While visiting her sister in New Zealand, however, she’s happy to indulge in some hot holiday sex with kind, hunky firefighter Neon Carter. After all, they live on opposite sides of the world. There’s no chance things will turn serious.

  Neon Carter is a catch. At least, that’s what the ladies apparently think. All they seem to want is a quick trip down the aisle, but Neon’s in no rush to settle down. Light-hearted summer loving with a sexy blonde is something different, though, and Neon’s happy to offer his services until Merle has to return to England.

  The weather’s hot, the sex even hotter. But when it’s time for Merle to go home, they both realize they’re in deeper than they thought. And there’s no solution that won’t break someone’s heart.

  Warning: Please do not read if you are allergic to any of the following: love at first sight, one-night stands in a one-man tent, rugby hakas, firemen rescuing children, and rough caveman sex guaranteed to put hairs on your chest. May contain nuts.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for White-Hot Christmas:

  Neon lay on top of his sleeping bag, staring up at the roof of his tent, just a couple of feet above his nose. It had been about half an hour since he’d left the house, and Merle hadn’t appeared. He’d tried to read for a while but couldn’t concentrate, every little sound making him tense. She wasn’t going to come. Disappointment filt
ered through him. He’d really thought she wanted to. Clearly her nerves had won out. What a shame. He shifted irritably as a stone dug into his back. It was humid and stuffy in the tent, and he was so keyed up now, he’d have trouble getting to sleep. He wore only a T-shirt and boxers, but it was a warm night and he debated whether to take them both off.

  Then, however, the tent rustled and he heard a zip opening. He pushed himself onto an elbow, looking at the entrance, and flicked on the small lamp by his sleeping bag, filling the tent with a warm glow. Her head appeared, her eyes wide in the semidarkness. “Sorry I’m late,” she whispered. “Jake kept coming out for stuff.” She got her shoulders in then stopped and looked around. “Christ, this is minute! Are you sure we’ll both fit?”

  “We’ll have to squeeze up.” He grinned, pleasure sweeping through him. He stifled a laugh at what she was wearing—if he’d needed any further confirmation that she didn’t usually do this sort of thing, her pyjamas were enough to convince him. They were cotton and covered in pink bunnies.

  She’d got stuck in the doorway, so he leaned forward and lifted her in, and she gave a small squeal, laughing as he zipped up the tent. He lay back, bringing her with him. She was right—it was incredibly small inside, but then it was supposed to be a one-man tent. Not a one-man, one-woman.

  He turned on his side, propping his head with a hand. She did the same, facing him, just a few inches away. Her cheeks were flushed and she’d brushed her hair, and from the mintiness of her breath, her teeth as well. He felt a surprising surge of affection for her, though he hardly knew her at all. “I didn’t think you were going to come.”

  “Well, I haven’t yet.” She rolled her eyes, then giggled.

  He chuckled, reaching out to run a finger down her pink rabbit top. “Sexy.” The smile broke out in spite of his attempts to hide it.

  She looked at the pyjamas and back at him sheepishly. “I only brought two pairs with me and the other one is even worse. Neon—I didn’t come to New Zealand planning this. I don’t usually… I mean…”

  “Hey.” He frowned. “You don’t have to justify yourself to me. You’re over eighteen, right?”

  She stared at him blankly.

  “Merle, please tell me you’re over eighteen.”

  She laughed. “I’m twenty-five, but thank you for the compliment.”

  “And you’re single?”


  “So am I—so we don’t have to explain ourselves to anyone. What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own…tent is nobody else’s business.”

  She smiled. “You have a great attitude to life.”

  “It’s got me into trouble a few times.”

  “I can imagine.” She looked at her hands. “It’s just…I don’t want you to think I do this all the time. I’m not a hussy.”

  He grinned. “You think I’m insulted at your forwardness? Merle, you’re young, you’re beautiful, you’re feeling horny and you chose me to help you out? Hey, I’m stoked!”

  Merle couldn’t help but laugh. Bree had been right—he was nice as well as hot.

  She met his warm gaze and her heart thudded. What should she do now? Did he want her to take her clothes off? She was too nervous, plus she wasn’t sure she had enough room to remove them.

  He reached up and leaned over her, and for a moment, she thought he was going to kiss her. But he rummaged around in a bag at the end of the tent, and when she looked, she realised it was a small cooler. He extracted two plastic cups and a bottle of wine and held them up, raising his eyebrows. “Fancy a glass?”

  She grinned. “I thought you were on duty tomorrow.”

  “Oh, I’ll only have a splash. It’s more to set the mood than anything.”

  He wanted to set the mood? She felt strangely touched. He wasn’t just going to jump on her then. She took the cup he offered and held it up as he opened the bottle. There was so little room they had to manoeuvre around each other, making them both laugh.

  “Cheers,” he said once they’d tipped an inch into the two cups.

  “Skål! That’s Swedish.”

  “Skål!” They clunked cups and drank.

  He looked at her, smiling. Her heart—which had been beating pretty rapidly all evening, increased in pace. His hair was ruffled and he had a scattering of sand on his arms. He was gorgeous. And he was looking at her as if she were covered in maple syrup and he wanted to lick it off. She couldn’t believe her luck.

  “Are we really going to have sex?” she said before she could stop herself.

  He laughed and fixed her with a hot gaze. “Absolutely.” He pointed to the tent zip. “I’m not letting you out of there until I’ve seen you naked.” His eyes twinkled. “As endearing as those pyjamas are.”

  She poked her tongue out at him. “I may have to leave them on, anyway. I have no idea how I can possibly get undressed in here.”

  “I’m getting you out of those if I have to cut them off.” He finished his wine and threw the cup in the cooler. “Okay that’s it, I’m getting too hot.” He grasped the back of his T-shirt and pulled it over his head. With no room to move his arms, however, he got stuck halfway and she had to help him out with the final pull.

  Laughing, he ran a hand through his hair and then pulled her tight against him. He lowered his lips to hers, and electricity zapped through her from the base of her spine to the top of her head as she inhaled. It was nothing like the kiss on the beach. That had been slow, tentative and exploratory. Now she felt the full heat of his passion, the kiss searing her lips, his tongue hot and insistent, sweeping hers firmly. Exhale, exhale, you can’t breathe in continually or you’ll hyperventilate. But it was hard to catch her breath. She’d never been kissed like this in her life. How could she compare this to the fumbling advances of Simon, or the wet, selfish kisses of Phil? That would be like trying to compare a four-course gourmet meal with school dinners.

  Remembering something, she pulled back, placing a hand on his chest. “I forgot.” She slipped her fingers in the pyjama pocket on her breast and pulled out a condom. “I thought we might need this. I stole it from Bree’s purse.”

  He stuck his hand in his shorts pocket and pulled out another. “Hey, snap! I stole this from Jake.” He winked at her. “Now we can do it twice!”

  Silver Bella

  Lucy Monroe

  She is the only thing he wants to unwrap.

  Bella Jackson models clothes only the most sexually confident woman would dare to wear. But there’s a secret hiding behind the bad-girl reputation and barely there couture. Under the covers, she’s a total novice.

  At least it was a secret. Not anymore, thanks to an ex’s blabbing. Now she’s been branded with a potentially career-ending label: Ice Queen.

  Only years of practice keep the nerves at bay, and her signature walk rock steady—until a tall, sexy Texan’s gaze fixes like a laser beam on her scantily clad body. And her stiletto heels miss a step.

  From the moment Jake Barton locks eyes with the smoking-hot woman on the catwalk, he knows it’s only a matter of time. He never expected the heat between them to melt away her aloof façade before they’ve even touched, revealing the vulnerable woman underneath.

  Suddenly he realizes he wants more than a roll in the hay. Now to convince her to take a chance on Texas—and him—before their fragile relationship is bulldozed by tabloid lies and innuendo.

  This book has been previously published.

  Warning: Contains a sexy, green-eyed, Texas oilman who knows what he wants. And a career-driven model who wants like mad to give it to him…all wrapped up in a skimpy bow.

  eBooks are not transferable.

  They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual e
vents, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

  Cincinnati OH 45249

  Silver Bella

  Copyright © 2012 by Lucy Monroe

  ISBN: 978-1-61921-542-9

  Edited by Imogen Howson

  Cover by Angela Waters

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: December 2012

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  About the Author

  Look for these titles by Lucy Monroe

  Also Available from Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  Copyright Page




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