Book Read Free


Page 23

by Sybil Bartel

  She glanced down at her hand in mine then looked back up at me. “It’s true?”

  “Is what true?”

  She swallowed. “That River Stephens used a cattle prod to brand every member of River Ranch?”


  Pain clouded her expression. “Can I?” She glanced toward my back. “Can I see?”

  Muscles tense, I turned.

  Gentle fingers coasted over the scar, then abruptly, they were gone. Her hands caught my face, and she raised herself to be eye level with me. “I want our children to have a better life than either of us had growing up.”

  Strength, beauty, determination, she was all of it. “They will.” I would make sure of it. Gently pushing her to her back, ready to be inside of her again, I settled between her legs and made her a promise. “And so will you.”

  She smiled. “Good.”

  I laughed.

  I PULLED THE SHORT baby doll dress on over my head, tugged on a pair of thick socks, then stepped into my pink work boots. A smile on my face, I still couldn’t believe Hero had ordered me pink boots. The mailman had brought them two days after I’d come home with him. Hero had handed me the package, and when I’d opened the box, I’d looked up at him and asked where he’d gotten them. He’d simply said “Amazon.”

  Pulling my long, thick hair into a ponytail, I grabbed my tool belt and walked out into the Florida humidity. Sunshine dappled through the trees, and the smell of morning dew and forest hit me a second before I heard my husband wielding a hammer.

  I walked up the paved driveway and across the lush green lawn of our not-quite-finished new house. I skirted the gardens on the west side of the house and found him out back, hammering the siding onto a shed he’d constructed to house the lawnmower.

  His shirt off, his muscles even bigger after five months of hard manual labor, his tan glistened with a fine sheen of sweat.

  I took a moment to totally lust after him before I held up my tool belt. “I came to help.”

  Frowning, his eyes cut to my stomach. “No.”

  “Oh come on.” I put my free hand on my hip. “I’ve got two good arms. I can help.” I glanced at the amount of siding he had left. “And why aren’t you using the nail gun?” I’d become a pro with the nail gun, that was, until he’d made me stop using it.

  Dropping his hammer precisely in his tool belt without even looking, he walked toward me. Except, he didn’t walk. He stalked, like a panther. Graceful, predatory, I instantly recognized the look on his face.

  “Oh no.” Grinning, I backed up. “You got yours this morning.”

  I barely had the last word out before he’d scooped me up in his arms. “You only gave me two releases.” His mouth closed over the sensitive spot on my neck he’d discovered five months ago. “You need more.”

  I squealed and dropped my tool belt when he nipped my ear. “Two was good!”

  Going completely still, he scowled at me. “Good?”

  Blushing, I melted into him and my voice turned soft. “It was great.”

  He kissed me. Soul-crushingly gentle, he stroked through my mouth and made my toes curl.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Despite him taking me this morning and giving me two mind-blowing orgasms, I was already aching for him to be inside me again. “I could get used to this,” I murmured against his lips.

  He took my mouth once more. “Backyard kisses?”

  “Those too.” I grinned. “But I meant outdoor foreplay.”

  With a growl I’d come to love, he effortlessly spun me in his arms, grabbing the underside of my thighs. My back landed against the shed wall, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  “You, Mr. Anders…” I licked the salt from his skin and nipped his neck how he’d nipped my ear. “…are sexy when you’re working.”

  It got me the exact response I’d been hoping for. His hips surged forward, and his already hard length rubbed mercifully against my clit. “Only when I am working?”

  Oh my God, his scent, the friction against my sex, the dominant hold he had on me. “All the time,” I groaned, digging my fingers into his shoulders. “I need you now.”

  Stepping back from the shed, he grabbed a handful of my dress and yanked up. I lifted my arms, and he pulled the material over my head. A second later, his intense gaze raked over my naked full breasts and swollen belly.

  “Angel,” he breathed the name he’d given me with reverence. “You are more beautiful every day.”

  “Please,” I begged, my swollen clit throbbing. “Make me come.”

  He unbuckled his tool belt one-handed, and I heard the thunk as it dropped to the ground. The sound of his zipper going down made my mouth water, and for a split second, I couldn’t decide if I wanted him in my mouth or inside my aching core. But when he fisted himself and dragged the head of his erection through my folds, I stopped thinking all together.

  Shivers ran up my spine as he backed me against the shed and the cool siding pressed into my flesh. With me already soaking wet for him, he surged forward. His hard length thrust into me in one deep stroke, and I cried out in bliss.

  “Oh my God, harder.” I couldn’t get enough of him.

  He pulled back then drove into me, hard. His thick shaft stretched my swollen sex as he ground his hips into my clit.

  I bit my lip to keep from screaming out. “Again,” I demanded.

  Rearing back, he thrust forward again, then again.

  My heavy breasts swaying, my back bumping into the shed with each thrust, he groaned as he bottomed out inside me, but then he stilled.

  Inhaling sharply, he gripped my legs tighter. “That is as hard as you get.” He stepped back and spun, issuing a command. “Hold on to me.”

  I grasped him tightly around the neck.

  Striding three paces, he dropped to his knees and carefully laid me down on the grass.

  The soft, dew-wet blades hit my heated skin and I shivered. “It’s cold!”

  Still holding my thighs, still buried deep inside me, he rolled.

  No longer shy about being on top, I braced my hands on his chest and sank down onto his hard length.

  We both groaned.

  Then I rose up and slammed back down on him. I knew I had to make the most of this position while it lasted, because he was way too dominant to let me be in control for very long.

  My hands coasting over his hard chest, I scraped my fingers over his taut nipples and ground my hips.

  Reaching up, he pulled the elastic from my ponytail, and a second later my long hair tickled my back all the way down to my waist. Shivers running up my spine, my head back, I rode him with a slow, sensual grind.

  His hands wove into my hair, and he wrapped the thick locks around his fists. His deep voice, rougher than when he spoke, ground out a single word, “Mine.”

  “Yes,” I agreed, riding him, feeling him buried so deep inside me, he pressed into my womb. “All yours.”

  One of his hands released my hair and landed on my belly. His huge palm stretched across the perfect bump and his gaze cut to mine. “My family.”

  Tingling, like pins and needles, but so much more intense, spread over my whole body. “Yes,” I whispered, happier than I ever dreamed possible. “We are all yours.”

  Quicker than I could blink, he sat up, wrapped his arms around me and turned. The cold grass, now warm from his body heat, hit my back, and he drove deep into me as his mouth crashed over mine.

  Kissing me, thrusting his hips like he thrust his tongue, he set a rhythm he knew would drive me wild.

  My full breasts bouncing, my hard nipples scraping against his chest, my boots hitting the back of my thighs on every thrust, I cried out in pleasure and need. “Harder!”

  Rearing back, his lips ripped from mine and he sat up. Before I could cry out in protest, his thumb made a delicious circle over my engorged clit.

  I thrust my hips up. “Oh my God, yes, yes, yes!”

  Pulling my boots off on
e at time, then my socks, he continued to circle my clit maddeningly slow as he moved in and out of me even slower.

  I grasped at his work-pants-covered thighs and practically growled at him. “You’re teasing me.”

  Taking my now bare ankles in his hands, he pushed my legs wide. “I am tending to you.” Angling me, he thrust deep and rubbed that spot inside me only he had ever touched.

  Oh God, Oh God, Oh God.

  I moaned as my back arched. My teeth bit my lip, my head fell back, and my eyes fluttered shut.

  “Look at me,” he demanded.

  My eyes popped open, and I took in the beauty of my stoic, austere husband. “I love you.”

  “You own my heart.” His thumb pressed down hard as he rubbed deep inside my core.

  The orgasm exploded from the inside.

  Hero thrust one more time, and his hot seed pumped inside me.

  Tremors radiated through every fiber of my being, making me shake with release. My mouth open, my lungs gasping for air, I came so hard, two tears fell down my cheeks and mingled with our land.

  “Hero.” Oh my God. “Hero.”

  His mouth covered mine, but this time, his kiss was fueled by sensual release instead of desperate desire. Kissing me like no man had ever kissed me, taking more of my heart with every stroke of his tongue, I understood what he meant when he’d told me he’d given his heart to me.

  Running my fingers over his short, buzzed haircut, lying under him, having all of him inside me, resting on the grass on our land, I couldn’t think of a more perfect moment.

  I cupped his face as he carefully held himself above my stomach. “You own my heart, Callan Anders.”

  His chest rose with a sharp, quick inhale. “I am honored.”

  God, I loved this man. “Thank you, for everything.”

  He frowned like he did every time I thanked him for something, but he no longer scolded me for it. He knew I would never stop thanking him for my perfect life.

  Without commenting, his gaze drifted and he shifted slightly, pulling his cell phone out. Glancing quickly at the display, he tucked the device back in his pocket and leisurely stroked inside me, spreading his seed. “We have company.”

  “Oh God.” I started to sit up, but my stomach got in the way. “I’m naked.”

  Gently pulling out, he held his hand out to me. “You are most beautiful when you are without clothes.”

  He’d said the same sweet words to me many times, but that didn’t mean I was going to parade around nude. I took his offered hand, and he pulled me up. I kissed him once, quickly, then reached for my dress and yanked it over my head. “Who’s here? Were you expecting somebody?” He hadn’t mentioned any deliveries today.

  I’d no sooner asked when I heard a distinctive southern drawl.

  “Where you at, Cult Boy? Where’s your pregnant sister wife?” Talon bellowed.

  I laughed, but I looked up at Hero in confusion. “What’s he doing here?” We hadn’t seen him since I’d first gotten pregnant. I’d started throwing up, and after the second day, convinced I was dying, Hero had called Talon because he had a deep distrust of doctors. Talon had shown up a few hours later like a doctor making a house call. He’d taken my temperature, asked what I’d eaten, then smiled and made me pee on a stick. When we saw I was pregnant, he’d slapped Hero on the shoulder, told him good job, winked at me and said “My work here is done.” He gave me the name of a female doctor, then he’d left and we hadn’t seen him since.

  Hero zipped up his pants and pulled a T-shirt on he had resting on a tree stump. “He came with Neil.”

  Okay, now I was confused. “Why?” The sound of a big truck cut across the yard, and I looked out toward the gate Hero had replaced with a much less imposing, fancier wrought iron one. It was already open and trucks were driving through. “There are two big trucks here.”

  Hero took my hand. “Come.”

  I dug my feet into the grass. “Okay, wait a minute. You need to tell me what’s going on before I go out looking like this.” His seed already running down my leg, my hair a loose mess, I was sure anyone who took one look at me would know exactly what we’d just been up to.

  Hero didn’t have time to answer. Talon walked around the corner of the house.

  A smile spread across his face, and he started laughing. “Oh, I knew I’d find you two up to no good.” He held out his hand to shake Hero’s, then he winked at me. “Look at you, Sister Wife, barefoot and pregnant.” He picked a blade of grass out of my hair. “And rollin’ in the hay.” He chuckled and glanced at Hero. “I see she’s been keepin’ ya busy, Cult Boy.”

  Oh my God. “Talon,” I scolded. “He has a name.”

  “Funny.” Talon scratched his chin. “I think I remember him sayin’ the same thing ’bout you.” He grinned. “But come on, where’s the fun in that, Sister Wife?”

  I smoothed my hands over my hair, then twisted it and brought it over one shoulder. “What’s your nickname?”

  He laughed, hard, holding his arms out wide. “Oh, darlin’, no nickname could contain all this.”

  Neil walked up and silently shook hands with Hero. His severe expression cut to me, and he barely tipped his chin. Then he looked back at Hero. “We are ready.”

  Hero nodded once, and it occurred to me how similar he and Neil were. Both over six feet, both quiet, both serious, they could almost be brothers.

  “I will open the garage,” Hero said to Neil.

  “What’s going on?”

  Talon chuckled. “Cult Boy didn’t tell you?”

  Hero no longer ground his jaw every time Talon used his nickname, but he didn’t smile either. Far from it. In fact, I had only ever seen Hero smile at me, when it was only the two of us.

  Hero squeezed my hand. “I was keeping it a surprise. The kitchen is going in today.”

  Stunned, I blinked. “Today?”

  Hero nodded once. “Christensen and Talerco came to help install.”

  “The whole kitchen,” I clarified.


  Oh my God. Oh my God.

  It was the last thing that needed to be finished inside the house before we could move in. Hero had been adamant that we not move in until everything was completed. He had torn down the main building from the compound, which I’d hated, months ago, and the entire space had become our gorgeous front lawn. He’d built a crude outdoor kitchen behind his small quarters, and while I’d grown to love cooking outdoors, I was so, so excited to be able to cook in our house.

  Talon smiled. “I think she’s speechless.”

  Still holding my hand, Hero looked down at me, and barely, just barely, the corner of his mouth tipped up.

  It was then I realized I was smiling, but not just smiling, grinning like a fool with stupid pregnant cry-at-the-drop-of-a-hat tears coming down my face. “Thank you,” I breathed.

  Hero leaned down and kissed me once. “You are welcome.”

  “Let’s get started,” Neil commanded.

  “Pull up a chair, Sister Wife.” Talon chuckled. “Watch the menfolk get to work.”

  I couldn’t help it, I laughed. “You’re inappropriate as hell, Talon.”

  “Always.” He winked before sauntering off toward the trucks with Neil.

  I grabbed Hero around the neck and pulled him back down toward me. “I love you more than I have words for.”

  “Good.” He kissed my forehead. “Get off your feet. I will come get you when it is finished.”

  “Okay.” I kissed him once then watched him walk toward our new house.

  I couldn’t believe we were going to finally move it to our new home. The past few months had been a whirlwind.

  We’d spent our days building the house ourselves, and at night when we were weren’t making love, we’d use the iPad he’d bought me to search online for everything we needed for the interior of our home. Our master bedroom was all set up with a huge king-size bed and new linens and a bassinet next to the bed, but we’d never slept

  The day passed by in a blur. I made lunch for Hero, Talon, Neil and the few workers Neil had brought with him who worked for his construction firm. I’d also made lemonade from the lemons off our tree and baked cookies. By late afternoon, more than anxious to see our new kitchen, I was standing under the live oaks and looking at our beautiful house, almost not believing this was my life.

  The thought of finally moving in tonight had me giddier than I could ever remember being except for when I said I do at the county courthouse and when we got to see our little girl on the ultrasound for the first time. As if knowing I was thinking of her, she gave me a little kick.

  I smiled and rubbed my belly. “Oh, sweet girl, you are going to love our new home.”

  Warm, strong arms wrapped around me from behind. “We are almost finished.”

  I jumped, but then a giggle escaped. “I don’t know how you still do that.”

  “Do what?”

  He knew what. “Sneak up on me. You’re too quiet.”

  “A hunter is always quiet.”

  I thought about the conversations we’d had over the past few months about family. I’d forgiven Phoebe even though she still hadn’t forgiven herself, but Hero was unwavering on his view of Ted. I’d said I’d wanted to have everyone over for dinner after the house was finished, but Hero had been studiously quiet each time I’d mentioned it.

  Inhaling, I brought it up again. “Will you be quiet when we have Mom, Ted and Phoebe over for dinner in the new house?” I gently asked.

  This time, he wasn’t quiet. “I will not break bread with him in our home,” he replied immediately.

  I latched on to the last three words. “What about somewhere else? What about coffee?”

  “Why is this important to you?”

  “You don’t want family around? For our daughter?”

  He didn’t hesitate. “You and our child are my family.”

  “I don’t understand.” Not really. I did at first, but now with our daughter growing inside me, I wanted everyone to get along.

  “You are chasing a desire I hold no stake in.”

  “But still, Ted’s…” Shit. I couldn’t say the words I knew upset him. “He’s part of your past. I just want to… smooth things out between everyone.” I wanted family holidays in our home. “What if I want to have everyone over for Christmas dinner?”


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