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Burning Love (Hearts on Fire #2)

Page 10

by Heather Lyn

  I blow him a kiss and hit the end button on my phone. Looking up, I see Aubrey standing there smiling at me, hands on her hips.

  “What?” I ask, tossing my phone onto the couch.

  “Kenni and Grayson, sitting in a tree! K-I-S—”

  “Girl, stop that! I do not love Grayson!”

  “You keep telling yourself that.”

  And long after we’ve left the bridal shop and had lunch, I can’t help but think about it.

  Do I love Grayson? I know what we have isn’t casual. I know that our feelings for each other started long before he actually confessed them to me. Do I love him though?


  After lunch with Aubrey and her mom, I made a quick stop by my apartment to change clothes. Now I’m on my way over to Grayson’s parents’ house. My heart is pounding and I have a tight grip on my steering wheel. I have no idea how to do the whole “meet the parents” thing. I want them to like me. Since I have a non-existent relationship with my own family, I hope we get along well. I’ve always been close to Aubrey’s family, but I could tell that they were overdoing it with me on purpose. They wanted me to feel welcomed, and I did, but not because they felt sorry for me. That’s why I never talk about my family. The sympathy. It sucks so bad to have people feel bad for you. I hate it.

  It takes me around fifteen minutes to reach the house. When I pull in the driveway, I see Grayson’s truck parked outside of the two-car garage. His parents have a beautiful two-story red cape, with navy shutters. A huge garden lines the front walkway. As I step out of the car, I let myself drift off, imagining a summer day spent here, hanging out on the front porch. I’m broken from my thoughts by Grayson bounding down the front steps, a huge boyish grin on his face.

  “There’s my girl!” Jogging over to me, he embraces me tightly, his lips finding mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, breathing in the scent of his cologne, smiling against his lips.

  “I missed you,” I tell him, tangling my fingers in his hair.

  “Missed you more.” He kisses me again and grabs my hand, leading me up the walkway into the house.

  “You have a good day with Aubrey and her mom?” he asks as he leads me inside. They have a huge foyer and the walls are completely filled with framed photos. There’s a table in the center with plants in the middle of it, surrounded by more photos.

  “I did. We had an early lunch after dress shopping. It was a good day. Aubrey got an amazing dress, and well, you already saw mine.” I look at some pictures as we talk. It’s clearly Grayson when he was younger, a baseball bat in hand and that same smirk on his face. He looks like he was about ten.

  “Fuck yes I did. You looked beautiful, baby.”

  “Thank you. I really liked it. Aubrey picked it for me.” We’re standing there smiling at each other when someone clears their throat, breaking us from our thoughts.

  “Oh sorry! Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend, Kennedy. Babe, these are my parents, Annie and Kevin.”

  His father is an older version of Grayson, only he has graying hair and blue eyes. His mom is taller than I had expected, around my height. Annie has long blonde hair, but has Gray’s eyes. They’re sparkling as she rushes over to wrap me in a hug.

  “Welcome, sweetheart. We’re so excited to meet you.” She pulls back and I smile.

  “It’s so nice to meet y’all too. Thank you for having me.”

  Kevin comes over to shake my hand, a smile on his lips.

  “You did good, son. She’s beautiful.”

  I feel the blush on my cheeks and I look away, taking my hand from his.

  “Thank you.”

  Grayson and his dad leave the room, and I find myself alone with Annie.

  “Would you like a tour of the house, honey?”

  Nodding, I follow her quietly. They have a beautiful home. Huge eat-in kitchen, with a sliding glass door to a gigantic back deck. Their dining room is like every other one I’ve been in, and their living room is filled with more photos, worn furniture, and a huge state-of-the-art media center. We make small talk as she shows me around, and I find myself growing more comfortable with each minute that passes.

  Grayson’s parents are lovely, and I can see why he talks so highly of them. Annie and I come back into the kitchen to find him and Kevin grabbing some beers from the fridge.

  “Mom, do you want me to throw the food on the grill now?” Grayson takes a pull from his beer, leaning against the island.

  “Sure, Gray. The platter is in the fridge all ready to go. Kennedy, would you help me set the table?”

  I agree and she starts handing me plates and silverware. It doesn’t take us long to get ready and she leads me to sit at the table.

  “So Gray tells us that you’re a kindergarten teacher. That must be so much fun!”

  “Yeah, I really love it. My kids are the absolute best.”

  “I bet. All that energy, I remember what Grayson was like that at that age. He was always so rambunctious and full of life.”

  “He hasn’t changed, I see?” I can’t help the joke that comes out, and luckily we both laugh at it. I’m feeling incredibly welcomed and invited here. I love it.


  Dinner was an awesome time. Grayson and Kevin grilled chicken and Annie made fresh green beans from her garden, plus mashed potatoes. I’m so full I’m afraid to move. Kevin offers to do the dishes, and I tell him I’ll help. Gray and his mom retire to the living room while we finish up. Once we’re done, Kevin offers me a glass of wine, which I accept. It’s starting to get dark out and I know we’ll need to leave soon. I have no idea what the plans are for the night, but I’m sure I’ll be going back to Grayson’s. I’ve only just sat down next to him on the couch when his mom speaks to me.

  “So Kennedy, I meant to ask you earlier. How is your mom doing?”

  I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest. “My mom?”

  “Yes. Grayson told me about her illness, and I was just wondering how she was.”

  “Mom.” Grayson goes to put an arm around me, but I lean forward to place my wine glass on the coffee table, tears burning my eyes.

  “She’s fine, I guess. Listen, I had a good night, and thank you for dinner, but I really need to get going. Thank you again.” Jumping up, I walk as quickly as I can, telling myself to hang on a few more minutes. I just need to get out of here. Grabbing my car keys from the hallway table where I left them, I hurry out the front door. I’m racing down the steps when I hear him.

  “Kennedy! Stop, baby! Just let me explain.”

  I run to my car, hitting the unlock button on my keys as tears start to pour down my cheeks.

  “Baby, please!”

  I’m reaching for the door handle when his arm comes around me, blocking me in.

  “Get away from me, Grayson!” I yell, my voice shaking.


  “No! You don’t get to call me that!” I turn to face him, not bothering to hide my tears.

  “Kennedy, I’m sorry. Just let me explain—”

  “There is nothing to explain! How could you tell them? I trusted you, Grayson! I told you that my family is something I never talk about. You promised, and you lied to me!” I can barely talk over my sobs, shoving him in the chest. I can see the pain in his eyes.

  “Kennedy, I just wanted to help. I didn’t think Mom would say anything. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. Please, you don’t understand.”

  “No, you don’t understand! You had this perfect life, and mine is shit. This is why I never talk about it. I can’t trust anybody! No one gives a damn about me.” Turning away from him, I rest my hands on the hood of my car, hanging my head as I cry.

  “I give a damn about you, Kennedy. And you can trust me. I didn’t do it to hurt you. I did it because I was hurting. Do you have any idea how much it killed me that day when you told me everything? To see you in that much pain?” Grayson moves to stand right behind me, his husky voice sending chills through me.

  “That doesn
’t mean you had the right to tell them. I’m sorry, Gray, but this isn’t gonna work. I can’t be with someone who would—”

  “No! You are not ending us! I won’t let you run away from me.”


  “The girl I fucking love is not leaving me. I know I fucked up, baby, but I was trying to help you. I wanted to help you!”

  The girl he loves?

  I take in a deep breath, not daring to move. I count to ten before I turn back around. Grayson is standing there with his arms at his sides, his hazel eyes filled with determination. I swallow my nerves, then look into his eyes.

  “You love me?”

  “I am so in love with you, Kennedy. Life with you just makes sense. I want everything with you. I want you to be my wife someday. I want to see you carry my babies. I want to fight about whose turn it is to change the diapers. And then I want to spend the night making up. I love you so much, baby.”

  I have tears pouring down my cheeks, and my chest is heaving with my sobs.

  “I love you too,” I whisper.

  In two steps Grayson has me in his arms, his face buried in my hair. I cling to him, still crying. His hands are all over me, roaming over my back, my hair.

  “I’m so sorry, Kennedy. Please, baby, forgive me. I love you so much. I just didn’t want you to hurt anymore. I wanted to take it away.” He leans back and peppers my face with kisses, wiping at my tears with his rough fingertips.

  “Oh, Grayson...I love you too. So much. I’ve never felt more alive than when I’m with you. I’m not me without you.”

  Grabbing my face, he stares at me.

  “Kennedy, you have me for good. I’m not going anywhere. You knocked me onto my ass the day I met you, and I don’t care how much of a pussy that makes me. I didn’t tell them everything, just that your parents split because of your mom’s drinking and that you barely speak to them. I needed to know what to do. I wanted to fix your heartbreak, so I talked to my mom. I didn’t tell Dad. I’m so sorry, baby. I swear I didn’t do it to hurt you. I would never betray you like that. You have every piece of me, and I’d never throw that away.” Grayson wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me, my legs going around his waist. He sets me on the hood of my car and buries his face in my neck.

  “I just...I fucked up, Kennedy. Tell me how to fix this.”

  Running a hand up and down his back, I kiss his temple.

  “Just love me, Grayson. I was taken off guard, today was already emotional with the dress shopping and everything. It just hurt to have to think about my mom.”

  “And that’s my fault, Kennedy. I’m so damn sorry, darlin’.” He lifts his head and kisses me, cradling the back of mine with one hand, holding his weight on the car with the other.

  “I love you, Grayson,” I whisper against his lips. I can feel more tears coming down, but this time I let them. I pour myself into Grayson, knowing this is our moment.

  This is where our hearts become one.

  Where I finally allow myself the one thing I ever truly wanted.

  True love and happiness.

  And I found that in Grayson Michaels.



  I’m such a dick. A motherfucking, stupid, good-for-nothing shithead. And it almost cost me everything. I still haven’t let go of Kennedy, standing out at her car. I know I need to go inside and explain to my parents that we need to get going, but I don’t want to release her. Kennedy still has silent tears tracking down her cheeks, and the sight of each one is a blow to the chest.

  I did this to her. I hurt my girl.

  “Grayson, I’m gonna head out, okay? I’m not up for this anymore.” Kennedy brushes at the stray tears and I step back so she can hop off the hood.

  “I get it. Listen, take my key and I’ll meet you there. I need to go tell my parents I’m leaving. I’ll be right behind you, okay?” I reach into my pocket and grab my keys. Detaching the house key, I hold it out to her. Without saying anything, Kennedy takes it and leans up to kiss me on the cheek. She climbs into her car and cranks the engine, backing out and heading to my place.

  I run inside, finding my parents still in the living room.

  “Gray! Oh honey, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to upset Kennedy.”

  I wave a hand at my mom. “It’s okay. You didn’t know, Mom. Kennedy doesn’t like to talk about everything. There’s so much more to the situation than what I told you. But I’m gonna head out. She already left.” I lean down to kiss my mom on the cheek and shake my dad’s hand.

  “Go take care of your girl, Grayson.” Dad stands up and walks me to the front door, stopping me with a hand on my shoulder.

  “Son, your mother briefly caught me up while y’all were outside. Is it really that bad?”

  I take a deep breath. “Yeah, Dad. It’s pretty fucking bad. Her dad just fucking up and walked away like a pussy. Sent her to college with a bank account and nothing else.”

  “Fuckin’ coward,” Dad mutters, shaking his head. He reaches out and gives me a rough hug, clapping me on the back, then pushes me away.

  “Love ya, Pops.” I turn and head out, jogging down to my truck. I start the engine and crank the radio, hoping Kennedy actually goes to my place. I have some serious groveling to do. I mean, yeah, she said she loves me, but she was still crying when she left. I just hope I haven’t done something that she can’t actually forgive me for.

  Pulling into my driveway a few minutes later, I see her car already there.

  Thank you, Jesus.

  Hopping out of my truck, I head inside, dropping my keys on the table next to my front door. The house is quiet except for the faint sound of the shower running. I head towards my bedroom, peeling off my clothes as I go and walking into my bathroom in just my boxer briefs. Pushing the door open, I’m immediately engulfed in hot steam. I shuck my underwear and pull the curtain back, expecting Kennedy to yell at me for coming in. Instead, the sight before me almost brings me to my knees.

  She has her forearms braced on the tiled wall and her head is between them, body shaking while she cries. Fuck. I don’t hesitate to step inside the shower, pulling the curtain closed behind me.

  “Kennedy, baby, come here. I’m so fucking sorry.” I turn her and pull her into my chest, my back against the hot water. I kiss the top of her head and run a hand up and down her bare back, continuing to whisper how sorry I am until she stops crying, tilting her head up to look at me through red and swollen eyes.

  “It’s okay, Grayson.”

  “No, it’s not okay, Kennedy. I did this to you. I fucking hurt you and I hate myself for it. All I wanted to do was try and help you. Instead, I’m ruining us before we even get a shot.” I let go of her and step back, leaning my face into the spray of water.

  “Gray, I’m not crying because of earlier. You don’t get it, do you?”

  Brushing my wet hair out of my face, I shake my head.

  “Grayson, before I met you I was a shell of who I wanted to be. Before my parents split, all I wanted was to be a mommy and a wife. When my dad left, I decided to become a teacher so I could surround myself with the children that I thought I would never have. I didn’t want to fall in love, get married, and have babies. I felt so unworthy of anything. If my family didn’t want me, then who would, you know?”


  “No, Gray. Let me finish, please. You have to understand that I’ve spent a long time not feeling wanted. I was close to Aubrey’s family, and losing Mike last year made me realize a few things. Every time Aubrey cries about her dad not walking her down the aisle, I realize it’s the same for me. I don’t have any family. I never will. Nobody has given two shits about me, until now. When your mom asked me about my own, I realized that I’ve spent all this time hiding myself, not allowing love into my heart. And I was wrong to do that.”

  Reaching out, Kennedy rests her hand on my chest, leaning forward to place a kiss over my heart. She pulls back and looks up at me.

sp; “Thank you for showing me that it’s okay to fall in love. That I’m not alone. I was crying because I’m happy, Grayson. For the first time in a long time, I feel at peace with my life. I know that everything is going to be okay, and that’s all because of you.”

  Leaning down, I cup her face in my hands, lowering my mouth to hers. Backing her up slowly towards the wall, she reaches up to grip my forearms. She groans into my mouth, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. Reaching down, I grab her under her ass and lift her, pushing her against the wall. I never remove my lips from hers as I wrap one arm around her waist, keeping her upright, while the other hand finds her stiff nipples. I bend down to suck one into my mouth, causing her to cry out and arch against me.

  I can feel my cock hardening, aching to be inside her slick pussy. But I don’t have any condoms in the bathroom, and I refuse to take her without protection again. Holding her tightly in my arms, I push the shower curtain aside, not bothering to shut the water off. I carry Kennedy to my bed and drop her onto it soaking wet. Reaching into the drawer of my end table, I grab a condom and tear it open with my teeth. I roll it down my hard length, running a hand up and down my cock. Looking down at my beautiful girl with hooded eyes, I see her bite her lip, eyes locked on my hand gripping my erection. I stroke myself slowly, watching her rub her thighs together.

  “You like this, baby?” I groan, slowly stepping towards the bed.

  “Fuck, Grayson. I need you so bad,” she whispers, throwing her head back when I lean down to run the tip of my cock over her swollen clit. I can tell she’s already close to her release when I feel her thigh shaking beneath my hand.

  “Roll over, baby. I need to be inside you.”

  She complies, rising onto all fours. Flipping her hair over her shoulder, Kennedy turns her head to look at me. I kneel on the bed behind her, pushing on her back, arching it. I fist my hard cock and run it through her wetness, situating myself at her entrance.

  Placing both hands on her hips, I enter her in one smooth thrust, throwing my head back at the pleasure rolling through me. Kennedy cries out my name, fisting the sheets in her hands. I start snapping my hips forward, pumping in and out of her at a steady pace. I grab her hair, wrapping it around my hand. I pull her head back, leaning forward to suck on her neck, groaning with each thrust. Kennedy’s breathy moans are pushing me closer to my climax as I pull her flush to my chest, never breaking out connection.


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