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Burning Love (Hearts on Fire #2)

Page 18

by Heather Lyn

  Once we’ve wolfed down our lunch, I tell Noah that I need him to come with me somewhere. He follows me and I see it dawn on him what we’re doing, and now he has the biggest shit-eating grin ever on his face. Reaching forward, I pull the door open, the bell above us jingling.

  “Hi there! How are you today?” We’re greeted by a woman in her mid-forties, a huge smile on her face.

  “We’re doing just fine, ma’am. How are you?” Noah responds.

  “I’m well, thank you. Anything I can help you boys with?”

  Taking a huge breath, I close my eyes for a minute and decide I’m ready. This is it.

  “Yes, I’m here to find an engagement ring for my girlfriend,” I tell her. Noah reaches out to smack me on the shoulder, laughing as he does so. I can’t help the goofy smile on my face either, and we allow ourselves to be led to the back section of the store.

  “I’m Grayson, by the way. And this is Noah,” I say, holding my hand out.

  “I’m Carol. Now let’s get you something special for the lucky lady in your life.” Carol goes behind the counter and starts pulling out tray after tray of rings. “Do you have a specific budget in mind?” she asks.

  I bought my house fairly cheap a couple years back, and with the exception of my new truck I have no real debt. And I have a pretty decent chunk in my savings account.

  “Let’s try to keep it under ten thousand.”

  “Holy fuck, Gray. Why don’t you buy her a new car instead?” Noah chuckles.

  “Kennedy deserves only the best,” I tell him, turning back to the rings in front of me.

  An hour later, I’m starting to feel frustrated. Every ring is beautiful, but I can’t decide. I don’t want to settle. I know I could give Kennedy a Ring Pop and she would be okay with it, but I want her to have a ring that makes people stare. I want people to know she’s not available.

  I want them to know she’s mine.

  “So this is everything you have?” I ask Carol. She gives me a small smile before her face lights up. Then she claps her hands together and looks at me.

  “We have one more out back. I totally forgot about it. Someone had planned on purchasing it, but they had to return it when the wedding fell through. Let me go grab it for you.”

  She puts the other rings back into the trays and locks them in the cabinet. Noah and I sit in silence as we wait for her to return. A moment later, she steps back into the room, a small velvet box in her hand. Popping it open, she hands the box to me and I instantly know that this is it. This is the ring Kennedy needs to have.

  It’s not too big, but it’s not small either. I have no idea how large it is, but it’s antique-looking, a large diamond in the center surrounded by smaller ones. The band has even more diamonds halfway around. It’s beautiful, and it’s totally Kennedy.

  “How much is it?” I ask, holding the ring between my thumb and pointer finger.

  “It’s priced at sixty-six hundred, but I’m sure I could lower it.”

  I shake my head at Carol. “No, it’s perfect. I’ll take it.” I place it back inside the small box and hand it over to her. With a huge smile, she takes it from me and brings it over to another counter. Twenty minutes later, I’m walking out of the jewelry store, feeling like a million bucks. Noah follows me down the sidewalk, booming about how he can’t wait to throw me the most kickass bachelor party and how excited he is for us.

  When we reach my truck, he leans over to give me a hug.

  “Really, dude?” I joke, shoving him away from me.

  “I’m just happy for you, buddy. I remember how it felt when I proposed to Aubrey. It’s an amazing feeling. I’m so glad that you guys finally got your heads out of your asses.” Noah smiles and I can’t help but laugh, knowing he’s right.

  “Yep. I knew it, Noah. Full-on man-gina.”

  Cracking up, he punches me in the shoulder, then tells me that he’ll see me tomorrow at work. Climbing in my truck, I put my purchase into my glovebox and head home, knowing Kennedy is going to be home soon. When I see she isn’t there yet, I grab the ring and rush inside, heading for my home gym. Kennedy only comes in here to use the treadmill for runs, so I know I’m safe hiding it in the bag I keep towels for on the weight bench. Tucking it into the bottom, I’ve just closed the bag when I hear the front door open. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm my nerves and go to greet Kennedy.

  “Hey, baby,” I say, walking over to pull her into my arms.

  Laughing, she kisses me on the cheek and pulls her bag over her head.

  “Hey, handsome. You have a good day?”

  “Yeah, I did. Went and got lunch with Noah. How was work?”

  Throwing her bag onto the couch, she kicks off her shoes and walks into the kitchen.

  “It was good! I am so ready for summer vacation. I can’t wait to go to the beach!”

  After we lost the baby, we postponed our trip to Myrtle Beach with Noah and Aubrey. With the way Kennedy was feeling, it wasn’t the right time, so we’re going next month instead. Just the two of us. And now it’s going to be an even more special trip.

  “Me too, baby. I can’t wait for everything.”

  Standing in the kitchen, I look down at my beautiful Kennedy. Who would’ve known that a year ago, when I agreed to get lunch with Noah and his new girl, I would meet the one girl who would flip my world onto its side? That I would meet my future wife?

  And my life was never the same.


  Kennedy - Two Months Later

  This has been the best summer ever. So far, anyway. Grayson rented us this little cottage literally right on the beach. For three days, we lay on the sand, had bonfires, made love, and were just together. It was incredibly healing and beautiful. Our lives have changed so much, and I can’t wait for everything that’s coming up in the future.

  Aubrey and Noah’s wedding is in just under a month. Planning has been insane, and Aubrey’s final dress fitting is tomorrow. Grayson is out with Noah right now getting fitted for their tuxes. I’m standing in the kitchen, making him his favorite dinner of meatloaf and red potatoes. I have a six-pack of his favorite beer in the fridge and I’m wearing a new dress. Two weeks after we got back from the beach, I started not feeling well again, and after hiding it from him for a couple days I finally went to see my doctor.

  Yesterday marks me being eight weeks pregnant. I’m completely overjoyed and terrified. I had my first ultrasound, and even though I could hardly tell, there was a heartbeat.

  I’m going to tell him tonight. I can’t wait to see his reaction. Checking the clock on the oven, I see that it’s almost five thirty. I leave the meatloaf in the oven to keep warm and place the cover on the pot with the potatoes. I decide to go sit out on the front porch to wait for Grayson, grabbing my Kindle from the dining room table.

  I’m so engrossed in the latest CC Monroe novel that I almost don’t even notice his truck pulling into the driveway. Looking up, I watch as he climbs down from the truck, turning his hat backwards. He smiles when he sees me waiting on the porch.

  “Hey, gorgeous! What are you doin’ out here?”

  “Waiting for my sexy boyfriend to come home,” I tell him, throwing my Kindle onto the other chair. Grayson hops up the front steps and leans down to kiss me, pulling me into his arms.

  “Damn, you always smell so good, baby.” He groans against my neck.

  Smiling, I pull back from him as he reaches out to brush my hair from my face.

  “Dinner’s ready. You hungry?” I ask, leading him into the house.

  “I’m starving.”

  We walk inside and he groans as we get to the kitchen.

  “Fuck. You made meatloaf? Damn, girl, you sure know the way to my heart.” Dropping his tall body into a kitchen chair, he waits for me to bring it to the table. I place the meatloaf on a kitchen towel, and as I turn to grab the potatoes, he grabs me around the waist.

  He pulls me down onto his lap and kisses me, releasing me quickly.

; “Thank you for making my favorite meal, baby. I love you.”

  I’m not sure why—maybe it’s the hormones raging through me—but his sweet words cause tears to fill my eyes. I try to blink them away before he notices, but I’m not fast enough.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asks, turning my head so he can look into my eyes.

  “I’m fine.” Standing up, I decide it’s now or never. I didn’t have the perfect plan for this, so I decide to just do it. “I have a present for you, Gray.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  I nod and head out into the living room to grab his gift. Coming to sit back down on his lap, I hand it to him. His eyebrows rise in question.

  “Just open it,” I tell him, a smile on my face.

  Shaking his head, he pulls his arm from around my waist and immediately tears into it. As he pulls the frame out and turns it over, tears start pouring down my cheeks.

  “Kennedy…,” he breathes, running his fingers over the glass, our baby’s first photo beneath it. He doesn’t say anything, just looks at the photo, head bent down.

  “You’re gonna be a daddy, Gray,” I whisper, emotion clogging my throat. I pull his hat off and toss it on the table, running my fingers through his soft locks.

  “We’re having a baby?” He finally looks up at me and I can see the tears shining in his beautiful eyes. I don’t bother to wipe mine as I smile.

  “Yeah. I was eight weeks yesterday.”

  Grayson doesn’t say anything, just pulls me into his arms. He buries his face in my neck and in seconds I can feel his warm tears gathering there. Several moments pass in silence and then he’s pulling back, wiping his face off.

  “Fuck, baby. I can’t believe this.” He has the biggest smile on his face, and I lean down to kiss him. He cradles the back of my head with one hand, the other around my waist. When we break apart, he moves me off his lap to stand in front of him. Placing both hands on my stomach, he leans forward and gently kisses my belly.

  “Hello in there! This is your daddy. I love you so much, peanut, and Mommy and I can’t wait to meet you.”

  I can’t help crying, listening to this sweet man of mine talking to our little one. Standing up, Grayson reaches out and pulls me into his arms, hugging me tightly.

  “Thank you, baby. I love you so fucking much, Kennedy.”

  “I love you too, Gray. Now let’s eat, okay? It’s getting cold.”

  “Wait, I have something for you.” He turns and jogs out of the room, racing back in a second later.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, sitting down.

  Grayson comes to stand in front of me, dropping to his knees. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a small box. Holy shit.

  “Kennedy Grant…,” he begins, reaching for my left hand.

  “Gray….” I can feel more tears coming and I don’t bother holding them in.

  “I’ve had this for a while now. I was planning on asking you next week, but why wait?”

  Snapping the box open, he holds it out to me and I can’t help slapping a hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs. It’s the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. And holy crap, what a rock. Taking it from the box, he holds it above my ring finger.

  “Kennedy Grant, you are my light. You are my life. You are my world. Life with you just makes sense, and I’ve never been so sure of anything. I love you so much, baby. Please make me the happiest man and be my wife. Please, baby. Will you marry me?”

  Through my tears I nod, and Grayson slips the ring on my finger. Holding it out in front of me, it sparkles in the sunlight streaming in through the window, and I can’t help laughing.

  Standing up, I throw myself into Grayson’s arms, kissing him with all I have. Breaking apart, he rests a hand on my belly, laughing and smiling.

  Meeting Grayson a little over a year ago changed my life. I never thought I would get my happily ever after. I didn’t believe in it. But he showed me that life isn’t worth living without someone to love. And I’m so glad I listened. Now my life is full.

  Grayson Michaels became my reason for living.


  Once again I have to first start by thanking my amazing husband. You push me to be better, and you love me even when I’m not. I am eternally grateful to you and I love you so much.

  Heather, Carmen, Sierra: My girls. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being on my team. You’re so much more than my Betas. You are the sisters I never had. You’re some of my best friends. The bond we share is unbreakable and I love you each dearly.

  Hot Tree Editing: Thank you guys! You always push me and make my book the best it can be. I have learned so much and I look forward to future books and working with you.

  Nathan Hainline: Thank you for my cover photo. Your talent knows no bounds and I’m so grateful for you. You have become a friend, and I’m so excited to see your dreams come true! You deserve it all and more. Thank you!

  Melissa Gill: Girl, you know I adore you! You blow me out of the water with my covers and I’m so grateful to work with you!

  Tiffany, Lisa, Jamie, Nancy, Keanna, Kiki: I love you ladies so dang hard! You literally do nothing but support me and you’re some of my biggest fans. I truly appreciate you so much and I love you!

  My Lovelies: Each and every one of you kick so much butt! I love you all and without you I have no idea where I would be!

  To my readers: Thank you for taking a chance on me. Writing is my passion and without my readers I wouldn’t be able to do this. So thank you. I’m forever grateful and humbled.

  I’m sure I’m missing people and just know that you aren’t forgotten, there are just so many people to thank. It takes an army, and I would be nowhere without each and every one of you.




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