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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 41

by Annabel Joseph

  The smacks landed harder, drew a whimper from her as he struck a tender spot just under the curve of her buttock. Her vagina heated along with her butt, beginning to throb in tune with her cheeks. She tried telling herself this was wrong, her response had to be a strange fluke, born of desperation out of the humiliating experience. Yes, that had to be it, she determined when a particularly hard smack covered the middle of her whole butt and pushed her hips forward. Then it, he, stopped. The echoes of slapping flesh ended, leaving her panting gasps and the hoot of an owl the only sounds resonating in the inky darkness.

  Pushing her skirt down, Travis grasped her shoulders, turned her around and hugged her, relieved when she sagged against him. “There, all done and you did fine.” He suspected she did more than fine, if he was reading her body language and sounds right. With a nudge, he helped her back into her car. “I’ll follow you home.”

  “That’s not necessary,” she protested.

  “Yes, it is. Don’t speed. Next time I won’t be as lenient.”

  Chapter 3

  By the time Sarah drove around to the back of the bakery and parked by the stairs leading up to her apartment, she shook with a mass of conflicting emotions, taut nerves and pulsating sexual awareness. All because of him. God, who would’ve thought a painful, humiliating spanking would turn her on in a way she’d never experienced before? Every shift on the seat emphasized the soreness and heat across her butt, which increased the dampness pooling between her legs. She didn’t even like the man, for pity’s sake. How could she be so affected by someone who was the complete opposite of who she was looking for?

  She needed to get him off her tail, that’s all there was to it, Sarah decided as she slid out of her car and watched him pull up next to her. A groan of frustration welled up when Chief Nolan got out and strode toward her with a determined glint in his pewter eyes that added to the relentless tension of unfulfilled arousal she suffered with.

  “I’ll walk you up,” he stated, taking her elbow in a firm grip.

  “That isn’t necessary. I’m fine.” Sarah tried disengaging from his grasp, but should’ve saved herself the effort. The man never budged on anything.

  “I’ll decide what’s necessary. Keys?”

  He held out his hand when they reached the upper landing. “Arrogant jerk,” she mumbled under her breath, handing them to him.

  “You need to come up with something new to pin on me. That one’s getting tiresome.”

  As soon as he had the door unlocked, he released her and Sarah rushed in then swung around to say, “And so are you. I went along with your alternative to a ticket, now please let it go.” She should’ve known he wouldn’t listen as he simply stepped inside her miniscule apartment then slowly backed her against the wall using nothing but that enigmatic gaze and his big body. Her already heightened senses skyrocketed with his nearness. “You’re crowding me.”

  “Get used to it.”

  Travis caged her in by bracing his hands on the wall behind her, then did the unthinkable and kissed her again. As she’d discovered on the dance floor, she had no defenses against that mouth and gave up the battle without a fight. A spurt of hungry desire spiraled through Sarah when his thick chest came into contact with her breasts as he leaned forward, the instant pucker of her nipples and the foray of his tongue delving inside her mouth drawing an uncontrollable whimper of surrender.

  “You want me,” Travis stated with iron clad assurance the second he lifted his mouth off hers. Reaching between them, he plucked at a distended nipple. “Your body doesn’t lie, even though I see denial written all over your face. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it untrue.”

  “I… I don’t like you,” she blurted out, then cringed at the rude callousness of that statement. “I mean—”

  “I know what you think you mean. Don’t worry, I’m not offended.” Keeping his eyes on hers, he left off tormenting her nipple to glide one finger up to her shoulder, slipped it under the thin strap and slowly lowered it.

  With her breathing turning heavy, Sarah caved to the inevitable. Maybe the best way to get rid of him and get him out of her system would be to have sex with him. He was right, her body seemed to have a mind of its own where he was concerned, and nothing she did or thought about worked to change her uncontrollable response to the man. Eager to relieve the ache he was responsible for and then to move on in her quest for a husband, she shrugged her shoulder and pulled her arm out of the strap before taking it upon herself to do the same with the other one. The skimpy top dropped, exposing her breasts to the cool air-conditioning and his hot gaze.

  Travis cupped her abundant flesh in his hands, kneading the soft fullness before tweaking her nipples into even harder, redder pinpoints as he growled in warning, “Sex with me is my way, and this first time is going to be hard and fast. You have a problem with that, say so now.”

  Her body began to vibrate with liquid fire at his declaration, leaving her no choice but to give him an honest answer. “No…”

  Before she could finish, he spun her around and placed her hands against the wall, stretched above her head, then issued a low, guttural command that heightened her anxiety, and her excitement. “Do not move them.”

  Stunned surprise and instant, searing arousal whipped through her body as he hiked up her skirt and dove between her legs with two thick fingers. The moist slurp as he finger-fucked her sheath would have been embarrassing if she hadn’t been in such a desperate, needy state. With his other hand, he caressed her buttocks, the light touch on the still sensitive skin re-igniting the leftover soreness.

  “Still pink. You have a world class ass, Sarah.”

  Since her limited experience, which included a lack of such compliments, offered no suggestions on how to comment on such a remark, Sarah remained silent. She doubted she could form a coherent thought anyway as each deep probe of his fingers glided over her clit and bumped against that special spot that increased the moisture building inside her vagina. True to his word, he moved fast. She heard a foil wrapped condom being ripped open with a frustrated grunt then hard hands gripped her hips and an even harder cock invaded her pussy in one, deep thrust.

  Pleasure rippled through Sarah’s entire body despite the discomfort from his large size stretching her sheath wider and filling her deeper than anyone before. She’d just gotten her bearings and was still working on catching her breath when he manacled her upraised wrists with one hand and braced his other arm around her hips, holding her immobile as he took her body with deeper, harder jackhammer thrusts.

  Sarah’s first instinct to struggle met with the resistance of his firm hold, but instead of panic threatening her composure, her body greeted the bondage with a surge of pure, hot pleasure that sent her soaring to an awesome, shuddering climax.

  Travis took his time returning to his house, driving through the quiet streets of Piedmont with one eye out for trouble. “As if,” he snorted in self-mockery at his own thought. Until Peter had apprised him of the recent date rape overdoses and possible human trafficking going on right under their noses, the worst crime he’d had to contend with in the last six months were several drunk driving incidents and two domestic abuse cases. The only real trouble for him had been one prickly baker with the bluest, most expressive eyes he’d ever seen. Still trembling from the feel of her tight pussy squeezing his climax out of him, he pondered what to do about the wrench Sarah had thrown into his plans. Ever since he’d first stepped into the bakery, just two weeks after he’d taken the job as police chief, he’d been determined to get her into his bed. Her resistance had only amused him and inflamed his lust for her. When she’d announced she was husband hunting, he didn’t know whether to laugh or demand she cease.

  Knowing his Sarah, she wouldn’t be waylaid from her quest easily, which made his short revisit back into his undercover career the best way to kill two birds with one stone. He could make sure she stayed safe while fulfilling his agreement to Peter. All that was left was
to figure out how to convince her she didn’t want Mr. Perfect, she wanted him. Entering his house a few minutes later, Travis strolled toward the spare bedroom and opened the door. Gazing at his private playroom, he pictured Sarah bound on the spanking bench and came up with a way to detract her from husband hunting, or at least give her pause.

  “You answer it,” Sarah told Todd Monday morning when they both heard the sharp rap on the front door an hour before opening. “I’m busy.” And the last person she wanted to see or speak to was Chief Nolan. After spending a sleepless night bemoaning her uncharacteristic response to his dominant control, she was in no mood to spar with the man this morning. She’d had sex with him, got him out of her system, now she could put her full concentration and efforts into finding Mr. Right. She was done with Mr. Wrong.

  “Coward,” Todd tossed over his shoulder before heading to the front door.

  “If only he knew,” she muttered. If she were to be honest with herself, the real reason she didn’t want to see the chief this morning was one day to get over the hottest sex she’d ever had hadn’t been enough and she fretted she would cave again with just the crook of his finger.

  Yanking open the refrigerator, she bent to retrieve the grated cheese for cheese biscuits, mumbling, “Arrogant jerk,” just to make her feel better.

  “Again, come up with something else.”

  With a startled squeal, Sarah jerked upright and whirled around, leveling an icy glare at both Travis and Todd. “I’m busy, Chief, and I’m paid up on my tickets, so if you’ll excuse me?” Ignoring Todd’s snicker, she made to go around Travis’s big body but, instead, found herself trapped between him and the counter, with those muscled arms caging her in place. Her heart darn near beat a rapid tattoo right out of her chest at his sudden nearness, and when all her happy places tingled with pleasure, she swore under her breath, “Shit.”

  “Quarter in the swear jar, boss,” an unrepentant Todd sang out.

  Ignoring him and her wayward body, she narrowed her eyes at Travis’s darkly handsome face. “You’re crowding me again. If you’ll wait…”

  “I have a proposition for you,” Travis interrupted.

  “Oooh, you’re so lucky!”

  Flipping her head around, she glared at Todd. “Since you let him back here, you can go clean the bathroom.” She waited until he left the kitchen whistling before hissing at Travis, “I told you, I’m husband hunting, I’m not interested in your proposition. Saturday night was a one-time thing and can’t happen again.” Even if the temptation to cave at this moment nearly overwhelmed her.

  Nonplussed, he insisted, “You want me.”

  “You said that Saturday night,” she returned when she couldn’t think of a suitable response.

  “I proved that Saturday night.”

  “No,” she vehemently lied. “I’m marrying a nice man.”

  He quirked one dark brow in amusement and Sarah wished he wore his Stetson. It hid his face and shadowed those piercing eyes. “Are you saying I’m not a nice man?”

  “Nice men don’t spank grown women.”

  “In your world, nice women don’t enjoy getting their ass spanked, but you did,” he pointed out with embarrassing bluntness. A fact she couldn’t deny.

  “And they do in yours?”

  “That, and being tied down, turning control over to someone who has nothing but their pleasure on his agenda. Now,” he went on before she could blast him again. “As I said, you want me and your husband, as of right now, is still fictional.” Bending, he nipped her earlobe before whispering, “Be honest, Sarah, are you wet right now?”

  For the first time since puberty, Sarah felt the slow rise of a warm blush spreading over her face. “Damn it, Chief, I told you this can’t happen again!” Desperation took hold, the needy response to his big body, that sharp pain on her ear and the wicked intent in those silver eyes all working to undermine her resolve.

  “Why not? I know you think you want to be Mrs. Vanilla Accountant, but until you have an actual fiancé, why don’t you sow a few belated wild oats with me?”

  Before she could answer, Todd called out, “Are you decent? I’m done with the bathroom.”

  Sarah raised her hands and pushed against Travis’s broad chest, surprised when he stepped back right away. “I’ll think about it. Here.” Scooting over to a tray of assorted donuts, she grabbed a small sack and tossed several in, then shoved it toward him. “On the house. Now, go away and let me work, and think.”

  “Wednesday night, my place, nine o’clock. And, Sarah? I need you to keep my visits to The Raging Bull quiet.” Holding up a hand to stop the question he saw forming, he added, “All I can tell you right now is there are things going on I’m checking out, and my status as police chief would interfere if it got out. It’d be best if you stayed clear of the clubs altogether for a few weeks.”

  “Where else am I going to search for someone who isn’t too old or too young? Okay, okay,” she quickly said when he scowled. Lying again, she told him, “I’ll think about that too. Satisfied?”

  “Not yet, but I will be Wednesday night after I’ve had you for about an hour.” Travis grinned at Todd as he pivoted and strolled toward the hall, saying without turning around, “You look a hell of a lot better with flour smudges than with all that gunk you had on the other night.”

  Sarah scrubbed her hands over her face then stopped when she realized what she was doing with the help of Todd’s knowing smirk. “Shit.” Pulling a few quarters out of her pocket, she dropped them in the swear jar and went to work on bread loaves, the image of herself tied down on Chief Nolan’s bed and at his mercy filling her body with a volcanic flow of heated arousal.

  Travis didn’t show up Tuesday morning, and Sarah breathed a sigh of relief, but as the morning wore on, and he still didn’t make an appearance, her relief switched to irritation. She didn’t know if it was his absence or his proposition she struggled with most as her 2:00 pm closing time crept up and she hadn’t heard from him. As Todd marked down yesterday’s items for their daily sale, she toiled with her conscience while cleaning the kitchen, constantly questioning whether she could give up her morals and upbringing for a decadent fling. Then again, she mused, how immoral would it be for her to marry while fantasizing and lusting after someone else?

  “Maybe I should do as he suggested,” she muttered. “Work him out of my system as I’m looking for the right man, just to be fair to my future husband.”

  “So, what’re you going to do?” Todd asked as he walked into the kitchen in time to hear Sarah’s mumbling. “You’ve been wrestling with this all day.”

  Since he’d heard the chief’s proposition, Sarah hadn’t bothered trying to make light of it. She’d known yesterday she could use all the help she could get concerning the conflict between what she wanted and what she was learning her body craved, at least for now.

  “I think I’m going to show up at the chief’s house tomorrow night and scratch this itch once and for all and then get on with my plans.”

  “You think once will be enough?”

  “It has to be. I keep telling you, and him, I’m looking for a nice guy.”

  “If you say so, boss.”

  “Fuck that son-of-a-bitch,” John Lysell swore as he pulled up in front of Rufus Komp’s trailer and saw his car was still gone. He’d been looking for the troublemaker since Harris issued the order to take him out. After hearing the girl had been dug up, the urgency to rid themselves of Komp’s irresponsible behavior had increased, but he’d been smart enough to lay low and stay away from the barn and their newest merchandise.

  Pulling over, John dug out his phone and pressed the mayor’s number, thinking he might clear out himself. Things were heating up with too many risks of getting caught. After he dealt with Komp, he’d inform Harris this would be his last shipment for a while, maybe take some time off to enjoy the profits he’d reaped so far.

  “You better have good news for me,” Glenard Harris answered, his tone

  “Sorry, no. He’s still a no show, both at the barn and his trailer.”

  “Damn it! Our man has his eye on a replacement, but we need another two weeks, and we need Komp gone. Try the bars. If he’s staying away from our stash, you can bet he’s looking for a fix somewhere else.”

  Trolling bars wasn’t John’s thing and certainly not his idea of keeping off the public’s radar, but Harris had a point. “Okay. I’ll hit a few over the next few nights. If I can’t find him, we need to talk.”

  Glenard stared at his phone after John’s rude hang-up, then locked it in the glove compartment of his car. He’d been looking forward to spending the afternoon golfing with a few of the city council members, but now his pleasure would be marred by that call. He’d been careful to keep his extra-curricular, illegal activities far away from his town, doing his business in the neighboring county. But this latest fuck-up could cost him everything, and he wasn’t about to let that happen. Come hell or high water, he swore as he slid out of his Mercedes and grabbed his golf clubs from the back seat, he’d pocket the proceeds from the sale of this merchandise and then start making plans to retire on a nice tropical island that had no extradition laws back to the United States.

  Chapter 4

  Sarah’s immediate response when she flung open the door at Chief Nolan’s imperious knock the next morning sealed her decision. Why her body came alive with such a heated rush whenever he made that sweeping perusal of her body with those enigmatic eyes, she didn’t know, but couldn’t find a way to fight it any longer.

  “Yes, I’ll come to your house tonight,” she said as she stood back and let him in. “But I can’t stay long. I have to be here by 4:00 am. What can I get for you this morning?”

  Travis shut the door behind him and backed her against the counter. Bracing his hands on the glass top, she could tell he enjoyed her rapid breathing and narrowed eyes as he replied, “Good, because I would’ve kept after you until you agreed.”


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