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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 44

by Annabel Joseph

  “Hell, Chief, we’re all with you,” he said as they strode side-by-side to the mayor’s office. “I’ve dispatched Evans and Minson to the bakery to take evidence.”

  “Good.” Striding past Harris’s gawking receptionist, Travis barged into the mayor’s office and didn’t slow down until he’d yanked him to his feet and had him pressed up against the wall.

  Sputtering in outraged indignation, Glenard demanded in a choked voice, “What’s the meaning of this?”

  “Sarah Thompson, she’s the meaning of this.” He followed his snarled reply with a shake when Harris’s eyes widened in fear. “Where is she?”

  “I… I don’t know what…”

  Travis hauled back and landed a gut punch to his stomach, but refused to allow the bastard the relief of doubling over. “She’s missing just an hour after you ran her plates. One more time. Where. Is. She?”

  “Please… it, it wasn’t my fault.”

  When Travis pulled his fist back again, Glenard’s eyes whipped to his deputy. “Are you just going to stand there and let him do this?”

  “Do what? All I see is the chief asking you a few, polite questions.”

  Defeat replaced that last shred of Harris’s belligerence, and he sagged in Travis’s hold. “There’s a barn… I’ll draw you a map.”

  “You’ll fucking escort us there and pray not a hair on her head has been harmed,” Travis growled as he dragged him out, sending up his own prayers for Sarah to stay safe until he got there.

  Chapter 6

  Sarah roused to groggy awareness with a metallic taste in her mouth and spasmodic trembling in her limbs. Soft whimpers registered along with the smell of straw filling her nostrils as she struggled to open her eyes. Blinking in rapid movement, her blurred vision cleared enough for her to make out wood walls surrounding her and three other huddled forms on a hay-strewn floor. She failed to control her erratic pulse, the panic rioting through her generating a nauseous roil in her abdomen. Rolling from her side to her back, she attempted to lower her aching right arm and met with manacled resistance. Unlike the instant lust she’d grown accustomed to feeling when bound, this time terror set her insides to quivering. After some sweat-inducing exertion, she managed to sit up using her free arm, her vision finally clearing enough to notice the young ages of her fellow captives. God, she doubted any of the dirty, bedraggled trio had celebrated her twentieth birthday yet.

  “Do you know where we are?” she croaked.

  “N… no,” one girl answered. “We woke in here, just like you. I… I want to… to go… home.”

  Sarah’s heart broke at the young girl’s tearful cry. “Don’t worry.” She tried soothing her despite her own shaky emotions. “I know someone who’ll be looking for me. He’s smart, and strong, and he…” This time her voice cracked. Taking a deep breath, she offered encouragement to them as well as herself the only way she knew. “He won’t quit until he finds me. I promise.”

  “Unless he finds us soon, it’ll be too late,” the oldest-looking girl stated in a sad, resigned tone. “I’ve heard them talking, and they’re shipping us out this weekend, whatever that means.”

  Sarah had a horrible, sneaking suspicion she knew, and from the tightening of her jaw, so did the other girl, in spite of her claim. “Is that water fresh?” She nodded toward a bucket with a ladle floating on top.

  “As fresh as you’re going to get,” the same, braver one answered.

  After forcing down a scoopful to alleviate her dry throat, Sarah leaned her head against the rough wood wall and closed her eyes, too exhausted to continue with the questions begging for answers. Images of Travis flashed through her mind; his teasing and sexual innuendos he enjoyed ribbing her with first thing in the morning, the look of possession stamped on his face when he cut into her dancing, the banked heat of his grey-eyed gaze when he had her naked and restrained.

  Like a parched man being led to water, she continued to thirst for more of what he offered. But this life-threatening incident forced Sarah to open her eyes to how much she longed for him, not just the mind-shattering orgasms he could induce. She no longer desired a boring accountant or a ‘nice’ man to live her life with. She’d grown to covet the arrogant, demanding, attentive, panty-dampening Chief Travis Nolan, and there would be no going back now.

  Recalling Travis’s absence that morning and his silence since she’d left his house yesterday, she wondered if she’d come to her senses too late. A pang of regret gripped her heart, but sudden shouts from outside drew her attention away from the worrisome thought.

  “What’s happening?” The girl who had kept quiet until now cast a fearful glance toward the barn stall door.

  “You are surrounded. Come out with your hands up.”

  A tidal wave of relief swamped Sarah, dousing her fears and replacing them with hope. Somehow, she knew Travis was out there, odds were, cursing her for causing him so much trouble. She’d take his concerned anger, and whatever erotic, painfully pleasurable punishment he might mete out in exchange for a second chance with him.

  “I think we’re about…” Her reassurances to the other girls were cut short when the stall door flung open with enough force to bang with a cracked bounce against the wood wall. Sarah’s startled gaze collided with the furious glare of a man she’d never met but recognized as the companion of the one man who’d creeped her out on the dance floor two weeks ago and whom this man had escorted out to his truck in a drunken stupor on Friday night.

  “You!” He pointed an accusing finger at her before stomping toward her. Yanking Sarah to her feet, he snarled in her face, “Since you fucked everything up, you can be my pass out of here.”

  Before she knew it, he replaced the manacle with a hard grip around her wrist and hauled her past the scared whimpers of the young girls. “Everything will be fine,” she tossed out in a last-ditch effort to soothe them, her own fear sliding to the wayside as anger surged to the forefront. Tripping behind him, she jerked on her arm, but only succeeded in wrenching her shoulder. “Look, mister, I don’t know who you think I am or what you think I did…”

  He stopped so abruptly she almost plowed into his back before he whirled around and got in her face again. “I’ll take the time to explain before I take great pleasure in killing you once we’re out of here.” Reaching behind him, he pulled a gun from his waist, drew Sarah in front of him and put it to her temple before stepping out of the barn in front of a semi-circle of flashing, local and state law-enforcement vehicles.

  Instant, blinding terror clouded Sarah’s senses and hysteria threatened to overtake the relative calm she’d managed up until now. With her life flashing before her eyes, she realized how good she had it and swore she’d never complain about her dull future again, if she came out of this alive. Trevor’s rough, demanding, arrogant voice broke through the panic consuming her as she struggled in the man’s bruising hold. The same tone that usually made her grit her teeth in annoyance now soothed her raw, frayed nerves and calmness settled over her like a comforting embrace.

  “Let her go, Lysell.”

  Travis’s pulse spiked twenty points when Lysell stepped out of the dilapidated barn using Sarah as a human shield. He could easily detect the terror reflected on her face, even from this distance. Her loose jeans were dirty, her face flushed and straw clung to her hair. He’d say disheveled and smudged was how he liked her best, but not in this case. John Lysell looked just like the mayor had described him, and braced behind the open car door of his vehicle, Travis kept a beaded eye and direct aim at the bastard’s forehead, ready to pull the trigger if necessary.

  “Not gonna happen. Back off until I’m gone, then I’ll tell you where you can come pick her up,” John answered with a tighter press of the gun nozzle to Sarah’s head, her wince turning Travis’s vision red. She’ll have a bruise there tomorrow, and for that alone, he could kill him.

  The whir of a helicopter overhead signaled the arrival of Peter’s back-up to add to the Brewster County
Sheriff’s team to aid them in this takedown. Travis started to bring the megaphone back up when a look came over Sarah’s face that turned his blood to ice water in his veins. Normally, that scowl stirred his lust, but not this time. Annoyance with her whole situation must’ve surpassed her fear because one second she was struggling against her captor and the next she went limp, sagging in his one-arm hold like a ragdoll.

  Surprised, Lysell relaxed his grip as Travis tensed and curled his finger over the trigger. The next second, Sarah rammed her bent head up and back, smacking Lysell in the nose and drawing a gush of blood. The gun wavered then a neat bullet hole appeared in her captor’s forehead. As Lysell toppled over backward from instant death, Travis rushed forward to snatch Sarah up in his trembling arms.

  “Jesus,” he breathed in a shaky voice before demanding, “Are you all right?”

  “I am now.” Her arms tightened around him in a too brief stranglehold before she pushed out of his embrace and spun back toward the barn. “Quick, Travis. We have to let them know everything will be okay now.”

  Following a long day of whirlwind activity involving shutting down a human trafficking plot to sell the twelve young girls held prisoner in that barn, Travis shook Peter’s hand before walking him out of the station. “Next time you need an undercover agent, ask someone else. I have other priorities now.”

  Hand on the handle of his car, Peter cocked his head and asked with his typical bluntness, “Do your other priorities include our brave, pretty hostage?”

  “Damn right. I’ll make sure you get an invitation to the wedding.”

  “I’d like that. Piedmont will be needing a new mayor. You also might think about another career change. Thanks for your help, Chief Nolan.”

  Since he was content with his current position, Travis waved him off without replying, relieved the day, and the case, had come to an end. Now all that remained to do would be to set one stubborn baker straight on a few things. Driving to Sarah’s apartment, he took the outside stairs two at a time then rapped sharply on her door.

  Flinging it open, she greeted him with that adorable scowl, but stepped back to let him enter. Smart girl. “Did you get everyone?”

  Before answering, he took the time to check her over from head to toe, ensuring the paramedics’ diagnosis after they’d checked her out at the scene still held and she was fine. Detecting no sign of physical or emotional trauma, he replied, “Every last person involved, including the scumbag buyers of children.” Tossing his Stetson onto a chair, Travis took slow, measured steps toward her, loving the wariness replacing annoyance in those blue eyes and the rapid rise and fall of her chest as her breathing escalated. Pinning her against the kitchen counter, he braced his hands behind her and glared down at her, fighting back a grin when he spotted a small dab of butter on her chin.

  “You’re crowding me again, Chief,” she drawled, but the glint in her eyes hinted she didn’t mind this time.

  “Like I’ve said before, get used to it. And while you’re doing that, get used to me tailing your ass if you insist on pursuing this ridiculous husband hunt until you realize I’m the perfect man for you.”

  A slow smile lifted the corners of Sarah’s pouty mouth, Travis’s heart rate kicking up a notch with her reply. “The thing is, Chief, I had another epiphany today, and already realize you’re the one for me. Now, since you’ve ruined me for a nice man, what are you going to do about it?”

  One thing about his Sarah, Travis mused as he yanked her top over her head, she would definitely keep him on his toes. With a swift punch of lust pushing him, he stated, “First, re-establish who calls the shots when it comes to sex.”

  Okay, Sarah conceded, she could handle that. Her body’s regular, heated response when she opened the door to his imperious knocking confirmed she’d made the right choice, and as Travis divested her of her clothes and goose bumps rose with the hot appraisal in those pewter eyes, she couldn’t wait to discover what he had in store for her.

  Travis lifted her right leg under the knee then pulled her leg to the side before cracking his palm smack dab on the tender flesh of her labia. “Ow!” Her glare and watery, accusing eyes didn’t seem to faze him, but the blistering heat from that slap affected her the same way his other spankings had. Her sheath gushed with a spate of embarrassing moisture, her core swelling with warmth, pulsing for attention.

  “Just a sample of another spot I can torment, or,” he stroked his fingers over the abused flesh, “caress at my whim.”

  His light touch on her tender, throbbing flesh felt so good it left Sarah momentarily speechless, which gave him time to spin her around and bend her over the counter.

  “Perfect,” he said as she watched him reach in front of her for the butter dish. “Now I’ll show you another, excellent use for butter.” He continued in a casual tone that was at complete odds with the tumult raging through her body as he spread her buttocks with one hand and probed her anus with the other. “You know, Sarah, it’s just occurred to me that you being a baker, with all those neat kitchen gadgets, could come in quite handy. Deep breath.”

  Sarah inhaled until she couldn’t hold any more air, her body trembling as he demonstrated the ease of which he could tickle her back orifice with two fingers when he used softened butter. Nerve endings she never imagined existed came to life under his teasing strokes, and it took only moments for her to acclimate to the unaccustomed sensations located in that taboo area. “God, Travis, do something,” she moaned in needy arousal.

  She’d been prepared for the swat on her butt, and the heated pain that accompanied it, but not the frustration and disappointment when he pulled from her back hole. Sticking out her hips then gyrating her butt, she all but begged him to fuck her. “I need you now.”

  Travis’s low chuckle and reply rung of superior mockery. “You’ve needed me all along, you’ve just been too pigheaded to see it.”

  “Arrogant jerk,” she muttered, this time with a smile in her voice. As Travis impaled her with his cock and pleasure took over her senses, she had just enough time to bask in the knowledge she had a damn good reason now to look forward to tomorrow.

  The End

  BJ Wane

  I live in the Midwest with my husband and our two dogs, a Poodle/Pyrenees mix and an Irish Water Spaniel. I love dogs, enjoy spending time with my daughter, babysitting her two dogs, reading and working puzzles. We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I much prefer being homebody. I worked for a while writing articles for a local magazine but soon found my interest in writing for myself peaking. My first book was strictly spanking erotica, but I slowly evolved to writing erotic romance with an emphasis on spanking. I love hearing from readers and can be reached here:

  Recent accolades include: 5 star, Top Pick review from The Romance Reviews for Blindsided, 5-star review from Long & Short Reviews for Hannah & The Dom Next Door, which was also voted Erotic Romance of the Month on LASR, and Her Master At Last took two spots on the top 100 lists in BDSM erotica and Romantic erotica in less than a week!

  Visit her Facebook page here:

  Visit her blog here:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by BJ Wane and Blushing Books!

  Virginia Bluebloods Series

  Blindsided, Book 1

  Bind Me To You, Book 2

  Surrender To Me, Book 3

  Blackmailed, Book 4

  Bound By Two, Book 5

  Murder On Magnolia Island Trilogy

  Logan - Book 1

  Hunter - Book 2

  Available June 2017: Ryder - Book 3

  Slave for a Day

  An Iran and Svali Novella


  Jane Henry

  ©2017 by Blushing Books® and Jane Henry

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any mean
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  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

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  Jane Henry

  Slave for the Day

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Chapter 1


  I hear the faintest patter of rain on the rooftop as I wake, a soothing, rhythmic sound that makes my heart soar. I breathe a prayer of thanksgiving to the gods. Avalere has needed rain for weeks.

  I open my eyes and look about me. My warrior husband Idan still sleeps, his chest rising and falling, one arm slung over his face. I turn on my side, taking advantage of this rare moment of staring at my husband without his knowledge.

  His face is relaxed, making him look younger than he does while awake. His auburn hair falls onto his forehead and pillow, the long length tied back at his nape. Even while he sleeps, there is a look of ferocity about him, due in part to the dark slashes of warrior markings at his neck and shoulders, the frown tucked into his beard, and his formidable size.


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