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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 54

by Annabel Joseph

  “What kind of quotes?” I was shocked the segment got so much attention.

  He pulled bunch of post-it notes from his pocket and read them.

  “Alas, my hunky hero iced my foot, talked to me for a while.”

  “Cheek and forehead only.”

  “No bases. No tongue. He was a gentleman.”

  I squirmed, remembering each statement. “How did they catch these verbatim?”

  The uniform cop chimed in. “It went viral,” he said, sounding like a boy scout trying to give bad news in a calm manner. “Everyone saw you on the reaction cam. There are memes now too.”

  I always hated that stupid reaction cam, even when pointed at guests.

  “Bloody hell, I didn’t mean to create such a stir.”

  “Well, you did.” Herc leaned in closer, his lips close to my ear. “On top of the stir you created in me last night. I’ve tried to be a gentleman with you, but obviously, you need a little discipline… when it comes to how you have been using that mouth of yours.”

  Holy fuck. Herc has a dirty side. I liked it. But I still wasn’t sure if he’d come to toss me on the bed and cuff me to the headboard, or take me in for questioning.

  “Are you really so mad? It wasn’t my proudest hour and I am so sorry, but Sam and Mike pressed me so hard. It was bizarre.”

  “I thought we had something.” He folded his arms over his chest. “You betrayed me. But we’ll talk about my anger another time. There is something more serious.”

  “Oh God. What?”

  “You created PR problems with all that ‘sharing’ this morning.” He made air quotation marks. “And the department wants to sweep it under the rug in the most upbeat way.” He tapped his foot across the carpet to illustrate. “So, they sent me here to pretend I’m your boyfriend.”

  I eyed him skeptically.

  “You want me to pretend we are a couple?” I started tapping my fingers against my crutch, trying to release nervous energy.

  “Exactly.” He spoke calmly. “You did a great job of acting last night, pretending not to be a radio reality show actress gathering material. All I need is for you to pretend to be… in love with me.” He lifted his hand to my face and twisted a lose strand of hair around his finger. “You can do that for a few days, right?”

  “Sure.” I lowered my head. I wasn’t acting when it came to him. “I owe you that.”

  He reached for my chin and lifted my face back up. “For me, this is just another undercover assignment, pretending to be your boyfriend, to try to put a stop to any further negative press for the department.” He said it loud, right in front of the officer. The whole floor probably heard. “I can’t have anything to do with you after what you pulled today. Is that clear?”

  “Oh.” His words gutted me but I tried not to show it. “I don’t know what else to say but I’m sorry.”

  I hated seeing the anger etched on his face.

  “Do us all a favor and say nothing.” He stepped away.

  “Fine.” I stared down at my toe. It was suddenly throbbing in pain, like my heart. This had to be the worst day of my life. “Let’s just get on with this.”

  Herc looked over at his colleague. “Jenkins has been sent to get a photo of us to release in social media, to put forth the story that we have legitimately fallen for each other and counteract articles that state I used my position with the NYPD to meet you and win favor with you.”

  “There are articles, too?” The reaction seemed extreme. I didn’t think it was all so scandalous.

  “Numerous,” he said, shaking his head. “It’s all over the place.”

  “Just tell me one thing.” I looked into his eyes. “Is it true, in any way?”

  “Until this morning, you were a beautiful woman who I met unexpectedly but had begun to believe was meant to be in my life.” He looked at me wistfully. “Then I find out you are, to the rest of the world, someone who talks about her sexual escapades on the radio.”

  He threw up his hands and turned away.

  “Dating escapades.” I looked at him with tears in my eyes. “I didn’t say anything about sex. That was Sam. You have to forgive me.”

  “Help me get my bosses off my back,” he said, stepping closer again. “And I’ll think about it.”

  “Okay.” A tear ran down my cheek. He almost lifted his arm, as if he was going to wipe it away. He stopped himself.

  “We need a photo of us together.” He looked me up and down. “It’s good that you are dressed casually, in your home environment. My bosses want to spin this as a real romance in bloom and want to post an item on their Facebook page saying we are in love.”

  Chapter 8

  “Tom, get your phone out.” Herc launched into photo shoot mode, ready to create the pictorial fantasy that would make it look real.

  We were still standing in my foyer, but it was wide and the walls on either side provided a different look for photos.

  The officer asked me to get closer to Herc for a photo.

  “I don’t exactly feel like smiling right now.” I crossed my arms and leaned on my crutch.

  “Humor me,” said Herc, putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to his warm, hard body. Oh no, my body still wants to be near his, even though he’s being an angry ass. I remembered the feelings of the night before, and the immediate attraction came flowing back. He took the hair clip from my head, let my hair fall, and then wrapped a strand around his finger.

  Officer Tom snapped a few photos. With each click, my head burrowed deeper into Herc’s shoulder, and his twirling of my hair around his finger got tighter. I reveled in the feel of him against my cheek. It felt good. This was so wrong!

  My body melted beneath his warm touch and my broken toe started tingling. Was it pain? Pleasure? I was in some sort of daze from the feel of his skin, the scent of his body and his general proximity. Suddenly, I was falling.

  But not for long because he scooped me up and held me closer. I put my arms around his neck to hold on, and my cheek naturally settled against his.

  Erotic impulses stormed my body. A phrase ran through my head like the CNN news crawl. Please forgive me and have make up sex with me. The words were vibrating through me.

  He pulled me closer, and held me tighter. “Get this one, Tom.”

  When I turned my head toward him our eyes connected for a long moment. The smile was back on his face. Then his lips found mine, and he kissed me, deeply and passionately—right in front of his colleague, who was clicking away.

  It was a real kiss, not just a pose for the Cop Gazette. His lips were warm and his tongue eagerly explored my mouth. He took my bottom lip between his teeth before ending the kiss and gently bit it.

  I was lost in him and for a moment, he seemed equally as lost in me. I could feel his heart pounding where he held me close.

  “Okay, we’re even now,” he said, pulling away on a deep breath. “You used me as entertainment for your radio show, and now I am using you for photos to officially launch a romantic rumor.”

  “I didn’t mean to cause trouble.” I spoke in a whisper, because we still had a captive audience nearby.

  “I don’t believe that for a second,” he said with a roguish grin. “You’re a professional troublemaker. Own it.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re not at least a little flattered to have been the subject of a passionate conversation on live radio,” I countered. His embrace was energizing me. “Maybe you’re even a little turned on, and you’re mad about that, and that’s why you are being so mean to me.”

  He went silent and held my gaze. Then he smiled. “We’ll have to see about that.” He put me back down on the floor and handed me my crutch.

  “Okay, Tom,” he said to his colleague. “I’ve got it from here.”

  The officer nodded, said a polite goodbye to me and turned to walk away. I spotted a duffle bag where the cop had been standing and called to him, “I think you forgot your bag, officer.”

  He g
lanced at his friend, then to me. “No, that’s Herc’s.”

  As the officer walked away, I was gripped by pure panic.

  “Are you going someplace?” I grabbed Herc’s arm.

  “Here,” he said. “To spend the weekend with you, or at least pretend to.”

  A part of me wished it was true, that we were in love. I at least wanted him to stop hating me. But I gave him my best Clint Eastwood squint. “What makes you think you can just stay here?”

  “Highly recommended, by the top brass.” He walked back to my door with the bag. “I have to be seen around the building. There may be reporters outside.”

  Even in my world, it sounded crazy.

  “Do you have a search warrant?” I challenged him.

  “I’m not searching the place.” He smiled confidently and spoke in his commanding cop voice. “I’m just pretending to cohabitate with the intention of physical contact, which you already told me yesterday, quite clearly, was of interest to you. I’m here undercover, as your make-believe boyfriend to have pretend sex.”

  Holy crap. Wet panties.

  “Mi casa, su casa,” I said, inviting him in.

  Chapter 9

  Before we headed deeper into my apartment, I called to the doorman so he didn’t start a rumor that I’d been arrested.

  “Um, Bill, thanks for letting the cops up. The uniformed officer is leaving and the big handsome one is staying here. He’s my boyfriend. Just didn’t want you to worry.” I might as well support this charade.

  “Oh, okay, Ms. Harper.” He sounded surprised. “Have a good night.”

  Herc smiled at me. We moved through the hallway into the living room. Walking was easier than yesterday. I could feel him staring at my ass, again.

  When we got into my living room, I wasn’t quite sure what to say. I knew enough about law to know they couldn’t really force me to let him stay with me in my own home, without being under house arrest or protective custody.

  He dropped his duffle bag on my rug and stood there. It looked like he was thinking deeply. Then he bolted across the room and took me in his arms. The crutch was between us until he tossed it on the floor. He made sure I was steady on my feet.

  What the fuck?

  “I’m sorry I had to be so cruel,” he said, wrapping me in his arms. “Jenkins was here to make sure I followed department orders without getting emotionally involved or thinking with my dick. I had to be convincing.”

  “Holy crap, I need a minute.” I pushed him away and hobbled a few feet away without my crutch. I was furious. “You really fucked with me.”

  “You fucked with me, too.” He walked toward me. “I came in to work this morning and was hauled into a conference room with your morning show on the big screen. It didn’t take them long to figure out I was the cop with the broken finger. I had no idea you were the woman who makes the news sound prettier.” He made air quotes.

  “Are you in serious trouble?”

  He lowered his head and seemed to be measuring his words.

  “You compromised me.” He sounded more resigned then angry. “I want to tell the truth but you have to swear this is between us—you and me.”

  “Agreed.” After today, I never wanted to talk about men on the radio again.

  “I was scheduled for an undercover case next week. And now, my undercover assignment is you. No offense, but this changed my plans quite a bit.”

  “I compromised you?” I moved to the living room wall and leaned on it. “I’m so sorry. I thought you were on desk duty.”

  “While I had this thing.” He held up his splinted finger. “But since my face will be all over the place by tonight, it will be a long while before I can work undercover again.”

  “Herc, I’m so sorry.” I picked a tiny thread off of my T-shirt. It felt like everything was unraveling. “How much trouble are you in with your bosses?”

  “They can’t do anything about a man and a woman being attracted to each other.” He smiled softly. “I was not on duty when I asked to see you or while I was with you yesterday. Technically, it would have been none of their business. You made it their business by announcing it on the radio.”

  “I’m starting to get the picture.” Herc and I were okay on our own last night but the show raised potential conflicts of interest.

  “So, as a result of your sharing, this is on the clock,” he pointed at himself and then me. “So, we can’t have any, um, relations.”

  But when Herc looked into my eyes, I melted, frantic with desire. This thing was such a mess, yet I was even more attracted to him now that he was off limits.

  “I’ll do whatever you need, detective.” I made air quotes on the word need.

  “Just one more thing,” he said, pacing across the room. “I saw how you tried to get out of that segment today. It was a set-up. I know it wasn’t all your fault. Those people you work with are pricks. And the police department is not happy with them either. That’s all I can say now.”

  Chapter 10

  With all the confessions out of the way, there was more air to breathe in my apartment. And Herc was taking responsibility for my care once again.

  “Did you ice today?” He walked me to my chair.

  “In the morning, per your prescription.” It felt good to settle my foot onto the ottoman.

  He prepared the ice and began the ritual all over again.

  “Just to be clear, on a personal level, I ought to spank you, for not telling me the truth last night.” He shook his head. “You didn’t give me an option.”

  “You’re right.” I took a deep breath. “It wasn’t fair to you and look what a shit storm I created. I used to be a magazine columnist and now I am on the radio show where they pimp me out for ratings.”

  “How did you get involved with this crazy concept of putting your life out there?” He shook his head. “It seems dangerous.”

  “I met Sam and Mike in college.” I shifted in my chair. “I was a media major, and as a goof, I did a stint on their campus radio show as an advisor to lovelorn students answering questions and sharing my dating misadventures. They were both so driven, totally focused on making it in radio. People listened when I was on so they begged me to do more. But I pursued my dream of working as a magazine columnist. There were layoffs in my company a few months ago and when Mike read I’d been cut, he wooed me over to the dark side with liquid lunches and double the salary. I was broke and needed a job, so I agreed.”

  “The way those men behave is not normal,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m not sure if it is lack of maturity or some maniacal attempt to win the ratings game. But you’re in the middle of it and that worries me.”

  “Let’s talk about something else, if you don’t mind.” I laughed nervously as I tried to get the sexy back between us. “Like you wouldn’t really spank an injured woman… would you?”

  A devious grin lit up his face.

  “I’ll tell you one thing.” I couldn’t resist taunting him. “If you spank me, I am definitely going to talk about it on the radio.”

  “Oh yeah?” He stepped closer, dominating the space around me. “We’ll see about that.”

  He put one leg on either side of the ottoman and grabbed hold of the arm rests, then brought his body down close to mine, trapping me in my chair.

  My heart raced as he leaned in closer.

  “I have a feeling you want me to spank you,” he said, his voice gravelly. “And that all this mischief you’ve caused excites you. And you may even hope I fuck you.”

  He brought his face close and bit my bottom lip. Then he kissed me. So hard, and so deep, he took my breath way.

  He pulled away slightly. “Am I right?” he said. “Is that what you’re thinking?”

  “Perhaps.” The parts below were thinking that.

  I opened my legs so that my knees were on either side of the chair. He lowered himself and gently brushed against me. He was hard. Oh my God, it was amazing how he could hold up his weight, even with a
broken thumb. I needed to have sex with him.

  “It is such a shame,” he said, pressing down again and putting his mouth by my ear. “That I can’t do any of that… until,” he licked my ear and slid his tongue inside, “I’m off the clock.”

  He pulled the lobe into his mouth and gently nibbled.

  “I guess we’ll have to find another way to spend our time.”

  “Here’s a novel concept.” His voice was low and hoarse. “Maybe we can use this time to get to know each other.”

  He lifted off of me.

  “We’ll have to entertain ourselves,” I said cheerfully, eyeing him below the belt. He was still hard. “I vote for dinner and a movie and then dessert in the bedroom. Are you hungry?”

  “Starving.” He glanced between my legs. “We’ll have to go with actual food, though.”

  I frowned and directed him to my stash of menus. He placed a huge order with the local Thai restaurant and gave them his credit card.

  When the food arrived, he brought multiple containers, chopsticks and two glasses to an end table in the living room.

  “I forgot the wine today,” he said, smiling. “Do you have any?”

  “Yeah, the box that I tripped on.” I looked around. “I think that was a carton of wine that was delivered. But you moved it yesterday and I am not sure where it is.”

  He gave me a quizzical look. “I did not move anything yesterday.”

  “Oh, that’s weird. I assumed you stashed it somewhere for accident prevention purposes. If you can find it, we can have wine.”

  “But who would have moved it?” He had a suspicious look on his face. “Do you have a cleaning person?”

  “He wasn’t scheduled, but if you get my purse I’ll text him.”

  He brought it to me but when I lifted my phone to text my house cleaner, Tom, Herc stopped me.

  “You have a cleaning male?” He laughed.

  “I do in fact, and he’s the best.” I waved my hand around the room. “See how clean it is.”


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