Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys Page 89

by Annabel Joseph

  Although, after giving her another two orgasms in the shower, it was a claim he could justify.

  They left the villa not long after that. Jared had sent out the call for evacuating the island and needed all hands on deck. Sherry ended up with Nick in the cart as Patrick went his separate way. Sherry couldn’t help but feel that there was more there, just bubbling underneath his stern surface. She wanted to discover what it was.

  Which was the dumbest idea to enter her brain. Why did she always want the ones who never wanted her back? Although, Nick made no bones about wanting her. And she had to admit, he stirred her, but after the conversation she had overheard this morning, she didn’t want to get attached to either of them.

  Her best course of action was to leave, not just the island, but all of it. Maybe she would be better off just going home and licking her wounds in peace.

  Patrick sailed The Canary from its dock near their villa to an inland grotto that was large enough to fit the twenty-foot vessel. The small secluded bay was surrounded by mountains on three sides, with a narrow channel to maneuver through. It was the perfect hiding spot for their boat during a storm. He dropped anchor and secured everything on board as much as possible. Then he jumped overboard and swam to shore.

  With any luck, the mountains would protect the boat during the hurricane. Patrick trudged through the jungle, back to the empty villa. He changed into dry clothes and grabbed the duffel bag he had packed while Nick and Sherry had fucked like rabbits. Nick was entranced by her, and Patrick had to admit that he was, as well.

  She was like this Viking goddess brought to life. He had wanted to join them, and at any other time, he would have. He didn’t know what his fucking problem was. Sherry was a sex queen. The fist of her cunt around his dick while she’d sucked Nick off, watching the cock that had brought him quite a bit of pleasure through the years disappear into her mouth and then again into her ass had been hot as shit.

  He and Nick had no problem being bisexual. It had started rather innocuously with them, as they had been topping a sub in Madrid. He didn’t regret it at all. It was still one of the hottest and most explicit nights of his life. He could still remember the sub on her knees before him, sucking him off while Nick fucked her from behind. The sub, whose name escaped him, had held his staff up, offering it to Nick, who didn’t hesitate to suck it. One thing had led to another, and while Patrick was screwing the sub, Nick had de-virginized his ass. The load he’d shot off that first time had been epic.

  He wondered what Sherry would think of it. Not every sub who enjoyed being dual topped enjoyed watching two men fuck.

  It didn’t matter. It wasn’t a long-term arrangement. But in the next scene they did with Sherry, Patrick planned to fuck them both, just for good measure, especially after this morning.

  Tossing the duffel strap over his shoulder, he left the villa, taking the trail this time. The tiny bit of sunlight they had experienced at dawn had diminished as storm clouds began rolling in. The wind had picked up speed and he wondered whether the boats would make it without capsizing when he saw the size of the whitecaps on the water.

  There was a flurry of activity at the docks as passengers and staff were loaded into boats. Shep’s boat got underway first, followed shortly thereafter by Deke’s. There were a few of the higher end clients on the island who left in their private jets.

  Nick and Sherry were on board Derek’s boat, stowing supplies and luggage as Patrick boarded. Nick gave him a nod and he joined them as the ship got underway. And Christ Jesus, he had been right. The ocean swells were massive. He was glad for the SAT phone in his duffel should anything happen.

  He and Nick sat on either side of Sherry.

  “Relax, precious, we’re almost there,” Nick soothed Sherry, rubbing her tense shoulders.

  It was an intense hour from one dock to the next. Then he and Nick assisted Derek and the rest of the staff as they corralled everyone from the boat to the shelter at Aquinas College in the center of New Providence Island. The rain had started by the time they made it to the shelter, the sky growing darker by the second. Patrick and Nick were charged with patrolling the shelter, making sure items that could potentially become flying targets were strapped down.

  He lost sight of Sherry in the crowd but knew she’d be fine. She was here, with the whole crew from Pleasure Island and tourists from some of the nearby resorts. The power went out an hour later as the storm ravaged around them. Everyone hunkered down on bunks and against the walls, conserving energy and huddling together as Mother Nature unleashed her fury.

  Chapter 3

  Nick sent Sherry off to the kitchens with some of the other subs upon their arrival in the shelter to help sort food supplies. Once he gave her a purpose, other than sitting and wringing her hands, she seemed to calm down, at least a little bit. But her energy was frenetic. Of all the things he might have thought about her, he never would have guessed she didn’t like sailing or was terrified of hurricanes. He still had marks on his arm from where her nails had dug in during the crossing. Granted, she was from Scotland, and likely wasn’t all that familiar with hurricanes.

  He knew she’d be safe with the other subs from the island. But there was a little niggle of doubt creeping into his mind. The way she’d glanced at him as she’d left, with sorrow in her baby blue gaze, had made his gut clench. Like she was saying goodbye.

  There was no way in hell, now that he had touched her, that he was letting her go. They had a connection, just like he and Trick did. And sweet merciful heavens, he loved her fucking pussy. As soon as they could carve out the time, he wanted a full day where he did nothing but screw her brains out and feel her cunt snug around him. Hear the sounds she emitted or how her cries were thick with her accent when she came.

  He would have done spent today with her in bed if they hadn’t needed to evacuate Pleasure Island. Nick knew Trick had reservations about bringing a permanent sub into their lives. Their lifestyle was dangerous at times. But there was also one hell of a lot of boredom as they worked an investigation—some that lasted months at a time—interspersed with worrisome moments and death-defying situations. On the whole, though, it was a good life.

  The nomadic lifestyle of his profession was more tiresome. Nick realized it could be his age making him feel this way, but it was more about finding the place he belonged in his life. Something that was his. The constant moving around just didn’t fit like it once had. If he were honest with Trick, Nick would admit he would be okay with leaving the CIA completely and perhaps doing private security for celebrities or the like. It would certainly pay a hell of a lot better. But he knew that Trick was on this mission to live up to a promise he’d made a million years ago. Nick understood it; he’d witnessed more than his fair share of brothers and friends keeping promises of loyalty and more where he grew up in Compton. The only good thing about his neighborhood was that it wasn’t that large and he had made it out. Otherwise, he’d likely already be six feet under.

  Nick wanted Sherry and not just for the week, either. She fit him—them—to perfection. He couldn’t begin to list the number of times he’d been turned down, even by prostitutes in Amsterdam, because of the size of his dick. Sherry was different from the rest. He’d been able to be as rough with her as he was with Trick, and it had been fucking amazing.

  He hadn’t been joking when he’d told her she had the biggest pussy imaginable. It was a first for him to be balls deep inside a woman, and he would fight like hell to keep her.

  Nick just had to convince Trick, even if that meant a few uppercut jabs to that hard head of his. He understood Trick’s reluctance. Sherry was not an easy sub and would keep both of them on their toes. But that excitement she brought to them was something he got off on, making a sub with that much fire bend to his will, and take him without question. Nick had found the sub for him.

  As the storm raged around them with Hurricane Catalina reaching the island, the Doms from Pleasure Island slept in shifts, protecting th
e group and the rest of the refugees. Nick had witnessed one too many incidents in shelters not to want to have around the clock surveillance. New Orleans after Katrina haunted him to this day.

  He had the graveyard shift in the early hours before dawn broke. The storm had passed in the middle of the night and it was time to begin assessing the damage. Then he and Trick needed to leave for a bit and search the docks. They had to locate where the shipments of abducted women were being held before they were transported. Once they made it onto a boat, the victims would never be found again.

  It had taken him and Trick months to narrow down and gather intel regarding the point of departure as New Providence Island. Nick made his way through the crowd, searching for Sherry’s blonde head. It shouldn’t be hard to spot her since the woman was an Amazonian with her height. Not that he was one to talk.

  He passed sub after sub as they corralled their group, and no Sherry.

  “Yvette, have you seen Sherry?” he asked the pint-sized sub. She was so much smaller than he was, he’d entertained the idea of bringing her to their bed for all of two seconds. He’d inadvertently harm one so small and delicate. He needed a woman like Sherry who could withstand his dominance and force.

  Storms clouded Yvette’s gaze. “No, Sir, I’m sorry. I saw her last night when we arrived, but I haven’t seen her this morning.”

  Trepidation filled Nick as he went through the shelter, asking people if they had seen Sherry recently. Trick found him checking in closets and restrooms.

  “Dude, what gives?” Trick asked, looking haggard after last night.

  “Sherry’s gone,” Nick said.

  “What? What do you mean she’s gone?”

  Nick shrugged. “I sent her off with the other subs last night to get food for people. She needed something to do to get her past her disquiet, and I can’t find her now.”

  “Are you sure she’s not with the rest of the Pleasure Island group?”

  “Yes, no one else has seen her since last night. Although they didn’t realize they needed to keep an eye on her, either.”

  “Fuck,” Trick snarled. “I knew she was going to be a monumental headache. Let’s go find her. Let’s just hope that the traders haven’t gotten their hands on her.”

  Nick followed Trick as he scooped up his duffel bag. They stopped in a nearby room and armed themselves with the supplies he’d brought. Then they stowed the bag with Jeff. He was a former cop out of Miami whom Jared had let in on their secret. It was nice having backup if it became necessary.

  They left the sanctity of the shelter and headed into the debris laden streets, searching for Sherry.

  When Nick got his hands on her, that little miss was getting the fucking spanking she deserved.

  Chapter 4

  The problem with believing you were doing the right thing was that once you realized you had made a mistake, it was too late.

  That’s why Sherry found herself in a part of Nassau she didn’t recognize. The streets all looked the same. Especially with debris from palm trees, awnings, and broken glass littering the area. Dogs milled around searching for food. No one was driving today except for emergency vehicles. And those passed too quickly for her to wave at for help.

  Unease rippled along her spine as she crossed yet another street. Three men were following her. They looked like locals with their tanned skin and dress, but she couldn’t be certain. And the intent on their faces made her stomach do cartwheels. The three amigos stood out because while everyone else she passed was concentrating on cleanup, their strides were filled with purpose, these three had been trailing her for blocks. At first, she’d thought they might just be out trying to help people and paid them little heed, but they had slowly but surely been closing the distance between them.

  Sherry had even crossed to the opposite side of the street, and still they followed her. What the hell had she been thinking? She should have waited and gone to the airport later once local cabs were up and running. Would it have killed her to wait? No. But she had worried that Nick would convince her to stay and that wasn’t what she wanted, right?

  She wanted to go home, lick her wounds in peace, and then figure out what to do with the rest of her life. But this morning she had done what she always did, leapt into action before she looked.

  And now her way of rushing into things had consequences that proved just how monumentally stupid she had been.

  Sherry took another turn and instantly regretted it. The street was deserted, with buildings lining either side, and it dead-ended fifty feet back. There was another street entrance that ran perpendicular to this one, but was still a good forty feet from where she stood. She swiveled to head back the way she’d come and the three men were there, sinister smiles on their faces.

  Her heart shuddered in her chest. This was worse than she’d feared. Her situation was grim. Sherry turned and hightailed it. If she could just reach the one street, she should be able to lose them. She sprinted down the road, the heavy footsteps of her pursuers beating against the pavement behind her. The one thing she’d been graced with were long legs that were practically built for running. She’d run track in school and had run for exercise ever since. She ran five miles a day. Sprinting forty feet wasn’t a hardship. Just as she was about to round the corner, and hopefully find help and shelter from these malcontents wanting to stir up trouble, two new men, one holding chains with metal cuffs on the end, emerged from the shadows.

  She yelped and course corrected but then found herself facing the dead end. She looked for anything in the street she could use to defend herself as she ran. Palm tree branches and paper, but nothing firm. At the dead end she swiveled. The five men approached her in a blitz formation.

  She waited and watched for an opening. If she didn’t make it past them, she instinctively knew her life was as good as over. She assessed each man, trying to decipher who was the weakest link in the bunch. Everyone was menacing in his own right. She noted that the one on the right held a device in his hand. It wasn’t a gun, but she wanted to stay away from that thing at all costs.

  She held still, unwilling to give them any inkling of her plans to bolt. She had one chance to get away from them.

  When they were no more than ten feet away, Sherry dashed forward to the left, trying to slip between guys two and three as they advanced. She was about to celebrate her victory as she sprinted past when evil dude number two grabbed her hair and yanked her back.

  She screamed bloody murder, hoping, praying anyone would come help her. She kicked and swatted at hands. Tears streamed from her eyes as they closed in around her. Lightning struck her in the shoulder and she collapsed as volts of electricity raced through her body.

  “Ah.” She wailed as pain bombarded her body. She vibrated and shook from the agony.

  Sherry lay on the ground as the men surrounded her, wondering how much her death was going to hurt before they were done with her. Their eyes were soulless. Her hold on her consciousness dimmed.

  Through half-closed lids, she saw two of her attackers fall to the ground, their screams ripping the air.

  She imagined she could see Patrick and Nick fighting the five men. That’s when she knew she was at the delusional stage. They wouldn’t come after her. They would be glad to be rid of her. Her eyes closed as her hold on reality ebbed. She thought she heard her name being called as a set of strong arms picked her up.

  But then everything went dark.

  Chapter 5

  “Come on. Come back to me.”

  Sherry gasped and struggled as the world came rushing back. She had to get away, she had to break free.

  “Look at me, precious. Stop, we’ve got you. You’re safe.”

  Panic filling every molecule of her being, she opened her eyes and stared into Nick’s big black calm ones, concern dotting his brow.


  “That’s right.”

  “What the fuck did you think you were doing out there?” Patrick snarled. He was pacing
back and forth in the room. They were in a hotel room suite, and a rather nice one at that. She was on a plush microfiber sofa with an island themed floral pattern. In fact, everything in the room had floral décor or accents. The profusion of colors hurt her eyes.

  Sherry glanced down at her lap; her pants were stained and grimy. Her hands were no better and she didn’t even want to see what the rest of her looked like. “I-I need a bath; I can still feel their hands on me. Please let me wash them off.”

  She moved and hissed as agony struck her system, beginning in her shoulder and radiating out to the rest of her body.

  “Easy, precious, we had to remove the needles from the Taser. Trick had to give you a few stitches while you were unconscious. It’s going to be sore for a few days.”

  “I do have something that will numb the pain a bit, but go take a bath first,” Patrick said, sounding tired.

  “Thank you, Sirs,” Sherry said, “for getting me away from those men. I don’t know how you found me, but I’m glad you did.”

  “Let me help you. We don’t want to get those stitches wet. Otherwise they will hurt like a bitch.” Nick grabbed a few items from a duffel bag and then towed her into the bathroom.

  He started the water in the oval white porcelain tub and added some bubble bath soap to the water. As the tub filled, the lilac scent of the bubble bath filling the room, he helped her out of her torn and bloody clothes. Parts of them had to be cut off. It was fine. Sherry would rather burn them anyway than put them back on. Once she was fully disrobed, he took a piece of plastic, like from a sandwich bag, and taped it over her injury, which was already covered with gauze.

  “There, that should keep that nice and dry.” Nick helped her into the water and began washing her. When she was about to protest, he gave her a glance that stalled the protest on her lips.


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