Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys Page 90

by Annabel Joseph

  “Don’t argue with me, precious. You’re lucky I don’t tan your fucking hide here and now, injuries be damned. But your punishment can wait until the morning.”

  She stiffened, and pain shot through her system. “Punishment. Why? I’m the injured party.”

  “Really? You’re going to ask me that? I know you’re not stupid.” He scrubbed her arms and then her breasts. “You left the safety of the shelter without telling me or Trick. So, either you have a death wish, or you were trying to leave and keep it from us so we wouldn’t stop you.”

  He had her stand in the bath tub and hold on to his shoulders as he washed her legs with a wash cloth. Then he cleaned the juncture of her thighs and, damn her infernal body, his touch turned her on. Sherry needed to get her head examined.

  “Which is it, precious?”

  “You guys plan to dispose of me once my sentence is up anyway, so I figured I would just save you both the headache.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Because I heard you talking yesterday morning before we left your villa. Patrick doesn’t give two shits about me, and the only reason you even want to keep me around is because of that fucking anaconda between your legs,” she muttered.

  “So you thought you would what, go get yourself killed to keep yourself from being dumped?”

  “No, I was trying to get to the airport so I could go home,” Sherry said. When she said it now, out loud, it did sound rather pathetic. One of these days, she would get her act together.

  “To Pleasure Island? But we have—”

  Sherry rolled her eyes and huffed, a headache brewing from the pain in her shoulder. “Not Pleasure Island, moron, home to Scotland. That island is not my home and has brought me nothing but misery.”

  He gripped her chin. “What did you call me?”

  “You heard me, and I won’t say I’m sorry. If you want to spank me, fine, have at it, big guy.” She shrugged.

  “I think that’s enough of a bath.” Nick pulled her out, roughly drying her off before steering her into the bedroom. Instead of taking her to the bed, he directed her over to the couch and pulled her across his knees.

  “I was going to wait until morning to do this but after that little display in there, your ass needs a reminder of who’s in charge.”

  He rested one of his mighty forearms across her lower back to keep her imprisoned on his lap. The problem was that she was done fighting today, this week, or this year. It did no good to rail against outcomes she couldn’t change. She turned her head and spied Patrick sitting at the hotel desk with his laptop.

  Nick’s hand came down with a large crack. Sherry jerked but she didn’t cry out. Her gaze met Patrick’s as tears escaped her while Nick blistered her butt.

  “This is for calling me a moron when all I was trying to do was care for you.”

  Another five thundering swats that burned as they fell.

  “These are for leaving without telling us. If you wanted to go home that badly we would have given you a fucking escort to the airport.”

  “No, you wouldn’t have, you would have stopped me. Patrick doesn’t hide how much he wants to be rid of me.” Five more harsh thwacks landed but she continued. “Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me that as soon as my sentence from Jared was up, you weren’t going to discard me. Well, excuse the fuck out of me for beating you to the punch, oh lord and master,” she spat.

  Nick turned her over in his arms and shook her slightly. His black eyes had gone deadly cold. “You didn’t give us a chance. You didn’t give me a chance to change Patrick’s mind. Instead, you decided for all of us.”

  Nick stood, dumping her unceremoniously onto the couch. She bounced a bit and winced. Now her ass and shoulder ached. He shot Patrick a glance. “I need a break. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  Nick stomped out of the hotel room without a backward glance. Sherry curled into a ball on the sofa.

  “He does care about you, you know,” Patrick murmured, studying her with a harsh glare, like he wanted to pick up right where Nick had left off spanking her.

  “No, he doesn’t. You two don’t even know me.”

  “Cut the bitchy responses or I’ll tan your hide too, only I won’t be as gentle.”

  She clamped her lips shut and turned her face away from him. She jumped when Patrick sat down beside her.

  “Easy, I just want to give you a painkiller,” he said, peeling the plastic protection from the stitches. “This will sting a bit.” The pinch of a needle slid under her skin. She felt the cool liquid as it entered her body.

  “That should help take the edge off. It’s likely going to make you a bit groggy. The best medicine for it is sleep,” Patrick said as he redressed her bandage.

  “Why are you being so nice to me?” Sherry asked, aware she had been a bitch on wheels to both of them. The questions from Nick had gotten her back up. She knew her excuses for leaving were thin at best. And she’d almost gotten herself killed—or worse—in the process.

  “Because you need it. And you’re wrong, you know. We both want you, but our lives are complicated.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I know, and unfortunately I can’t tell you. I will ask you to trust us a little bit more. We truly mean you no harm,” Patrick said.

  “But I heard you say—”

  “Regardless of what you heard, it was a conversation not meant for your ears. I tend to keep people at arm’s length. My little sister disappeared when I was fifteen. I was supposed to protect her and watch her while we were at the park. But I was too busy hanging out with my friends to notice when she was taken or what happened to her.”

  “Oh god, Patrick, I’m so sorry. Did they find her?”

  “Sadly, no. Caroline disappeared, no body was ever found. Nick’s one of the few people in my life I’ve ever told this story to. Not everyone gets to hear it, then again, not everyone should, it’s only for the people in my life who matter.”

  She mattered to him? But she thought he didn’t like her. He’d been so distant. Except… his slate gray eyes which she had thought were so cold now looked like metal that had been smelted in a forge.

  “Come on, let’s get you into bed. Sleep will be the best remedy for that shoulder. You’ll have to take it easy for a few days.”

  Sherry went without question, feeling like her world had been upended as she tried to wrap her brain around the fact that she mattered to Patrick. She never would have guessed it or believed it before. But now she wasn’t so certain, her footing on quicksand, and her world was rocked to its very foundation.

  He helped her into the center of the bed, propping pillows around her so she didn’t injure her bad shoulder.

  “Sir,” she said, her voice sounding distant even to her ears.


  “Thank you. For saving my life,” she murmured, her speech slurring as the drug took effect. Whatever the hell this painkiller was, it was doing its job and then some. She felt like she was floating, her eyelids had sandbags on them and she just couldn’t keep them open any longer.

  He leaned over and kissed her brow. “Anytime, precious. I can always discipline you in the morning.”

  A strangled laugh escaped her.

  “Get some sleep. We have an early start tomorrow,” he ordered.

  She didn’t have any fight left in her as the drug took over.

  “Yes, Sir,” she mumbled. Between one breath and the next, she was asleep.

  Chapter 6

  “We need to get her back to Pleasure Island, and then one of us needs to come back here.”

  “I don’t like that plan,” Nick argued.

  Sherry lay in bed listening to Patrick and Nick. She couldn’t get past the fact that they were potential drug dealers. Did Jared know?

  “Well, we need to do something or Cruz will have our asses,” Patrick snarled.

  “Let’s regroup back at the villa, check on the reports that have come in since the hurricane passed, and mak
e a plan from there.”

  Sherry hissed at the pain in her shoulder. How was it that ten stitches were agony? It didn’t matter. She needed to confront them. If they were putting the entire island at risk, it needed to stop.

  “I can’t fault your logic on that,” Patrick said as she silently approached the bathroom door.

  “It’s about damn time. Now, about our little Precious…”

  “What about me?” Sherry asked, pushing the door open.

  Both men’s gazes whipped to her.

  “Precious, you should still be sleeping with your injury,” Nick started to approach her.

  She held up a hand. “Drug wore off. I’m sore but I’ll be fine.”

  “How much did you hear?” Patrick grilled her.

  “Enough. So, are you guys dealing drugs or something? Because if you are, I’m warning you, I have no problem turning you both in to the authorities.”

  “We are the authorities,” Nick said, his hands on his hips.

  “Being a drug dealer does not make you an authority figure,” Sherry retorted.

  Patrick crossed his arms over his chest, giving her a shuttered, stern expression. “Perhaps not, but being CIA Agents does.”

  What? She glanced between them. CIA? “You’re CIA? But I don’t understand why you’re on Pleasure Island. It doesn’t make sense.”

  Nick explained, “For the case we’re investigating, we needed a base of operations off the radar. I’ve known Jared since we were both in the military years ago. His unit with Britain’s Armed Forces was stationed near mine. And we ended up on some coordinated assaults together.”

  “Okay. So Jared knows about this?” Sherry asked.

  Patrick said, “And now you do, as well. This is a secret you cannot divulge to anyone on the island, lest you put them at risk. Do you understand? If we discover that you told anyone, not only will we tan your fucking hide to the point where you won’t sit comfortably for a week, but we also have the authority to lock you away. And don’t test me by thinking that we wouldn’t really do that.”

  “Yes, I get it. What are you investigating?”

  “Precious, you know we can’t tell you that. Not only is it against protocol, but it would put you at risk,” Nick explained, shaking his head in exasperation.

  “Is that how you were able to find me yesterday?” she asked.

  Nick looked sheepish, while Patrick had barely budged an inch. “I put a tracker on you. That’s how we were able to locate you so fast.”

  She took a step back. “Why would you do that? Am I under investigation?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that,” Nick tried to subvert her anger. It didn’t work.

  “Then why did you put on a tracker on me? Where is it, and why?”

  “You may as well stop asking,” Patrick murmured.

  “Screw that. You want me to be this ‘paragon of virtue’ submissive and yet, when the shoe is on the other foot and it’s your turn to be honest with me, you dismiss me. What the hell kind of Dom and sub relationship is that?” she demanded.

  “We’re only looking out for you,” Nick assured her.

  “Bullshit. If you won’t be honest with me, this,” she gestured between them, “is as good as over.”

  She swiveled on her heel and stormed into the bedroom. Didn’t it just figure? Just when she thought that maybe there might actually be something between them, they proved to her that she knew nothing.

  Patrick stalked into the room. Normally Sherry held her own and didn’t cower, but the stern look on his face made her back up until she ran out of room and the wall was directly behind her.

  “We can’t converse about it here further because we cannot guarantee that what we are discussing won’t be overheard by others,” he said. He caged her in with his arms on either side of her body. “But, if we tell you once we reach the sanctity of Pleasure Island, the deal is that you have to admit that there is something between us. No more pussyfooting around. We tell you and you belong to us. You have to decide. Because if you say yes, then you’re ours, precious. If you can’t agree to those terms, this situation with us ends here and now. We’ll tell Jared you satisfied your end of the bargain and have him end your punishment early for good behavior.”

  “And if I agree?” she challenged him, not lowering her gaze but giving him tit for tat.

  Patrick moved forward until his mouth was an inch from hers. “Then I expect you in bed on your back with your thighs open, ready to receive us. Right now.”

  She searched his enigmatic face. His eyes had darkened to the color of storm clouds. A tick pulsed in his jaw as he waited for her response.

  “You swear to tell me once we are back at the villa?” she said.

  A seductive light entered Patrick’s gaze and he said, “On my honor and my life, precious. What’s it to be?”

  “I’d like to get into bed now, Sir,” she said, her heart in her chest. She was giving them an awful amount of power here. Sherry wasn’t certain how she felt about the whole undercover CIA agent thing. It was kind of hot, to be honest. But it was also dangerous for them.

  Patrick grinned wickedly, his gaze filled with desire, and he backed off just enough to give her room to slide past him. He watched her with a raised brow, like he didn’t really believe that she would comply with his request and submit.

  Nick was standing at the foot of the bed wearing an identically hungry expression.

  Her belly quivered in anticipation.

  Sherry climbed up on the mattress, wincing slightly as she jostled her shoulder. She lay on her back, situating her body so that her injury wasn’t impacted. Then she spread her thighs, letting them fall open and exposing her sex to Patrick and Nick.

  Nick reached her first and knelt between her thighs. He ran his fingers through her slit. “Fuck yeah, precious, your body knows what it wants,” he said.

  “Hurry up and penetrate her and get into position to receive me. We don’t have all day. Derek’s boat is departing from the island now and is on its way here. We only have time for a quickie. Anything longer, we have to reserve for tonight,” Patrick ordered.

  Nick leaned forward over her, gripping his mammoth cock with one of his hands. He ran the head through her folds and hissed. Once he fit the crown at her entrance, he thrust. Her body resisted the intrusion at first. He withdrew and thrust again. She relaxed against him.

  “That’s it. Christ, I fucking love your pussy.” He rubbed her clitoris, stirring her need as he canted his hips, pushing deeper and deeper with each thrust until he was seated balls deep. Then he stopped and spread his legs, which pushed hers farther apart. Then he held still, embedded inside her. She wanted to move, to thrust, to feel him sliding in and out of her passage, but he would allow no movement.

  Patrick knelt behind Nick, his expression fierce as he slicked lube over his dick.

  Sherry whimpered in the back of her throat.

  “Easy, precious, let Trick give it to me and then I promise we will fuck.”

  She clenched her Kegels around his bulging cock and Nick’s eyes grew heavy-lidded and he gasped. She did it again. Nick growled and said, “Hurry the fuck up, Trick, our little sub is being naughty and I want to wipe that pleased expression off her face.”

  “Sherry,” Patrick growled, giving her a baleful expression.

  Did she listen? Nope. She did a series of moves with only her pussy muscles that had Nick groaning. And each one sent pleasure arcing through her body to her sex.

  Patrick closed the distance, thrusting his hips forward as he penetrated Nick’s ass, his face contorting into an expression of pure bliss.

  Nick groaned, his chest rumbling and vibrating. Nick waited until Patrick had penetrated him fully before he moved. Sherry’s body thumped around his shaft as he and Patrick both began to move.

  Sherry met Nick’s thrusts, her body on fire. Nick and Patrick held nothing back. This wasn’t soft and gentle, rainy Sunday morning lovemaking. This was down and dirty fucking.
It was hard and fast. Nick’s hips pistoned, his shaft shuttling in and out in the full-on power bang. Sweat slicked their bodies. Watching Patrick as he shafted Nick while Nick pounded inside her was without a doubt one of the hottest things Sherry had ever experienced.

  She’d watched two men screw before at clubs, but she’d never been asked to participate and join in the fun. Over and over they plunged, thrusting their hips. The lustful concentration on Patrick’s face was driving her crazy. He fucked with precision. Whereas the rapture on Nick’s face as he plowed her pussy, nearly splitting her asunder with the force of his thrusts while Patrick did the same to him, was a sight to behold.

  “Sirs, please.”

  “Not just yet,” Patrick growled, his pace increasing.

  Their combined moans filled the room along with the slapping of flesh and the heady musk fragrance of their sex. Nick’s control slipped and his thrusts became more forceful, pounding inside her so voraciously she wondered if he would split her in two. It was fabulous. Her sex coiled and simmered with pleasure as her desire increased. Sherry’s body tumbled and tightened in on itself as her climax neared.

  Patrick’s thrusts became more frenetic as he pounded Nick’s ass.

  “Sirs,” she begged again.

  “Come for us, precious,” Nick growled, his hips slamming into her, his cock elongating as he thrust. At his permission, she dropped the reins on her slipping control.

  The orgasm barreled through her body at lightning speed.

  “Oh god!” She wailed as her pussy clenched and spasmed around Nick’s plunging cock.

  Nick and Patrick’s faces contorted. Nick bellowed, straining as he came. Patrick moaned so loudly she could feel it in her chest.

  Hot liquid burst into her quaking channel, setting off a residual series of sparks.

  Patrick and Nick thrust until the final vestiges of their climaxes diminished. Patrick withdrew first, collapsing on her left. Then Nick, her Nick, kissed her with a look in his eyes that unsettled her. There was so much emotion present.


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