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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 92

by Annabel Joseph

  Too bad it had to end.

  Chapter 9

  Sherry quietly followed Patrick out of the villa. Patrick used hand signals and gestures, which she understood—for the most part. Without coffee, deciphering nonverbal communication was not a walk in the park. Once outside in the damp and chilly air, they took the cart, pushing it a block down the path on the off-chance that the motor would wake Nick up, even with the sedative Patrick had doped him with. Sherry felt horrible about her part in the deception. Would Nick ever forgive her?

  She had to believe that he would, once they finished the mission. But she couldn’t focus on him. Her own nerves were hard enough to handle. She couldn’t have choked down food if she’d tried. In virtual silence, Patrick drove them directly to the docks, where Derek was already standing by to ferry them to Nassau.

  “Derek, thanks for doing this,” Patrick said, shaking his hand as they boarded his vessel The Leg Spreader.

  “Not a problem. I’m at your disposal for any missions you need me on. Miss Sherry,” Derek said, acknowledging her with a nod.


  “I do really appreciate it,” Patrick said.

  “Once a member of the core, always a member,” Derek replied. He was the closest Dom in size to Nick. Nick had him by half a foot, but Derek was just as thickly built. His skin was a light cinnamon and his green eyes were startling.

  “You served? What branch?” Patrick asked.

  “Navy. You?”

  “Army, spec ops.”

  “You’re one of those crazy sons of bitches.” Derek shook his head. “I wouldn’t do anything that took me away from the water.”

  “Pretty much, and I understand, we each served in our way. It was the only way to make it through deployments. We’ll be below decks.”

  “I hear ya on that. I’ll get us out in a minute. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. And if there’s anything you need, you let me know.”

  “I just might,” Patrick said as he escorted Sherry below.

  Sherry couldn’t sit as the boat began to move. She knew she was pacing, and didn’t want to let Patrick know just how scared she was.

  “Sherry, come here.” Patrick patted the couch seat beside him.

  She took a deep breath and padded over, trying to hide her unease as she sat. She didn’t want him to cancel the operation just because she was chicken. That was not a reason for her to back out.

  “I’m not going to tell you to relax. I know you’re stepping into something where you have no idea what to expect. But I will promise you this, I will be one step behind you the whole way. I won’t let them hurt you or sell you into slavery. I will follow you, and once I have their location, I will radio in the troops. I’ve already sent a message to Director Cruz about the op,” Patrick told her.

  “And what about Nick, will he ever forgive me for this? I’m deceiving him.”

  “I am, too, but he will get over his anger. I’ve known the guy for too long and he wouldn’t do anything to harm you. Now, drop your pants.”

  “What? Why?”

  He raised a brow in her direction. Then he held up a small butt plug.

  “You want me to wear that?” she asked incredulously.

  “Yep. There’s a tracker in your shoe, which is how I located you so fast the other day. And this also has a tracker in it. I don’t know if you will be allowed to keep your shoes on. But this should help me locate you. I doubt they will be checking your orifices, at least not right away.”

  “Unless they rape me.”

  He gripped her chin. “I won’t let you be with them long enough for that to happen. Only long enough to pinpoint their location. Then I will get you out. Now, be a good girl and drop your drawers.”

  She stood and did what he asked, turning and bending forward. She spread her ass cheeks with her hands.

  “That’s it, precious,” Patrick said, pressing a lubed finger into her anus. She wished she could say it didn’t turn her on, but it did. She could feel moisture dribbling down her thighs as he inserted the plug. And he must have noticed it as well, as he chuckled.

  “You certainly are a surprise. I have an idea that will relax you like no other. Come, ride me,” he said and she heard the zipper on his jeans as she turned. He shoved them down to his knees and patted his lap.

  Already bare from the waist down, she straddled him, staring into his eyes as he fit the crest of his erection at her opening. Biting her lower lip, she thrust down and moaned. She was still raw from their over indulgences last night, but her pleasure soon overrode the slight pain. She held on to his shoulders as she rocked her hips, taking his length inside her. His hands gripped her hips as he met her thrusts. The butt plug made her passage clutch him tighter, made her nerve endings more sensitive.

  She gave herself to him, losing herself in his eyes. The light, the heat within their depths drew her in. She felt tears prick the corners of her eyes, feeling more complete than she ever had. It was all Patrick and Nick’s doing. She wasn’t sure how they had wormed their way into her heart, but when she looked to her future, all she saw was them.

  “That’s it, oh fuck,” Patrick moaned. Then, without disconnecting, he changed positions, laying her back against the couch so that he was on top of her. His thrusts grew hurried as he pounded. She yielded to him, meeting his hard thrusts with her own. She wanted him to feel how much she cared for him.

  Over and over again Patrick pounded, gathering her close as her body grasped at his plunging shaft, trying to pull him deeper. Then his mouth slanted over hers and she was lost in a sea of pleasure. The potent intensity shattered her to the point where she didn’t know where he began and she ended.

  Her body coiled and released. She moaned into his mouth as she came, waves crashing over her system, and still he thrust, taking her body higher to a glistening peak so crystalline and perfect, she knew she could never live without him.

  And then he broke their kiss and bellowed as he shuddered, his staff plunging frantically into her wet heat. Sherry exploded as tremors racked her frame. His hot seed spilled into her passage, sending sharp flutters of pleasure coursing through her veins.

  A horn sounded and Patrick lifted his head from the crook of her neck and gave her a gentle smile. “It’s time. Get dressed.” He gave her a quick kiss and then withdrew from her.

  The hazy glow of their lovemaking evaporated as they dressed and the reality of what she was about to do descended over her. Patrick took her hand in his as they exited the cabin for the ship’s deck.

  Sherry and Patrick departed Derek’s boat as the sun was cresting the horizon. She glanced at the North Atlantic as an unholy fear settled in the pit of her stomach. It didn’t matter how prepared you thought you were; you were never ready for the big moments. Patrick took her to a nearby hotel, where they went through what she needed to do a few times before they headed into the streets.

  “Remember, no matter what, I will be with you.”

  She nodded her understanding and wished she would have stopped to pee one more time. That would have been a good move on her part.

  Patrick let her go on ahead of him. Her job was to walk through the tourist section of Nassau alone and pretend she wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings.

  She had never paid attention more. When it came to bad ideas Sherry had had in her lifetime, this one took the cake.

  Nick started awake, unsure of what had jolted him. It felt like a jack hammer was going off in his head. He glanced at the empty room and couldn’t stop the roar of fury as it spilled out. What the fuck did they do?

  His head was foggy and suffering from the aftereffects of a drug. Fuck it all, Trick must have given him a sedative. Nick was a lightweight when it came to any kind of drug; a Benadryl knocked him out like an elephant tranquilizer.

  He left the bedroom, searching, hoping that they hadn’t done what he knew deep down in his gut they had. In the op room upstairs, Trick had left him their intended coordinates, along with an extra
monitor for Sherry’s multiple trackers. At least Patrick wasn’t being stupid, but that didn’t mean Nick wasn’t going to beat the shit out of him once he got his hands on him.

  Nick checked the time. It was already nine. If he knew Trick, they’d have left before dawn. He called Jared.

  “Nick, what can I do for you this morning?”

  “Trick went on an op without me. He’s using Sherry as bait. Could I borrow Jeff in case I need some back-up?”

  “Certainly. Do you need any other hands? I’d be happy to come along,” Jared said.

  “Thanks for the offer but no. I need you to find out which ferry took them over and get the precise location of where they debarked.”

  “I’m on it. How should I contact you?”

  Nick said, “I’ll have my SAT phone with me at all times.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll go get Jeff and fill him in.”

  “The boat is docked in the grotto. I need him there in thirty minutes, less if he can make it.” Nick felt like he needed to hurry and get to the island as fast as he could.

  “I’ll drive him in the Jeep. Much faster that way. Are you sure you don’t want to take my jet?” Jared asked.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. If something goes wrong, I might need to follow another water vessel. My boat is fine. Thirty minutes.” Nick hung up and went into action. He packed three duffel bags from the gear they had with them, and armed himself to the teeth. On his way out, he spied a slip of lace; a pair of Sherry’s panties. He picked them up, kissed them, and put them in his pocket like a talisman. He would find her. And then he was going to tan her fucking hide.

  Chapter 10

  Sherry had been so right, it was scary. She was the perfect bait. All morning and afternoon, they had walked through the tourist section and streets. Sherry even bought a few items, carrying her bags, looking like a disinterested tourist. It happened in the blink of an eye. One minute Patrick had Sherry in his line of sight, the next she had disappeared.

  They were in a square with a multitude of street peddlers and their tents, making it far too easy to get lost. It all happened so quickly, Sherry hadn’t even been able to signal him like they had practiced. His gut clenched. She would be fine. She had both trackers on her. Patrick followed the signal block by block, scanning as he went. He held a map in front of his device and wore sunglasses and a ball cap. For all intents and purposes, he was just another tourist taking in the beautiful sights of Nassau.

  The signal went for more than a mile heading toward Prince George Wharf. Along the docks was a series of warehouses. As an island, New Providence had the majority of its goods imported on ships. On every dock there were distribution centers belonging to diverse enterprises for everything, from beauty products to food stuffs to oil. This was an older sector, the buildings along this row were more historic and decrepit than the rest. The signal they were tracking was coming from the depository at the very end of the lane. All the windows were blacked out and it was right next to the water. It was perfect for the type of operation the criminals were running. Easy access for any potential buyers, who could literally pull their boat up beside it and then be off into open waters before anyone was the wiser.

  Patrick scoped out the warehouse, searching for an entry point he could use that would go unnoticed. He had no idea how many goons were inside, standing between him and Sherry’s freedom. As a precaution, he messaged the coordinates and updates to central command, Director Cruz, and Nick. They needed a team at the warehouse, pronto. Patrick highly doubted that Sherry was the only female being held there.

  He spied an open window on a ledge thirty feet up. Hoorah. He used the nearby water tower and climbed up. From the roof of the water tower was a small beamed walkway maybe three inches wide. He crossed, not looking down, until he made it to the ledge. At the open window, he searched for a way down to the first floor, scanning the interior of the building, cataloging where the guards were stationed, the various entry and exit points. On the main building floor, there were rows of metal cages. From his vantage point, he noticed bodies curled on their sides or in corners of each cage.

  Bastards, they had the women in cages like dogs.

  He would bring every one of those sons of bitches down.

  As Patrick climbed in through the window and searched for a way down to the first floor, assessing the manpower, a loud screech rent the air and he sucked in a breath. He would know her voice anywhere.

  Fury blazed across his soul as Sherry was dragged from one of the cages by her hair. The two men hauled her to an open area that was like an auctioneer’s stand, for inspection. They manhandled her the entire way.

  He had to breathe through his anger at seeing his sub so mistreated. And she was his, as much as he had tried to fight and keep her at arm’s length. What they had was far more than just a pleasurable screw and scratching an itch. She had been more than that since the first time she’d come undone at his touch and he’d be damned if he would allow anyone to harm her.

  Patrick spied a back staircase and headed toward it, running as silently as possible, his gun drawn. He snuck up on one of the henchmen and knocked him out with the butt of his firearm. Sherry’s screams pierced the air and his heart clenched at each one. At the stairs, two more goons spied him and shouted out a warning in Spanish. So much for the element of surprise. With no time to waste, he charged down the stairs. He had to get Sherry. There was a door near the front—if they could get there, they’d escape. The cavalry should already be on its way to help save the rest.

  He made it to the base of the stairs. Two guards who looked like retired sumo wrestlers grabbed him with their ham-sized fists. Patrick was strong from his days in the military and training, but these assholes made it seem like he was a fly trying to battle a speeding freight train. They hauled him toward the stand. Sherry was on her knees, holding the tattered remains of her top together with her bound hands. Everything inside him raged that he had to protect her.

  A man in his fifties, in a white suit with a small paunch, who looked more like an investment banker on vacation than the evil mastermind of a sex trafficking ring, pointed a Glock with a silencer at Patrick’s head.

  Sherry whimpered and Patrick’s heart broke. He should have listened to Nick instead of going on this mission half-cocked. They needed more agents on it, he should have contacted Cruz and coordinated the operation instead of wanting to prove himself all the time, trying to prove he was good enough that if he went back in time now, he could have saved his baby sister. His past, his hang ups, would get the woman he loved killed.

  Looking down the barrel of the man’s gun, he knew in his gut that backup would arrive and rescue the rest of the women, but it would be too late for him and Sherry. He knew it as much as he knew his own name.

  “So, you are an agent, yes?” the man said with the barest hint of a Spanish accent.

  Patrick shook his head in the negative, attempting to stall, and said, “No, I just came to retrieve my wife.”

  The man’s eyes lit up with humor as he glanced between Patrick and Sherry’s tear-stained face. “Ah, I see. She is beautiful, señor. She will make me a very rich man.”

  Patrick pleaded, not above begging to save her life. Even if he didn’t make it out of this, he needed to make sure she was safe. “Just let her go. You don’t need her. You have so many women here, what does just one matter to you?”

  “Maybe… if I believed you, and you truly were not a spy. Just tell me, agent, how many of you are here?”

  “I already told you, I’m not an agent. You took my wife and I just want her back. I don’t care about the rest,” Patrick said.

  “Nice try. Is she an agent as well? Maybe this will loosen your tongue.” The son of a bitch swiveled his arm and held a gun at Sherry’s head, digging it brutally into her temple. Sherry cried out in pain but it was her tears which punched a hole through Patrick’s heart. He couldn’t watch her die.

  “Don’t! Kill me, instead. She’s pregnant. P
lease let her and my child go free,” Patrick begged, hoping against hope that one of the men would have a conscience and free her if they believed her to be pregnant.

  Sherry gazed at him with naked emotion in her tearful eyes and said, “I love you, Sir.”

  Patrick stared at her and her heart on display in her eyes. He knew just how unfair life could be. He’d finally met the love of his life and he wouldn’t get a chance to live it with her. But he couldn’t be prouder of her than he was in this moment. She was so brave and fierce, just like the Viking goddess he compared her to. He said, trying to calm her, “I know, love. Just keep your eyes on me.”

  She nodded through her tears and took a deep breath.

  “Touching, but I don’t buy it. Put her back in the cage. I think this one will claim a very high price,” the businessman said with a sneer on his face, like their display of feelings had tainted the air for him.

  “And him?” the nearest sumo guard asked.

  “Take him out to the docks and kill him. Make sure his body is never found.”

  “No! Sir!” Sherry wailed as they dragged him away. She tried reaching for him only to have her hand smacked away.

  Everybody had to die sometime. But fuck it all, Patrick had picked the worst possible time.

  Chapter 11

  Nick and Jeff watched the whole scene. As Trick was dragged from the warehouse, Nick called in backup, but they were out of time. Besides, he planned to take out every one of those sons of bitches who had harmed his precious woman.

  “What’s the plan?” Jeff asked.

  “They don’t expect us. Use your silencer. We need to rescue Trick first to add him to our small ranks. We can’t wait for backup to arrive. They’re en route but I don’t think they will be here fast enough. Once Trick is back in play, we can rescue Sherry and the rest of the victims.”


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