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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 123

by Annabel Joseph


  Detective Cody Walker stared at his computer, aimlessly shifting from file to file, looking for another angle. He was exhausted and out of patience. So much work down the drain because of one meddling investigator. Two people were dead, thought murdered by Stoker or a member of his organization, but he had no doubt Stoker was behind the vigilante style slaughters. They’d ceremoniously lost a damn good informant in the process. He groaned and rolled back in his chair, eyeing the cup of cold coffee. There wasn’t enough caffeine in the world to bolster the needed energy to start over. Besides, Stoker had indeed all but disappeared into thin air. His decision to save and detain the girl instead of following the perp might cost him his job.

  He closed his eyes, anger boiling through every cell. How had a simple wine fraud case turned into such a mess? Two dead, several influential wine families duped and out of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and no case. He might as well slide under a rock.

  “Hey, Walker. You have some PI waiting for you with her attorney.”

  Cody looked over at the officer and grimaced. Time to deal with the cause of the problem. “Go ahead and put them in an interrogation room.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Well, this case sure turned into a mess.” The voice was husky and terse.

  Hearing his captain’s voice, Cody sighed and rose to his feet. Captain Brentwood was hardcore and hadn’t wanted him on the case in the first place. Cody was still proving his worth after a forced move from Montana. “I’ll get it back on track.”

  “And how do you plan on doing that?” Captain Brentwood asked as he sat on the edge of Cody’s desk. He looked everywhere but at the detective.

  “I’ll figure it out.”

  “You do know that the Mayor is breathing down my neck on this one. Don’t you? Two messy murders in three days makes everyone a bit edgy.”

  Captain Brentwood’s statement was more of a threat. If he fucked this up and no arrests were made, his days as a detective would be in the rearview mirror forever. “I know. Just a setback. Nothing more.” He watched the two women as they were led through the precinct. While he hadn’t been in town long, he knew the players. The attorney, Christine Franco was well-respected and a formidable counselor. Shanna Jacobs was a bit of an anomaly. Rough and tumble, she made rode hard and put away wet look desirable. She was also one of the most stunning women he’d ever laid eyes on. With her long flaming red hair, mesmerizing green eyes and an hourglass body to die for, she was every man’s wet dream. Too bad she was one hell of a ballbuster.

  Captain Brentwood followed his gaze and shook his head. “I heard you had a bit of a run in with a private dick. I also heard she almost died because of your loose cannon actions. We won’t talk about the fact you allowed Stoker to get away.”

  “She had no business trying to take down Stoker by herself. She also managed to tip him off before we were able to make an arrest. She’s a vigilante and therefore dangerous.” The woman had an enigmatic draw, seductive in a way his cock had remained stiff all night long.

  “Son, you weren’t any closer to making an arrest than you were last week. You and I both know that. Your case is, and has been, cold. Ice cold. In the process, you lost your best and only informant. That investigator knows the city, where you don’t. She also has knowledge of certain criminal activities in this town and the surrounding areas and doesn’t mind digging in the dirt if she has to.”

  Cody narrowed his eyes. “Such a winning endorsement. Sounds like you’ve worked with her before.”

  Nodding, the captain rose to his feet. “By reputation. She knows her shit. Work with her. My guess is she has more on Stoker Wilde than you do.”

  “I doubt that. She’s an obvious amateur.” He stood and placed his hands on his hips. Just seconds before Ms. Jacobs was led into the room, she turned to stare at him with hard, cold eyes. Then she smiled.

  Captain Brentwood walked closer so only Cody could hear. “That woman is a skilled marksman with a nose for investigating given her background. She’s also a wine connoisseur. She’ll be able to help you.”

  “I don’t need her help. She doesn’t know the law.” A wine connoisseur? They were going down this road now? What the hell was the captain thinking?

  “Too bad and that’s where you’re wrong,” the captain said as he handed Cody a folder. He waited, a smug look on his face, as the detective opened the file.

  Cody flipped through four pages, confusion furrowing into his mind. “I don’t understand.”

  “Take a close look at the picture. They are one in the same. She seems to have a better handle on how to deal with Stoker than you do. Therefore, you’re going undercover with Ms. Jacobs to try and solve this case. Am I clear?”

  “But sir…”

  “No buts, Detective. I hired you when no one else would. Former hero or not, you are going to do this. You leave tonight for Napa. There’s more than one way to skin a cat and Stoker enjoys being the rich playboy with all the perks. I suggest you get started. There’s a huge wine auction on Sunday along with a dinner the night before. You must be at a point that no one questions your attendance. Stoker is merely the mastermind behind this. He has someone handling the dirty work.”

  “Who?” When had wine fraud become such a profitable business?

  “That, we have no idea, but this scam is worth millions of dollars. There are various suspects, but nothing concrete,” Captain Brentwood stated. “I have the local cops standing by when needed. They were helpful before.”

  Cody shot his captain a look. “Wait a minute. Sounds like there was another team investigating this case.”

  “You would be right.”

  He wasn’t going to flare up with anger, but he was more than just pissed. “What happened to them?”

  “Let’s just say they didn’t know the wine business.”

  “You mean they were incompetent.”

  Captain Brentwood sighed. “Their covers were compromised and one of them was almost killed in a mysterious accident. Which is why we need someone like Ms. Jacobs. She can pass whatever tests the rather pious group throws out and I assure you, they will. I trust her.”

  “Fine. What a joy,” Cody said as he glanced over at the interrogation room. He never liked working with a partner, especially one so pigheaded.

  “Good. Everything you need to know is in this file, including all the information the past team gathered as well as your married names.”

  “What? Married?” This shit wasn’t going to happen. Cody dropped the file from his hand to his desk.

  “This cover is how you’re going to infiltrate Napa and wine country. Ms. Jacobs knows wine and can pass for an expert. Follow her lead. The only way we’re going to get Stoker Wilde is in a manner he will least suspect. Remember, there have been two murders. I don’t want any more. If Stoker runs this time, he’ll leave the country given his connections. I don’t want my ass handed to me on a silver platter. You understand?”

  Cody grimaced but nodded. His hands were tied.

  “I’ll take that as an affirmative. You have bank accounts established and here are the keys to the Ferrari.”

  “Ferrari?” Unable to help himself, Cody grinned as he pocketed the keys.

  “It’s a loaner. You wreck it, the replacement cost comes out of your hide. You don’t have time to waste. Get her up to speed now. This is your chance to prove what you can do. Understand me?” Captain Brentwood asked as he raised a single eyebrow.

  The threat was real enough. No one had wanted to hire a washed-up detective with a bad attitude and a penchant for violence. “Yes, sir. What if she doesn’t want to work with me?”

  The captain looked in the direction of the interrogation room. “Don’t worry about Ms. Jacobs. She’s a professional and I’m certain will want to help in any way she can. You can tell by her picture.”

  Exhaling, Cody had no idea what say. He waited until the captain walked away before looking down at the
picture again. There was no way this was the same woman. None. A professional and very conservative attorney held her head high for the photograph. Why would an attorney and almost partner for an upscale law firm quit, choosing the paltry life of a private investigator? There was only one way to find out. Work with her? He’d eat her for breakfast.

  After closing the file on his desk, he stormed into the investigation room, closing the door with a hard thud and tossing her picture down on the table. “Playing dress up, Ms. Jacobs? Which is the real you? I’m not certain. Are you a conservative attorney with an impeccable reputation or a Harley riding vigilante?”

  “No more than you’re pretending to be a cop,” Shanna retorted after only glancing at the photograph.

  “Detective Walker, I don’t see what my client’s previous career has to do with this case,” Christine stated.

  “Perhaps nothing. Perhaps everything,” Cody said as he leaned against the door. Shanna hadn’t flinched nor did she seem bothered by the fact he knew about her past. Still, he had the distinct feeling she was hiding behind a mask. “Wanna tell me about it?”

  “Nothing to tell, Detective. My previous career is just that. Now, I’m more of a cop than you’ll ever hope to be. At least I was close to getting real evidence on Mr. Wilder. Were you?” Shanna purred then winked as she pushed the photograph back in his direction.

  “Should I have you arrested for assaulting a police officer?” Cody leaned forward, the words spewing from his mouth. The woman was frustrating as hell.

  “Enough!” Christine exclaimed and jerked down the edges of her suit jacket. “We’re not doing this. If you two are going to work together, you have to figure out a way of getting along.”

  “Work together?” Shanna slowly turned her head in Christine’s direction. “I don’t think I heard you correctly.”

  Christine looked over at the detective then cleared her throat. “Our firm was asked by the captain for your help specifically. People have lost their lives because of this monster. You and the detective are both working on the same case, so to speak, and given certain circumstances, it’s best you work together.”

  Shanna remained unblinking for a full ten seconds. Bursting into laughter, she took a giant step backwards. “What a crock of shit. I do hope you’re kidding or I’m outta here.”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Christine said quietly.

  “And why not?” Shanna demanded.

  “Because the firm needs your help. Besides, your client isn’t going to pay you without photographs. Stoker knew he was being followed. You have an opportunity to finish a job as well as help solve two murders. Do you understand?” Christine took two steps closer.

  Cody caught the odd look shared between the two women. The moment of tension was palpable. He was curious as to the spitfire’s answer.

  Shanna sucked in her breath. She turned in Cody’s direction before exhaling. Her face was flushed with raw emotions. “Jesus Christ. What are we talking about?”

  “We go undercover as husband and wife to Napa Valley. I don’t know all the details yet, but we’ll go over them when we leave in just about two hours,” Cody stated. He could already tell by Shanna’s reaction he was going to have a tiger by the tail. “Trust me. I don’t like this anymore than you do.”

  “Over my dead ass body.” Shanna headed straight for the door. She glared at him and pointed her finger. “Move.”

  “Detective. Will you leave us alone for just a minute?” Christine asked.

  “Oh, what the hell. I have nothing better to do,” Cody said under his breath as he reached behind him, grabbing the door handle. From where he stood, he gathered a whiff of her perfume. The exotic scent was intoxicating. This was going to be an interesting case.

  “Don’t forget my Glock, Detective.” Shanna kept her voice even. “I will get it back.”

  “If you’re good.” Cody slammed the door, walked back to his desk and sat down. He chuckled and reached into his desk drawer, pulling out her gun. The woman had verve as well as sex appeal. Maybe being married would be a conniving switch. He envisioned her beckoning to him, dressed in nothing but a sexy corset and heels instead of jeans and shit kicker boots. Right. As if she had a softer side.

  He laid out the files, papers holding aspects of their undercover life. He’d be the first to admit, the department had gone to great lengths to hide their true identities and had spared nothing with regard to cost. He studied case files of the various players, suspects as well as families living the high-life. Yes, they were indeed tight lipped and closely knit.

  The previous murders aside, they could very easily get themselves killed. He hoped like hell the woman was a good actress.

  A notation caught his eye. He lifted the single piece of paper, reading and re-reading the single paragraph. No wonder he’d been assigned the case. “Fuck me.” A shiver trickled down his spine. There was no way he could do this. None. A fog settled in front of his eyes, but the words from the paper remained, burning into his very soul.

  Some of the players have also been noted as enjoying the growing local BDSM scene. There are several connections which should be investigated thoroughly.

  Cody’s past had come back to haunt him after all.

  Chapter 2

  “You’ve haven’t said a word since we left the city,” Cody said as he darted a look at the passenger seat.

  “Furious. There’s a word,” Shanna said without inflection. The case certainly must be important for Christine to play the blackmail card. She pulled her gun out of her jacket, removing and loading the clip just to piss him off.

  “Look, I don’t like this anymore than you do, but we’re both professionals. We’ll work the case, act like we give a shit about each other and catch the bad guy.”

  “Don’t think you’re getting cozy with me.”

  “Cozy? We have to pretend like we’re married so if by cozy you mean…”

  “Sex,” she interrupted.

  He shook his head. “Unbelievable. Who do you think you are? Pretending to be an officer of the law just might get you killed.”

  The question was one she was often asked. In fact, she’d been contemplating the thought for months. Chasing perps down dark alleys was getting old. However, getting out of practicing law had allowed her to keep her sanity. Then again, being forced to work with a cop might drag her back into Hell. “Someone who doesn’t give a damn.”

  “Fine. That’s my word. We’ll just stick to the job at hand for conversation. How much do you actually know about wine?”

  “Enough.” Her passion had always been wine, particularly a taste for red. She exhaled and looked out the passenger window. She’d been taught by the best, a man who lived and breathed wineries. Tears threatened to give her away. She rubbed her eyes and had the distinct feeling Cody, aka cowboy detective, was watching her intently.

  “Groovy. Let’s just rush on over to the local yocal grocery store and pick up a bottle of Thunderbird. Shall we?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Very funny. Just don’t say anything and you’ll do just fine.” She eased the case file into her lap and flipped through the information.

  “The pictures are grizzly.”

  “Telling of a man on the edge. I know the type well.” The vivid images were bloody, the murders brutal and no doubt a hit given how they were killed, execution style. She studied the details, remembering all too well a similar case in the past. Shivering, she closed the file as her heart began to beat rapidly.

  “Working as an attorney or a private investigator?” Cody asked.

  “Both. Stoker doesn’t like being pushed.”

  “What else do you know?”

  She exhaled as she thought about why she’d taken the case in the first place. She’d pushed to be the investigator, against Christine’s advice. She needed the money, but hadn’t realized the effect chasing Stoker would have on her soul. However, in order to receive payment, she’d embroiled herself in the case. Her client wanted
pictures detailing the man’s extortion attempts, the concept leading to the murders. Were they the same ones? There was no way of telling yet. She’d learned very quickly Stoker was involved in several lucrative yet very illegal activities. “He is estranged from his wife, enjoys sailing and has a penchant for fine wine.”

  “Sounds like a typical male going through a mid-life crises instead of a murderer.”

  “We all have the capability to cross the line, no matter how good we believe ourselves to be.” Shanna traced the dead body of a man on the photograph with her index finger. She had an eerie feeling she’d seen him somewhere before.

  “Are you stating this from experience?”

  “Detective. I don’t want or need to know about your past and you aren’t going to hear about mine. I am aware that Stoker Wilde is dangerous.”

  “Then why were you at that club?” Cody’s tone was terse.

  “I was doing my job.”

  “You’re going to have to learn to trust me.”

  “Trust? I only trust myself and that’s the way it’s going to be.” She heard his deep sigh. He was the last person she wanted to place her trust in. Just ahead, she could see what was called wine country. To her, the rolling hills of Napa Valley were pristine, an invitation to wealth and stature. They also brought back terrifying memories. She bit her lip as ugly memories surfaced. She had no choice but to see this through.

  “Thank God, we’re almost here. We have staff arriving in the morning. I guess we’ll just have to fend for ourselves tonight.”

  That should be a hell of a lot of fun. She shifted in the seat as Cody turned into a driveway, past massive brick columns. Peering out, as the estate came into view, she gasped. The incredible home was picture perfect, the waning sun illuminating the stunning features with a golden glow. “Holy shit. Guess I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks.”

  “I told you the precinct spared no expense. Not bad digs. Huh?” Cody laughed.

  She thought about the clothes she’d packed, realizing she was in way over her head. How was she going to fake being a woman of power and influence? “We need to talk about the murders.” When he didn’t answer, she leaned over. “You need to level with me or I won’t help you.”


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