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Hero Undercover: 25 Breathtaking Bad Boys

Page 146

by Annabel Joseph

  “Ah, perfect.” Eldon tried not to think about why they’d have such things so readily at hand.

  Wiping down her marks as gently as he could, he didn’t stop until they were well coated, the girl’s breathing hitching occasionally as he touched a particularly raw spot.

  She exhaled deeply as he closed the container and set it back on the shelf.

  “I can give her Ibuprofen for any, ah, pain.”

  “No—no painkillers,” Mr. Chase said, his strong jaw tightening, nostrils flared. “As long as the marks will heal fully, I want her to feel them.” He raised his chin. “You hear me, girl?”

  “Yes, sir,” she rasped against her arm.


  “Just rest,” Eldon said softly, patting her hip after pulling the blanket back up. “You’ll be fine.”

  He said the words as gently as he could, hoping his voice didn’t betray the fact his thoughts were racing at a thousand miles an hour, his heart banging away triple time in his chest.

  Rising to his feet, Eldon stepped out of the stall, taking one last look at the girl as her… whatever he was, knelt next to her, whispering in her ear.

  “The quiet moments are the sweetest ones of all. When the wayward girl finally understands.” The director watched them a moment longer, pleasure in his gaze, then turned his attention to Eldon once more. “I think it’s time we saw the others, don’t you?”


  “I have a handful of other cases I’d like you to attend to. They’re minor but a little more… complicated. Though I’d like you to see the other inmates first.”

  There was that term again, and the sound of it sent a strange frisson through him. Was this nothing more than some illicit prison? A kidnapping ring? He had enough already to get a warrant sworn out for suspicion of unlawful imprisonment and probably sex trafficking, but he needed to be patient. He knew there had to be more.

  The question was: could he handle seeing more? It wasn’t as if he’d hadn’t seen some heinous shit before—he worked vice after all—but his reaction to today’s sights was a first.

  And it was profoundly troubling.

  Good guys don’t pop a fucking Woodrow at the sight of a woman’s naked ass whipped almost to the blood.

  Good guys didn’t give up when things got surreal either.

  He’d see this through, no matter what.

  “Wonderful!” The director raised a hand, his fingers beckoning. “Right on time, my dear.”

  Eldon spun around—and his heart skipped a beat. A warm heaviness flooded between his thighs as he looked upon their impossibly lovely new visitor.

  It was the girl.

  Eldon cut a more interesting figure than I’d realized when I’d first seen him at the front entrance.

  The man was a new face, and new faces were rare at the farm.

  He was nearly as tall as the director, but far more nicely built, the shoulders broad, the waist compact. Though his face was much too rugged to be considered classically beautiful, his hazel eyes were striking, both for their intensity and for what practically radiated from them.


  The man looked… adrift. A sad listlessness in his gaze that was completely at odds with the disciplined way he carried himself, the rough and ready physique.

  It made me want to touch his cheek, to feel that dark stubble against my palm.

  He was tall and well-muscled, so unlike what one typically saw in medical personnel.

  “Do you have them with you, my dear?”

  The director raised a brow. I’d learned not to ever keep him waiting longer than was necessary. He was a gentleman on the outside, but I knew what he was capable of. Obedience was far, far better than… well, anything else.

  He ensured it.

  I handed the radio to the director and kept one for myself.

  “You’ll need this.” Handing the radio to Eldon, he clapped him on the shoulder. “Terrible cell service out here in the sticks, so we have to resort to these damn things. Little embarrassing, but we do what we must.”

  “Uh, okay…” Eldon looked at it in an exaggerated way, as if it was the first time he’d seen one. It seemed… forced.

  Who was this man?

  His bearing was all wrong for a man of medicine. Much too reminiscent of that hulking beast Nathan. Very decisive, no wasted movement, and a voice that cut through the calm quiet. It was a martial bearing.

  I didn’t really know exactly how I knew, but I was positive he’d been in the military once.

  “I’ll get you over to the harvest sheds. They’ll still be going a while longer.” The director’s eyes glinted as he smiled at Eldon. “Wouldn’t want you to miss the festivities.”

  I shivered, but hoped neither man saw it.

  “What, uh, what exactly are you harvesting here, Mr. Heller?” Eldon clipped the radio to his belt with a smoothness that bespoke familiarity. Another check in the martial column.

  “The harvest is the price paid for utilization of… this special place. There is a very demanding market for the commodity produced at this farm, and that market is ever voracious.” The director’s lips quirked. “We aim to meet that demand. But rather than tell you, we’ll show you.”

  The director grasped me by the shoulders, pulling me in front of him to face Eldon.

  “Before we show you more, let me introduce this luscious creature.” His finger caressed the line of my jaw. “This is Tamara.”

  “Hello,” Eldon said, his eyes fixed upon me in a way that had my belly doing little flip-flops. “I saw you, at the entrance… right?”

  Nodding, I looked at the floor, knowing he’d see my blush. “I’m sorry for the scene. It’s… often that way. With them.”

  “Who were they? Were they threatening you?” There was a protectiveness in the question that part of me responded to immediately, a caring that was often in short supply at a place like this.

  “They’re not important, sir. Please don’t worry about them.”

  I wanted to tell him. Perhaps he’d understand? There was a kindness there that told me he would. But it wasn’t the time for that.

  The director’s hands squeezed my upper arms pointedly. “Tamara will be accompanying us today. I thought she’d be the best match for you. She’s very helpful—very eager to please.”

  I peeked up at Eldon at those words. His throat worked, his eyes widening just the tiniest bit.

  “Well, thank you, Mr. Heller.”

  “You are to treat her as your own,” the director said. “She will provide you whatever you need during your work here.”

  “My work.” Eldon scratched his chin. “I need to ask. Is this what Dr. Forster usually does when he visits? I-I want to make sure I’m… taking care of the things you need.”

  “Of course. Please forgive me.” The director patted my shoulder. “You must have a storm of questions, Eldon. Ask them—we have nothing to hide.”

  I wished I could have seen the director’s face as he said such a thing.

  “I do have some questions, actually. I’m the new guy—obviously—so I’d kind of like to get the, uh, lay of the land.” Eldon looked down the length of the block. “What is this building? I mean, the girl. What was she doing here?”

  “We call this section the punishment block. These are the usual quarters for inmates when not being used, or harvested, or otherwise indisposed. Spartan, yes, but we find it puts the inmates in the proper state of mind.” The director made a soft sound. “This, after all, isn’t a place of leisure. Not for the inmates, that is.”

  Eldon’s face paled as he listened to Heller matter-of-factly relate the purpose of this place. There was far more, of course, and I knew the director would rely upon me to explain it. I could tell Eldon had so much more that he wanted to ask.

  But for some reason, he didn’t.

  “As you might imagine, inmates may have various medical needs while staying at this facility. Dr. Forster’s visits serve to ensure those medi
cal needs are seen to promptly and thoroughly.” The director’s voice softened, his tone taking on a distinct note of solemnity. “Safety is paramount here at the farm. Though this may be a place of pain, and trials, and humbling rituals, it is never to be a place of actual harm. Which is where Dr. Forster—or his right hand man—comes in.”

  Taking a deep breath, Eldon glanced at me once more, then met the director’s gaze. “Well, I’ll do my best.”

  He clapped Eldon on the back, his grin bright. “I know you will. Now, you must be anxious to see the harvesting.”

  Chapter 3

  He watched as Heller led them through the unnaturally quiet landscape of the farm. The crushed white rock path led around one end of the punishment block, the mist, if anything, thickening rather than lifting as they grew closer to the noon hour. The sights he’d just seen were still seared into his mind, images he was sure he’d be haunted with that night in his sleep.

  Still, his eye unerringly returned to the alluring, enigmatic girl who walked with them, the incongruous sound of her chains so out of place in the otherwise peaceful, almost pastoral setting. Why was she chained as if some sort of convict? Though the bonds did not preclude her from walking, they did force her to take shorter steps, and both men fell into a pace—unspoken—that matched hers. He got the sense his gaze wasn’t the only one perusing the pretty girl’s form.

  Though he tried not to focus on the roundness of her buttocks, the sway of her hips as she strode up the path before him, it was a battle he was doomed to lose. Her bright blonde hair, so light and beautiful, occasionally lifted upon the light breeze, exposing the pallor of her slender, graceful neck where it plunged into the stricture of the confinement of the collar. He wondered what the rings upon the collar were used for, even as he wished he’d someday have a chance to find out.

  You’re not here for that, Eldon.

  It was an unspoken truism of assignments like his. You didn’t fuck the hookers, and you didn’t do the blow. But you did what you had to do to maintain the cover.

  The shorts she wore seemed intended to do one thing, and one thing only: display the girl’s bounteous assets. And display them they did indeed.

  In the chill of the morning air, her lush thighs had broken out in gooseflesh, her hands clutching her chains to help keep them out of the way of her shuffling feet, fingers white against the unforgiving steel. The white top did little to hide her bosom either, and it was apparent she was not wearing any sort of brassiere, the heavy breasts swaying in such a way that he could see their curves even from behind her. His cock began to harden as he watched them move.

  He shook his head, silently cursing the fact she had him reacting to her like a hormone-addled teenaged boy. He’d seen more than his share of easy-on-the-eyes hookers and escorts—by no means were they all strung out crack whores—but he’d never had this sort of reaction. What was it about this girl?

  What was it about this place?

  “Here we are,” Heller intoned, standing aside as Tamara threw back the heavy bolt barring the entrance to a second, even larger structure.

  If the sight of the surreal world of the punishment block was shocking enough, what he saw behind the heavy double oaken doors swinging open before him was something Eldon could never have imagined.

  Unlike the single aisle flanked by stalls that ran the length of the punishment block, the arrangement of this building was quite different. In many ways it resembled a sort of open classroom… though whatever learning went on here was likely nothing one would expect to see in any school he’d ever heard of.

  Except maybe in your dreams.

  He shook off that thought, the whispered implication of it something too unsettling to contend with. He had other things he had to do first. Analysis of his own confused, twisted thoughts would have to wait.

  The first thing he noticed was the temperature, the closeness of the air. Though not as warm as a sauna, it was borderline tropical in the space. Over the background noise of a steady, low hum, murmurs, soft laughter, and the occasional gasp and sigh, could be clearly heard.

  The vast room stretched out before them, the perimeter manned by more of the armed guards such as the one they’d encountered earlier, though these men appeared to be armed with nothing more than bulging muscles and their impassive, unreadable miens, eyes hidden behind mirrored lens sunglasses.

  The interior of the building though, the area these guards so obviously oversaw, was nothing but captives and their masters, the scene like something out of the most lurid sexual odyssey.

  Though another large section of what appeared to be low-walled stalls or cubicles, this set-up differed from the previous building in almost every way. The stalls were arranged in a square, perhaps twenty per side, all of them facing toward the center of the space. The spaces were designated by gleaming metal pipes and rails, lengths of leather, rough hemp rope, and rubber tubing draped at various points within the stalls.

  Dominating that center was a large piece of elaborate machinery, a large, clear tank, the upper reaches of its glass well fogged, hinting at the humid warmth within. Filling the lower third of the tank, sloshing gently, was an opaque white liquid.

  Then he saw the lengths of clear tubing emerging from the top of the tank, each snaking its way toward one of the facing stalls. There, these tubes entered a second, much smaller apparatus mounted at the corner of each stall. Comprising a motor and smaller glass vessel, these machines in many ways resembled a diminutive copy of the central machine.

  Then he saw what those machines were attached to.

  Holy fucking shit.

  Most of the stalls were occupied by kneeling, bound—and very naked—women. In each space, often accompanied by one or more men, and always by one white uniformed attendant, the supplicants waited, on all fours, their pendant breasts, heavy and swollen, hanging below them, the black rubber rims of cups sealed over each nipple. Milk splashed into each tube, the suction of the machines as unrelenting as the silent, watching owners accompanying some of the unfortunate women.

  Many of the inmates were gagged, others blindfolded. A few poor souls contended with both. Another, a striking brunette with wild, curly hair was made to gently kiss and suck the fingertips of the hulking man crouched next to her in her stall, all the while her breasts producing the required yield, splashing in little bursts into the tubes below her. His thumb pushed a thick lock of hair from her eyes, and she looked up at him, gratitude and embarrassment warring in her gray, tear bright gaze.

  One of the women had a black hood encompassing her entire head, reducing her to an anonymous body, her red, swollen lips the only visible features of her face. She was only bountiful breasts, and curving hips, and feminine subjugation. A lanky man in a navy blazer and blue jeans leaned against one of the bars of her stall, his hand caressing the smooth rubber encasing her head as he looked upon her, eyes sparkling with pure possessive pleasure as he spoke softly to the bound female.

  “I’m sure you have even more questions,” the director murmured, his intense eyes not moving from the lurid display before him. “And you’ll have your answers soon enough. For now, just watch. It helps the let down, this quiet. Nothing but the cups, their masters’ whispered orders, and their shame. It’s a very special thing, in a most special place.”

  Eldon’s heart was beating so hard he worried panic was about to set in. He’d seen some fucked up things in vice, but nothing, nothing like this.

  You’ve got to keep it together, you asshole.

  “Not something one sees every day, is it?” The director grinned. “I know you want to take a closer look. Please do. We can see to your remaining duties in due time. Unfortunately, I need to go.” He nodded to Tamara. “She will remain with you, though. She can take you to the remaining patients… when you’re ready.”

  “Okay, what do I—”

  The thought of being left in this strange place filled him with a perplexing mix of eagerness and dread.

  He kn
ew now that this was the mother lode, the career-maker… and with that came the knowledge that he was perhaps in the most danger he’d ever been in before as a cop.

  The eagerness though, that was something else. It was more than just the anticipation of making the bust. No, this eagerness, this anticipation, was new, alien—and deeply unsettling.

  Not now. Get through this first.

  The director clasped Eldon’s upper arm. “I meant what I said back there. For the duration of your stay here, the girl. She’s yours.”

  Tamara was gazing at the ground once more, a gentle pink coloring her cheeks as she peeked at him through the fringe of her hair.

  Then the man was off before Eldon had a chance to respond, two of the guards accompanying Heller outside, the oaken doors closing with a sonorous thump.

  It was as though his feet carried him of their own free will as he walked along each side of the great display of forced submission and debasement. Like something out of the darkest, most fevered dream, he took in all that he saw.

  Here a woman was being tended to by two males, one, a man with gray-streaked black hair reposed on a chair, the woman’s head laid upon him, his fingers gently combing though her long auburn hair spread like a fan across his lap. Her eyes were closed, but she winced occasionally as the man on his knees behind her, stripped to the waist, his shaved scalp and flexing shoulders shiny with sweat, hands clasped about her waist, slapped his hips rhythmically against her. The sound of flesh on flesh was quite audible above the hum and the murmurs, the soft flesh of her buttocks rippling with each hard thrust of his glistening cock into her dripping sex.

  Farther down, another woman had been put on a shameful display, her arms bound high above her against one of the upper bars of her stall, her black silk blindfold tight, cheeks blushing bright, saliva just beginning to gather at the corner of the harsh bit gag shoved deeply into her mouth. Knees widespread, her clean shaven pussy was swollen and wet, the inner thighs slick. Her red nipples bulged around the dark rubber teeth of the clamps, the sensitive flesh squeezed pale under the stricture of the merciless jaws. Suspended from a silver chain strung between the clamps was a sign, embossed with stark lettering:


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