Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2)

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Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2) Page 1

by Gibbs, S. R.

  “Get down!” Prince Leev shouted, as he pulled out a sword from his back I never noticed he was carrying.

  Rṓgaire and Leo followed his lead as they quickly created a sword from their energy.

  “Come out you coward and face us!” Leo furiously shouted into the darkness.

  Using our fear to boost our steps, we quickly obeyed him; as my sisters and I ran toward the tall grass to hide on the side of the path. Crouching low in the grass I squinted my eyes to try to see our attacker.

  The night was silent. The insects and the wind seemed to cease in anticipation of what was going to happen next.

  “I can feel someone.” April whispered as she stared in a trance at the ground.

  April’s breathing became more rapid as she lifted her head and her eyes met mine. “There is someone above us! Watch out Rṓgaire!”

  Copyright © 2015 Shaudreakia Gibbs

  Cover and back design © Images courtesy of and

  Typography © Shaudreakia Gibbs

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems – except in the case of brief quotations in articles or reviews – without the permission in writing from its publisher, Shaudreakia Gibbs

  Text copyright © Shaudreakia Gibbs 2015

  The right of Shaudreakia Gibbs to be identified as the author of this work is asserted by her.

  ISBN-13: 9781505377125 (CreateSpace-Assigned)

  ISBN-10: 1505377129

  All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade of otherwise, be lent, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author, Shaudreakia Gibbs.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The Sapphire Kingdom

  Quest 2

  Of the

  Dragon Quest Series

  Written By: S. R. Gibbs

  To a God

  that placed in my life two aunts that are not afraid to dish out constructive criticism.

  Virginia Jones


  (Aunt Mickey)


  Charlotte Young


  (Aunt Cha-Cha)

  Thank You.

  Table of contents

  Chapter 1–Halter– Ashley

  Chapter 2–Twister– Ashley

  Chapter 3–Quester– Angie

  Chapter 4–Encounter– April

  Chapter 5–Daughter– Ashley

  Chapter 6–Bitter– Ashley

  Chapter 7–Sister– Angie

  Chapter 8–Banter– April

  Chapter 9–Corrupter– Ashley

  Chapter 10–Doubter– April

  Chapter 11–Supporter– Nerissa

  Chapter 12–Disaster– Ashley

  Chapter 13–Hotter– Angie

  Chapter 14–Character– Ashley

  Chapter 15–After– April


  Location: The Tree of Truth

  ◑ Ashley ◐

  For a moment all of my senses dulled as I tried to grasp a hold onto something solid in my mind.

  Nothing was making sense, I just wished it was as easy as the movies makes it out to be; that I could just tap my heel three times and magically appear back home.

  I have been told my entire life that it was important to fit in, and that I was just a normal girl…well that was a lie. Everything was a lie!

  “What was that you just read, that has you so distraught?”

  I could hear Rṓgaire ask, and out the corner of my eyes I could see him coming toward us.

  So many things began to run through my mind after Angie finished reading the message sent to us from our adopted parents; rather, Nanina and Machen. There is a lot of questions I want to ask them, but I will have to find them first.

  “Yes, what was that?” Leo questioned as he took the phone from Angie’s still hands. “Is this the language of the earth world?”

  His questions finally registered in my head. I suddenly looked up to see his eyebrows drawn together in confusion as he stared at the illuminated screen of Angie’s cell phone.

  “You can’t read that, can you?” April asked, seeming to be the first one to come out of shock.

  “No, what are these strange symbols?” Prince Leev examined the mobile device like it was a precious artifact.

  “If you cannot understand English, how can you understand us?”

  He began to laugh out loud, as if April had told a hilarious joke, but his laughter was cut short when he noticed that we did not laugh along with him.

  “Do you really not know? You have been speaking the language of Eupai, ever since we first met.”

  “That is why we never expected that you were not trained, as you were supposed to be, since you can speak the language fluently.

  “We need to find our parents.” I blurted finally snapping back to reality. “They can surely explain what is going on.”

  “Ashley, we know what’s going on. They lied to us, this message proves it.” Angie turned to me with hurt showing clearly in her eyes. “They didn’t even have the decency to come to us, they left it in a stupid text message.”

  Prince Leev playful demeanor suddenly became thunderous “Did you just say that Nanina and Machen are here? Where are they?”

  “We don’t know. They just told us that we will meet again real soon.” April explained.

  “They will not get away with the crimes they have committed.” Leo proclaimed staring at the cell phone in his hand as if it was going to reveal the location of my parents.

  “I will have my father pass the command to capture them, and make them suffer the death penalty for their betrayal.” Prince Leev muttered before he angrily turned around.

  I don’t know what came over me. They lied to us, but I couldn’t just let him have them killed. They raised me and cared for me while on Earth. Running in front of him I stretched my arms out halting his steps.

  “I demand you to move!”

  “I will not allow you to have them killed.”

  “This matter is no concern of yours.” He spouted, brushing past me.

  Grabbing his arm, I pulled as hard as I could to turn him around. “It is my concern. They may not be my real parents, but they are all I know.”

  “She is right. They are still our parents.” Angie agreed walking toward us. “We are not going to let you have them killed.”

  “Do you not understand what their actions have done?” Leo interjected as we all witnessed the dragon mark flare up on Angie’s neck; and as a blue tint began to cloak my vision, I didn’t need anyone to tell me that my tattoo had also appeared. “If the portal had allowed you passage through, you would have taken the hope, of all of Eupai along with you.”

  Even though I wanted to say he was wrong, and disagree with everything I have learned since coming to this world; but the message left by the people who raised me, erased all doubt.

  “This isn’t going to get us anywhere. It is getting dark, we need to escort the three dragon warriors back to the castle.” Rṓgaire interrupted my thoughts to explain.
r />   His statement brought back to my remembrance that he was still here with us. Looking at the way Prince Leev was gritting his teeth it appeared as if he wanted to arguewith Rṓgaire.

  “I hate to agree with him, but he is right.” Leo sent a look of disgust toward Rṓgaire, as he put his hand on Prince Leev’s shoulder.

  Rṓgaire looked unfazed by the hostility directed toward him. His dark and mysterious persona was actually quite spooky as he his pale skin seemed to glow against the darkening scenery. Even though he looked like a normal young man. The look in his blue eyes makes me think that he is stronger than what he lets on. I will definitely make sure to be careful around him. There has to be a reason for Prince Leev, Leo, and Mina’s anger towards him.

  The journey back to the Inner Kingdom’s castle was stifling, but I couldn’t blame it on the weather, being that the cool breeze was the only thing pleasurable about this walk. The scariest thing about it, was that even Angie did not mutter a word, not even one cynical statement as we journeyed back to the place, we tried so hard to get away from.

  Prince Leev and Leo led the group, while Rṓgaire silently followed us like a dark shadow.

  The twin suns quickly vacated the sky leaving us with little light to go by after we had been walking for a while. Rṓgaire, Prince Leev, and Leo must have been running fast to keep up with the unicus and get to the tree so quickly; because this trek seems to be endless.

  From my right side a light appeared illuminating my view.

  “What?” Angie asked, when she saw that everyone was looking at her as she held a ball a flaming red energy in her hands. “I know you didn’t expect me to blindly follow you in the dark?”

  “Extinguish that light. We do not want to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves before we make it back to the castle.” Leo commanded coming toward Angie. “Don’t forget everyone believes that you have returned to the Earth world. If one of your enemies find you before you return, it could be disastrous.”

  “Are you saying that you will let one of our enemies do something disastrous to us, while you, the captain of the guard stands idly by?”

  The disgruntled sound Leo made signaled that Angie was going to get her way.

  “I’m glad you are back to normal, you have been in a daze since we left the tree of truth.” I whispered to Angie as we continued walking.

  “Yea, I feel as normal as winter in July.” Angie joked, unknowingly lifting a heavy weight off of my chest. Just knowing that I had my sisters by my side helped me breathe lighter.

  “I think we are almost there.” April pointed out from behind, causing Angie and I to jump.

  “A little warning next time.”

  “Sorry. Why are you two so jumpy?” April asked as if we were just taking a scroll around the backyard.

  I just could not ignore how nonchalant she was. “Aren’t you a little bit bothered by any of this?”

  “I would be lying if I said I wasn’t, but I can’t explain why I’m not sad about not being able to return home. I fill like I am getting a chance to have all my questions about myself answered.”

  “Maybe that’s why I am so stressed out about everything. What if I don’t like my parents, or the person everyone in this world wants me to be?”

  “Let’s just keep in mind that no one knows ourselves better than us.” Angie chipped in.

  I wasn’t so sure about that, but I wasn’t going to voice my concern aloud. I could almost see the doorway to the castle when a very familiar sound caught my attention.

  “Why are you stopping?” April asked right before an arrow grazed so close to my head it took a few strands of my hair.

  “Get down!” Prince Leev shouted as he pulled out a sword from his back I never noticed he was carrying. Rṓgaire and Leo followed his lead as they quickly created a sword from their energy.

  “Come out you coward and face us!” Leo furiously shouted into the darkness.

  Using our fear to boost our steps, we quickly obeyed him; as my sisters and I ran toward the tall grass to hide on the side of the path. Crouching low in the grass I squinted my eyes to try to see our attacker.

  The night was silent. The insects and the wind seemed to cease in anticipation of what was going to happen next.

  “I can feel someone.” April whispered as she stared in a trance at the ground.

  April’s breathing became more rapid as she lifted her head and her eyes met mine. I was a little shocked by the fact her eyes were now glowing. “There is someone above us! Watch out Rṓgaire!”

  April’s warning came just in time, as two more arrows came down where Rṓgaire was standing, just two seconds ago.

  “Why isn’t anyone coming? Where are the other guards?” Angie frantically asked, looking around and above at the high protective castle wall. “If I could just see up there, maybe we can stop playing hide and seek.”

  “I think I have an idea.” April muttered standing up.”

  My tugging had no effect on her as she continued to stand. “Get back down here. Do you want to get shot? Again.”

  “It is still not safe. You have just gave away your position!” Leo shouted marching toward us.

  “If only we could see up there.” April continued, oblivious to anything we were saying.

  “You have a point. I can help with that.” Angie agreed, not only did she stand up as well, but created to bright red fire balls of energy.

  Was I the only sane one out of the three of us?

  “What do you two think you are doing?” Prince Leev questioned as he got closer, following behind Leo, andRṓgaire.

  “It may sound strange, but I can feel that whoever was shooting as us, are still up there.” April eyes were beginning to glow again.

  “I know. I don’t think the dragon warriors are the target.” Rṓgaire announced holding one of the arrows in his hands. “I am.”

  “Why? Who would want to kill you?”

  “I can think of a few reasons why.” Leo admitted. “Let me see the arrow, it needs to be properly examine.

  Rṓgaire motioned the arrow Leo’s way, and as soon as he did, a blast of energy came from above slowly turning it into dust.

  “They are still here.” I announced what we all knew.

  “Then let’s introduce ourselves.” Angie threw the balls of energy she had in her hands toward the wall, and instead off hitting it, she expanded them to light up the entire area.

  For a split second I thought I saw a slim figure wrapped in a black cloak; but it quickly disappeared.

  “Whoever was up there is gone now.” April confirmed her eyes slowly returning to normal.

  “That was no normal celta user. The way they controlled the flow of their energy and disappeared so quickly, tells me that they are a master user.” Leo gathered.

  “I thought you said that there weren’t that many Celta masters, including yourself.” I reminded him.

  “There isn’t, but I have never felt this wave of energy before. We must have had one hidden among us all this time.”

  “I have asked this before, but I am going to ask this again. Where are the guards?” Angie voiced what I was currently thinking. “When we first arrived here, it took you no time at all to point an arrow in our faces, and we were just walking. We have had an entire firework show of energy and no one has come.”

  “That is what I am going to find out.”

  It took us no time at all to make it to the castle door, only to find that it was unguarded. Suddenly as we made our way up the steps, two guards emerged from the castle. The smiles on their faces disappeared immediately, as they saw their captain’s face.

  “Where is Nolin?” Leo demanded from the guards.

  “Captain, were not the dragon warriors returning to earth?” The smallest guard asked after exchanging looks with the other one on duty.

  “You still haven’t answered my question.”

  “Elder is currently in a meeting with the king, Duke, and Duchess. Sir” The guard answered

  “Where are the other guards? We were all just attacked right inside the castle’s wall and there was no one at their station. Do you care to tell me why?” Leo face was fierce as I was beginning to pity the guards.

  "Captain. Duchess Raven called all guard members inside for a victory celebration, she has ordered for upon every hour, for two of us to guard the castle entrance throughout the night.”

  From the light of the moons I could see the fury take over Prince Leev and Leo’s face. Looking back at my sisters I could even see Rṓgaire gripping his fists at his sides. I may not know much, but I know that his mother must be up to something.

  “You answer to me, it will be very beneficial for your descendants for you to remember that.” The men appeared to be visibly shaking as they armor began to clatter.

  He wasn’t talking to me, but even I felt an intense need to listen.

  “Answer me this?” Prince Leev face was void of any emotion, as he stepped toward the guard, who now looked as if he needed an adult diaper. “Does my father know of this?”

  “Well…well…your majesty is currently in a meeting with Elder Nolin. The king wanted you and the captain to join him upon your return.”

  “Go and alert my father and Elder Nolin of our arrival, tell them we call forth their presence in the foyer.” The guard quickly turned around to do what he was told.

  “And as for you.” Leo pointed to the other guard who looked as if he was trying to become one with the shadows. “I need you to tell the remaining guards that the party is now over. Everyone needs to report back to their posts. Upon dawn there will be a mandatory meeting.”

  Without any hesitation the guard ran to do what he was commanded, but was stopped short at the sound of Rṓgaire’s voice. “Do not utter a syllable about the Dragon Warriors’ presence to anyone.”

  The frightened guard quickly nodded his head and ran inside the castle leaving the door to close behind him on its own.


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