Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2)

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Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2) Page 2

by Gibbs, S. R.

  “Why didn’t you want him to tell anyone that we are here?” I asked more than a little confused about what was going on.

  “I believe my mother was behind the attack. I do not want to give her anytime to plan anything else before we speak to the King and Elder Nolin.”

  “Do you really think your mother would try to get rid of us after we have already proved ourselves during the celebration?” Angie jokingly asked, only to go quiet,after receiving awkward silence from Rṓgaire, Leo, and Leev. “You have got to be kidding me, why does she hate us so much?”

  “If it’s any consolation, it is not you, it is simply business to my mother.”

  “Shaming her in front of the entire Inner Kingdom, doesn’t help your case either.” Leo pointed out, bringing back to my memory of the prank we pulled at the celebration.”

  Suddenly the door opened again revealing many men in their armored uniform. “Our apologies, Captain.” The voices of the soldiers pierced the night as they fell down to one knee.

  “Save your apologies and return to your posts, in case you were not all informed, there will be a meeting in the morning about your behavior upon this night.”

  The men scattered so fast, I could barely keep up with which ways they were going.

  “Are we going to just stand out here?” Angie muttered before entering the castle. “I am tired after having to dodge arrows.”

  I never really understood Angie, she could run a mile in a little under five minutes, but she would complain constantly about having to walk to the kitchen to even get something to eat.

  Following behind Angie, we once again entered the place, where so much had happened.

  Unlike before, when we were rushed into the castle, this time I could see the layout, and none of it made any sense. The entrance way was literally bare. There were no decorations, only a silver floor, with gold walls, and dimly lighting the area was some of the globes of energy lining the walls. Directly in front of us was a door, which was now guarded by three guards. As I began to closely look around it seemed that this entire room was filled with guards.

  Prince Leev led the way to the other door causing the guards to part as we passed through.

  Now this room is what I would expect a room in a castle to look like. It was large and filled with many different doors and halls, and on the walls between them were luxurious gold and silver couches, as if this was a sort of waiting room. After exploring the castle and leaving it several different times, I never encountered this room.

  The sound of voices coming up one of the halls caught our attention. I turned just in time to see the King, Nolin, Mina, Zarf, and Raven enter the room.


  Location: Castle

  ◑ Ashley ◐

  Raven was the first to speak as she sashayed into the room. “What is so important that you had to interrupt our meeting, nephew?” She asked before she realized that he was not alone in the room.

  Judging by the looks on everyone faces, I could tell that the guard did not disobey Rṓgaire.

  “What are they still doing here?” Zarf blurted out his eyes looking as if they were about to pop out of his head.

  “So, I see you have made your decision to stay.” The king stated as they walked closer toward us.

  “It’s not like we had much of a choice.” Angie murmured right before I elbowed her in her side.

  “What was that?”

  “In all honesty we had all intentions of returning back to earth, but the portal wouldn’t allow us to leave.” I explained.

  “I understand.” The King sounded disappointed to hear that, but he quickly masked it with a smile. “Now that you are here, I need to know your decision.”

  “We are not really sure ourselves.” April admitted out loud.

  “Behold the saviors of Eupai.” Raven laughed sauntering closer to us, wearing a long golden gown. “Look at them, they are pathetic, weak little girls. You are wanting me to trust the future of our world to them?”

  Maybe it was my imagination, but it seemed that her eyes paused on April for a few seconds, as she scowled at us.

  “That is enough Raven!” Mina shouted stepping closer to Raven.

  Turning to look at Mina a disturbing smirk appeared on Raven’s face, making me wonder about the history between them.

  “Look who has finally found her voice.” Raven smiled, without letting it reach her eyes. “Oh, at last I have found a way to make you bring out your claws.”

  “They have always been out, I’ve just sharpened them, just for you.” I could visibly see the sweat forming at her brow, as she clutched the fabric of her dress.

  “This ceases now!” The king stepped forward ending Raven and Mina’s exchange. “Raven you are dismissed.”

  The glance Raven sent the king’s way was deadly as she quickly plastered a smile on her face veiling her animosity. In watching her walk away from us toward the King, I could have sworn I heard her whisper something to him.

  “Rṓgaire. I will see you in my quarters as soon as you are dismissed.” She stated without turning around or giving him a chance to respond.

  “Did I miss anything?” Angie blurted out, as she look at me in confusion.

  “I think that business…has always been personal.” April whispered as she looked up at Rṓgaire, reminding him of his comment earlier.

  “My apologies girls, I hate you saw me like that.” Mina held her head down in shame as she stepped toward us hugging each one of us. “Whatever you decide, I am glad that you are here.”

  As everyone began to move closer to us, I noticed that once again Zarf managed to disappear unseen.

  “We have much to discuss.” Nolin said leaning against his cane a little more than he usually did.

  “Yes, we do.” Leev spoke out. “Did you know that Raven left the castle nearly defenseless?”

  “For once, your aunt had decided to do something for someone other than herself. I gave her permission to treat the guards after the battle.” The king acknowledged.

  “We were attacked right outside the inner castle wall.” Leo announced, not waiting for Leev to tell them.

  “Are you girls’ okay?” Mina looked frantic by the news.

  “No one was hurt, if it wasn’t for one of the dragon warriors. I would have been seriously injured.” Rṓgaire admitted causing April to blush.

  I am quite sure that I was not the only one who noticed the redness of April’s face, and the expression on Mina’s was one of pure disapproval.

  “Thankfully no one was hurt. I will have to bid you farewell here for now ladies. Leev, you and Leo follow me and recount every detail of the attack.”

  “Yes, your majesty.” Leo and Leev said in unison, before following the King out.

  “You girls must be hungry, I will go and have something prepared for you, and brought up to your room.”

  Mina quickly soon left leaving only Nolin, Rṓgaire, my sisters, and myself. Nolin gestured us toward one of the couches against the walls as he quietly spoke with his assistant.

  “I am thinking I liked this welcome more than the first one, excluding the attack part, of course.” Angie said plopping down on the couch. “Come on, I know you are also curious about the drama between Mina and Raven?”

  “I am a little.” April admitted. “I wonder what Raven meant by what she said to the king before she walked away.”

  “I didn’t hear her say anything.”

  “I didn’t either, but I could clearly make out the movements of her lips from where I was standing.”

  “What did she say?” I asked feeling a little enthusiastic.

  “You have always swayed toward the side of the woman with the fine eyes.” April repeated, poorly imitating Raven.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means that the drama of two has a new cast member.” Angie joked.

  The sound of someone clearing their throat drew my attention, as I turned to find Nolin leaning on his cane
, his face nearly inches away from ours, and Rṓgaire was no longer in the room.

  “If you girls’ are done…conversing. Let us come to some kind of understanding about your next steps.” Nolin said before emitting a bright light from his cane into the floor, causing the area to morph upward into a chair.

  No matter how many times I witnessed the power of the celtas and energy, it never ceases to leave me stunned.

  “Now, since you are here. I would like to know what your plans are.”

  All the joking from earlier was now gone, as Nolin’s words caused me to really think about what I truly wanted. “I plan on finding our adopted parents. I mean Nanina and Machen.”

  “Yes, Rṓgaire informed me of the message that was left for you at the tree of truth. May I see it?”

  Seeing Angie reach into the side of her backpack to take out her cellphone, made me realize that I had forgotten all about the one I was carrying as well.

  For the first time since entering the castle, I looked down at my dress and realized that it was covered in grass and dirt stains. I must have looked horrible in front of the King and the prince. I felt like disappearing into the couch cushions.

  “Here is the message.” Angie pointed out as she gave the phone to Nolin.

  “Now I see. It seems that the people of Eupai and Earth speaks the same dialect, but our written language is quite different indeed. Even I can’t decipher this.”

  “Well, that is not entirely true,” I said taking the phone from Nolin as I began to read the message from the phone.

  The look of confusion on his face, told me everything I needed to know. “What I just read was English. This is just one of the many languages on Earth.”

  “This means that you must have been taught the language of your home world while on Earth.” Nolin stated scratching his head through his thinning silver hair.

  “That’s the thing we were never taught any other language beside English.” Angie clarified

  “I have my own theory of what may have happened while on Earth, but nothing can be proven until we find Nanina and Machen.”

  “The king isn’t going to have them killed for what they have done? Is he?” April asked Nolin, while unknowingly gripping my wrist so hard my fingertips tingled from lack of blood flow.

  “My apologies, I am unable to answer you for no one may change the King’s mind once it is set upon something.” Nolin answered, sadness clearly present in his eyes.

  The pain in his eyes reminded me of the fact that he was once close enough to them, he entrusted them with my sisters and I. The supposed saviors of Eupai.

  “I can’t accept that.” Angie blurted out loud. “They are the closest thing I have to parents.”

  “I know you must be shocked, but the enchanted moon is drawing near. Queen Jewel is gradually becoming stronger with every passing cycle of the suns. I need to know if all of you are willing to fight.”

  Looking at each other, the answer was so clear, we did not have to discuss it.

  “We will try to become the warriors Eupai believes us to be.” April stated finally realizing she was gripping my wrist, she let go quickly, sending me an apologetic look.

  “This is excellent…” Nolin began before I interrupted.

  “We will only fight if the king promises that no harm will come to Nanina and Machen.”

  “Yes, we have questions for them, and they can only answer them if they are alive.” Angie chimed in.

  “And if he will not change his mind, we will not fight.” April said with more conviction in her voice than I thought she was capable of.

  “I believe you are almost ready,” Nolin grinned, as he began to laugh, showing off all of his teeth, which were surprising still intact.

  “Did I miss anything?” Angie asked with one eyebrow raised.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less from the dragon warriors. I will convey your terms to the King.” Using his cane Nolin stood up way faster than a guy his age should be able to do.

  “Don’t tell me you were just messing with us this whole entire time?”

  “What I have said stems from truth, the King is not one to switch minds, but it will be even harder for him to take two lives, at the cost of many more.”

  “So, you also believe we can save everyone here on this planet?”

  “That is up to each and every one of you.” Nolin grin disappeared as he tapped his cane on the ground near his chair, causing it to once again to become a part of the floor. “Now follow me, my daughter has prepared a fabulous meal for you. Eat plenty for you will need your strength for the training that lies ahead.”

  He gave us no time to ask questions or respond to his statement as he quickly ushered us through a large doorway that I am sure was not there when we first entered into this room.


  Location: Training Grounds

  ◑ Angie◐

  Not even the pungent sweet spices coming from the bowl of oatmeal like substance in front of me, could encourage me enough to keep my eyelids open.

  Ever since we made the decision to stay and fight in Eupai six days ago, I have been getting less and less sleep; as Nolin’s training intensified.

  Once again I tried to focus on what Nolin was saying across the table, but my eyes just kept drifting shut.

  It felt like Nolin was intentionally setting me up. Who wakes a person up only to have them meet them in a large meadow with flowers, and birds that sings, and a breeze that blows at just the right speed? This answer is simple. Someone who doesn’t want my attention for long.

  My entire body soon became alert as I was startled out of my thoughts by a sound coming from in front of me.

  As my eyes flew open I already knew who was responsible for disrupting my peace. Turning toward the culprit, I found Leo smiling at me, as his hands were still gripping the cup he used to slam down on the table.

  “Are your lessons boring you?” Leo asked arrogantly taking a sip from his cup. “We have very little time to prepare all of you, it is rude to sleep during the time you are supposed to be learning.

  “I was under the impression that that this time was made for us to prepare for training, and that is what I am doing.” I said looking down at my untouched food, which caused my stomach to growl.

  “Even a calf knows how to chew the grass in front of it when it is hungry.” Leo muttered picking up his cup of water as he sent an infuriating smirk my way.

  Using the knowledge I gained from Nolin, I concentrated my energy in a small dose without lifting a finger toward his glass, waiting for the right moment. As soon as his lips touched the rim of the cup I heated the water as hot as I could get it.

  “Have you lost your wits?” Leo barked as he quickly dropped the hot cup, quickly picking up the pitcher in the middle of the table and drinking it down as fast as he could.

  “I am fully awake now,” I said feigning innocence, while taking a sip from my cup. “Thank you for the show. Who knew you could move like that.”

  “You could have seriously hurt me.”

  “Even a minnow knows not to awake a hungry shark.” I responded finally taking a bite out of the food in front of me nonchalantly.

  “Why you-”

  “I am glad I now have everyone’s attention.” Nolin continued speaking as if nothing happened. “As I was saying today will be your last day of training. Your lessons will end today and your real quest will begin.”

  “What do you mean our quest will begin today?” Ashley asked with widening eyes.

  Instead of responding, Nolin motions to Rṓgaire, who was already walking toward him with a giant book.

  At the mere sight of Rṓgaire, Leo tensed and Prince Leev’s eyes narrowed, as if they were expecting him to attack someone.

  Something is definitely going on between them, and I am going to find out what it is.

  Rṓgaire placed the book on the table with a huge thud in front of Nolin, for a moment it seemed as if he was lost in thought as he ga
zed down at the book. I could see many emotions play across his face, but the one most prominent was sadness.

  With one deep breathe, Nolin quickly snapped out of his daze. “I have taught you everything you need to know to find and claim your dragons. I regret not having more time to go over everything with you, but I am confident you will succeed.”

  It seemed as if time had stopped, as I realized the full meaning of his words. I don’t think none of us are fully ready, I am more worried about my sisters, with no fighting experience whatsoever. It must be even harder for them.

  Looking at April pale knuckles as she gripped the fabric of her dress, made me want to become stronger. My eyes locked onto Ashley’s, and they were no more reassuring than April’s clinched fists. I could see doubt and fear behind her blue eyes, it was so clear to see, I could physically feel it, or was it my own emotions I was sensing?

  “Since I am not able to physically journey with you, I will leave you with two things. First, I will send you off with the knowledge of the dragon warriors.” Nolin continued as he opened up the large book to a map. “What you see before you is the map of Eupai.

  A wave of familiarity washed over me, as if I have seen it somewhere before.

  “Inside this book lies the ancient history of Eupai, this is the original book, a copy of it was entrusted to your guardians.” Nolin continued.

  I knew I had seen it somewhere, but I still cannot recall when, as I tried to remember more about the book, a buzzing sound started in my ears, and my head began to feel like it was going to split.

  I realized that I was not the only one experiencing this. Ashley and April were both holding their heads, when I looked their way it was hard to see them through the pain.

  “What’s going on?” Prince Leev asked sounding helpless as he and Leo ran to our sides.

  Just as fast as it started it ended. That was the scariest thing that has happened to me so far. “Are you two okay?”

  “Yes. I am now.” Ashley answered.

  “What was that?” April whispered still clutching her head.

  “Things has become a great deal more complicated.” Nolin sighed tugging on his long white beard.


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