Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2)

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Sapphire Kingdom: Quest Two (Dragon Quest Series Book 2) Page 3

by Gibbs, S. R.

  “What is happening to us? Is there something else you are keeping from us?” I asked pushing my way in front ofPrince Leev and Leo to get to Nolin, only to be blocked by Rṓgaire. “Why are you in my way? I only want answers.”

  “Step aside.” Nolin quietly commanded Rṓgaire, causing him to instantly obey. “I have a theory, in order to verify this. Do you mind stepping closer?”

  Nolin’s words piqued my curiosity, hoping that he would be able to explain what was happening I slowly made my way toward him.

  I was two steps away from him, when he brought both of his hands up to cup my head on both sides. “Try to relax and clear your mind.”

  I tried to do as he instructed, I could feel a soothing warmth coming from his hands, which made it easier to relax.

  “Now picture the book of Eupai in your mind.” He instructed still holding my head.

  This time when I remember the book in my head, I didn’t hear the buzz or feel any pain; instead I began to get a glimpse of a memory, at least it feels as if this has already happened. I could see the book, in the hands of my stepmom, as she sat on the couch, with the lamp on the table by her illuminating her long jet black hair. My heart began to pound faster, as I began to feel homesick.

  In my mind I could see myself walking near her, watching her opening the book, I could feel myself pulling up on the couch to get a peek at what she was reading. I was beginning to make out the words on the page, and that is when I was brought to my knees with the most excruciating pain, starting from the back of my head and spreading all over. I could not hear anyone over my own screaming, but I knew I was surrounded by people. Curling up in a ball, I could feel myself being lifted, and someone’s hands cradling my head. I stayed that way on the ground until the pain began to slowly subside.

  Feeling drained and weak, I struggled to sit up, only to have someone push me back down.

  “Stay down for at least a few more minutes.” I heard Leo say, and for once I was not going to argue with him.

  The voices around me started to become clearer as I laid there.

  “What did you do?” I could hear Ashley yell.

  “This is worse than I expected.” Nolin responded.

  “What do you mean? What is happening to her?” Ashley yelled.

  “Nolin, is there anything we can do to help.” Prince Leev questioned.

  “No, young prince, the pain should be subsiding now.

  He was right, the loud buzz had become bearable, and my vision and sound was starting to return.

  “What just happened to me?” I asked attempting to get up for a second time.

  “It seems that you have part of your memories blocked.” Nolin explained extending a hand to help me up. “Are you alright now?”

  “Yes, other than the small buzzing in my ears, and the temporary hearing loss, I think I am now one hundred percent back to normal.” I responded realizing for the first time that I was previously being cradled by Leo.

  Great, my day just keeps getting better.

  “I am glad to hear that.” Nolin said with a sigh of relief, completely ignoring my sarcasm. “The most logical conclusion to this is that Nanina and Machen has blocked certain memories from you, and when you are reminded of these forgotten events you began to experience mental and physical pain.”

  “That’s crazy why would our parents…I mean guardians do that?” Ashely exclaimed helping me to find a seat at the table.

  “In light of this discovery, I believe that Nanina and Machen never meant to betray Eupai.”

  “The only thing that matters is that they ultimately betrayed all of us.” Prince Leev stated intensely.

  “Young prince you are missing the most important piece to this puzzle.”

  “Which is?”

  “The dragon warriors and their symptoms.”

  “Symptoms? There is something you are not telling us!” I accused more than a little concerned that we had come into contact with an extraterrestrial illness.

  “No, but there is something your mind is withholding from you.” Have you experienced anything like what just happened, but on a smaller scale, since your venture back home?”

  “No, I-“I began before remembering the way my head throbbed as I stared at the moons on the balcony during the celebration.

  “There was a time I felt like I was forgetting something, when I first looked at the painting in the room of the men riding on the backs of dragons.” April admitted, handing me a cup of water to drink.

  “I suspected that was the case.” Nolin acknowledged.

  “Can’t you just remove them Elder Nolin?” Leo asked.

  If it wasn’t for the fact that he believes my sisters and me to be obligations, I would say that he actually appeared to be concerned.

  “That is the problem, the only way to unblock their minds is for the person who put it there to remove it.”

  “We need to have the command passed to have them both captured.” The prince suggested.

  “That will do you no good.” Nolin quickly retorted. “Knowing them the way I do, they are most likely seeking sanctuary in the place of their ancestors.”

  “Where would that be?” I asked, becoming more than annoyed at the half-answers he was giving us.

  “The place you will find them, will most definitely be Diamond Kingdom”

  “I may not know much, but isn’t that where the evil Queen Lady is currently at?”

  “That is correct. Diamond Kingdom is a kingdom inside of a kingdom.” Nolin stated chuckling to himself. “I am not expecting you to understand what I have said now, but once you are there, it will all make sense.”

  I wanted to demand he explain everything to us, but I knew that was a lost cause, as I sat there just as confused, as the day we were transported to Eupai.

  “Here are your celta stones.” Rṓgaire said from behind us causing all of us to jump.

  This guy creep meter is becoming dangerously in the red. It’s like he is part shadow.

  “What is a celta stone?” April asked already holding her stone in her hands.

  “These stones will allow you to communicate with me, while on your journey.” Nolin explained.

  As I ran my fingers over the surface of the celta stone, it was very smooth like glass, but the stone was very warm to the touch. I found it strange that the rock was actually diamond shaped with strange zig-zag lines carved on it.

  “These stones does not require much energy to work sufficiently.” Nolin continued, “You may use them at any time you find yourselves in need of my assistance.”

  “I don’t know why, but I have a feeling the reason you are giving us the celta stones, are because our mind blocks.” April stated softly, looking down at the stone. “Us not being able to touch or look in the book has given us a disadvantage hasn’t it?”

  For a brief moment April looked directly at Nolin, only to look back down with fear in her eyes.

  “Wisdom is to be expected of the Emerald dragon warrior. What you have spoken is correct.” Nolin sighed. “The previous dragon warriors would gain the knowledge of the ones before them, from this book, and it also holds the locations of your dragons.”

  “Basically, we are going in completely blind.” I rephrased in terms that we all could understand. “How are we even supposed to find our dragons without a map?”

  “I can tell that you have already been taught everything you need to know, you will just have to tap into that knowledge and trust in your first instinct.”

  “My father is right. Everyone has faith in the dragon warriors, including me.” Mina said, walking toward us with two helpers carrying our bags. “The journey into the Sapphire Kingdom will not be a very long one, but I have prepared light snacks of bread and cheese, and containers of water in case you become parched.”

  Mina motioned the helpers toward us, turning toward Nolin, before we could get a chance to respond to her kindness.

  After retrieving my bag, I could tell that she had packe
d more than a light snack. I hate to admit it, but I am actually going to miss this place.

  “This must mean we will be leaving now.” Ashley muttered, more to herself than anyone else.

  “Don’t worry, we still have each other, we can become lost together.” I joked.

  “Yeah, misery does love company.”

  “That’s my girl. Come on, we have to be strong for April’s sake as well as our own.” I whispered this part, as I looked at April still staring down at her celta stone as if she was in a trance.

  Walking over to April, I really wished there was a way to stop her from looking so sad. “Cheer up April, We at least need to thank Mina for loading our backpacks with a month worth of food.”

  Reluctantly she stood up following Ashley and I to where Mina was having a conversation with her father.

  “Mina, we would like to thank you for going through the trouble of packing food for us.”

  “Tis no trouble at all, I was happy to do it. Also, there is a protection around the food, and so it will keep for quite some time” Mina assured us with a smile. “Just remember I am here for all of you, just think of me before activating the celta stone.”

  Mina took turns hugging each of us, but it felt as if she spent a longer amount of time with April. For some reason it seems that there is a connection between Mina and April, or maybe I am just reading too much into it.

  “The time has come for us to bid our farewells.” Nolin said grabbing our attention, to find a path starting at Nolin’s feet leading toward the exit of the training grounds. “This path will lead you straight to the western gate of the castle, where you will be able to begin your journey.”

  “Thank you, Nolin. I promise we will let you know about our guardians as soon as we hear from them again.” I assured Nolin.

  I could tell that he was as worried for our former adoptive parents as much as I was.

  As we began to step on the path, I noticed that Leo and Prince Leev had disappeared. Maybe it is for the best that I didn’t have the chance to say goodbye to Leo, and see his excitement of no longer having to watch over us.

  “Before you go, Rṓgaire will be accompany- -ing you as well to help in your travels.”

  I could tell that Mina wanted to argue, but her father had already spoken. I don’t know what it was, but the distrust everyone else expressed for him, made him even more suspicious in my book.

  Rṓgaire stepped on the path without a word, as he turned and bowed in the direction of Nolin.

  With one tap from Nolin’s cane the path began to move steadily away from Nolin, and everything I had come to like.

  “Have you ever been to Sapphire Kingdom?” Ashley asked Rṓgaire, as soon as we were out of eyesight from Nolin and Mina. “If you have been to the Sapphire Kingdom, do you know who my real parents are?”

  “I am here only to guide the dragon warriors, not to reply to questions, you have already been explained cannot be answered.”

  “Rude much? She only asked you a question.” I muttered trying to control my emotions.

  “And I only truthfully replied.”

  I could feel the palm of my hands heating up, as he continued to ignore us, while looking into the open field around us.

  We stood together as we traveled on the moving path through the open field that seemed endless, not knowing what lied ahead of us.

  As soon as I spotted part of the palace protective wall, I knew we were almost there. Well, that and the fact that Rṓgaire sped up the path, without warning us. I will have to remember to thank him for that later.

  “Okay, you can slow down now.” I yelled, as we quickly began to approach the wall. “I said stop!”

  I stomped my feet sending the message directly into the path. Causing it to quickly stop, sending us flying forward. If it wasn’t for April quickly using the grass in the fields to catch us, we would have been seriously injured before we even left The Inner Kingdom.

  “Do you have any idea what you could have done?” Rṓgaire grimaced in my direction as he lifted himself off the ground.

  “If you had stopped when I told you too, this would have not happened.” I replied equally furious.

  “It actually is quite nice, seeing her direct her ire at someone other than me.” Leo chuckled leaning against what I suspected to be the western gate, right beside Prince Leev.

  “What are you two doing here?”

  “Is that anyway to speak to us? The captain of the royal guard and the prince of this land?”

  “What if I said please?” I stated in an annoyed voice.

  “I am only here due to a prior engagement within the Sapphire Kingdom.” Prince Leev said walking toward us, wearing the same type of guard uniform Leo always wears.

  “Okay, so do you mind explaining to me why you are here…please?”

  “Better, I currently have some leave, so I am going to visit my family in Ruby Kingdom.”

  His entire excuse was flimsy at best to me, why would the captain of the guard be granted leave, when such a huge threat is looming over this entire world? For now, I am just going to go along with it, but I will find out the truth.

  “Time is short we need to get going if we are to make it to Sapphire Kingdom before nightfall.” Rṓgaire announced opening the gate, to reveal a beautiful black carriage led by two brown horses, and tied to the back of the carriage were two beautiful white horses with black spots.

  “I guarantee your comfort in one of our finest carriages.” Prince Leev said, while opening the door for us to get in.

  Before I could open my mouth to express my opinion on the matter Leo interrupted me. “Just get in, we do not have time to explain or answer any of your questions.”

  “Come on,” Ashley said, pulling me into the carriage behind her.

  It seemed, as soon as my feet were inside, the carriage began to move. “That is so rude, I hate being bossed around.”

  “We know.” Ashley and April said in unison, causing us all to laugh.

  The inside of the carriage gradually became silent as we all became lost in our own thoughts.

  The way April was nervously looking around, made me more afraid for her than myself. She was the only one out of the three of us that really wanted answers about where we truly came from, and I was beginning to think that it was helping her come out of her shell; but as soon as our training started she began to transform back into the way she was when we were on Earth…distant and afraid.

  “Are you okay?” I asked April noticing that she was actually trembling.

  “I am just a little fearful of the unknown. What do I know about fighting a war?” April admitted rubbing her celta stone between the palms of her fidgeting hands.

  “Don’t worry Angie and I will be here with you, remember you will not be alone.” Ashley said trying to console her.

  “We will be fine,” I said to assure myself as well as her.

  Becoming a little uncomfortable in the gloomy carriage. I moved the white lace curtains from in front of the window, and found a latch that was not too difficult to unlock, to let in some fresh air.

  It seems as if we were far away from the Inner Kingdom, as I observed the wooded area we were passing through. The cool midday wind was just what I needed to unwind. The moment was just perfect until I heard the sounds of horse coming near.

  “Don’t you know that there are dangers all around us?” Leo whispered furiously. “It is hard enough guarding you, without you making yourself a bigger target by putting your body out of the window.”

  It wasn’t until that moment that I noticed that almost half of my body was indeed out of the window. “What do you expect? It is stifling inside of this carriage.”

  “Be grateful you don’t have to walk the entire way to Sapphire Kingdom.” Leo stated.

  “Where are we?” I asked still ignoring his comment, as I reached out to touch the hair on his horse, almost losing my balance when the carriage went over a tree stump.

  “We are in
the Estelle Forest, the source of most of the food served within the Inner Kingdom. Now get back inside you are beginning to make me nervous.”

  “Why? After all, my sisters and I are just obligations.”


  Leo was not able to complete his sentence as a large tree fell across our path, causing me to fall back inside the carriage on my butt.

  “What’s going on out there?” Ashley yelled to the guys outside as she helped me up.

  “Just stay inside.” Prince Leev’s voice responded.

  “Angie did you see anything?”

  “Only a giant tree fall in front of the carriage.” I explained, trying to get a look at anything out of the window. “It was too close for comfort for me, and now I don’t see anyone out of the window.”

  “Do you think something happened to the guys outside?” April asked standing up inside the carriage.

  It is a good thing that the carriage was big enough for all of to stand up at the same time and not hit our heads.

  “I am going to check and see if they are okay out there.” I announced reaching for the inside latch.

  “The prince told us to stay inside.” April pulled my arm to stop me.

  “They may actually need our help.”

  “Well, if you are going, we are all going.” Ashley exclaimed reaching for April’s hand. “Isn’t that right?”

  Not waiting for April’s answer I slowly opened the door and cautiously stepped outside. At first, it appeared that we were all alone, until I saw the bushes moving and Leo emerged with a ‘not so excited to see us’ look on his face.

  “I thought I told you to stay inside.” Prince Leev said appearing from the opposite side of the woods, with Rṓgaire.

  “It is not safe out here.” Rṓgaire announced, as they all came closer to where we were. “Which one of you thinks this is funny?”

  As my sisters and I looked at one another, we verified that none of us were laughing. “It’s not us. We can hear it too.”

  “Stay behind us.” Leo commanded as he and the other guys stood in front of us.

  The laughing was beginning to grow louder, as we all looked to see where it was coming from.


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