Bella Key
Page 2
“Me too. It was meant to be, if only to dine on this perfect piece of fish.” Maddie giggled at her joke.
While preparing dinner, the two women talked easily about their jobs and careers. Maddie was surprised to learn Sunny worked in publishing while living in Miami a few years ago. Soon, Maddie carried two dishes piled high with seared tuna, smashed potatoes and fresh sautéed spinach to the table. Sunny took one of the plates from her hands and closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. “This smells incredible.”
“I hope you don’t mind your fish raw. It’s sushi grade and I love it seared.” Maddie glanced at her wistfully.
“I like it that way too, and I have the perfect thing to go with it.” Sunny jumped from her chair and sashayed to the refrigerator, the skirt of her sundress molding perfectly to the curve of her hips. She grabbed a bottle of wine and a to-go container from the shelf.
She handed Maddie the wine bottle, which Maddie uncorked, pouring two generous glasses while Sunny removed the plastic top from the container. “Wasabi from the sushi I had last night.” She spooned a small dollop and pointed it toward Maddie’s plate. Maddie held up her hand. “None for me, too spicy.”
“Oh chica, you must try it.” Sunny scooped a small bit onto the tine of her fork and spread a green smear on the corner of her fish. Piercing a bite-sized piece onto her fork, she lifted it to Maddie’s mouth.
Maddie raised an eyebrow and examined the colorful morsel.
“Go ahead. This is your weekend of firsts. How about starting with a bit of spice?” Sunny’s line of vision shifted from the end of her outstretched fork to lock on Maddie’s eyes.
“Okay.” Maddie took a deep breath, leaned closer and allowed Sunny to feed her. The cool fork tines slid over her bottom lip when the bit of wasabi hit the roof of her mouth. She chewed slowly.
Sunny placed her elbows on the table and cradled her chin in her interlaced fingers. “So?”
Maddie continued to chew. “Mmmm. Oh!” The fingers of one hand covered her lips, while she grabbed her wine glass with her other hand. Fanning her face, she gulped a hefty swig of wine. “Wow! That has a kick. You don’t notice it right away but then it packs a punch. My mouth’s on fire...but I like it.” She smiled from the rim of her wine glass as she took another sip.
Sunny flipped a lock of hair over her shoulder and cocked her head. “See, I told you. There’s something to be said for trying things beyond your comfort zone.” Sunny studied Maddie’s face and cocked her eyebrow. “Speaking of being out of your zone... what really brings you out here?”
Maddie took another bite and chewed slowly before answering. “I just needed to escape for a few days. I moved to Portland a few weeks ago and thought that’d solve problems I’ve had with a relationship, but it just seemed to make it worse.”
“Sounds like you’re trying to run away from issues instead of dealing with them head on, chica. Hiding from problems is never a good idea.”
“I know. I just needed some time to think. There’s this guy I dated back in New York. On paper, he’s perfect. Columbia Law, promising career, good looking, treats me like a princess. Perfect.”
“I don’t know. He just doesn’t do it for me. He hinted around about an engagement and I freaked out. It doesn’t help that my mother’s on my case about settling down with someone. She brings my biological clock into every conversation we have. So when the Portland transfer came up at work, I jumped at it. Now, I’m getting even more pressure from back home. I just can’t deal with it.” Maddie leaned back and drank the last of her wine.
Sunny refilled both of their glasses. “What is it about this guy that doesn’t scratch your itch?”
Maddie chuckled and glanced at the woman. Her eyes focused on Sunny’s full lips as she sipped at her wine. Her heartbeat quickened and she averted her eyes to the window. “It’s so beautiful here. You must pinch yourself every time you wake up in the morning to be able to live and work on Fantasy Island.”
“You’re avoiding my question, you know?”
Maddie stood and reached for Sunny’s plate. “I’m going to take a walk and watch the rest of the sunset.”
Sunny’s delicate fingers encircled her wrist, stopping her from taking the plate. “You cooked, I’ll clean up. Go on out to the beach and enjoy the sunset.”
Chapter Two
Sunny walked toward the slim form sitting on a bench facing the water. The reds and oranges of the sunset played off Maddie’s golden hair. Sunny’s fingers itched to smooth a wisp of hair blowing in the early evening breeze. An overwhelming feeling of desire to wrap her arms around the woman, guide her head to her shoulder and stroke her hair while she whispered ‘everything will work out’ ran through her head.
“It’s stunning, isn’t it?” She nodded at the horizon when Maddie looked up. “I never get tired of watching Key West sunsets. Each one is different. I come down here a lot to think, or when I have a decision to make. There’s something about the sunset that puts things into perspective.” Sunny stared at the glowing orange sun disappearing into the wide expanse of sea. “Here, I brought you some more of the sweet tea you liked earlier.”
Maddie took the glass from her, and the brush of her fingertips along the back of Sunny’s hand sent her nerve endings on overdrive. Sunny leaned on the back of the bench, supporting her weight with arms. “I spent much time down here dealing with the same situation. My guy’s name was Emilio.”
Maddie’s head cocked to the side. “Emilio? I thought you were—”
“A lesbian?” Sunny snorted. “I don’t really think of it as liking one sex versus another. I’m attracted to the person, you know, what’s inside. But, yes, since Emilio I’ve only been with women. Leaving him was hard. We met in college and he wanted to get married after graduation. Asked my parents and everything.” Sunny chuckled, remembering the disappointment reflected in her mother’s eyes when she told her they’d broken up.
Maddie turned and put her feet on the seat of the bench, drawing her knees to her chest. “What happened?”
“I’ll tell you what didn’t happen, chica. The world didn’t end. Emilio found someone else and is happily married with a couple of kids. My mother not only got over the fact that l broke up with Emilio, but she accepts the fact that my goals in life aren’t the same as hers. You see, those who really care about you just want to see you happy. What you need to figure out is what makes you happy.”
Maddie rested her chin on her knees. “You seem so together. I can’t believe that you were ever confused about what you wanted out of life.”
“Believe it or not, being here helped a lot. Everyone is so supportive. There’s no judgment, just acceptance. We’re like a big crazy screwed up family. We’ll go to the main beach tomorrow and meet some of the locals. There’s a romance novelist I’d like you to meet.”
“Really? Who is she?”
Sunny raised her eyebrows. “It’s a surprise and I’m not sure she wants to be outed, so I’ll have to check with her first before making the introductions.”
“You definitely piqued my interest.” Maddie’s eyes sparkled. “Oh, but I need to stop and buy a bathing suit. I didn’t pack one for my business trip.”
“No worries, chica. You may borrow one of mine. We’re about the same size, I think.” Sunny rubbed Maddie’s shoulder. Before she could move away, Maddie placed her palm over Sunny’s hand and squeezed.
“Thank you. I feel a million times better already. I really need this. Being here is just perfect.”
Sunny straightened and turned her hand to capture Maddie’s fingers. She tugged lightly. “No need to thank me. It’s my pleasure. Let’s head back. Can I interest you in a great chick flick?”
“Sounds wonderful,” Maddie said, hopping off the bench.
The effect of a too hot shower fogged the small but neat bathroom. Maddie squeaked the towel over the mirror’s surface to find her reflection. Combing out her wet hair, her eye
caught the sight of colorful glass bottles lining a shallow shelf. Maddie carefully picked up a deep purple bottle and removed the stopper. Closing her eyes, she inhaled the clean floral scent she’d recalled filling her senses when Sunny crept up behind her while she sat on the bench next to the beach. She dabbed a small amount of the liquid onto her index finger and traced a wet line from her jawbone down the front of her neck. Her heart beat faster and warmth spread from her fingers on her collarbone to the fire building in her belly, spreading heat to her sex. Damn, it was happening again. A woman had her hot and bothered.
Maddie leaned down and anchored herself by grasping the edge of the vanity with one hand. The fogged mirror showcased bright pink nails on her left hand as she trailed her fingers slowly downward between her breasts to the base of her belly. Spreading her feet further apart, she cupped her mound while applying light pressure on her most sensitive spot. Her breath caught as she recalled Sunny flipping her hair back, showing off her graceful neck. Her fingers dipped lower to folds already wet with desire. Skimming her index finger along her moistened slit, she moaned softly while her thumb circled her delicate bundle of nerves.
A light knock on the door forced her eyes open. “Hey, when you’re done in there, come into my room. I have the movie all ready and I popped some corn.”
Clearing her throat, Maddie willed her voice to sound unfazed. “Be right there.” She shook her head and slipped her t-shirt and panties on, the only items she’d brought to sleep in.
Maddie crept to Sunny’s bedroom door. Like the bathroom, Sunny’s bedroom was small but cozy. A carved wooden four poster bed took up most of the floor space. The single window offered a light breeze and the sound of the surf in the background. “Hope you don’t mind but I always pack light on business trips. Didn’t pack pajamas.”
“Mind? Did you forget that I like girls?” Sunny joked from her spot on the full-sized bed. “Sorry, but we have to watch in here. The closest thing I have to a family room is the small seating area in the front. There’s a television in there but not comfortable for lounging so I spend most of my time here.” She patted the empty spot next to her on the bed. “Have a seat.”
Maddie took a few steps to the foot of the bed and fingered one of the posts. “This is gorgeous.”
“I love it. It cost a couple of weeks’ profits, but I had to have it. It’s made by a local craftsman.” Sunny looked up at the billowy fabric tied to each post as Maddie nodded and sat on the edge of the bed.
“Put your feet up and make yourself at home, chica.” Sunny took the bowl of popcorn from the bed table and nestled it in between their bodies before pushing play on the remote.
Two bowls of popcorn and a tear-jerker later, Maddie yawned and stretched. Sunny finished watching the movie lying on her stomach, leaning on her elbows at the foot of the bed. Maddie’s gaze traveled from the woman’s tanned calves and thighs to the rounded bottom of her ass peeking from the lacy edges of her boy shorts. Her tank had hiked up her torso, displaying the dips and planes of her back. Maddie imagined her fingertips exploring the peaks and valleys of Sunny. She swallowed hard and looked back to the television screen. “God, I love that movie. They were made for each other. I can only hope to find someone like that one day.” The sentences flew from her mouth way too fast. She always spoke quickly when nervous.
Sunny studied Maddie over her shoulder for a moment. “That’s the hope, isn’t it?”
Maddie kicked her feet from the bed and stood. “Thanks for the movie and the room. Everything, really.”
“I told you there’s no need to thank me. I opened the window in your room to let the breeze in from the beach. If you leave your door open, you’ll also get the air from the other side of the house too.”
“Okay. Good night, Sunny. See you in the morning.”
“Sweet dreams, chica.”
Maddie sunk into the deep feathertop of the full sized guest bed. The rhythmic push and pull of the surf lulled her into a state between sleep and wakefulness. Slipping into an exquisite dream, she lay on a beach blanket, the sun beating down on her back as she grabbed a fistful of sand and let it slip from her fingers. Warm liquid drizzled along her shoulder blades and down her spine. Her muscles relaxed under strong but soft and delicate hands massaging the oily substance evenly over the planes of her back. Her nerve endings stood on end as she gathered her hair into one hand. The pads of fingertips circled the base of her exposed neck, before traveling over her shoulders. Maddie sighed as the same talented hands continued down her spine, applying pressure to her lower back and pushing her pelvis into the warm sand. Heat surrounded her mound while her bikini bottoms slid down inch by inch until the sun kissed the bare skin of her ass cheeks. She tried to pick her head up to discover the owner of such wonderful hands but her heavy head and eyelids wouldn’t cooperate. She gave up without a fight and settled in to enjoy the erotic massage. More oil drizzled over her newly exposed skin and her bottoms were swiftly whisked down her legs. Warm skin nudged her thighs apart while administering circular patterns over her ass. The hands were familiar but not large and calloused as those of most men she’d been with. They were delicate with smooth fingernails, which raked over her sensitized flesh. She moaned louder when those fingers slid down her ass to her desire-swollen nether lips.
The words weren’t from her lips. Maddie held her breath. More muffled moans combined with the crashing surf put her body on alert. But she also recognized another sound - a softly grinding motor. Maddie sat up and perked her ears. Her heartbeat pounded in her chest as she realized Sunny’s breathy moans filled her ears.
Maddie slid out of her bed and crept to the partially ajar door. The floorboards creaked and she froze. Sunny’s moans stopped for a moment before resuming with a flurry of audible breaths. Maddie’s curiosity got the best of her and she slinked into the hall, the call of Sunny’s passion beckoning her like a moth to a flame. The hallway was dark but a sliver of moonlight shining through Sunny’s door offered enough light for Maddie to view Sunny on her knees. One hand gripped a post of the headboard, the other held a pink device at the apex of her thighs. Maddie retreated a step as Sunny threw her head back. But she couldn’t return to her room. She couldn’t look away from Sunny’s raven hair caressing the crease where her hips met her smooth waist. Maddie yearned to trace her fingers along the woman’s curves. She leaned against the wall outside of the woman’s room and slid into a crouch. Cupping her panty-covered mound in her palm, she rubbed circles around her outer lips over the fabric in unison to Sunny’s moans. The purr of Sunny’s vibrator changed from a steady hum to quick short revs. Maddie bit her lower lip so as to not allow an audible moan to escape her lips, as she slid her hand inside her panties. She closed her eyes and imagined that Sunny’s moans and cries were coaxed by Maddie’s own touch instead of a powerful vibrator. Spreading her legs further apart, Maddie’s fingers mimicked the rhythm of Sunny’s device. Sunny’s grip on the headboard tightened and she called out Maddie’s name. For a fleeting moment, Maddie considered making her presence known. But instead she stayed in the shadows and her own climax soon followed. Shocked at what she witnessed and the arousing effects it had on her, she slowly crept to her room. It wasn’t her first experience getting aroused by another woman but it was the first time she was close to acting on her desire.
Chapter Three
With eyes at half-mast, Maddie padded to the kitchen in her t-shirt. The patter of water hitting the ground from the kitchen window filled her ears. She figured the storm she’d heard about would ruin their beach plans until she squinted from the bright sunshine streaming through the window panes.
“Buenos Dias, chica,” Sunny called from outside the window. She held a green garden hose and pointed the sprayer at the assorted sized flowerpots lined up along the backyard patio. “I just made a pot of coffee. Help yourself.”
Maddie grunted. Mornings
were not her friend but Sunny obviously enjoyed the early hour. Her off-key Spanish song wafting through window screen coaxed a smile from Maddie despite her groggy state.
Sunny walked through the kitchen door, her hands filled with spent flower bulbs and browned leaves from her container garden, which she discarded in the trash bin. Washing her hands at the sink, she glanced at Maddie. “Did you sleep well?”
The sexy vision of Sunny pleasuring herself the night before made its way into Maddie’s head, and heat traveled into her cheeks. She lifted her coffee cup to hide the evidence of her embarrassment. “I did. The bed is very comfortable. And you?” She looked at Sunny but quickly averted her eyes.
“Fantastic. Hey, how about we head to the beach early? I pulled out a couple of suits you can try.”
Maddie chose a red bikini. Sunny was right, they were the same size and the suit fit her perfectly. Grabbing her eReader out of her purse, she tucked it into their shared beach bag. Even though she was on vacation, work responsibilities and deadlines loomed. There were still a couple of novels to read before meeting with her author clients the following week. Slipping on her flip-flops, Maddie pulled the borrowed cover-up over her head and followed Sunny outside. Palm fronds rustled overhead in the light breeze. Maddie inhaled the scent of jasmine, which grew wild on the Key. “We can take my car if you’d like,” she offered.
“No car is needed since the beach is less than a mile away. Almost everything’s in walking distance on Bella Key.”
They walked together along the main road running parallel to the water. Maddie’s ears perked at the steel drums notes playing among the lazy waves hitting the surf. “Music?”
“One thing you’ll learn today is every day’s a party on Bella. There’s always a band and dancing at the beach.”