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Metal Swarm

Page 55

by Kevin J. Anderson

  Tamblyn, Jess—Roamer in love with Cesca Peroni, infused with wental energy.

  Tamblyn, Karla—Jess and Tasia’s mother, frozen to death in ice accident on Plumas, revived by tainted wentals.

  Tamblyn, Ross—Jess and Tasia’s brother, betrothed to Cesca Peroni, killed in the first hydrogue attack on Golgen.

  Tamblyn, Tasia—Jess’s sister, currently serving in the EDF, captured by hydrogues at Qronha 3 and freed by Jess.

  Tamblyn, Torin—one of Jess and Tasia’s uncles, twin to Wynn.

  Tamblyn, Wynn—one of Jess and Tasia’s uncles, twin to Torin.

  Tamo’l—experimental half-breed daughter of Nira and a lens kithman, second youngest of her children.

  telink—instantaneous communication used by green priests.

  Terran Hanseatic League—commerce-based government of Earth and Terran colonies, also called the Hansa.

  Theroc—forested planet, home of the sentient worldtrees.

  Theron—a native of Theroc.

  thism—faint racial telepathic link from Mage-Imperator to the Ildiran people.

  Thor’h—eldest noble-born son of Mage-Imperator Jora’h, former Prime Designate who joined Rusa’h’s rebellion; he died on Dobro.

  Tokai—Roamer clan, one of the investors on Constantine III.

  transgate—hydrogue point-to-point transportation system.

  transportal—Klikiss instantaneous transportation system.

  treedancers—acrobatic performers in the Theron forests.

  treeling—a small worldtree sapling, often transported in an ornate pot.

  troop carrier—personnel transport ship in Ildiran Solar Navy.

  twitcher—EDF stun weapon.

  Tylar, Crim—Roamer detainee on Llaro, father of Nikko.

  Tylar, Nikko Chan—young Roamer pilot, son of Crim and Marla.

  Udru’h—former Dobro Designate in charge of breeding program, killed by faeros and Rusa’h.

  Unison—standardized government-sponsored religion for official activities on Earth.

  UR—Governess-model Roamer compy, held at Llaro with other Roamer detainees.

  Usk—breakaway Hansa colony, populated mainly by farmers.

  Vao’sh—Ildiran rememberer, patron, and friend of Anton Colicos, survivor of the robot attacks on Maratha.

  Vardian, Drew—chief of the Company Works extraction facility on Rhejak.

  verdani—organic-based sentience, manifested as the Theron worldforest.

  Voracious Curiosity—Rlinda Kett’s merchant ship.

  warglobe—hydrogue spherical attack vessel.

  warliner—largest class of Ildiran battleship.

  Wenceslas, Basil—Chairman of the Terran Hanseatic League.

  wentals—sentient water-based creatures.

  Whisper Palace—magnificent seat of the Hansa government.

  Willis, Admiral Sheila—commander of EDF Grid 7 battle group, one of only four remaining Grid Admirals to survive the battle of Earth.

  Wollamor—former Klikiss world, resettled by humans in the Klikiss Colonization Initiative.

  worldforest—the interconnected, sentient forest based on Theroc.

  worldtree—a separate tree in the interconnected, sentient forest based on Theroc.

  wyvern—large flying predator on Theroc.

  Xalezar—former Klikiss world, resettled by humans in the Klikiss Colonization Initiative.

  Xiba’h—legendary Mage-Imperator who enlisted the aid of the faeros against the Shana Rei.

  Yarrod—green priest, younger brother of Mother Alexa.

  Yazra’h—oldest daughter of Jora’h, his official guard; she keeps three well-trained Isix cats.

  Yreka—former Hansa colony world, now a major trading center for Roamers and breakaway colonists.

  Zan’nh—Adar of the Ildiran Solar Navy, eldest son of Mage-Imperator Jora’h.

  Zed Khell—former Klikiss world.


  After six books in the Saga, I come to rely more and more on the advice and expertise of my colleagues. As always, my special thanks goes to my readers and editors, Rebecca Moesta, Jaime Levine, Louis Moesta, Diane Jones, Catherine Sidor, Vernon Libby, and Kate Lyall-Grant; my agents John Silbersack, Robert Gottlieb, and Claire Roberts at Trident Media Group; and my cover artists Stephen Youll and Chris Moore.




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