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Mask of A Legend

Page 13

by Stephen Andrew Salamon

  Legend hurried. In the bathroom, she saw a big box, with a red bow on top of it, sitting on the bathroom sink ledge. She rushed and put on the long, black dress that was in it when she noticed a letter attached to the box. “Good Luck, Beauty,” she read out loud. She couldn’t help but smile. She turned to the bathroom mirror and looked at her beautiful dress and a greater smile came to her face, pure happiness. She then followed the dress’s image all the way up to her own. The ugly Legend was seen as her eyes shined with sadness. She saw her ugly smile vanish into a frown and then looked down at the reflection of the dress again, and smiled once more. But when she looked at her own face in the reflection, she frowned again. Legend suddenly ran out of the bathroom, as if running from a monster, and left the hotel room. Too much. Too fast.

  She ran through the hallways of this luxurious hotel, fast motion was all she knew. Every person who saw her running, thought they were seeing an angel pass them by. She came up to a large staircase of the hotel, resembling a staircase from a mega mansion. It had blue carpeting, and dark, oak wood for the banisters. On the banisters were beautiful designs that only a well-known artist could create, beautiful designs that caught Legend’s eyes, and allowed her to smile again.

  Stephen and Dina were standing at the bottom of the staircase, when suddenly Stephen turned around and saw Legend at the top. “She’s an angel,” he said under his breath. She slowly walked down it. Every step she passed, Stephen’s heart beat faster. It made his mind create a tickling sensation to it, and his legs, a numbing sensation. Dina’s jealous eyes saw the way he was looking at Legend.

  But, Dina knew she couldn’t allow her evil side to be shown to Stephen, only because she didn’t want to lose him. Yes, she knew the game. Dina realized she couldn’t show the true bitch in her, so she put on a mask mentally and walked up to him. She looked up at Legend also, and watched Legend’s physical mask come toward them. Dina put her mental mask on when she asked, “Doesn’t she look beautiful, Stephen?”

  Dina wanted Stephen so much, not only by lust, but also because she saw him as a prize, that she actually allowed herself to be someone else mentally. In Dina’s mind, she feels that Stephen belongs to her only. But the thing is, in Stephen’s mind, he belongs to no one.

  “She is very beautiful,” replied Stephen as Dina looked down at the ground. Stephen turned to Dina, and saw how her eyes were not facing him, but instead facing the floor. He figured she was upset, or else hurt that he said that about Legend. But Stephen then realized that Dina was the one who asked him the question. He turned away from Dina, as she looked up at him. He turned to Dina again and saw hurt in her eyes. To her, she was only pretending to feel hurt, so that would draw Stephen into giving her pity, into allowing her to get attention from him. What Dina’s really feeling is jealousy, hatred, and overall, a killing sensation toward Legend. Stephen stared into Dina’s eyes and said, “You’re very beautiful, too!” He then turned away from Dina and looked up toward Legend’s image coming closer to his. Dina gave an evil grin to Legend and Legend noticed Dina’s grin, automatically understanding it. Hatred. It was the same grin that she gave to her every day at school. But, this grin had a different meaning to it, only because it was mixed with jealousy. Jealousy was something that Dina never had for Legend before. Legend walked up to Stephen while still staring at Dina’s grin, trying to figure out what other meanings it had to it.

  But, Legend’s thinking was thrown off-track when Dina said, “Legend, you look stunning!” Dina never said that to her before, and that made Legend’s thoughts abrupt, confused and misplaced toward the real character of Dina. She was acting like Legend’s best friend, and that even allowed Legend’s mind to go haywire.

  Legend didn’t know what to say. She felt like she knew Dina was acting like this for a reason, so she said, “Well, Dina, I wish I could say the same for you.”

  Dina’s plan was beginning to work, she allowed Legend to be confused, and allowed Stephen to look at her with shock. “Why did you say that, Legend?” Dina asked. Stephen still looked at Legend with shock in his eyes.

  “Yeah, she was only being nice, and also telling the truth,” Stephen said. Dina gave out an evil smile, but Legend couldn’t see it.

  “I know, I was just joking,” Legend said. She didn’t know what to do. Dina’s smile went to a frown when Legend said that, she didn’t expect her to say that. Dina didn’t want Legend to show her true self, her true self that consists of pure kindness. No, Dina wanted Legend to show cruelty, to be a bitch, so Stephen would see it. For that, Dina yearned to take the mental role of Legend, and have Legend take the role of her: silver spoon. She felt that by her taking Legend’s character, and Legend taking hers, Stephen would definitely fall in love with Dina.

  Dina put on the mental mask again and tried at being like Legend once more. Tricky. She asked, “Legend, how do I look, do you think I look as beautiful as you?” Check.

  Fatal mistake. Legend saw Dina’s evil grin, and finally caught on to her plan. But the thing was, Legend didn’t exactly know what plan she had, where it was leading. “Yes, Dina, you look . . . you look pretty.” Check.

  “Come on, girls, you both look stunning. We have to go now,” said Stephen, cuffing his arms together. Dina wrapped her arm around Stephen’s left arm, and Legend wrapped hers around his right. Dina longed to finish this game, but she was patient, like a snake. Whereas Legend wanted it to end, not used to playing games, and not liking it at all. Needless to say, game on.

  They all moseyed out of the hotel and saw William standing by a long, stretch limo. “Well, son, I see you have both beauties beside you,” William said, Stephen starting to smile.

  An hour later, they pulled up in the limo to a tall skyscraper that shined the sun’s light as it reflected off its glass. Stephen jumped out of the limo first, grabbed Legend’s gentle hand and helped her out. Dina reached out her hand for Stephen to grab, but he was too busy looking at Legend. “Um, Stephen, could you please help?” Dina asked. She held out her hand from the doorway of the limo. He then grabbed her hand fast and helped her out of the limo also.

  Suddenly, as Dina, Stephen and Legend were standing next to the limousine, William jumped out of it, his cellphone in hand, and said, “Stephen, you and Legend have to wait here for a little bit, I just got a call saying that the media and the press are in there, literally stomping on every model that comes into sight. You and Legend wait here, while me and Dina sneak in, as a couple, and try to get past them!”

  “Why can’t I go in with you instead?” Legend asked.

  William grabbed onto Dina’s arm.

  “Yeah, why do I have to go in first?” Dina asked, suddenly remembering her mental mask. Wounded lamb. “I mean, not that I mind, but Legend was the one who asked.”

  “Because I kind of, sort of, well, I told the media about–”

  Stephen cut off William. “You didn’t?” Stephen shouted.

  “I did, I’m sorry, but I had to say something in order to get good media attention for my girls, and my–”

  Legend cut him off with, “What did you say, William?”

  “Well, I said that I just discovered a girl who I feel will be the next queen of modeling.” He looked at Dina and that caused Dina to smile, and Legend to frown. But the tables turned when William turned to Legend. “I said that about you, Legend. And now, instead of a good amount of media, there’s a herd of them. I don’t want any of my girls getting hurt . . . especially you, Legend. . . .” Legend smiled, while Dina’s smile turned into an evil, straight grin. Check.

  But Legend’s smile vanished when he added, “I mean, they will trample you, just trying to get a snapshot of your face. That’s why I have to go in first, to calm them down, and say that you have already entered the building through the back door.”

  “You’re scaring me,” said Legend. William guided Dina toward the doors of the building.

  “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. I just want to be precautious.” Th
e jealousy grew more inside Dina’s mental mask. Her mind, full of jealousy, especially when William stared at Legend and added, “After all, I don’t want them to stomp my most precious discovery. Now, come in the building in about five minutes.” He then entered the front doors with Dina by his side.

  “Don’t worry, Legend, everything will be fine,” Stephen said while looking at her frantic face.

  “You promise?” Legend was hesitant, she didn’t want to let down her guard, her shield, her way of not letting Stephen know that she’s a kind, generous and scared woman. But, she let it down anyway when she asked again, but with more nerves attached to her voice,” Do you promise?”

  He looked at her with serious eyes. The snow began to fall from the London sky. He winked his left eye and then gave out a childish grin. “Yeah, Legend, I promise. Hey, I’ll be your bodyguard.”

  Nice try.

  “No, it’s okay, just be my friend, not my guard.”

  Stephen looked at his watch and counted the seconds. Five minutes passed and he grabbed onto Legend’s gentle hand, walking toward the front doors. They entered this magnificent building, and media, photographers and fans shot toward Stephen. They looked at Legend, and knew she was the one William was talking about. The prize. They knew she was the beauty. That’s when Legend’s jitters grew inside of her mind. “Excuse me, are you the new discovery of the Drakson Agency. Are you Legend?” a journalist screamed out, but Legend kept on walking with Stephen.

  The media pushed into them and Legend held Stephen’s hand tighter. “Don’t worry, we’re almost there,” Stephen said, while the flashes from cameras blinded her eyes. They rambled to a black door where security guards stood and Legend turned around, accidentally allowing the cameras to shoot her face. One of the guards opened the door, stared at Legend’s image and smiled toward it. They entered the doorway, and Legend’s eyes came across tons of coat-hangers that hung on racks, holding beautiful clothing on them. A man walked up to them, shook Stephen’s hand, and stared at Legend. “Hello, Justif, I’d like you to meet one of our girls. This is Legend,” Stephen said. Justif’s young face smiled at her.

  “Oh, she is a cute one,” Justif said in a high pitch. “Pleased to meet you.” He then grabbed onto her right hand and kissed it. All Legend could do was look at Stephen.

  “Pleased to meet you,” said Legend, pulling her hand away.

  “Now, we are going to be busy, busy, busy today. You are going to be the fourth one out. Linda over here will show you your clothing,” Justif said. He pulled an older woman from behind him.

  “Wait a second, why can’t she be the first girl out?” Stephen asked.

  Justif looked at Legend. “Well, do you think you could do it, Legend? I mean, other designers are not like me. When I have the first girl walk out, that means she has to walk out a lot.”

  Legend looked at the ground.

  “Um, yeah, I guess so,” Legend replied. Linda pulled her away from them in a fast motion, placed her in a room where a single mirror stood right in front of her. Distress. Legend pivoted her chair around to face opposite the mirror after she saw her ugly reflection. She didn’t want to show Linda it, or else her true image would be discovered. “What are you going to do?” Legend asked. Linda began putting mascara upon her face. Legend tried desperately not to show her reflection to Linda, but after she put the mascara on, she tried to turn Legend’s seat around. Legend fought with the chair.

  “Honey, don’t you want to see your make-up?” Linda asked, looking at the reflection of the back of Legend’s head, and realizing her blonde hair looked stringy.

  “No, it’s alright, I trust you.”

  Linda fixed her hair and after she was done, she threw her a long, silver, see-through gown and silver high heels. Legend put on the clothes, but saw her breasts being revealed just a little bit. Her innocent mind was wearing clothing that wasn’t accepted to her as purity, it was only accepted as neurotic. But Legend had to play the role that her mask of beauty was expected to play, and for that she allowed herself to wear the garment. “What do I do now?” Legend asked.

  Linda sewed the bottom part of Legend’s gown as fast as she could. “Well, you just walk,” Linda replied. She put the needle and thread away and grabbed Legend’s hand. They walked out of the room, Linda adding, “All you have to do is walk sexy, shake your bosoms, but not that much, this is supposed to be something a woman could wear in fall. Um, remember to rock your hips, but not that much, and whatever you do, don’t fall. After you come back, I’ll hand you another dress to wear, and also tell you when to walk out again. Make sure to be proper as you walk, remember that you are trying to sell Justif’s fall line, and over all, enjoy the moment!” Legend was so confused. “Any questions?”

  “No.” Linda placed Legend right next to the stage curtains. Girls started to form a line behind Legend, and the first girl who stood behind her was Dina.

  Of course.

  “Good luck, Legend,” Dina said. Legend became confused more. She couldn’t understand why Dina would say something nice like that.

  “Um, yeah, thank you, Dina, I guess.”

  Stephen ran up to her with a black tuxedo on. “Good luck, girls, you look fabulous,” Stephen said, but only staring at Legend.

  “I’m nervous, Stephen,” Legend said.

  “Don’t worry, your beauty will help you out a lot. Just remember that there are a lot of famous people out there, including many magazine photographers.”

  “Oh, you really helped make my nerves go away.”

  The lights dimmed and Stephen ran away from her with a smile. Alone, Dina asked, “So, Legend, do you like Stephen?”

  “No, we’re just friends. Besides, he’s with you, I thought.” Music then filled the air.

  “Yeah, he is with me.” An older woman walked up onstage and began speaking into the microphone onstage. Suddenly, once again, the fear built up in Legend’s mind. She was scared. Fear-stricken. Nervous. But she was also happy. Confusing. Legend was just about to start a career that most girls could only dream about. She thought about her past as an ugly girl, but her thoughts were interrupted when the older woman announced her name.

  “Our first model is one of William Drakson’s discoveries. As you all know already, William says that this young girl is so far his best discovery. As a matter of fact, she was just discovered the other day. Everyone, put your glasses on, ’cause here is the girl, the model, called Legend,” the woman announced. Linda came up to Legend and started pushing her.

  “Come on, that’s you,” Linda said. Legend took a deep breath and felt her own face. She touched it, as a smile came to her, a grin that meant the acne was gone, and the beauty was still there. She lingered past the curtains, still very nervous, afraid, delighted and full of happiness. Her face shined when she walked down the catwalk in slow motion, flashes of light pulsating against her image. The music began to get an upwards beat and the whole room watched in amazement as the most beautiful woman showed her face to them. This beauty that the spectators saw was a sort of beauty that could only go by the name of ‘Legend’. She was an angel to them, an angel that seemed like she was beautiful on the inside, as well as the out. Legend’s nerves broke away when a greater smile of happiness appeared.

  “This is amazing,” she said, reaching the front of the stage and turning around. While Legend walked back to the curtains, she turned around again and watched the audience’s faces show smiles toward her. Legend proceeded to walk behind the curtains and Linda grabbed her, handing another dress to her.

  “Alright, Legend, hurry up and change, you have three minutes,” Linda yelled over the music. Legend ran behind a clothing rack and started to take off her clothes. Her smile vanished into a confused grin when she noticed a noise coming from a bathroom that was directly in front of her. It was a noise of pain, a noise that caused her to see what it was. Her half-naked body stumbled into the bathroom, and she saw a beautiful dark-skinned girl, vomiting in the sink.

/>   “Are you okay?” Legend asked. The girl looked at her with one finger in her mouth. The pressure of tears formed behind Legend’s eyes, looking at this sight. “You shouldn’t do that, it causes your lungs to deteriorate, and your teeth to rot!”

  “Well, miss know-it-all, I have to if I want to stay as a model, and look like you!”

  Linda came in the bathroom and saying, “Legend, this isn’t social hour, you’re up in one minute. Come on, let’s go.” Linda forcefully pulled Legend out of the bathroom.

  “But that girl’s vomiting!”

  She started to put on the second dress. “Legend, a lot of girls here vomit, now come on.” Linda then pulled Legend and guided her to the curtains again.

  One hour passed, and so far Legend walked the ‘cat’ twenty times, and her feet were beginning to pulsate. Every time she walked down the catwalk, the audience would smile even more, her beauty shining toward them as she knew her own reflection wouldn’t make them shine at all. Her last moment before she walked down the stage again, Stephen ran up to her and grabbed her arm, putting it around his. “What are you doing? I’m up in one minute,” Legend asked. Dina stood behind them, quietly.

  “I know you are, me, too. This last walk is a combination of the guys and gals, walking together as a couple.”

  Linda came up to him with another guy. “Excuse me, sir, but Legend isn’t your partner, your partner is Dina,” Linda explained, taking Legend’s arm away from his. “This guy is her partner.” A tall guy grabbed Legend’s hand.

  “Oh well, Justif said I’m supposed to be Legend’s partner. If you don’t believe me, ask Justif himself,” Stephen said with hesitation, grabbing Legend’s other arm and pulling the other guy’s hand away from hers. “This guy is with Dina, I’m sorry, but that’s what Justif told me and my father!”


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