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Mask of A Legend

Page 23

by Stephen Andrew Salamon

  Her voice, and her words went to millions of viewers, seeing her on the television, giving her speeches that weren’t written on paper, but instead, flowing from her own thoughts, and coming from her own mind. Legend was known for the girl who doesn’t care about outer beauty, but only cares for the inner part. You can say that she was living a lie, because her wish of beauty proved to her she does, and still does care about her looks.

  The structure of her beauty went further than she ever anticipated. It was greater than beyond beauty, she was a goddess. It was like she bewitched them. Every catwalk she did, every contract she signed, every make-up commercial she acted in, every speech she gave, and every autograph she made, people would stare at her as if they were staring at a goddess. People would cry when they saw her, weep because they wanted to feel her beauty, needed to feel what it was like to be as beautiful as her.

  Also, they wanted the same character as her, an inner beauty that shined so greatly, her words from her heart going directly into everyone’s mind, and staying there, because they were so honest, truthful and pure. Her beauty made her who she was, inner and outer. When people saw her, they would feel a shiver up their spines, and begin to sweat vigorously. Legend’s sight was an awesome sight to see.

  Throughout the months, Legend grew a strong confidence in herself. She stopped looking at her reflection, and actually began to become her beauty. In the beginning, Legend’s mask was beginning to form her character, she was beginning to become it. But now, Legend had forgotten about her wish, and actually believed that she was beauty, that her beauty wasn’t a mask at all. Her riches, her fame, her luxuries, and her glamour were infinite to her mind, as to everyone else’s. She had become beyond famous.

  Legend moved out of Stephen’s mansion, and moved into a place of her own. She bought a home that was three houses down from Stephen’s. She bought it because it was beautiful to her sight. Legend would buy beautiful things, collecting them because, in reality, she couldn’t see her own beauty, she could only see it in photos. All of her beautiful things took the place of her reflection, it took the place of the image she wanted to see in the mirrors, but couldn’t. She bought this beautiful mansion, for the simple fact that it was beautiful, inside and out. She wanted it because it was the most beautiful mansion she had ever laid her eyes on, and for that, she knew people would respect it as they passed by on the sidewalk, and took a glimpse at the castle, in which the goddess called Legend lived in. It was a castle indeed, and she was the princess. But something was missing: a prince.

  Her prince was Mark, at least that’s what she wanted to believe. She sought to feel the same way for Mark as she did about Stephen. Her love grew stronger for Stephen, but the thing was, she knew it was mentally.

  She would show a type of love for Mark, such as kissing him and saying sweet words. But with Stephen, she never did any of those things, and her love was stronger for him. Strange. Little did she know that Stephen felt the same way about Dina and her. He kissed Dina and would say sweet things to her, but he cared, or loved, Legend more.

  Stephen and Legend talked and argued all the time about stupid things, and they would make up at the end, and laugh about it. Legend felt safe with him, a type of safeness and blissfulness that could only be felt in Heaven. But still, she didn’t ever let her guard down, and show her true feelings for him; and Stephen did the same. They both knew their place, and for Legend, that was with Mark; for Stephen, it was with Dina. With Legend, she knew, deep inside, that she could never be with Stephen. He looked for outer beauty, and Legend felt that was wrong, cruel, and selfish, not coveting to have the burden of always worrying about how she looked in front of him, if she was ever his girlfriend.

  With Stephen, he saw, deep inside, that he could never be with Legend. She didn’t want him like that, she wanted him as a friend only. Nevertheless, through this big masquerade, they still had their own relationship. Call it friendship, or call it a sibling bond, they still knew inside of them that their feelings for each other were stronger than that. But that’s as far as it got, it stayed in their minds, and was never uttered.

  Dina still lived in Stephen’s mansion, she was in love with him, but he wasn’t in love with her. Nevertheless, Dina didn’t care if he loved her or not, she just wanted him by her side, and desired him to be called a ‘boyfriend’ to her. Yet, as these months passed, Dina grew a sort of feeling where she did need Stephen to love her. And she felt that one day soon she’ll reach her mission, and accomplish it by him giving her an engagement ring.

  Dina would stare at every stare Stephen gave to Legend, and for that, her jealousy grew stronger toward her. Her jealousy was like a person getting ready to sneeze at a Sunday mass; they didn’t want to, since it would be embarrassing, but they knew that there’s still a chance the sneeze would come out, after it’s been held in a great amount of time.

  Dina craved for Stephen to believe that she was a nice, caring and gentle young woman, and that’s what she did. In the beginning, Dina made a perfect clone of Legend’s inner self, her inner character, because it was nice, caring, and everything that Stephen would want. Dina accomplished her mental mask in front of Stephen, as Mark accomplished his in front of Legend.

  But, unfortunately or fortunately, Mark’s hormones were at a point where he felt like he was going to blow. He knew his mental mask showed a character that loved inner beauty, that was warm-hearted and wasn’t a sex-crazed freak. But through it all, Mark would still keep his mental mask, his hormones being controlled by other women whom he slept with.

  Mark was living a great life, he had the most beautiful woman in the world as his girlfriend, and he still shared his neurotic self with others, only because Legend wanted to stay a virgin till she read the wedding vows. Stephen knew about Mark’s secret life, and he still didn’t tell Legend. He realized he would win Legend’s heart if he ever did confess to her about Mark’s real inner self. But it wasn’t Stephen’s place, he wasn’t invited into their relationship. He respected his best friend Mark, respected his secret love, who was known as ‘Legend’.

  It was a regular soap opera, but a soap opera with luxury and riches. The soap opera became greater as November first came along, and Legend came over to see Stephen. He called her up at home, and told her to come immediately, it was urgent. She ran over to his home as a mob of fans, who wait for her every day, started to run after their idol. Legend ran greatly, in her pink, satin dress, and her bare feet. “Let me in,” Legend yelled. Legend pounded on Stephen’s front door when she turned around and saw the mob of fans climbing over Stephen’s tall, black fence.

  The door opened, and Legend ran in. Stephen joked, “Well, don’t you think it’s a little too early in the morning to exercise?”

  “Listen, you jerk, this better be important, or else I’m going to leave,” she said.

  “Oh really? You’d rather be trampled out there, than hearing this great news that I’m about to tell you?”

  They walked down the hallway and exited through the back door. They came out to the backyard and ended up by the water fountain.

  “Yeah, I would. It would be a lot better than dealing with your sarcasm,” she replied. Stephen gave out a loud yell. “What the hell was that for?” she asked.

  Stephen sat down on the grass and began to look at the water fountain, the water shooting out from four nozzles.

  “Well, Legend, first of all, I have to tell you two things, one of which is a surprise.”

  Legend sat down on the ground also, and looked at him with serious eyes. “Well, come on, you jerk, what is it?”

  Stephen stared vigorously at her beauty.

  “Okay, remember that surprise that I told you about, when we were in New York? It was the surprise that I said I would tell you in November?” he asked, Legend widening her eyes with excitement.


  “Well, I’m going to tell you it. . . . But first, I want you to say to me that I’m the most incredible guy you have
ever met.”

  Legend punched him in the arm.

  “Yeah, whatever, come on, tell me.” A large smile came to Legend but Stephen still held his ground.

  “Nope, you first have to say that.

  Legend punched him again.


  “Yeah. . . .”

  “No. . . .”

  “Then I’m not going to tell you the surprise,” Stephen said.

  “Alright fine, but I’m only saying it because you forced me to say it. You’re the most incredible guy who I’ve ever met. There, I said it, now keep up your end of the bargain, and tell me–”

  “Alright, alright, fine. Your modeling career, as well as fame, has shot above any model’s or anyone else’s career ever. You’re a goddess, and for that, I’m privileged to tell you that you’re going to be giving out an award at the ‘Styling Award Ceremony’ this November 23.” Legend screamed at the news. “Also, I recently found out that you’re up for an award yourself. You’re up for the Best Model of the Year, and I know you’re going to win that.”

  She screamed louder. “Wait a second, wait a second, the Styling Awards aren’t in November,” she said. Her voice came to a shallow tone, and confusion set over her mind.

  “Yeah it is, last year they began a new Styling Awards, they’ve redone the whole ceremony and given it a makeover. Legend, you’re going to the Styling Awards, and you’re going to win that award.”

  Legend started screaming again. She gave him a hug and, at the same time, secretly liked it.

  She hugged him tighter, her excitement fell, and her feelings for him grew stronger. Hugging him, she whispered, “Stephen, thank you so much for this. . . . You’re the reason why I’m here, and I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  She slowly released her hug, and came up to his face. He then began to feel her face gently with his hand. “You’re welcome. But you could have done it without me, Legend. Every model’s dream is to win an award like that, and you’re going to win it on your own, I know you are.”

  “Yeah, it’s every model’s dream, but you still helped me to see it, and actually have a chance at winning.” Legend slowly brought her guard down, and her true feelings were beginning to escape.

  “Your inner beauty got you to where you are today, as well as your beauty on the outside. Always remember that, Legend.”

  Their faces came closer to one another, and their eyes slowly shut.

  Suddenly, before their lips met, Legend remembered her place with Stephen. Right away, she shot away from his face, stuttering, “So, um, what was the other surprise you had to tell me? Or was me being up for an award the other surprise?”

  “Oh, um, the other surprise is something that has never happened to anyone. But it’s happening to you on November twentieth.”

  Legend got up from the ground. “What is it?”

  “I can’t tell you. But, this is something that you deserve, and something that’s going to be telecasted around the whole world. No one knows what it is, but in two days there’s going to be a commercial that’s going to advertise some event that’s starring Legend.” He then got up from the ground also. Suddenly, Sylvia came out into the backyard and walked up to them. “All I’m going to say is that you made this event come true.”

  “Excuse me, Stephen, but there’s some girl at the front door, she said she knows Legend,” Sylvia said. Legend looked at Stephen. “Her name is, I think she said, Jenny Smithers.”

  Legend’s face displayed misunderstanding.

  “I don’t know a Jenny Smithers,” said Legend.

  Sylvia walked back inside of the house. Sylvia reached the front door and said, “I’m sorry, ma’am, but she doesn’t know you.”

  Jenny’s chubby face just looked at her. “Well, you tell her that it’s Jenny from school.”

  Sylvia gave out a huge breath of air. “I’m sorry, Jenny, but as you can see, there are many young girls who want to see Legend.” Sylvia pointed toward the tall, black fence that a bunch of young fans stood behind. “I don’t know how you got past that fence, but if you don’t leave now, I’m going to be forced to call the police.”

  “Listen to me, please tell her that it’s Jenny from school.” Jenny looked through the door, to see if she could spot Legend. “If you don’t, then I will be forced to kick your old butt!”

  Sylvia gave out an appalled expression.

  “You listen to me, you fat piece of–”

  Jenny abruptly pushed her way in through the door and looked around the mansion, saying, “My God, this place is huge!”

  “Leave now,” Sylvia shouted.

  Jenny ran up the stairs in search of Legend.

  “Where are you hiding her?” Jenny said. She came up to the top of the stairs and walked down the hallway.

  While Jenny was looking for Legend, Sylvia ran to the backyard. “That girl just broke in your house!”

  “What girl?” Stephen asked. Legend just looked at him with a puzzled expression.

  “That, that, that Jenny thing, she busted her fat body through the door,” replied Sylvia. Legend and Stephen entered through the back door, looking for Jenny.

  “Where did that girl go, Sylvia?” Legend asked.

  “Up the stairs.”

  As Legend and Stephen ran up the stairs, Jenny entered a room where she saw a sleeping figure. She walked up to it, thinking it was Legend, and said, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t miss Sleeping Beauty!” She took off the covers, only to reveal her worst enemy. The silver spoon.

  “My God, you fat bitch,” Dina said. She got up from her bed, and pushed at Jenny’s large stomach. “How dare you come in my room, and abrupt my beauty sleep.”

  “Where’s Legend?” Jenny then pushed Dina back.

  As they fought, Stephen ran into the bedroom, while Legend still ran toward it, and asked, “Who the hell are you?”

  “I didn’t realize that wanting to see my good friend would be such a struggle, a hassle. I’m Jenny Smithers, I’m Legend’s best friend.”

  Stephen walked up to her and looked her in the eye.

  “Yeah right,” Stephen said. “The only best friend she has is Dina. You’re just a crazed fan.”

  Jenny gave a saddened face, but refused to be treated like a stranger. “Oh my God, the world is ending, she is not best friends with Dina! Listen, I met you, Mr. Drakson, at that modeling thing last November. I met you, with Legend. I’m her best friend!”

  Stephen still didn’t believe her, his memory didn’t serve him.

  Legend ran in the room, saw Jenny, and said, “Oh my God, Jenny?” Legend ran up to her and gave her a hug. “What are you doing here?”

  “Yeah, I was just asking her the same thing,” Dina said, though a kind voice took over. Her mental mask went on again. “I was just saying how nice it was to see her.”

  Jenny broke free from Legend’s hug and said, “Listen, Legend, could we go somewhere private? I really have to talk to you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Jenny sat inside of Legend’s house, holding a glass of lemonade, admiring her red velvet décor, from the walls to the curtains. “So, this is quite a life you have now, Legend.”

  Legend sat down on her leather couch, and placed her feet on a red, silken carpet. “Yeah, I like it. So, how have you been? Are you in college now?”

  “Yeah I go to U.I.C., I’m taking up drama. But next year I’m going to New York University,” replied Jenny. Legend took a drink of her champagne that was held in a crystal glass. “You never used to drink before.”

  Legend looked up at her, saying with a smile, “Yeah, well, I don’t know, I like the taste of champagne. . . . So, um, how have you been, besides with school?” Legend then got up from the couch.

  “The question is, how have you been?”

  Legend turned to her and stared. “Well, I’ve been fine. So, um, how long are going to stay in California?” Legend tried to stray away from Jenny’s question.

  “Two weeks
, I leave November fourteenth. So I hear that you’re going to come out with a perfume?”

  “Oh, they’re just going to put my name on it, that’s all. But it’s coming out next week,” said Legend, taking another sip of her drink.

  “That’s cool. You have it all, Legend.” Jenny looked around the room and stared at this fabulous sight of a mansion. She then stared at Legend, knowing Legend was happy and content with her new life. “I mean, I can’t miss you, only because your photo is on every billboard in Chicago, or every magazine cover. As a matter of fact, I’m sick of seeing your face,” Jenny explained with a smile. Jenny wanted it to seem like a joke to Legend, but really there was some deep meaning in her words.

  “Oh, gee, thanks.” Legend took another swig of her champagne. She felt there was another meaning to Jenny’s last comment, but she placed it in the back of her mind, or at least tried to.

  “I’m just joking. . . . I guess I’m like most girls who idolize you, I look forward to hearing your words on television when you’re giving speeches, or else seeing your photos, and realizing that one day I could look like that.” Jenny’s voice was mixed with a little sarcasm, as some sort of anger was building. Suddenly, the pressure of the anger building inside busted out orally. “Legend, what’s this I hear that you’re best friends with Dina?”

  “Where did that come from?” Legend placed her glass of champagne down on a coffee table.

  “It came from nowhere, I just heard that you two are friends.”

  “Well, I’m not best friends with her, but I’m a friend. I mean, she’s not the same Dina she was in the past, she changed. I mean, sometimes I think it’s just an act, but now I feel that Dina has really changed for the better.”

  Jenny began to smile.

  “Yeah right. Legend, Dina’s a bitch, and you know that. But that’s not why I came over here.” Legend picked up her glass again and began drinking her liquor heavily. It was as if Legend knew why Jenny came to see her, and that caused her nerves to build, and her anxiety to grow a larger structure to it.


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