Book Read Free


Page 15

by Ruby Rowe

  “Ava, what are you afraid they’ll see?”

  “That I’m not who they thought I was.”

  “I don’t believe that. You’ve made comments since I met you about how the world has you in this box. They don’t know the real you.

  “What is it you say they call you? America’s Sweetheart? I understand you want privacy from the media, but you also hate being labeled something you’re not.”

  “That’s true, but I can’t just tell the world I’m a member of Dungeon Six.”

  “You don’t have to give them details, but start letting them see a different side of you. Don’t cower down and make it something to be ashamed of.”

  “I can’t lose my career.”

  “The career you’re not happy with?”

  “Acting is all I have.”

  Dragging his teeth over his lip, he stares into my eyes, and I’m getting the feeling he’s hesitant to speak. He cups my cheek, and as his thumb skims over it, I want to retreat. He’s worming his way back in.

  “I think you can’t get out of the box Hollywood put you in because you only come across to everyone as sweet and innocent. I was trying to get you to see it the other day, when I said that what you needed to change was right in front of you. You’re the only one who can do it.”

  “And how do you propose I do that?”

  “You stop taking roles you don’t want, like the lame one you were offered the other day. Stop doing projects with Drake. People won’t see that you’re talented without him if you’re only starring with him. That’s one of the reason’s I said not to write the screenplay.”

  I look at the floor. “Wow, how did you get so insightful?”

  “I think you’ve been too close to see it, but I know it’s not what you want, and it’s holding you back.”

  “Are you suggesting I go to the party and show I’m not ashamed of the club so that people will view me as something other than sweet?”

  “No, I’m suggesting you put on some give-me-dick lipstick, fuck-me heels and a dress that’s nothing like the prudish shit you wear out in public. Then, go to the party with a damn grin on your face, and leave them guessing if you’re into kink.”

  I laugh loudly. “Give-me-dick lipstick. Do they sell that at Bloomingdale’s?”

  “Seriously, you need to seem a bit mysterious if you want to land an Oscar-winning part. The world will wonder if you’re a sweet girl or a naughty woman. I want to be the only one who knows you’re both.”

  I feel the blush on my cheeks as I lift my gaze to meet his.

  “You’ll hate it if I’m dressed like that.”

  “A little, but I’m the only one who’s going to see you naked later tonight in those heels and that lipstick.”

  “We haven’t fixed our issues.”

  “No, but we’re going to. I admitted I messed up, and I’m going to fight to make things right between us.”

  I sigh. “Everything you said about my career is true, but I’m scared. I’ve experienced negative publicity before, but it was about what the others in my life were doing wrong, like Mickey, Oliver or my father. That was humiliating enough, but this is about me.”

  “Own it. Don’t be ashamed.”

  I inhale a deep breath. “OK. I’ll do it.”

  “Good, now I have to go downstairs. Having all these strangers on the property is a security nightmare, but I’ll be nearby at every turn, so if you need me, just nod.”

  “I will. Thank you, Griffin, for being a friend.” Kissing my forehead, he leaves me alone in my room. I walk over to my vanity and pick up my pink lipstick, but immediately I set it back down.

  Instead, I rummage through my makeup drawers until I find a lipstick I received in a swag bag from one of this year’s award shows.

  Opening the tube, I turn it up and smile. Screw pink. I’m wearing Givenchy’s Rouge Fetiche tonight. It’s Ava Lane’s new signature color.


  What–the hell–was I thinking, telling Ava to dress like that? I’m dying here, watching every man’s head turn to admire her.

  She’s not only asking for a dick to suck with that lipstick. No, that blazing red says I’ll suck your cock and make your wildest fantasies come true all in the same night. Her shiny silver stilettos are so thin and sharp that they’d leave marks on my back.

  And I don’t think what she’s wearing can even be called a dress. The sheer champagne material is so see-through that she’s got these pasty things hiding her nipples.

  The fabric barely covers her ass, so her long, slender legs go on for miles. Shit, the fact she owns that outfit shows how her naughty side was waiting to be unleashed.

  She has to forgive me, and not only so I can rip off that so-called dress. I want a relationship with her. I imagine the bottoms at the club and the past women I’ve dated. They all wanted more from me, and for the first time, I get it.

  I have that same yearning for Ava, but Mickey and Oliver stole the woman’s ability to trust, and I only added to her fear when I pushed her away.

  I don’t know when to tell her the truth about my family, or how I’ll deal with Dominic, but I’ll fight any battle and make whatever sacrifices necessary to keep her.

  I hear chatter in my earpiece. “A guy named Daniel claims he’s your cousin and a guest,” Kellen says.

  Shit, I forgot about Ava inviting him. “Let him in.” I weave my way through the crowd outside to tell her I have to step out.

  People are standing around the pool, chatting and drinking, and I’m surprised Ms. Sinclaire isn’t swimming after her comment last week; however, she is stretched out in a lounge chair with four men crowding her space.

  She reminds me too much of Ms. Velasquez, and that’s probably why I don’t like her. She’s all grins, and I wonder how long it will be before America realizes she’s no sweetheart, either.

  It’s bad enough she steals some of Ava’s romantic comedies, but if she nails a part in a hit drama first, it’ll devastate Ava.

  “Excuse me, Ms. Lane, can I have a word with you?” I ask. She excuses herself from a small circle of people and steps aside with me.

  “My cousin Daniel just showed up. I need to catch him before he makes a spectacle of himself.”

  Ava giggles and covers her mouth for a second.

  “I’m sorry. I really did want him to come.”

  “I know. I’ll just have to keep him on a short leash.”

  “I want to speak to him, so make sure you find me.” Leaving her with her friends, I hurry through the gate off the backyard to find Daniel. He’s shutting the door to his BMW, and I fight a laugh when I notice him nervously adjusting the bowtie of his tux. This party isn’t that formal.

  “Daniel, hi.”

  “Griff, am I glad to see you. I didn’t know where I was supposed to go. Do I look good for the ladies?” He holds his arms out and grins.

  “Yeah, man, you look good, but you’re a bit overdressed. I’d lose the bowtie.”

  He hurries to get it off. “Oh, thank god. This thing’s choking the hell out of me.”

  “Hey, has Mickey DeLuca ever seen you in person? Or maybe a photo of you?”

  “I haven’t met him, but I saw him once when I was spying on one of the card games.”

  “Then you need to leave. I already spotted him here.”

  Daniel holds his hands up. “You’re overreacting. He’s never going to recognize me from that one time. I don’t even think he saw me.”

  I stare at my cousin to see if he’s being truthful or merely saying what I want to hear so he can get inside this damn party.

  “All right. Come on. We’ll find you a drink, and then you can talk with Ava for a few minutes.”

  As I begin walking, he grabs my arm to stop me.

  “Not so fast. We have to talk about what happened last weekend. You know you can’t stand Pop up like that. He’s been cranky all week because of it.”

  “Tell him I’ll be over in a few days with some news.”
  He wags a finger at me. “I mean it, cuz. If I tell him you’re coming over, you better show this time.”

  “I will. Now, let’s go.”



  “What are you doing?” Sydney asks rudely as she grabs my arm and pulls me away from colleagues.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, why are you dressed like that?”

  I look down at my attire and smile. “Oh, Griffin convinced me to show more of the real Ava. Screw the tabloids and paparazzi. They can kiss my ass.”

  “OK, but you’re kinda showing me up at my own birthday party.” She eyes me from top to bottom. “You’re so gorgeous tonight.”

  “Thanks? I think.”

  “I mean, you’re always beautiful, but tonight you look sensational, and I can’t help but feel like all eyes are on you instead of me.”

  “Sydney, it’s your birthday, so everyone is here to see you. You’re young and stunning, and guys are going to notice you long before they notice me.”

  Biting her lip, she smiles. “OK, if you say so.”

  “Yes, look at you! That dress is to die for, and it’s because your killer body is in it, and did you ever think that the guests are looking at me because of the news that broke today?”

  She nods. “Right, I didn’t think of that.” She takes hold of my arm again and makes a pouty face. “I’m sorry you’re going through this.”

  Even though the outside world doesn’t know it, Sydney’s insecurities are plentiful, and she can’t take it if she’s not the center of attention. Since I’m more of an adult, I let her be as often as possible. I never dreamed she’d feel threatened by how I look tonight.

  “I appreciate that. Now, go have some fun before we bring out the cake.”

  “OK. I’m sorry I said anything. It was childish of me. You really do look great, and I’m glad you’re not letting the media BS eat at you.”

  I smile faintly before she saunters off. Oh, the BS from today is definitely eating at me, but I’m trying to do what Griffin said, even though it’s not been easy.

  Sydney’s right that all eyes are on me tonight. They’re watching my facial expressions to gauge my mood, but I keep holding my chin high.

  “Ava,” Mickey says as he sidles up to me and plants a hand on my ass. Quickly removing it, I step away from him.

  “Stop it, Mick, and I mean it this time.”

  He holds his hands up, and there’s a drink in one of them.

  “OK, calm down.” He displays a devilish smile. “I’m just checking to see if you’re ready to reminisce. I sure hope so after seeing you in this dress.”

  “Hardly, and why are you here? I didn’t invite you.” He looks out toward the pool as he takes a sip from his glass.

  “Sydney invited me, and why are you being rude? Is it about the photos that leaked?”

  “That’s not helping, but it’s how you think you have some right to touch me.”

  His playful expression turns menacing.

  “Have you forgotten our long history? Make no mistake, Ava; I’m always going to be around whether you want me to be or not. I had this body before any other man, and I’ll be the last one to touch it.”

  Leaning in closer, he grazes the back of his hand down my cheek. “I knew you were into kink, but I had no idea you desired it to that degree. Maybe things would be different today had you told me.”

  I point my finger in his face. “Don’t you dare try to blame our problems on me. I told you many times that I’d like to be more adventurous. If you hadn’t been so busy sticking your dick where it didn’t belong, you might’ve noticed that I had another hole on this body waiting for it.”

  His eyes grow round. “Damn, sweetheart. I guess I wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t realize your back door was open for business.”

  “You snooze you lose. Now, get out of my face.”

  “Is everything OK here?” Griffin asks protectively as he comes up beside me. I feel his presence and smell his scent, and I wish I could slide my arm around his waist to show Mickey that it’s this man who gets me off better than he ever could. Instead, I continue scowling at my ex.

  “Everything’s great. Mickey was just leaving.” I look back at Griffin and see that Daniel’s with him. Before Mick strolls off, he narrows his gaze on them long enough for it to be awkward. It’s like he’s on to us, but I don’t really care anymore.

  Daniel’s face lights up once my ex is out of sight.

  “Ms. Lane, it’s great to see you again.”

  “Hi, Daniel. I’m glad you could make it, and please call me Ava.”

  “OK, Ava. I must say you look stunning tonight, and this house you got here is impressive.” Smiling, he takes in his surroundings.

  “Thank you. I feel blessed to have such a lovely place. Where do you call home?”

  “Santa Monica.” He holds his thumb out toward Griffin. “This one here thinks he’s too good for our beach. He had to find a pad in Malibu.” Unlike Griffin, Daniel’s animated and social. It makes me smile.

  “I love the Santa Monica Pier. I was on location there once, but it’s really changed over the years.”

  “Yes, it sure has changed, and so has business.”

  “Oh, what kind of business—”

  “I was about to find Daniel a drink,” Griffin interjects. I like this guy, so to stress Griffin out a little, I loop my arm around Daniel’s.

  “I thought you had to work. I’ll make sure your cousin gets a cocktail, and I’ll introduce him to a few celebrities.”

  Daniel grins broadly. “I’ve never rubbed elbows with famous people before.”

  “Well, now’s your chance.”

  “OK,” Griffin says. “I’ll do a sweep of the house.” He gives Daniel a look of warning, and I don’t know what he’s worried about. His cousin seems harmless.


  I roam around the downstairs, looking for any suspicious behavior. The volume in the house has steadily increased from the music blaring and the intoxicated guests shouting.

  Needing just a moment of quiet, I start up the stairs to ensure no one is snooping around the second floor. I freeze about five steps from the top when I see Mickey DeLuca drop Sydney to her feet.

  He’s leaning against a wall as he tucks his dick back into his pants and zips them. After pushing her dress down, Sydney gives him a short but passionate kiss and heads down the hallway in the direction of the bedrooms.

  Mickey comes right toward the stairs, so I start climbing them like I never stopped. Once he spots me, his mouth opens and closes, and as he passes by, he slides a hand through his mussed-up brown hair.

  I walk down the hall, and seeing Ava’s bedroom door ajar, I approach it and peek inside. I spot Sydney, so I push it open farther and flip on the main light. Jumping, she turns around and covers her chest with her hand.

  “Griffin, you scared the crap out of me.”

  “What are you doing in here?”

  “I’m freshening up. Is that a crime?”

  “No, but I imagine Ava might consider you fucking her ex a crime.”

  Her mouth falls open and chest rises.

  “Are you going to tell her?”

  “I haven’t decided.”

  “You know, you’ll only hurt her if you do, and if you think the news will make her want you more, you’re mistaken. Mickey will always have her heart, and being jealous might be all it takes for her to run right back into his arms. I’m sure you don’t want that.”

  “You’re supposed to be her friend, but instead you’re a pathetic and desperate waste of a human being. Get your whoring ass out of her bedroom, and if sucking cock is next on your agenda, then do it in the pool closet.”

  “You’re a dick, and I don’t know what Ava sees in you.” Tears fill her eyes before she stomps past me. I hear her heels clacking on the hardwood floors as she hurries down them.

  I don’t need another secret to keep from Ava, bu
t I’m sure as hell not telling her this until I know she’s mine.


  “That was a fun party,” I say as I stare at Griffin. He’s carrying me up the stairs to my bedroom after a long night. “What time is it?”

  “2:00 a.m.”

  “I like Daniel. He’s a jolly dude.” Griffin finally looks down at me and smiles.

  “A jolly dude? I think you’ve had too many glasses of chardonnay.”

  “Not really.”

  Arriving at my bedroom door, he manages to reach out a hand to turn the knob. He lowers me to the floor and switches on the light by my bed.

  “Are you sure you’re not drunk? We need to talk, but I want you to be sober when we do it.”

  “I’m not drunk.” That’s a smidgen of a lie, but I’m scared he’ll tuck me into bed and leave if I tell the truth. “I just really like your cousin. He seems like a good person.”

  A look of sadness washes over Griffin’s face, and I wish I knew what goes on in that smart, over-analyzing head of his. “What’s wrong?”

  “I have a lot on my mind,” he replies. Stretching out sideways across my bed, I pat the empty space next to me. “God, you’re so sexy,” he adds. “Are you sure you’re not drunk?”

  I make an inch with my fingers. “I promise I’m only like this much intoxicated.”

  He frowns. “That’s what I thought.”

  “Get in this bed with me and talk. I promise I’m sober enough to make decisions and remember them tomorrow.”

  Huffing a breath, he removes his suit jacket and stretches out next to me on his side. The second his head hits the bed, his blue eyes start to shut.

  “You’re tired, too.”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Why did you come see me before the party? Was it only because you heard me crying?”

  He moves a few strands of hair off my face.

  “No, I was coming up to talk to you before I heard your cries. I told you I messed up. I shouldn’t have said what I did.”

  “And we shouldn’t have started this when you work for me. You’re a private man, and privacy is not what you’re going to get by being with me. Right now, the media is just waiting to see your face.”


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