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Vanished Beneath: DS Lasser six (The Lasser series Book 6)

Page 18

by Robin Roughley

Spenner sighed and turned just in time to see the fist flying towards his face, for one terrifying second he was back under the railway bridge as the maniac swiped the knife across his throat.

  It was a nightmare flashback that had haunted his dreams and kept him awake into the small hours, drenched in sweat and trying desperately to breathe. Then the fist slammed into his face and his head snapped back cracking against the glass window with a heavy ringing bang, blood sprayed from where his lips had mashed against his front teeth, his legs buckled and he crashed to the ground.

  Colly looked down, breathing heavily as the copper lay sprawled on the deck, the lower half of his face smeared red. Moving up to the window he peered into the room, his eyes narrowing as he saw Donny Elliot perched in the bed.

  With slow deliberation he clicked open the door and moved into the room.


  'You look knackered,' Bannister said as Lasser slouched into his office.

  'Yeah well, Medea didn't get much sleep last night.'

  Bannister threaded his hands around the back of his head. 'How is she bearing up?'

  'Not good.'

  'I've spoken to Coyle, you know the Jag was spotted last night?'

  Lasser slid into a chair before nodding. 'Yeah, she rang early doors.'

  Bannister stretched his arms towards the ceiling. 'Well, until we hear anything else we concentrate on sorting out this other mess.'


  'So, we might as well get over to the hospital and have a word with Elliot.'

  'No problem.'

  When the knock came at the door Bannister opened his mouth to shout 'enter' however, before he could get the word out the door burst open and Sally Wright popped her head into the room, her face flushed with anxiety.

  'Did you hear me say come in, Wright?'

  The colour in her cheeks blossomed. 'Sorry, sir, but this is important.'

  Bannister frowned before pushing to his feet. 'I think I should be the judge of what's important, don't you?'

  Sally nodded quickly. 'I just thought you'd want to know straight away.'

  Lasser glanced over his shoulder and threw her a wink, she smiled hesitantly in return.

  'Well come on, spit it out.' Bannister snapped.

  Sally opened the door fully before moving into the room. 'It's Donald Elliot.'

  Bannister's frown turned into a full-blown scowl. 'What about him?'

  'He's been murdered.'

  Lasser almost fell off his chair.

  Bannister drove like a maniac, lights flashing, siren wailing, his face distorted with an amalgamation of fury and disbelief.

  'I don't fucking believe it,' he hissed as he stormed across a junction narrowly missing a refuse truck in the process.

  Lasser kept his mouth closed and his feet buried in the carpet of the foot well.

  'I mean, tell me it's a bad dream?' He glanced at Lasser, his eyes bulging.

  Lasser shrugged a response and closed his eyes as Bannister barrelled past the Cherry Gardens public house.

  Half a minute later, he hurtled onto the hospital car park and pulled up in front of Accident and Emergency.

  As they climbed out a traffic warden waved towards them before shouting, 'You can't park there!'

  Bannister stood with hands on hips as the man strode towards them.

  'You'll have to move it.'

  'Police business,' Bannister snapped.

  'I don't care you can't leave it there,' he pointed at the car, his face stern.

  Bannister dragged the keys from his pocket, 'OK fair enough.' He threw the keys at the warden who caught them and then looked at Bannister in amazement.

  'What the hell do you think you're doing?'

  'You'll be in your little hut, don't worry I'll come and find you.'


  'Look I don't have the time for this, now make yourself useful and park the bloody car!' he bellowed before turning and storming into the building.

  Lasser shrugged at the warden before following Bannister into the air-conditioned hospital. Bannister was standing in front of PC Steve Black waving his arms, his face blotchy with anger.

  'What the bloody hell happened?'

  Black shuffled his feet, a porter pushing an empty wheelchair strode past the receptionist behind the desk frowned over at Bannister.

  'Someone clobbered Spenner...'


  'Yes, sir, he was on guard outside Elliot's room...'

  'Not interested,' Bannister snapped. 'Just give me the details.'

  'Someone gave Spenner a good hiding and then went into the room and killed Elliot.'

  'Killed him, how?'

  'Bludgeoned him to death with a metal bed pan.'

  Lasser gave a quick shake of his head as if he'd heard wrong.

  'A bed pan?' Bannister's face twitched in incredulity.

  Black looked uncomfortable. 'That's what it looks like, sir.'

  'Show me.'

  They followed Black along the corridor and then took the lift to the third floor, as they walked into another bland corridor Lasser swallowed. This was the same ward that Cathy Harper had been taken to when she'd been attacked eighteen months earlier.

  He could see DI Cooper standing in front of Spenner who was slumped in a plastic chair. At the far end of the corridor, a mixed group of nurses and patients were standing around gossiping about what had happened.

  Bannister strode down the narrow beige tunnel with Lasser following close behind, Steve Black bringing up the rear.

  'Good morning, sir,' DI Cooper said and then frowned as Bannister ignored him and pushed his way through the door. When Lasser tried to follow, Cooper grabbed his sleeve.

  'Where do you think you're going, Sergeant?'


  'Stay here with the waste of space,' he jabbed a finger at Spenner before following Bannister into the room.

  Doc Shannon was standing by the side of the bed, when he heard the door slam he glanced over his shoulder.

  Lasser looked down at Spenner; he had his head in his hands, a pitter-patter of blood on the rubber tiles between his feet.

  'You OK, Spenner?'

  When the young officer looked up Lasser frowned.

  'You might need stitches in that lip.'

  Spenner shook his head and grinned his teeth flecked with dried blood. 'Another battle scar huh?'

  Lasser crouched down in front of him and patted his shoulder. 'What happened?'

  The man shrugged. 'I turned to check on Elliot then when I turned around the bastard hit me.'

  'Did you get a look at him?'

  'Cooper says I'm finished in this job.'

  Lasser frowned. 'What do you mean?'

  'He said I can't be trusted to do a simple job, according to him I'm not fit for duty.'

  'Fuck him, Spenner, everyone knows he's a dickhead.'

  'Yeah, but he's right this time isn't he?'

  'Bollocks, it could have happened to any of us.'

  Spenner shook his head. 'I doubt that.'

  'Look, if we had the manpower then you wouldn't have even been here on your own, it's not your fault we're short on resources.'

  'That won't wash though will it?' he looked furtively left and right as if checking for spies. 'They want me out; they think I can't do the job, not since,' he paused, 'not since this.' He grabbed the collar of his shirt and dragged it down revealing the livid pink scar beneath.

  'You've had a run of bad luck, Spenner, that's all.' Lasser said lamely.

  Spenner dragged a hand under his nose leaving a wet trail along his cheek. 'I still miss her.'

  Lasser was thrown at the sudden change in the conversation. 'Who are you talking about?'

  'Cathy Harper.'

  Lasser stood up and looked down at the top of Spenner's bowed head.

  'We all do, Spenner,' he said in a thick voice.


  'Lasser get in here now!'

  He could see Bannister through the glass hi
s face clotted with anger.

  'Hang on in there, Spenner,' he said as he pushed his way into the room, just as Cooper barged past him.

  Lasser held the door for him as the DI stormed into the corridor; Shannon smiled and nodded at Lasser.

  'Good morning, Sergeant.'

  'Morning, Doc,' he replied as he looked down at the figure on the bed.

  'Death by bed pan, I can't believe I'm saying it,' Bannister growled.

  Donny Elliot's face had been obliterated. Lasser could see where the white sticking plaster had been driven down into the red mash of his face. The skull had been split along the hairline revealing a sliver of bone beneath, half a dozen teeth lay scattered on the pillow. The silver bedpan slick with blood had been tossed into the corner of the room leaving a red smear on the tiled floor.

  'I mean, look at the bloody state of him, our principal suspect and just look at the fucking state of him,' Bannister sounded distraught. 'What does Spenner have to say for himself?'

  'He says he turned to check on Elliot and before he knew it he was on the floor unconscious.'

  'Ridiculous!' Bannister spat. 'So, come on, Doc, can you tell us anything beyond the bloody obvious?'

  Shannon shrugged. 'Not really. I mean, it's self-explanatory.'

  Bannister turned from the bed and looked at Lasser with tired eyes. 'So did Spenner get a look at his attacker?'

  'I was just asking him when you called me into the room.'

  Bannister snorted. 'So, what were you talking about, the weather or perhaps the latest football results?'

  'Spenner's a bit fragile at the moment, sir.' Lasser tried to explain.

  'Fragile, I'll give him bloody fragile,' he said as he stormed across the room.

  Lasser sighed; Shannon raised an eyebrow as Bannister slammed the door closed.

  'I told Spenner he wasn't ready to come back.'

  'Come on, Doc, you know what it's like, you need to get back on the horse.'

  'Lasser, he nearly died, it's bound to leave psychological scars.'

  'Yeah but...'

  'He should be undergoing therapy, not be back on duty.'

  Lasser looked through the glass; he could see Bannister and Cooper standing in front of a seated Spenner like bullies in a schoolyard picking on the little kid.

  'He can do without this,' Lasser mumbled.

  When Spenner leapt to his feet and pushed DI Cooper hard in the chest Lasser bolted for the door.

  By the time he had dashed from the room Bannister was holding Spenner back, Cooper was leaning against the wall a vicious look of hatred smeared across his face.

  'Spenner, get a bloody grip!' Bannister bawled.

  Lasser glanced along the corridor; he could see the assembled crowd in their uniforms and dressing gowns, hands covering mouths in shock.

  'You've never liked me!' Spenner wailed, as he jabbed a finger towards Cooper.

  Bannister dragged Spenner along the corridor and as soon as Lasser made to follow, he found Cooper blocking his path. 'Stay right where you are, Lasser!'

  Bannister glanced over his shoulder, 'Lasser, with me now!'

  Lasser raised an eyebrow at Cooper who looked as if he were going into meltdown.

  Lasser shouldered him out of the way and jogged down the corridor.

  As soon as Bannister spotted the gents toilets he manhandled Spenner inside, Lasser catching the door before it slammed shut.

  Bannister led the young officer to the far side of the room before spinning him around. 'Now, do you mind telling me what the bloody hell that was all about?'

  Spenner looked manic, his eyes flitted left and right, his bottom lip wobbled, the dried blood on his chin cracked as he started to cry.

  Bannister took a step back as if he had just caught the young PC performing a sex act in a public place. 'Listen to me, Spenner, I don't have time for tears and tantrums.'

  Lasser sighed and slid his hands into his pockets. Bannister had often accused him of being tactless when it came to showing compassion and yet here he was pissing all over Spenner's emotional distress.

  'Now, stop your bloody bawling and give us a description.'

  Spenner fluttered his eyelashes like a silent movie star in turmoil. 'About six-two,' he sniffed.

  'Go on.'

  Spenner closed his eyes as if trying to recollect the attacker. 'Thirteen, maybe fourteen stone in weight.'

  Bannister nodded. 'Good.'

  'His hair was cut short,' Spenner lifted a hand and ran it across his head. 'Mousy brown and he had tattoos.'

  'Tattoo's?' Lasser asked.

  Spenner opened his eyes. 'I'm sorry I shouldn't have pushed DI Cooper.'

  Bannister swiped a hand through the air. 'Never mind him, the tattoos, where did he have them?'

  'Er, one on his neck and I think he had some stars on the knuckles of his right hand.'

  'Colly Roberts,' Lasser sighed as Bannister spun to face him.

  'You know this man?'

  'Sarah Clark's boyfriend I went to see him after she died.'

  'You're sure?'

  Lasser nodded. 'He has a spider tattoo on his neck half finished.'

  'That's it!' Spenner pushed himself away from the wall.

  'Did he have old acne scars on his face?'

  Spenner's eyes were alight with a kind of twisted glee. 'Yeah, yeah I remember now he had scars on his cheeks.'

  'It's Roberts all right.' Lasser said.

  'You have his address?'

  'Millers Lane.'

  Bannister looked up at the ceiling tiles and then his shoulders slumped. 'Spenner you need to take some time off.'

  Spenner shook his head. 'No thanks sir, I'll be fine.'

  'It isn't open for debate.'

  Spenner sniffed as if he had just detected a foul stench. 'You want to get rid of me, you're just like Cooper he says my days are numbered.'

  Bannister glowered. 'Did he now.'

  'But I need this job; I've just moved into a new flat, I can't afford to lose...'

  'Nobody is getting rid of you Spenner.'

  Spenner looked unconvinced. 'I know I've been a liability sir, but give me another chance, please,' he clasped his hands beneath his chin like a small child kneeling at the foot of his bed in prayer.

  'You're not listening, your job's safe, you have the makings of a good officer but you need to get yourself sorted.'

  Spenner blinked in confusion. 'Sorted?'

  Bannister clapped him on the shoulder. 'It makes sense to talk to someone, take some time off, I'm not talking months, just enough time to get to grips with what happened. I mean, I told Lasser I thought you'd come back too soon. Now I admire your fortitude, but you can't rush these things it takes time to come to terms with what happened to you.'

  Spenner looked at Lasser who gave him the slightest of nods. 'He's right Spenner.'

  Bannister frowned. 'Of course I'm bloody right!'

  'So you won't sack me?'

  'I promise Spenner you get the help and your job will be here when you get back.'

  Spenner juddered a huge sigh of relief. 'Thank you,' his voice quivered with pent up emotion.

  'Now go and get that lip sorted and then get yourself off home.'

  'Will do sir.'

  Bannister looked over his shoulder as one of the cubical doors opened and an elderly man tottered out on a Zimmer frame.

  'How's a fella meant to move his bowels with you lot standing outside the door,' he grimaced and rubbed at his stomach.

  'Sorry about that,' Bannister mumbled. 'We were just leaving.'

  The man waved a hand. 'Don't bother it's worn off me now.'

  They watched as he hobbled over to the door and pushed his way through.

  'Right Lasser, we need everyone out looking for this Colly Roberts character.'


  'He shouldn't be too hard to find, spider tattoo on his neck, stars on his knuckles and according to Doc Shannon more than likely drenched in blood.'

ister grinned wolfishly. 'Even you should be able to track him down Sergeant.'

  'Any chance of me going off sick?' Lasser asked with a sigh.

  'Forget it you're beyond help.'

  Spenner smiled.


  'But you must have something you can use?'

  They were parked in Horwich town centre, the streets bustling with shoppers.

  Emma shook her head. 'You dragged me out of the house remember, all my stuffs back at Medea's place.'

  'Fuck!' Forbes slammed his hand on the wheel.

  Weak sunlight bled in through the windscreen, Emma could smell her stale body in the confines of the car.

  'Right, you'll have to go into the bank tell them you've had your bank card stolen.'


  'Don't argue with me Emma, you'll do as I say and remember I know where your friend lives and your father so if you even think of running then they'll be the ones who pay for your stupidity, do you understand what I'm saying to you?'

  Emma looked into his eyes and saw the promise there. 'Yes.'

  'Right, we'll go together then I can keep my eye on you.'


  He grabbed her wrist and twisted; Emma gasped and tried to pull away. 'Like I said you need to learn a harsh lesson, for every action there is an opposite reaction.'

  'You're hurting me!' she whimpered.

  'Not half as much as I will do if you fuck me about, and remember your frail old dad, well just keep him in your mind and we'll be fine.' He let her arm go and climbed from the car watching her over the roof as she stood on the pavement blinking in the sunlight like a cave dweller seeing daylight for the first time.

  Closing the door, he beeped on the alarm and moved to her side before taking hold of her hand, just another young couple strolling along doing a bit of window-shopping.

  Emma could feel the scream building inside, with so many people it should have been easy to drag herself free kicking and screaming. Trouble was she had spent too long in London, a place where people never got involved in others arguments. She'd seen it on the streets enough times, couples screaming at one another and passer-by’s looking the other way desperate not to become entangled in the drama.

  Forbes tightened his grip as if he could sense her intentions. 'Go on,' he hissed from the corner of his mouth. 'Scream and see what happens.'

  Emma clamped her lips together in fear, somehow she knew that if she did manage to break free then he would disappear in the crowd and make good his promise. By the time the police had been called, he would be pulling up in front of her father's house or worse still on Medea's drive. Precious minutes would be wasted as she tried to explain to some faceless police officer and then he would probably contact his superior to find out what he should do about the mad woman with the tall tale to tell. It was hopeless, surrounded by all these people and yet she was still a prisoner.


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