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My Lord Immortality

Page 19

by Debbie Raleigh

  It was a certainty that was destroyed the moment Sebastian happily earned her over the threshold and into the front parlor that was filled with guests. In amazement, Amelia had noted several unfamiliar faces that she was certain must be vampires, and, of course, Lucien and Gideon along with their smiling wives.

  Her eyes filled with happiness as she glanced up to meet her husband's tender gaze.

  He had, of course, known all along. And with his usual efficiency had managed to provide precisely what she desired. Indifferent to the numerous eyes upon them, Amelia pulled his head downward to kiss him with all the love that flowed through her heart.

  Loud cheers and clapping at last brought her to her senses, and with decidedly warm cheeks she loosened her grip upon her husband to meet his glittering gaze.

  "Welcome home, Mrs. St. Ives," he said softly.

  "What did you do with all the dust covers?" she teased as a profound sense of joy bloomed within her heart. The parlor had been one room she had not yet reached with her ruthless refurbishing.

  "Do not fear, my dear. I have kept them quite handy so we can replace them the moment we have rid ourselves of these bothersome guests."

  Her brows lifted in surprise. "Replace them? Why on earth would we do that?"

  The silver eyes glowed with a decidedly wicked light. "Now that you are most certainly mine, Mrs. St. Ives, I intend to keep you far too occupied to concern yourself with entertaining."

  Her laughter tinkled through the room. "Why, Mr. St. Ives, is that any way for a proper, always dignified scholar to behave?"

  "Well, as a scholar I have always forced myself to know all there is about a subject before coming to a conclusion." His gaze lowered with an aching desire to the fullness of her lips. "You are going to require a most thorough and continuing examination, I fear."

  "A most fascinating proposal," she murmured softly.

  With a growl he pressed a quick, searing kiss to her lips before reluctantly lowering her to her feet.

  "Go enjoy your guests, my love," he husked close to her ear, "before I have them thrown onto the curb."

  She reached up to lightly touch his lean cheek. "Patience, Sebastian. We have an eternity together."

  His gaze briefly lowered to where the amulet had been returned to the chain about her neck. A smile of pure contentment curved his full lips.

  "An eternity. Yes. That should perhaps be just long enough to show you how much I love you."

  * * * THE END * * *


  Debbie Raleigh lives with her family in Missouri. Debbie loves to hear from readers, and you may write to her c/o Zebra Books. Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you wish a response.

  Published by Zebra Books

  ZEBRA BOOKS are published by

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  Copyright © 2003 by Debbie Raleigh

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