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Page 13

by Donna Michaels

The woman was capable and vulnerable and the combination took Finn’s breath away. She looked down at him, eyes full of the very emotions exploding through him like a percussion grenade.

  He wanted to tell her, but all he could choke out was “Cammie,” in a strangled voice.

  Then their lips met, and he watched as her eyes fluttered close. He’d never seen or felt anything so beautiful. Holding her face, he lightly, tenderly kissed her back.

  Every touch, every stroke, every kiss held meaning as they took their time and loved each other. The passion wasn’t frenzied or frantic, hectic or mind blowing. It was slow and strong. It held meaning and that’s what set this time apart; put it above all others. This wasn’t just a release, a satisfaction of the body; it was a satisfaction of the heart and soul. Something he’d never experienced before.

  He rolled her over and she spread her legs, her body practically humming beneath him.

  “Love me, Finn,” she whispered.

  I do, he silently told her, but didn’t voice the words, not wanting her to think they were born out of lust.

  Heat raced down his spine as he entered her and slowly rocked to equal the hypnotic rhythm of her hips. Passion burned hotter, consumed, enveloped his whole being. He bent down and kissed her long and deep, his tongue stroking hers, matching the erotic cadence of their bodies.

  He released her mouth and watched as she settled back against the pillows, her desire-laden gaze and the way she caught her lower lip between her teeth did crazy things to him. He felt ten feet tall, and every bit of his Finnvincible nickname.

  She made him feel like a king, so when she arched her back and started to tighten around him, he had no trouble answering her plea of “Now, Finn. Now.”

  His climax started from deep within, shaking him, rattling him, racking his body until he shattered, letting out a long, low moan of intense satisfaction.

  And love.

  He dropped down onto her chest, her breathing labored, her pulse hammering against his ear. There was no need to say anything. Their actions just spoke louder than words.

  He rolled onto his back, settling her against him, loving the way her hand automatically slid across his ribs.

  This woman was his perfect fit.

  He kissed her head and his eyes drifted close.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It was the damnedest thing to wake up cold and alone, several hundred miles and two states away from your heart. Pain pierced Cammie’s chest. She stopped stirring the soup on the Lonesome Steer’s industrial stove, and stared at the vegetables floating in the pot. They had a purpose. Everyone needed a purpose, and right now, hers was to cook.

  She was grateful Gus had given her a job no questions asked because of her affiliation with his nephew Win, and equally grateful to Brett for driving her to Amarillo yesterday morning and helping her to get settled in a hotel down the street. Of course, her stubborn C.O. had put her through the third degree until she told him exactly what had happened.


  Those two words had ripped her world apart. They were the ones that haunted and taunted…the ones Finn had called out in his sleep after they had made love over twenty-four hours ago.

  After sharing something so special…

  Cammie had stiffened, hoping against hope she had heard wrong. That the words he spouted from his slumber had been anything but his ex-girlfriend’s name.

  But they were. He hadn’t called out to her…he’d called out to Heather. Her heart felt like it had burst in her chest. Pain had wrapped clear around her ribs and squeezed tight.

  After all this time. After all they’d done together and to each other, Finn still had stronger feelings for his ex than he had for Cammie.

  She had no doubt he cared for her, just not enough. The heart wants what the heart wants…and it wasn’t her.

  Cammie had made up her mind then and there to leave. She couldn’t stay and pretend nothing had happened; pretend he cared more for her than Heather. It wasn’t the truth and she couldn’t live a lie. The past few months had taught her that much.

  Yet, leaving Finn had been the hardest thing Cammie had ever done, but the right thing if she wanted to keep her self-respect. She’d come to the painful realization his touch had been different that night, but not due to love as she’d hoped. Every meaningful touch and blessed kiss hadn’t been meant for her—he’d been pretending she was Heather.

  Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her cheek. She swiped them away. They weren’t the special ingredient in Gus’ famed beef and barely soup. Get it together, Marine, she scolded.

  Easier said than done. She felt so dark, gray…so hollow inside, as if the slightest touch would crumble her into a million pieces and she’d blow away in a gust of wind.

  She felt guilty too. Guilty for making her C.O. explain her absence to Finn. She had left him a small note, but that was all it was—small. And now Finn had to deal out an explanation and return the gifts collecting dust since the party. But she couldn’t stay another second in that house. In his room. In his bed. She just couldn’t.

  The squeak of the kitchen door signaled someone had entered, but she didn’t turn around. She was too tired, too broken to explain her tears. It was easier to avert her face and stir the soup. Gus usually called in an order from the window. If he was in the kitchen, it was to fetch something he needed.

  “Hello, Cammie,” a familiar, deep voice spoke quietly from behind.


  Cammie jumped, losing her grip on the spoon. She watched it slowly disappear into the hot mixture as her mind reeled.

  What is he doing here? She wasn’t ready to face him. Couldn’t face him. She closed her eyes as her whole body froze.

  “Aren’t you going to turn around?”

  He sounded tired, weary, and for a moment, her heart went out to him. But her legs stayed rooted to the spot. She opened her eyes and shook her head.

  Concentrating, she fished the spoon out of the soup with a large pair of tongs, then dropped both utensils in the nearby sink.


  He sounded closer. And so tired. There was no way she could resist the plea. With a deep breath, she forced her body to twist around, and immediately exhaled.

  Cowboy-Sexy stood there in his black T-shirt, blue jeans and black Stetson. Exactly as he had three months ago when they first met; only this time, he was the one wearing the red bow on his shoulder.

  Cammie’s first instinct was to crumble, but she dug deep, stood her ground, and faced the man who was unknowingly breaking her heart. He stepped toward her, face drawn, eyes troubled, and she realized she wasn’t the only one in pain.

  “Cammie, please listen to me. Please hear me out.” He stopped in front of her.

  Even though she was the one who’d been wronged, she couldn’t stand to see him so tormented. She nodded and leaned against the counter for support.

  “When I woke yesterday morning, I didn’t understand what had happened. I didn’t understand your note. I didn’t understand why you’d left, until Brett came home in the evening and proceeded to chew me up and then back down.”

  A small smile tugged her lips. That was her C.O.

  “He told me what you’d heard. I’m so sorry you misunderstood my nightmare.

  Cammie reeled back. Nightmare?

  “Yes.” He nodded, clearly reading her mind. “All night I kept having the same nightmare of that damn gun being pointed at you, only not by the creep from the bar, but by Heather.”


  “Yes, Heather. I guess in my mind I was blaming her for putting you in danger. She was pointing the gun at you, and I kept hollering to her to stop. I swear that’s the only reason I would’ve called out her name. It’s you I love, not her.” Finn took her hand and stared at her, agony hollowing the planes of his face. “Please say you believe me. Please say something…anything.”

  The invisible Humvee parked on Cammie’s chest, restricting her breathing,
crushing her insides suddenly disappeared, along with the nightmare she’d been stuck in for the past twenty-four hours.

  Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as his words sunk in.

  “You…love me?”

  “With all my heart.”

  He brushed away her tears, his touch as gentle as his gaze. “I’m just sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I was too afraid you would think it was said in the heat of the moment.”

  She smiled and felt a flush warm her skin. “Same here.”

  He blinked and looked at her with wonder chasing the torment from his beautiful blue eyes.

  “Does that mean…”

  “Yes. I love you, too, Finn Brennan.”

  She straightened to meet his lips for a kiss she never thought she’d ever taste again. Elation cleared her mind and returned the strength to her limbs.

  He loved her, not Heather.

  Cammie held onto her cowboy, sweeping her tongue inside his mouth, indulging in the hotness that, until a few seconds ago, she thought was gone forever.

  Finn slowly drew back and kissed her nose. “Thank you for believing me.”

  She suddenly felt like the biggest idiot for leaving. How could she have been so stupid?

  “Shh…It’s not your fault,” he whispered against her forehead, reading her mind again.

  Her gaze fell to the bow and she finally noticed the card stuck to his shoulder.

  It read: Yours for life, broken pieces an all.

  “Finn.” She fingered the card and looked up. “The broken pieces are the best parts.”

  His eyes narrowed for a split second before emotions charged the blue electric.

  “God, I love you.”

  He crushed her close, kissing her long and deep, again and again until she didn’t know up from down.

  When he drew back, he took her hand and dropped to one knee. “Lieutenant Camilla Walker, my beautiful, stubborn, incredible Marine,” he began, pulling a blue velvet jewelers box from his pocket. “I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?”

  Tears ran unchecked down her face as she gazed into the loving blue eyes of the man who had just offered her the world.

  “Lieutenant Commander Finn Brennan, yes, with all my heart! I will marry you, my sexy, Navy cowboy.”

  Cammie pulled him to his feet and kissed his smiling lips. The red bow and card came loose and fell to the floor. Let them fall. She didn’t need them. She needed Finn. When they broke apart, he held up the velvet box and laughed.

  “You haven’t even looked at the ring.”

  “I’ve already seen it.”

  Her lips twitched into a smile, remembering how emotionally hard it had been to remove, despite its original owner. The need to have it back on, binding them together, showing the whole world their connection—rushed through her strong and deep.

  “No, you haven’t.”

  The sparkle in his eyes competed with the shine on the stainless steel counter behind him.

  “The other ring was for our fake engagement. This one is real, because I bought it with you in mind.”

  Cammie’s heart rocked into her ribs. He bought her a ring? Her own ring? She swallowed as he slowly opened the box to reveal a square cut chocolate diamond bordered by tiny alternating sapphires and diamonds. Navy and Marine

  Her hand shot to her mouth. “It’s you and me. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” she whispered, half afraid it would disappear.

  “I have,” Finn stated, looking straight at her when she lifted her gaze. “Thank you for putting up with me. For making me whole.” He took the ring from the box and slipped it on her finger.

  “I was only returning the favor.”

  He kissed her hand, then entwined their fingers. “I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what Corporal Harrison had suggested about the Worthington Veteran’s Center. I’m going to call them this week and make an appointment. I really would like to work with the vets. I already talked to Brett about incorporating some veteran programs and activities at the Ranch. He thinks it’s a good idea, too.”

  The thought warmed her heart. “That’s wonderful, Finn. I know you’ll inspire them to achieve the impossible. But…” She cocked her head and held his gaze. “You can’t make an appointment at the Veteran’s Center this week. You’re going to Coronado to take your physical.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  An incredulous look widened Finn’s eyes.

  Cammie grinned and reached up to touch his cheek. “Finn, you’re a Navy man. It’s one of the things I love about you. And there are no oceans in Colorado.”

  The corner of his smile touched her thumb. “True, but if you’re by my side, I’d be quite happy living there the rest of my life, waiting for my Marine to come back from deployment.”

  Joy rushed through Cammie where only minutes ago she had felt so hollow.

  “Duly noted, but I’m not going to stay in the Corps. I’ve been thinking, too. There are plenty of people to help stateside. Perhaps even at the ranch.” She released his face to pat his chest. “So, you are going to take that physical and we are going to keep all your options open. Agreed?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered, pulling her in for another kiss.

  “Is everything all right in there,” Brett called from the pass-through. “It’s been ten minutes. That’s long enough to make up or kill each other. Which is it?”

  She laughed against Finn’s solid chest. “You brought your brother?”

  “Yep. He insisted…so did mom and Terry.”

  Cammie was still smiling when they walked out to the bar and Finn held up her hand to show off the ring. Cheers erupted, and in an instant, they were surrounded by family.


  Just yesterday morning Cammie had thought she’d lost them all. She kissed Rose and promised to call her mom, hugged a teary-eyed Terry, a smiling Gus and even the two smirking pool players.

  “Congratulations, bro. Good choice. I told you, you wouldn’t find anyone better than Cammie,” Brett boasted.

  He held his hand out to Finn and she watched as the brothers shared a back-slapping hug.

  They drew apart and Finn smiled. “For once in your life you were right.”

  Her C.O. smirked, then turned his attention to her. “Ah, Cammie. Welcome to the family.”

  He lifted her off the ground and gave her a twirling bear hug not unlike the ones she’d received from Finn’s Navy pals a few weeks back.

  “I already think of you as my little sister. Now it’ll be official.”

  “Sweet.” She tapped his face. “This means I can keep you in line all year round.”

  Finn chuckled. “That could turn into a full time job. Good thing I called in reinforcement.”

  Her gaze snapped to his. He didn’t. But the devilment sparkling in his eyes told her he had.

  “Operation Payback is in motion?”

  “As we speak.”

  “What do you mean Operation Payback?” The captain stiffened, his alarmed gaze bouncing between them. “Hey, remember how much you love each other and how happy you are. Don’t bite the hand that…well played a part in your happiness.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” she told him, linking hands with Finn. “Although, I can’t speak for Corporal Jennings.”

  “Corporal Jennings?” Her C.O. frowned. “What does Trisha have to do with this?”

  “Only everything,” Finn replied, enjoyment coating his words.

  “What are you two talking about?”

  “Ask her yourself. She’s here.” Cammie pointed to the pretty redhead breezing in.

  “Hi, Cammie, Finn.” The corporal rushed forward to hug them both at the same time before she pulled back. “Mrs. Brennan, Terry, so good to see you again.” Trisha shook their hands, then turned to Brett. “Captain, thank you so much for doing this. My parents think we got engaged yesterday, now that you’ve resigned your commission.”

  “Where would they get such a crazy idea?”
  Trisha’s gaze dropped to the floor. “I sort of told them…but I can explain…just not now.”

  Finn stepped forward and Cammie watched as he rummaged in his pocket. “Here, Brett. I almost forgot. You two might need this.” He lifted his brother’s hand and dropped the old engagement ring into his palm.

  Brett shook his head. “Oh, hell no. Wait just a minute.”

  “There isn’t time. Give me that.” Trisha swiped the ring from the captain and shoved it on her finger as a smiling middle aged couple entered the honky tonk. “Here’s my parent’s now.”

  The look of utter panic claiming her C.O.’s expression sent a giggle up Cammie’s throat. She managed to swallow it down until her fiancé opened his mouth.

  “Payback’s a bitch, bro.”

  The color disappeared from Brett’s face, and he glared at Finn as if he wanted to pulverize him.

  “Ah, there it is,” Finn whispered to her through his lop-sided grin.

  “There’s what?”

  “The murderous look I was going for. Brett’s in the same frame of mind I was when he pulled his little stunt three months ago.” He kissed her temple. “Mission accomplished. Now we can go.”

  She chuckled and followed his lead as he bid everyone good-bye and pulled her into the kitchen.

  “Finn, you are so bad.” She playfully punched his shoulder. “I can’t believe you actually contacted Trisha. I only suggested it as a joke.”

  His lop-sided grin returned.

  “It was a good, solid plan, Marine. Besides, I thought you loved it when I was bad.”

  She was about to show him how much when the kitchen door squeaked and Gus walked in.

  “You Brennan brothers have to visit more often. There’s never a dull moment.”

  “You’ve no idea.” Cammie stepped to the smiling man. “Gus, if you need me to stay and cook I will.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Absolutely not. You go with your man. I already called Win. He’s on his way.”

  “Thank you, and please thank Win, too.”

  Finn held his hand out to Gus. “Thank you for taking care of Cammie for me.”

  “No, problem. You just keep that light in her eyes.” The older man winked, then grabbed a camera from on top of the refrigerator. “If you two wouldn’t mind?”


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