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Claimed By The Irish Wolf Shifter (Irish Wolf Shifters Book 2)

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by Flora Ferrari


  Claimed By The Irish Wolf Shifter


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Extended Epilogue







  Claimed By The Irish Wolf Shifter





  Copyright © 2020 by Flora Ferrari

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers.

  Claimed By The Irish Wolf Shifter

  As soon as he sees her, he knows she is destined to be his...

  Irish mobster Aiden Killanney is hiding a dark secret, but it’s time to reveal it when he sets eyes on the woman who is destined to be his mate...for life. The only problem? She’s his best friend’s daughter.

  Aisling O’Connor is sick of living in her father’s shadow and longing to explore life. She’s never even had a boyfriend. So when dark and brooding Aiden Killanney prowls into her life he looks like freedom. But Aisling may be underestimating just how dangerous he really is...

  *Claimed By The Irish Wolf Shifter is a SHORT insta-everything standalone instalove romance with an HEA, no cheating, and no cliffhanger.



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  Chapter One


  “Welcome to America.” Tommy O’Connor grins at me as I get into his car. “How was your flight?”

  “Long,” I reply shortly. I don’t like flying. I’m part wolf, and I belong on the ground, in the wild under the moon, not above the clouds in a gravity defying metal bird.

  Tommy grins again and slaps me on the back.

  “It’s good to see you Aiden. It’s been too long.”

  “It has,” I nod. Tommy has been my friend and sort of mentor for some years, as well as a useful contact on the other side of the Atlantic. It is good to see him. Unfortunately, this isn’t just a social visit. I’m here to help set up a trade deal between the Italian Mafia, the Irish-American Mob, and the Irish Mafia. This consists mainly of me and my two triplet brothers. We run Dublin, and do our best to keep the trash out and our dealings away from civilians. Although we’ve been having some trouble lately with a rival gang – the O’Donnell’s – I’m confident we can handle it.

  The Killanneys are not to be messed with. Since Uncle Padraic died operations are run jointly between Brendan, myself and Cormac, though as the oldest by all of two minutes Cormac does throw his weight around on occasion. I’m surprised he didn’t take this job himself, but then Cormac hates flying even more than I do.

  “Hopefully we’ll get the time to have a bit of a whiskey and a catch-up while I’m here,” I suggest. Tommy frowns.

  “Yeah you’d think so, but I’m going to be away tomorrow night. Some business to sort out with the Chinese, and I can’t take you with me; they don’t like new faces. So you’ll have to amuse yourself. At least it means Aisling won’t be on her own all night. You do remember Aisling?”

  I nod. The last time I saw Tommy’s young daughter she was about ten, with braces and thick glasses. “How old is she now?” I ask, imagining a spotty teen.

  “Twenty,” Tommy says, surprising me. The years have gone faster than I realized. “She’s looking forward to seeing you again. She used to follow you around as a kid, remember?”

  I nod, not wanting to admit that no, I don’t remember at all. I must have only met the girl a handful of times.

  We drive past two women on the sidewalk and Tommy leers out of the window.

  “Look at that,” he says with appreciation. When I don’t, he raises an eyebrow at me. “You got a girl yet?”

  “No one special,” I murmur. I can’t tell him the truth, because he doesn’t know what I really am. Like regular wolves, werewolves mate for life, or so Uncle Padraic always told us. When we meet our mate, we’ll know, and apparently – assuming they agree of course – we can mark them with a bite. Which sounds appealing except for the fact that I’ve never met a woman I wanted to spend more than a night with, never mind my whole life.

  “Well a good-looking guy like yourself, I’m not surprised. The ladies must be falling all over you,” Tommy says with a hearty laugh. I shrug. I’m aware of the effect I tend to have on women – with my heightened senses I can practically smell the lust on them – but it’s rarely reciprocated and never lasts. I haven’t been with a woman in a while.

  “How about yourself?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “I’m the same, no one special. Since Aisling’s ma died I’ve not wanted to replace her, you know?” A rare glimpse of vulnerability comes across Tommy’s face, to be replaced by another leer as a blonde with ridiculously large tits walks past as we stop at a light. I roll my eyes, but with affection. Tommy’s a good guy.

  Unless you’re his enemy, of course.

  We get to Tommy’s house, a large and flashy five-bedroom estate on the outskirts of Chicago. It’s as opulent as I remember, rich looking and a bit brash, much like Tommy himself. He leads me into the kitchen where he immediately pours himself a gin.

  “Want one?”

  “Irish whiskey for me Tommy.”

  “What else? Ah, here she is,” Tommy’s face and voice soften as he looks at someone over my shoulder. “Princess, you remember Aiden?”

  “Of course,” comes a soft, husky voice, entirely different to the one I was expecting. I turn round, expecting to see an older version of the nerdy kid that I remember.

  Holy shit. I pick my jaw up off the floor as I take her in, feeling my cock twitch in my pants. She’s stunning, with soft buttery blonde hair, huge blue eyes, full lips and a body that’s impossible not to imagine naked. All woman, with big tits and juicy hips and thighs in a floral dress that clings to all the right places.

  “Nice to see you again,” I say in a clipped voice, trying to stop myself from staring. The last thing I want is for Tommy to see that I’ve got a hard on for his daughter. I’m not scared of Tommy – I’m not scared of anyone, even my brothers – but I think a lot of him. Not to mention that a feud with our Irish-American contacts is the last thing we need.

  But I can’t deny I want her, and as she steps towards me and leans in to give me a polite kiss on the cheek, two things happen that nearly knock me off my feet.

tly, I smell the desire on her and know that she wants me just as much as I want her. If that wasn’t enough of a recipe for gets worse than that.

  I feel the wolf in me react to her with a sudden fierce knowing and sense of possession. She’s mine.

  And I have to have her, no matter what trouble it might cause.

  Because regardless of whose daughter Aisling O’Connor might be, my senses are screaming an unavoidable truth at me.

  I’ve finally found my mate.

  Chapter Two


  Oh. My. God.

  As I lean in to kiss Aiden Killanney’s cheek, desire washes over me like a warm flood of liquid heat. I practically have to tear myself away from him before I jump into his arms and beg him to rip my clothes off. He smells incredible, as if someone has bottled the scent of pure testosterone. Eau de Male.

  By the way his eyes linger on mine and then sweep slowly up and down my body I think for just a moment that the intense attraction is mutual, but then his expression hardens and he steps away with no more than a polite nod.

  In all fairness to him, he is standing right next to my father, who thankfully doesn’t seem to have noticed that there’s anything wrong. Given that my dad still treats me like I’m twelve, that’s not such a surprise. At twenty I have never had a boyfriend, partly because I’ve never met a guy who intrigued me enough, but also because Dad wraps me up in a bubble.

  That and everyone is probably too scared of him to even try. He does his best to keep me completely insulated from his ‘business dealings’ but I’m not stupid. The O’Connor’s are a prominent Irish Mob family, and I’m the resident princess.

  The Killanney brothers, from what I’ve heard, might just be the only people my Dad views as equals in his world and looking at Aiden I can see why. Power just seems to radiate from him, along with that raw sexiness that makes parts of my lower body tighten instantly. He’s also huge, in a body builder kind of way, with thighs like barrels and arms that look like he could bench press a small truck. I wonder if he’s on steroids, although he doesn’t have that artificial look that most bodybuilders seem to have. Not that I have any experience of men’s bodies, of course. But I would certainly love to experience his.

  “I’ve got overnight business tomorrow,” Dad says, knocking back a drink, still totally oblivious. “Which is shit timing in one way Princess, but in another at least I won’t have to leave you on your own. You don’t mind a spot of babysitting do you Aiden?”

  He slaps Aiden on the back. Aiden glances at me and for just a second I see heat flash in his eyes as he quickly looks me up and down. I swear his eyes linger on my breasts and thighs as my skin tingles in response.

  “Not at all,” he says in his accented drawl. It’s a voice I can imagine whispering dirty things into my ear...My mind draws a complete blank as I try to imagine what exactly those dirty things would be. Who am I trying to kid? I wouldn’t even know where to start...but I would like to find out.

  Flustered I turn away from them both and go to the fridge. I’m suddenly hungry alright, though it’s not for food, but I’m hoping the cold will soothe my now flaming cheeks before my dad notices there is something wrong. It’s testament to the fact that he still thinks I’m a little girl, that it doesn’t even occur to him that there might be a good reason not to leave me alone with a guy that looks like Aiden Killanney.

  I reach for a tub of yoghurt just as my dad’s phone rings and the noise startles me so that I drop the tub, creamy yoghurt splashing all over our expensive tiled kitchen floor. Dad just shakes his head at me as he answers the call and takes the phone out of the room and I blush, feeling like a clumsy schoolgirl as I reach for a cloth to wipe it up.

  “Are you wanting some help?” Aiden asks, sounding faintly amused. I shake my head furiously, not looking at him as I bend over to clean up. No wonder Dad isn’t worried about leaving him alone with me, I think. Aiden probably thinks I’m just a silly girl too.

  But as I straighten up I catch Aiden’s eyes on me...on my ass. Our eyes meet and the heat that flares in his takes my breath away. It’s a look of lust yes but there’s something more too...almost of possession. I gasp, but then the look is gone and he raises his glass to his lips as though nothing has happened. I’m left holding a cloth covered in yoghurt wondering if I imagined the whole thing. I finish cleaning up, muttering to myself to get a grip.

  Dad comes back into the kitchen, putting his phone back into his pocket. His eyes go straight to Aiden.

  “Rizzi wants to bring the meet forward.”

  “I thought it was tonight?”

  “It was. Now it’s in half an hour.” I have no idea who Rizzi is or what their meeting is about – and neither do I want to – but my father sounds pissed off. Aiden raises an eyebrow.

  “Is he usually this demanding? Tell him to wait.”

  My father looks even more annoyed, as though he thinks Aiden is challenging his authority. And maybe he is. Aiden has been here less than half an hour but it’s been long enough for me to pick up on the fact that he doesn’t speak to the great Tommy O’Connor in the way he’s used to. Aiden doesn’t seem to be frightened of my father at all.

  The thought makes me tingle. How long have I been waiting for a man who isn’t frightened of my father?

  “We don’t have long to get this sorted. You’re only here for a few days,” Dad counters. “Best if we just go and see what the problem is.”

  Aiden just shrugs as though he doesn’t care one way or the other. He knocks back the rest of his drink in one gulp and sets his glass down on the counter, then nods to me before walking out of the room. Dad ruffles my hair and kisses me on the forehead and I try not to show my impatience. I know he’s just being affectionate – and he’s been ridiculously overprotective ever since Mom died – but does he still really think I’m twelve? I smile dutifully. I know it’s only because Aiden is here that I’m suddenly acutely aware of my womanhood.

  “Sorry to rush off early Princess. But now we can get pizzas when I get back? Watch a movie maybe?”

  I smile, feeling a rush of affection. He does try his best. “Okay Dad.” I watch him go, wondering how the hell I’m going to get through movie night and pizza with Aiden sitting there. Maybe he’ll go to his room.

  I feel hot and sticky and go upstairs, deciding to have a bath to kill time, knowing that I won’t be able to stop thinking about Aiden and trying to decipher the way he was looking at he wants me, I’m sure of it. The thought makes my heart race even as I’m not sure whether I believe it. He must have women falling all over him every day of the week...or probably a girlfriend. What would he want with chubby, inexperienced little me?

  I run myself a bubble bath and add a musky smelling essential oil, and as the smell rises up with the heat I think of Aiden’s scent as I leaned in and kissed his cheek. The pulse between my legs quickens as I think about the fact that he will be sleeping here tonight, just a few feet down the hall...and tomorrow not only will he be here, but my Dad won’t...I let my dress and underwear fall to the floor and I see my nipples are pink and stiff at the thought of what could happen. As I step into the bath and sink back into the warm water I know I shouldn’t be thinking like this...he’s my dad’s friend, well over ten years older than me and I’m sure not remotely interested. And yet I remember the way his eyes swept down my body, almost as though his gaze could undress me.

  My whole body tingles at the thought and my breasts ache to be touched. I watch as my nipples stiffen even more, their tips poking through the cloudy foam of bubbles. Closing my eyes I imagine Aiden taking one of them gently in his mouth as I start to run my hands over my body, pinching a nipple and gasping as I visualize Aiden nibbling and kissing at the sensitive nub of skin.

  My clit aches in response to my fantasy and I give in to the urge to touch myself and run a hand down over the soft curve of my belly and in between my thighs. Even through the bath water I can feel how wet, slick and silky
my pussy is between my folds. I think about how it would feel if my hand was Aiden’s hand, bigger and rougher than my light touch, imagining it’s his fingers that are now circling my throbbing clit and tweaking my nipples. I hear myself moan as I imagine him looking at me with those intense green eyes and asking me in that soft Irish burr if he can kiss my pussy.

  Even though it’s only happening in my mind I feel myself flush with heat. I’ve always been intrigued about what it would feel like to have a man’s mouth there, in my mind the tip of my finger is in fact Aiden’s tongue as I rub my clit in a fast, rhythmic motion. I can feel the inside of my pussy throbbing and little shocks of pleasure seem to pass between my nipples and my clit as I think about him looking up at me as he tastes me.

  I want to make myself wait and savor the feeling so I slow down my movements, keeping myself deliciously on the edge. But I’m so close that I take my fingers off my clit and slip one gently inside myself instead, feeling my inner walls clench around my finger as though welcoming me in. Welcoming Aiden in. I hear myself moan again, my voice loud against the tiled walls and I feel a rush of my own wetness against my hand. I move my finger inside myself and then add another, gently stretching the tight walls of my pussy as I wonder what it would feel like to have Aiden push himself into me, taking me for the first time. Making me his. Wondering how big he is and imagining him going slowly as he takes my virginity, gazing down at me with those sexy green eyes. Such a deep longing fills my body that I buck against myself, splashing water and bubbles over the edge of the bath. I bite my lip as I writhe under my own touch, the touch that I so desperately wish was his, feeling my orgasm building. I wish Aiden was here, above me, really fucking me with that hard, strong body, getting ready to come inside me. The thought tips me over the edge and I climax, pushing my hand into my mouth to keep from screaming as my body shudders with a pleasure so intense it rips the breath from my body.


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