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Claimed By The Irish Wolf Shifter (Irish Wolf Shifters Book 2)

Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  One he intends to enjoy every morsel of.

  He lowers himself over me, pushes the cups of bra down and bends his head to my breasts as one hand slips in between my legs. I bury a hand in his hair and close my eyes, giving in to the delicious feelings that are snaking through my body. He circles one nipple with his tongue then sucks it sharply into his mouth as his expert fingers find my clit and start to stroke it gently. His touch is amazing. I moan and arch my back like a cat, tugging at his hair.

  Aiden kneels up between my thighs, and carefully dips a finger inside me while he continues to circle my clit, pushing my lace panties to one side.

  “Let’s get these off,” he says, tugging at my panties. I lift my hips so he can slide them down my legs, then sit up and take off my bra before I lie back down. I love the look in his eyes as he stares at my body. Then he scoots down the bed and buries himself between my legs, moving his tongue around and over my clit until I want to scream with the joy of it.

  I do scream when he pushes his finger back inside me and sucks sharply on my clit just as my orgasm peaks. I let go, writhing under him and abandoning myself to my climax. He keeps his mouth on me until I’m finished, then comes up and kisses me tenderly. His lips are soft and warm and I can taste my juices on them, which oddly turns me on even more.

  I open my legs wider and wrap them around his waist, pushed his groin into mine with my thighs.

  “I want you inside me now,” I whisper, and he nods and gently pushes the tip of his cock into my pussy. I feel myself contract around him and a sudden pressure, which gives way as he slides himself inside me excruciatingly slowly, inch by delicious inch. It doesn’t hurt at all, but it’s an intense, aching feeling that completely overwhelms me, taking my breath away. He pauses, looking down at me.

  “Are you okay?” He asks softly.

  “Never better,” I murmur. He smiles wickedly and starts to move slowly inside me. I match his rhythm with my hips, squeezing his ass cheeks with my hands. I can feel the muscles in his butt tighten and flex as he moves in and out of me... The heat from his cock seems to fill my body, turning me into liquid heat from the inside out. When I come again it goes on longer than I thought possible, until I’m a quivering, boneless mess in his arms. He groans and his whole body tightened as he nips at my neck, climaxing himself with a low, animal growl. He makes that sound a lot.

  We collapse and lie there unspeaking for a few moments then he rolls off me and pulls me into his arms. I prop myself up on one elbow and watch him as he plays with my hair where it trails over his chest.

  “Was that what you expected?”

  I shake my head. “It was better than anything I ever imagined,” I say honestly. He gives me a lazy grin and for a moment I’m stunned all over again by how handsome he is.

  “There’s more where that came from,” he winks and moves my hand down his body. As soon as I touch his cock it springs to life again and I look at him incredulously, raising an eyebrow.


  He smiles.

  “I’m ready as soon as you are.”

  “Now, then?” I tease. He grins and reaches for my boobs, but then hesitates.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to make you sore.”

  “I think I’ll be okay,” I say softly and bend my head to kiss him.

  He kisses me back tentatively at first, as if unsure that I’m really up for it, then he crushes me to him with a moan, pressing his mouth against mine so that I can feel the scrape of his stubble against my skin. His tongue plunges into my mouth in a way that makes me think of his cock plunging inside me just moments before, and a moan escapes my lips.

  I rake my nails lightly across his chest and squeeze his cock tightly, feeling it throb in my hand. My pussy tightens in response. I’m so wet I think he will slip inside me easily now. He starts to play with my clit again and when I buck against his hand in frustration he puts his hands on my hips and effortlessly lifts me onto him so that I’m straddling him.

  He reaches up to fondle my breasts as I use my hand to slowly guide his cock into me, gasping at the thickness of him and the feel of him straining against me. It’s a tight fit but he slips inside me easier this time and I start to move on his cock slowly, rolling my hips in what I hope is a sensuous rhythm. From the look on Aiden’s face it seems to be doing the trick. I lean forward, burying my face in his neck and nibbling at it and he reaches around me and starts to knead my ass cheeks, grinding me onto him. I start to move a little faster, feeling the tension building inside me as I sit back up and steady myself on his chest as I ride his cock.

  “You look so fucking beautiful,” he tells me. “I love watching you fuck me.”

  His words urge me on and I can feel the waves of an approaching climax about to break over my body as I tip my head back and rock myself more urgently onto him.

  Aiden grips my hips, looking just as lost in his own pleasure, moving in time underneath me. When I come it’s so intense it makes my toes curl and I collapse on top of him as he pumps himself into me, filling me with his hot seed, groaning loudly.

  My thighs are shaking as I climb off him and I collapse back onto the pillows, panting heavily. He looks at me from under heavy-lidded eyes and the lazy grin is back on his face.

  There’s a seriousness in his eyes too though and I get the sense he wants to tell me something. My stomach this where he tells me this was a really bad idea and this can never happen again?

  “What is it?” I ask and hold my breath, wondering if I really want to know the answer.

  He pulls me towards him and strokes my face. “That was everything I thought it would be and then some...but I want you to know something.”

  Oh God, I think, my heart beating a tattoo in my chest, he’s going to tell me he’s married or something.

  “Go on.” I say holding my breath.

  “This isn’t just a fling Aisling, not for me. I meant it when I said I want to be your only.”

  I stare at him in shock, and feel a smile spread across my face even as I tell myself that he can’t mean it, not really. He’s basically just met me. It makes no sense. Yet a part of me instinctively believes him. After all, there’s no need for him to sweet talk me now.

  “How can you know?”

  He hesitates.

  “I can’t explain it...but trust me, I know as much as I know my name is Killanney. You’re the one, Aisling O’Connor, and all I’m asking is for you to be open minded about that. I don’t expect you to feel the same way...yet.”

  “Maybe I already do,” I whisper, and kiss him. His lips are soft and tender against mine. As I sit back I wince as I remember one little obstacle that might just stand in our way.

  “What do we tell my dad?”

  Aiden closes his eyes briefly, looking pained, and I realize it can’t have been an easy decision for him. I can tell he cares about my father.

  “We tell him the truth. He’ll get used to the idea.”

  “You think?” I’m not so sure. “One of the reasons I’ve never had a boyfriend – apart from the fact I’ve never met anyone I liked enough of course – is because I was scared of what my dad would do.”

  Aiden strokes my face again.

  “I’m not scared of Tommy, as much as it might piss him off. He’ll come round Aisling; he’s not an unreasonable man.”

  I wonder if he’s trying to convince me or himself, but I snuggle into his arms anyway, determined not to worry about it for now. It can be dealt with tomorrow...until then I have this amazing man naked next to me. My lover. And I’ve got him all to myself until tomorrow. The thought of going to sleep and waking up in his arms feels like a dream come true.

  I shift slightly to get comfortable and feel a slight ache between my thighs. It doesn’t exactly hurt, but I can feel that I’ve been taken. I feel different, and not just physically. Somehow, everything has changed.

  As if reading my thoughts Aiden kisses the top of my head and strokes my back. I
feel safe and warm lying here like this, and I let my worries float away as I close my eyes and breathe in the scent of him, and of our bodies mingled together.

  I must have fallen asleep, because when I open my eyes and I’m aware of an empty space next to me and the light in the room has dimmed like it’s evening. I hear the shower running and then stop, and as I sit up I see Aiden coming out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. It’s one of the hotels towels and it looks ridiculously tiny on his huge, muscled frame, like Aiden’s trying to cover himself with a fig leaf or a hand towel. I drink in the sight of his nearly naked body and he chuckles softly as he walks over to me.

  “Are you liking what you see?”

  “Very much,” I murmur as he bends down and kisses me. “In fact I’ve never seen anything quite like it before.”

  He barks a laugh at that before kissing me again and straightening up. “Shall we go down for some food?”

  “I’m not sure I’m hungry,” I frown. The last thing on my mind is food.

  “Well I am darlin’. I can’t survive on a few croissants; I’m used to a full Irish breakfast. And you need to eat,” he says bossily. “I want you at full strength.”

  “Is that right?” I tease.

  I watch him dress, and it’s a surreal feeling to think that this is my man now. Surreal but blissful. I know I’m jumping ahead but I can’t help thinking about what a future with him would be like. Maybe even children...The thought of my belly growing with his child makes me feel warm all over.

  I take a shower, leaning back and letting the water flow across my body, soaping my breasts and feeling my insides twitch as I remember the feeling of his hands and mouth on them.

  He watches me as I get dressed and curl my hair, winking at me when I meet his eyes in the mirror. Every so often though, when he doesn’t realize he’s watching, I catch that look on his face again, as though he’s weighing something up. I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something he’s holding back, and that something has nothing to do with my father. I try to tell myself I’m being silly and push the thought away as I get changed into a light-colored wool dress that flatteringly clings in all the right places, emphasizing my hips and boobs. The look on his face says he approves.

  He holds his hand out to me.

  “Let’s go eat,” he says.

  Chapter Eight


  The size of the steak Aiden polishes off is unreal.

  “You must have worked up an appetite,” I giggle. He winks at me.

  Dessert is the most sublime blueberry cheesecake I’ve ever tasted, and I tuck in happily as I look around the hotel restaurant. Aiden has chosen the most expensive place he could find and it’s certainly reflected in the quality of the food and decor. I look at the garden beyond the huge patio doors. The rain stopped at some point while we were upstairs and the garden looks pretty in the twilight, lit by colored lights and the stars.

  “Shall we go and sit outside for a while?” I ask, thinking how nice it would be to sit with him in the starlight. It looks quite quiet. Aiden nods.

  “Let’s do that. I’ll go and get the about a bottle of champagne?”

  “You’re spoiling me,” I protest, laughing.

  “There’s more where that came from,” he says, his meaning unmistakable. I watch him walk to the bar, admiring the way his black jeans hug his butt and strong thighs. Every female head in the room turns as he passes them and I feel a rush of pride.

  Back off ladies, he’s mine, I think. Not that Aiden even seems to notice their stares. I guess he’s used to it.

  I stand up and put my wrap over my shoulders, feeling eyes on me. The man who has been sitting at the table next to us blatantly looks me up and down as though I’m a slab of meat. I ignore his eyes as I pass him, thinking how rude.

  The garden is as beautiful as I thought and I’m standing looking at the sky when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around with a smile, expecting it to be Aiden, but instead it’s the man from inside the restaurant, with a drunken leer on his face. He’s stocky and olive skinned, and when he speaks it’s with an Italian accent.

  “All alone? You look like you need some company.” He’s close enough now that I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

  “My boyfriend will be here any minute,” I say firmly. He must have seen Aiden at the table with me...does this guy have a death wish? Perhaps he’s too drunk to care.

  “Well you look like there’s plenty of you to go around,” he slurs and to my horror he reaches for my boobs. I freeze...and then jump out of the way when the man goes sprawling to the ground in front of me. Next to me, Aiden stands there, cracking his knuckles and staring down at the Italian, who spits out blood and what looks like a tooth.

  “Are you insane?” Aiden growls. “You were trying to put your hands on my woman!”

  Coughing and holding his jaw the man staggers to his feet, takes a good look at Aiden and starts to back away. I’m not surprised...Aiden looks murderously angry.

  The man mumbles an apology under his breath and starts to back away towards the gate that leads back out to the road. He’s nearly there when he looks at Aiden and says clearly...

  “Rizzi sends his regards.”

  Aiden lets out a snarl and literally pounces on him in a movement so fast I think that my eyes must be playing tricks on me. He seems to move past me in a blur, crossing the garden in a single leap. I have a moment to register that this makes no sense before I see something that shocks me to my very core...Aiden has the man pinned to the ground and is literally snarling over him. In the soft haze of the garden lights I see that something odd has happened to his face. His eyes have gone fully black and his jaw seems to have elongated...perhaps to allow room for the suddenly huge and protruding canines. From the way that Aiden is positioned over the man it looks like he’s about to rip out his throat.

  I scream. “Aiden! Stop!”

  Aiden pauses and looks over at me, and then to my surprise he lets go of the man and stands up. His teeth look normal now and I frown, wondering what the hell is wrong with me. The Italian guy, looking absolutely terrified, sees his chance and half runs, half scrambles out of the gate. Aiden walks over to me, sounding contrite.

  “I’m sorry if I scared you darlin’” he says, putting an arm around me. “I wasn’t about to let that bastard put his hands on you...and by the sound of it he knew exactly who you are. I need to speak to Tommy.”

  “Never mind Dad,” I retort. “What just happened to you? The way you moved...and your face?”

  Aiden lets out a long exhale.

  “Yes...I’ve got a lot to tell you,” he says in a quiet voice. “Let’s go back upstairs.”

  I follow him, bemused and more than a little frightened. I feel safe with Aiden, but I can’t deny what my eyes just saw. I wonder if he’s on some kind of drugs.

  As we pass back through the bar I see the hotel manager coming over with a thunderous look.

  “You were just fighting outside in the garden Sir?” he says in a clipped voice. He stares pointedly at Aiden’s hand, which has blood on it. Aiden shrugs.

  “I was defending my girlfriend,” he says. “Whoever that guy was, you let a sexual predator in here.”

  A thrill goes through me hearing him refer to me as his girlfriend. The manager however looks less than impressed.

  “He was a valued customer Sir. I’m afraid we can’t have this kind of carry-on in our establishment.”

  Aiden looks like he’s about to punch the manager, so I step in front of him and smile sweetly.

  “He was just defending me,” I say. “I certainly didn’t expect to come here and be treated in this manner. My father will be most upset.” The manager doesn’t miss the stress I put on the words ‘my father’.

  “And just who is your father? Is he a patron of ours?”

  I smile again with what I hope is an innocent look.

  “Tommy O’Connor.”

  The mana
ger’s face goes white. Everyone has heard of Tommy O’Connor. He looks from me to Aiden, blinking furiously, and I know there’s going to be no more talk of us leaving.

  Five minutes later we’re on our way back to our room with a complimentary bottle of champagne and a sincere apology. Being a Mafia Princess does sometimes have its perks I suppose.

  As we enter the room I shut the door behind me and turn to Aiden, swallowing my anxiety and saying firmly, “Now, Aiden Killanney, are you going to tell me what the fuck that was about?”

  Chapter Nine


  I have no choice now, I have to tell her. I really should have told her earlier, but it’s not the sort of thing you can just drop into conversation. By the way, I’m a werewolf, it’s not a problem, is it? But then perhaps that would have been preferable to her seeing me drop fang in the middle of a fight.

  I sit on the end of the bed and pat the duvet next to me.

  “Sit down.”

  She hesitates, and I sigh.

  “ really do want to be sitting down for this.”

  She looks almost scared now and sits next to me, but keeps a space between us. Her eyes search my face.

  “Go on,” she says, “What is it?” Her voice is guarded, and I hate the fact that I’ve now made her wary of me. I don’t think my revelation is going to reassure her.

  “You saw what happened to my teeth?”

  She nods.

  “Yes. And your eyes, and the way you moved like absolute lightning. Is it drugs?”

  That startles me. She thinks I’m on drugs? If only it were that simple.

  “No, darlin’ it’s not drugs...I’m a werewolf.”

  Her eyes widen, and then she bursts out laughing.

  “Aiden stop it. A werewolf...that’s ridiculous...” Her laughter trails off as she sees I’m not joining in and am in fact deadly serious. She stares at me incredulously.

  “You’re really not joking are you?”


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