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A Night To Remember_Phoenix Wedding Night

Page 9

by CJ Bishop

  Caleb set the phone aside and looked at Samuel. “I didn’t want to bring it up until we know for sure what’s going on. Reuben’s mom was supposed to come by and pick him up this morning. We’ll know more when we speak to Nolan and find out how that went and her response to the court order.”

  “What do you think her response will be?” Samuel smiled. “She’s not going to take it lightly, that’s for sure. I met her once. Trust me, she’s going to blow her top.”

  “Even so,” Caleb said. “That won’t have any legal bearing on the matter. If they can prove she’s been abusing Reuben, then it shouldn’t take long to settle the case against her.”

  Samuel sighed. “Let’s hope it’s that simple. But she does have a powerful legal force behind her.”

  “If it turns into a battle,” Caleb said. “We’ll talk to Nick and explain Nolan’s added workload and priorities. I just didn’t want to lay that on him just yet until we know what’s going to happen. Nick is anxious to get Christian out of there and I don’t want to cause him any added worry or stress about delays until it’s absolutely necessary.”

  Samuel nodded. “I understand.” He kissed Caleb. “We’ll do it your way.”

  “Thank you.”

  “What was that about a double wedding?” Samuel smiled.

  Caleb chuckled. “I was talking about Nick and Christian, and them getting married the same time we do. Would you mind sharing a ceremony with them?”

  “Would I mind?” Samuel laughed softly and shook his head. “You ask some pretty silly questions, baby.” He dragged Caleb into his arms and kissed him. “A double wedding sounds like a fantastic idea.”


  “Daddy!” Reuben raced across the living room and leaped into Nolan’s arms the instant he walked through the door.

  Nolan hugged the boy—clung to him—and buried his face in his hair.

  Something was wrong. Clint sensed it immediately.

  “Did you have fun?” Nolan asked with a strain in his voice.

  “Yeah.” Reuben leaned back and grinned. “We played games outside and watched tv and ate popcorn.”

  “You did?” Nolan smiled and kissed his cheek. “Dang. Maybe I should’ve spent the night, too.”

  Reuben and Jules both giggled. “Did you have fun last night, too?” Reuben asked.

  Standing behind Nolan, Grid rubbed his mouth, hiding a grin.

  “Um…” Nolan cleared his throat and looked sheepish. “Yeah. Yeah, I had fun.”

  Clint and Axel chuckled.

  “And we slept with Axel and Clint last night, too,” Jules piped up.

  Nolan smiled. “I know. That was awful nice of them.”

  “Yep,” Jules grinned.

  Setting Reuben down, Nolan said, “Why don’t you boys go play for a bit. We’re not leaving just yet.”

  “Cool!” Jules hopped excitedly and grabbed Reuben’s hand. “Let’s go play with Noah and Noel.” They raced out the back door in a surge of youthful energy.

  Nolan smiled and gazed after them, his eyes distant…anxious.

  “What’s wrong?” Clint asked as soon as the boys were out of the house.

  “What?” Nolan frowned. “Why do you think…” The sentence rolled away when Clint just stared at him. He glanced at Grid and the young man nodded. Nolan sighed and relayed the morning’s events with Patrice. “I trust Jensen and his team. I know they’re some of the best. But I also know the kind of legal strength Patrice has behind her. People who won’t think twice about ripping into my life to find even one morsel of misconduct to use against me. And to do so…that would mean ripping into the lives of everyone close to me as well.”

  A deeper anxiety filled the man’s eyes when he looked at Clint. The cowboy smiled dryly. “If her people know what’s good for them, they won’t come digging around here. They might just find a hole in the ground…ready and waiting for them.”

  Nolan didn’t seem comforted. “My greatest fear is that she’ll find a way to take Reuben away from me—for good.” He swallowed thickly and hung his head as he rubbed his eyes. “He can’t go back to her. I can’t bear the thought of him being mistreated.”

  Grid touched his back. “She isn’t getting him back,” he murmured. “Jensen and his team will see to that.”

  Nolan cleared his throat and looked up, his eyes damp and filled with quiet despair. “I want to have unwavering faith, but he’s my son. I just found out he existed, just got him in my life. I can’t lose him.”

  “You’re not going to,” Clint stated bluntly.


  “You’re not going to lose him,” Clint repeated. “No one is going to take him away from you.”

  Nolan stared at him uncertainly.

  “When he woke up scared last night,” Clint said. “He didn’t cry for his mother; he cried for you. He belongs with you and he’s going to stay with you.”

  Nolan released a shaky breath. “I want to believe that,” he murmured. “But the judicial system isn’t always fair.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about the judicial system,” Clint told him. “You have my word—no one is taking that boy away from you.”

  Axel, Grid, and Nolan stared at him, puzzled. Nolan shook his head. “How can you be so sure?”

  “If they try,” Clint said with a chilled tone. “I’ll take him and hide him.”

  Nolan licked his lips anxiously. “That would be…against the law. You could be arrested for kidnapping.”

  Clint looked at Axel; the younger man appeared more amused than worried. Clint chuffed. “I’ve gotten away with a hell of a lot worse than kidnapping. If I decide to hide that child…no one is going to fucking find him unless I want them to.” He stepped forward and gripped Nolan’s shoulder. “I’ll say it again; no one is going to take your son away from you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The instant Cole and Gabe entered the club, they were surrounded by Ricky and his harem. The boys ushered them to the far end of the bar and waved Carl over to bring them drinks.

  Cole and Gabe exchanged an amused look then Cole asked, “Is there something you boys are wanting?”

  “Hell, yes,” Ricky smirked. “We want to know just when you guys and Dane are going to get up on stage shake those sexy asses for us.”

  “And don’t even try to get out of it,” Levi warned.

  “I second that,” Carl grinned as he placed drinks before them. “This is one show I’d pay to see.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Gabe leaned forward, a dark gleam in his baby blues. “Well, handsome, you know where to stuff the money.” He winked. “I won’t even mind if you cop a feel while you’re tipping me.”

  Carl chuckled. “Don’t think I won’t.”

  “Just as long as you don’t compare me to your boyfriend,” Gabe snorted. “No one can measure up to him. That’s the rumor, anyway.”

  It wasn’t just a rumor for Cole, but he didn’t remind Gabe of that fact. It had only been once, but one time with Lex Roaman was an unforgettable experience. Cole no longer thought of him that way, but there was no erasing the memory of that single encounter, either. The man’s size alone left a lasting impression.

  “Oh, it’s no rumor,” Carl grinned.

  “I figured as much,” Gabe snickered. “Considering the funny way you’ve been walking since you starting dating the man.”

  “Yeah, that is kind of a dead giveaway, isn’t it?” Carl laughed.

  “Hey.” Levi twisted Cole’s stool around and slid onto his lap. “So…we could help you guys practice for your show.”

  A low throb settled in Cole’s crotch as the young man slowly gyrated his ass around in his lap, taking Cole back to the night of the bachelor party when he’d gotten down and dirty with Cole and Gabe.

  Cole smiled and clamped his hands on the boy’s slender hips. “After the bachelor party, I don’t think I could take another session with you and remain civilized.”

  “So?” Levi grinned and hooked his heels around th
e rear legs of the stool and pulled himself up tighter against Cole. “Civilized is boring.”

  Cole was one hundred percent convinced that all four of these boys would do him and Gabe if they were given the green light. He wondered if porn was in their future. He could see it. Not the cheap, smutty shit, but definitely something with a higher class, respectable company.

  “Indeed,” Gabe replied to Levi and leaned closer, resting his arm on Cole’s shoulder. “I hate having to act civilized. Such a strain.”

  Ricky slid his arms around Gabe from behind and kissed his neck. “We can ease that strain if you’d like.” He grinned and nibbled his earlobe.

  Gabe grinned. “You boys are fucking shameless.”

  “You know it,” Ricky breathed in his ear.

  Gavin wriggled between Gabe and the bar and climbed onto his lap. He kissed Ricky over Gabe’s shoulder and then flashed a flirty smile. “Come on,” he cooed. “Let us help you rehearse for the show.” He scooted further up Gabe’s lap. “It’ll be fun.”

  “Oh, I know it would be fun,” Gabe laughed. “I’m just not sure how much rehearsing would get done.”

  “Why do you say that?” Tommy pressed in between Cole and Gabe.

  “Because,” Gabe growled and scooped an arm around the young man, crushing him against his body. “You boys would get us all hot and horny and make us want to do naughty things to you.”

  Gavin laughed lightly and leaned sideways against Tommy, their heads touching as they both gazed at him. “We wouldn’t mind.”

  “Fuck,” Cole groaned and clamped his hands on Levi’s ass. “You boys are incorrigible teases.”

  “Who’s teasing?” Levi grinned darkly and planted a dirty kiss on Cole’s mouth. “A tease doesn’t put out.” He nuzzled Cole’s neck, nipping his skin, sending electric shocks straight to Cole’s crotch. “Come to our party and see if we’re just teasing.”

  Cole smiled at him. “Did you just offer to fuck me in front of my new husband?”

  “Not just you,” Levi clarified. “Him, too.”

  “Definitely him, too,” Gavin moaned and wriggled his rear on Gabe’s crotch.

  Gabe shuddered. “I don’t know who would be the greatest threat at that party; us…or you boys.”

  “Oh, us for sure,” Ricky grinned and slid his hands down inside the front of Gabe’s shirt, caressing his thick chest.

  Cole believed him. He cleared his throat and dug his phone from his pocket without removing Levi from his lap. “Maybe, uh…” he cleared his throat again and grinned. “We should get Dane down here to, uh, you know…rehearse with us…since we’re all three performing together.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Levi moaned. “Do get him down here. Dane is delicious.”

  “Too bad Angel wasn’t performing, too,” Gavin sighed and shivered. “I wouldn’t mind rehearsing with him. He was a very fun ride at the bachelor party.” He grinned. “He and Dane both wanted me. I know they did.”

  Cole snorted. “Of course, they did, you silly thang.” He looked at Levi and squeezed his ass with his free hand. “Just like Gabe and I wanted this hot little number after he about teased us to death.”

  Levi ran his fingers through Cole’s hair and leaned closer, his warm breath puffing Cole’s mouth as he whispered, “All you had to do was ask.”

  “You are relentless,” Cole mumbled with a quirky smile and speed-dialed Dane’s number.


  It was getting late in the morning, but Darius couldn’t make himself leave Riley’s bed…Riley’s arms. They had already made love twice since waking up and it still didn’t feel like enough.

  “So…” Riley trailed his fingertips along the curve of Darius’ shoulder as he lay behind him, their bodies snug. He planted soft kisses in the wake of his caress. “Do you think you’ll ever get up on stage and dance?”

  Darius laughed quietly and shook his head. “No, I’m quite positive I won’t.”

  “Ah, come on,” Riley murmured and brushed his lips through Darius’ short hair along the nape of his neck, sending a flurry of pleasant shivers scurrying through his body. “Give me something to look at while I’m bartending.”

  “Something to look at?” Darius chuckled. “You work in a strip club; isn’t there always something to look at?”

  “Nothing as sweet and sexy as you,” Riley whispered and slinked his arms around him. “You would be glorious on stage. Your body is incredible, and your moves…” he groaned and pushed tighter against his ass. “I think you would be a natural.”

  “What moves?” Darius smiled. “I don’t have any moves.”

  Riley chuckled. “Like hell, you don’t. The way you worked those hips all last night and this morning…it nearly ended my life.”

  “That’s sex,” Darius laughed. “Not dancing. There’s a huge difference.”

  “Not really. Exotic dancing is like…having sex standing up.” He grinned against Darius’ ear. “Which, by the way, we’ll be doing in the shower. And I’ll prove to you what a good dancer you are.”

  “That isn’t dancing,” Darius insisted, shivering with anticipation for the shower sex nonetheless.

  “You can’t be the brother of a strip club owner and not get on stage at least once.”

  “You bartend at the club,” Darius smiled. “Have you ever gotten on stage?”

  “I will if you will.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Riley caressed his chest and rubbed his hardening member between Darius’ ass cheeks. “When we get married, they’re going to make us get up there during our bachelor party. Might as well be prepared.”

  Darius frowned and turned over. He stared at Riley. “When we get married?” He raised one eyebrow and smiled uncertainly.

  Riley shrugged and kissed him. “I like to think positive about the future.” He chuckled softly and wrapped Darius in his arms. “Don’t you?”

  His heart racing wildly, Darius nodded. “Yeah…I do.”


  Dane chuckled and set the cell phone on the counter.

  “What?” Angel smiled. “What did Cole want?”

  “Well…” Dane walked around behind Angel and hugged him. “Cole and Gabe are at the club and Ricky and the boys have offered to help them rehearse for our show.” He grinned and kissed Angel on top of his head. “And they want me to join them since I’m part of the show.”

  “Ricky and the boys?” Angel smirked. “Yeah, I bet they want to help you rehearse.”

  “Gavin thinks you should be in the show, too,” Dane murmured. “He’s hot for us both.”

  Angel cleared his throat and laughed low. “Yeah, well, he was smoking hot at the bachelor party. No offense, but I was about ready to do him right there.”

  Dane grinned. “I was about ready to let you.” He hugged Angel harder and nuzzled his neck. “Mmm, you two were fucking sexy together.”

  “Barely married and already trying to make us a threesome, huh?” Angel pursed his lips in a tight smile.

  “Oh, no,” Dane laughed. “I want you all to myself.” He ravaged Angel’s neck, causing the young man to squirm and giggle. “But I have to admit, it gets me crazy turned on when you play with the other boys.”

  Angel sighed and sank back against Dane’s chest and tilted his face up, grinning. “It gets me crazy turned on, too. You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to your stage show with Cole and Gabe.”

  “Me, too,” Dane groaned. He turned Angel around and kissed his mouth. “So, do I have permission to go rehearse with the boys?”

  Looking skeptical, Angel murmured, “I suppose.”

  Dane laughed. “You could come and watch.”

  “If I watched,” Angel smiled wryly. “I would probably come.”

  “That’s okay, too,” Dane assured.

  Angel thought about it and had to force himself not to accept the invite. “Nah,” he said. “I want your performance to be a surprise. I’ll go against my better judgment and let you go to the club w
ithout me.”

  “Ahh, you don’t trust me?” Dane smiled.

  “Ahh—I know how seductive and persistent those boys can be,” Angel chuckled.

  Dane nodded. “You’ve got a point there.” He kissed Angel and squeezed him in his arms. “I promise, I’ll keep it in my pants.”

  Angel laughed. “You better.”


  “Hey, son.” Max hugged Angel the minute he stepped through the door. “How youholding up after yesterday and, especially, last night?” He winked and walked Angel into the kitchen.

  “I’m…still on my feet,” Angel laughed lightly. “Barely.”

  Horatio smiled at Angel when he entered the room with Max. “Where’s your hubby?”

  “Down at the club rehearsing for the big show.”

  “Rehearsing with Cole and Gabe?”

  “Yeah.” Angel slid onto a stool. “And Ricky and the boys.”

  Max blinked. “You turned him loose with those boys?”

  Chuckling softly, Angel nodded. “I know, it was a risky move.”

  Horatio grinned. “Damn risky. After what they did to us at the bachelor party…” he shook his head and exhaled hard. “Damn.”

  “Well, he did promise to keep it in his pants,” Angel laughed.

  The two men chuckled. Horatio poured the three of them some iced tea.

  “So, did Dane tell you yet where he’s taking you for your honeymoon?” Max asked.

  “No,” Angel grumbled. “He refuses to tell me.”

  Max sighed. “Yeah, we’re in the same boat.” He cast Horatio a dry, accusing look. “He won’t tell me where we’re going, either. He made all the plans in secret.” He smiled at Angel. “Do you suppose he and Dane are in cahoots?”

  Angel laughed. “Maybe.”

  “Hey,” Horatio countered. “There’s no cahooting going on behind your backs.”

  Max and Angel exchanged a look, then burst out laughing. “There better not be,” Max insisted.

  Horatio rolled his eyes and shook his head, suppressing a smile. “You two are as dirty-minded as the rest of them.”


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