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Coming Together With Curves

Page 15

by Victoria Blisse

  Owen sighed. "Yes, if you want. But I'm only agreeing to make you happy. I think you're beautiful and I want to see you naked. I'll just have to use my hands to explore your body instead of my eyes, won't I?"

  Bonnie gulped. She desperately wanted his hands on her—the growing warmth between her legs was a testament to that. Moving to flick off the light, she started tugging off her clothes as soon as the room was plunged into darkness. She could hear rustling from the direction of her bed, so she knew Owen was doing the same.

  As her eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, she scurried over to the bed and slipped underneath the covers—then came to the unfortunate realisation that because she'd turned out the lights, she would have to try and find the condoms in the dark. Damn. She set about that particular task immediately, wanting to get the protection ready for when she and Owen were, rather than interrupting their foreplay and potentially ruining the moment.

  The mattress dipped as Owen clambered onto the bed beside her. Tentative hands reached out to find her in the darkness, then, realising she was under the covers, he joined her. "What are you doing?" he asked.

  "I'm looking for the condoms. So we don't have to... you know... stop."

  "An ingenious idea. Do carry on."

  It was difficult to search when Owen was pressing kisses to her naked back and shoulders, but she forced herself to carry on. Eventually, she had the box in her hand, had torn off the cellophane, retrieved a foil packet and placed it within easy reach on her bedside table.

  "Okay," she said, turning to face him. "It's ready when we need it."

  "I'm glad to hear it," he replied, the heat of his breath on her face telling her just how close he was, "because I don't think it's going to be long before we do." He took her hand and guided it down to his shaft.

  She gasped as she curled her fingers around his girth—and what a girth he had. Not so large as to be uncomfortable, but it would most definitely do the job. She stroked him gently, gratified when sounds of pleasure tumbled from his lips. They spurred her on to grip him a little tighter, tug him a little harder, and after a few seconds, he clasped his hand around hers.

  "As amazing as that feels, babe, if you carry on it'll all be over."

  She couldn't help it—she giggled. It had been a while since a man had made her feel so desirable. She wanted him too, of course, but his need for her ramped her own arousal up several notches. She felt as though she would climax with just a fingertip pressed lightly to her clit.

  "Sorry," she said, "but I'm glad I make you feel good."

  "Oh yes, you do. Now pass me that condom. I'm going to fuck you now. I just have to get it out of my system. Then we'll start all over again, and we'll take our time."

  "I like the sound of that." Her voice was barely above a whisper. His response was a kiss so slow, so heated, that her toes curled and a fresh trickle of juice seeped from her pussy. She did as he asked, and she heard the telltale sounds as he made short work of the condom wrapper and sheathed himself.

  "Now, come here, gorgeous." He clambered between her legs and knelt there for a second or two, exploring her curves with his hands. Her breasts, her tummy—it took all her willpower not to suck it in—as much of her bottom as he could grasp as she was on her back, and finally, her thighs. After what felt like an age—a supremely sensual age—he pushed her legs further apart, stroking his fingers between her swollen lips. "Good God, you're wet. That is so fucking hot."

  He teased her a little longer, drawing her to the very edge of orgasm, then removed his fingers. She barely had time to whimper when he was on top of her, sinking his thick, rubber-clad cock inside her.

  An animalistic sound left her lips and she wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him harder, deeper into her. She was so wet that he met no resistance as he penetrated her and before long, his balls were pressed against her body.

  They lay, gasping, for a second or two as they grew used to the sensation. "I can barely see you, sweetheart," Owen said, pushing his weight back onto his arms, then leaning down to drop a kiss on her lips, "but what I can see, you have no reason to be paranoid about. Everyone has different tastes. And mine happen to run to women that have something to hold on to, curves I can explore, get lost in. You, specifically, are gorgeous both inside and out, and I know we've gone crazy fast with this thing, but I definitely don't regret it."

  He shunted his hips back, then sunk into her again in one long, slow stroke. Their groans mingled in the air, as did their pleas to gods and bouts of bad language. Repeating the process, he fucked Bonnie long and slow, seeming to deliberately ignore the way she thrust her hips up at him, or clutched his bum cheeks to pull him harder into her, faster.

  Soon, it seemed, he couldn't hold back any more, and Bonnie got her silent wish. Owen's movements grew faster, the friction of his cock in her cunt quickly growing her pleasure to delicious proportions and causing her labia and clit to swell further.

  "Unnh... gonna come!" It was all she could manage before she tumbled into blissful oblivion, vaguely aware of Owen's increasingly short, jerky movements and then a growl as his own climax took over. Her walls clenched and released his shaft, milking him, their respective orgasms making them fill the room with blasphemy and carnal sounds.

  The last thing Bonnie heard as she slipped into a satiated doze was: "God, you're perfect."

  As much as she'd hated him staring at her to begin with, now she was really glad he had, and that she'd gotten the wrong end of the stick. Fat or not, Owen liked her, and she liked him right back.

  Riding School

  © Bella Blake

  It was Ellie's third day at the Galloping Acres Riding Retreat, and she was really starting to regret having forked out the money for it. She'd always loved horses and the discount offer of a week at a rural riding retreat up in Cheshire was more than she'd been able to resist. It should have been heaven; seclusion, tranquil surroundings and more horses than she could count. Unfortunately she hadn't reckoned on two things; Monica Gillespie, another keen rider who'd taken a personal dislike to Ellie, and the two gorgeous riding instructors that made Ellie's knees weak and pants wet whenever she was near them.

  Ellie was in hell.

  Today the plan was to take a long, leisurely ride through Delamere Forest. Ellie cringed as she dragged on a pair of leggings. Hours alone with the three people that made her blood boil, albeit for very different reasons. Great.

  Someone knocked the door and she heard Monica's nasal voice drifting through the wood. "Ellie-elephant, you in there?"

  Ellie gritted her teeth at the cruel nickname. From day one Monica had decided that it was her civic duty to make Ellie feel as bad about her weight as possible. Anyone that didn't match up to Monica's perfect body standard was a lesser human being and should be made to feel as such.

  She started to tug her blonde hair into a ponytail then paused to critically examine her reflection. Monica had sneered at that hairstyle yesterday, saying it made Ellie's face look even plumper. Ellie was a big girl and usually she was proud of this but something about Monica's taunting left her self-confidence in tatters.

  She left her hair down.

  Monica was pacing outside the cabin when Ellie opened the door. With her makeup done to subtle perfection and each sleek, black hair groomed till it shone, she looked out of place against the backdrop of log cabins, dirt tracks, and towering trees.

  "Wow, Ellie-elephant. Leggings are a bold choice for a girl of your size," Monica smirked.

  Ellie brushed past the other woman and headed in the direction of the stables. Galloping Acres Riding Retreat offered people the chance to spend a week out in the Cheshire countryside developing riding skills, working with horses and generally enjoying a break from the hustle and bustle of city life. It also boasted two of the hottest riding instructors on the planet. Don and Jake were another reason Ellie wasn't enjoying her stay at the retreat. Every time she was near them her blood heated until she felt like she was going to co
mbust. But she didn't dare say anything to either of them, especially not with Monica sniffing around. She'd just love more ammunition to humiliate Ellie.

  The stables were located just outside the half-circle of log cabins, a long, low structure that housed more than twenty horses. Ellie relaxed as she drew nearer, breathing in the smell of leather, hay and horses. Something about horses always made her feel better; that was why she'd signed up for the retreat in the first place. She could almost forget that Monica was loping along behind her.

  Ellie was relieved to see there were seven horses standing patiently outside the stables while Don finished saddling them up. Galloping Acres catered to anyone and everyone that was interested in horses, offering training courses for the less experienced. Apparently some of those less experienced would be joining them for the Delamere ride that morning and Ellie was glad. It was hard enough being around Don and Jake, the objects of her desire, without having to watch Monica batting her eyelashes at them. At least if there were other people there, Ellie might have someone to talk to.

  "Morning, Ellie," Don greeted her with his usual wide smile. His teeth were remarkably straight and white as if he'd just stepped out of a toothpaste commercial.

  Ellie smiled back and, as usual, her heart started fluttering. Dark-haired, with piercing eyes and a square jaw, Don was undeniably gorgeous. Ellie suspected that plenty of women returned to Galloping Acres for more than just the horses.

  "Hi, Don," Monica purred, sashaying over to him. "Where's Jake today?"

  "He's just rounding up the rookies," Don replied. By rookies he meant the less experienced riders.

  Ellie didn't want to look at him, didn't want to see the man she lusted after being pawed by Monica but she couldn't help it. Monica had her hands on her hips, her body angled suggestively towards Don but he wasn't looking at her. He was staring past her at – Ellie started. Don was staring at her.

  Oh God, it's the leggings. Monica was right. Colour burned in Ellie's cheeks and she turned her head away, pretending to be interested in the horses.

  A low whistle sounded from the log cabins and she glanced up to see Jake striding towards them, rookies in tow; a pair of teenage girls and a middle-aged woman. All three of them had their eyes fixed on Jake's backside as he walked ahead of them.

  Yep, definitely not just here for the horses.

  Physically Jake and Don were completely different. Jake was sandy-haired, day to Don's night, and his skin was more tanned with a golden shadow of stubble dusting his jaw line. His eyes – Ellie could never decide if they were blue or grey – were bright and laughing, not like Don's intense stare. They were both gorgeous.

  Don clapped his hands. "Okay, ladies, you all know which horse you'll be riding. Let's get this show on the road."

  Ellie went to Briar, the gentle chestnut mare she'd been riding for the past couple of days. "Hey, girl," she said, rubbing Briar's velvety nose.

  "Less petting, more climbing into the saddle, Ellie-elephant," Monica sang out, loud enough for everyone to hear. Ellie heard some titters behind her.

  Great. Everyone laugh at the fat girl trying to get on the horse.

  She glanced up and inadvertently met Don's eyes again. He wasn't laughing at Monica's comment. He looked cross. No, more than cross, he looked pissed. His dark eyes narrowed as they focused on Monica.

  "You need a hand getting up, Ellie?" said Jake and Ellie nearly jumped out of her skin. Her pulse skyrocketed, a combination of shock and close proximity with a walking, talking Adonis.

  "No, no, I'm good," she said hurriedly.

  Jake's eyes roved over her face. "You've got your hair down today," he observed.

  "Yes, I--I fancied a change." No point telling him what Monica had said.

  Jake nodded. "Looks good." He was moving away before Ellie could get her head round his words and their meaning.

  Once they were all in the saddle, Don took the lead while Jake brought up the rear to make sure no one got left behind. Ellie kept herself firmly planted in the middle of the group, not too close to either man. The last thing she wanted was to be thinking dirty thoughts about them with a saddle snugly rubbing between her legs.

  "We're going to head through the forest until we get to Dead Lake where we'll break for lunch," Don called over his shoulder. Ellie noticed that Monica was riding alongside him, attacking him with sex vibes. From her view of his back, Ellie couldn't possibly tell whether or not he was responding but, judging by the disgusted look he'd given Monica earlier, Ellie doubted it.

  They headed out into the forest where the broadleaved trees formed a roof over their heads that sunlight could only intermittently pierce. The dirt trails were still choked with the orangey remnants of last autumn's leaves and the horses' hooves made little rustling noises as they walked. Somewhere in the distance Ellie could hear the rata-tat-tat of a woodpecker. She deeply inhaled, breathing in the fresh air, the smell of wood and leaves and soil. This was why she'd come here. This was bliss. Sure the devil in Monica-form was riding just a couple of metres ahead and she could turn Ellie's bliss into hell with just a few choice barbs, but Ellie was determined to stay out of Monica's way.

  Easier said than done when you weighed eighteen stone.

  She didn't realise she was dropping to the back of the group until Jake trotted up beside her. The sporadic patches of sunshine were dappling shadows across his face. "Enjoying it out here?" he asked.

  "It's beautiful." Ellie took another deep lungful of fresh forest air.

  "You think it's beautiful now, wait till we get to the lake," Jake grinned. His eyes danced and Ellie felt desire clench deep inside her. She wanted to fling herself off her horse and into Jake's arms, tearing his clothes off to get at the hard body beneath. Her cheeks coloured again and she hastily looked away.

  She urged Briar into a faster walk, back into the middle of the group. Just being around either Jake or Don turned her on so much – she could feel her hard nipples rubbing against her bra. Dampness gathered at her core, hot and slick.

  Just keep focusing on the riding.

  By the time they reached the lake, Ellie was too lost in her concentration to join the gasps of appreciation that rose up from the others. She could see Dead Lake out of the corner of her eye, a stretch of perfectly still water ringed with trees in every shade of green nature could boast, but she wasn't really paying attention. Her hormones were going haywire, tripping over themselves every time she so much as thought about Jake or Don. Even if Monica hadn't been there, Ellie's infatuation with the riding instructors would have ruined the Galloping Acres experience for her. It was hard to have a good time when her whole body ached for two men she couldn't have.

  So when everyone else dismounted and headed down to the lake, Ellie stayed where she was, on Briar's back at the edge of the forest. She didn't want to go down there and have to watch Monica flirting.

  "Ellie." Don waved her over. "We're breaking for lunch."

  "I'm not hungry. I'm just going to ride around the lake if you don't mind." She didn't wait for a response but urged Briar into a fast trot, back into the cool haven of the forest.

  It didn't take her long to realise she was being followed. She reined Briar in, listening. The forest crackled with noise, leaves rustling in the breeze, ancient trees conversing in the language of creaking branches, birds fighting to out-sing each other. And the heavy footfalls of another horse, following close by.

  Monica. She must have followed Ellie from the lake, determined to make her more miserable than she already was. Ellie tensed, girding herself for whatever viciousness Monica had prepared, and found herself face-to-face with Don. His dark eyes were more intense than usual, his gaze boring into her. She fought the urge to squirm.

  "I'm not hungry," she said again.

  "That's not why I'm here." Don swung out of the saddle, securing his gelding's reins to a low-hanging branch.


  He beckoned to her. "Get down."

  Ellie climbed
out of the saddle with considerably less grace than Don. Leaves rustled under her riding boots. "Is something wrong?"

  Don closed the gap between them in a single stride. His hand found her chin, lifting her head, then his mouth was on hers, hard and demanding. Ellie barely had time to think is this really happening? before Don's tongue swept into her mouth. He kissed her with fierce passion, his firm body pressed up against her. She could feel the thickness of his growing erection pressing against her stomach. The junction of her thighs dampened, arousal sizzling through her.

  "Um, okay, that was unexpected," she said when he broke the kiss.

  "I've been wanting to do that since I first saw you," Don admitted. There was a different sort of intensity in his eyes now, a dark heat that made Ellie's legs tremble. Don looked at something over her shoulder and added, "And I'm not the only one."

  Confused, Ellie turned around. Jake was standing just behind her, his mouth set in a hard line. For a moment she thought he was angry at finding her and Don like that, but then he grabbed her, pulling her into his arms. His kiss was softer than Don's but no less potent. Erotic fireworks fizzed inside her.

  Even as Jake was still kissing her, she sensed the powerful presence of Don stepping up behind her. His hand swept her blonde hair to one side then his warm lips touched the back of her neck, nipping gently at the skin.

  Ellie gasped, trying to come up for air. Jake's mouth left hers, his tongue expertly tracing her jaw and gliding down to her throat. He licked the pulse there, tasting it like it was candy. Sandwiched between two men, Ellie could do nothing but tremble. Somewhere in her brain a prudish part of her was yelling that she couldn't do this but she steadfastly ignored it.

  A hand – she wasn't sure whether it was Jake's or Don's – cupped her breast, fingers circling her nipple. It felt amazing, even through layers of clothing. Then hands were tugging her t-shirt over her head.


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