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Crossing Lines

Page 1

by KD Williamson

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  Table of Contents

  Books in the Series






















  About KD Williamson

  Other Books from Ylva Publishing

  Blurred Lines


  The Red Files

  Next of Kin

  Coming from Ylva Publishing

  Four Steps

  Books in the Series

  Cops and Docs

  Blurred Lines

  Crossing Lines


  To my Michelle—I’m at my best because of you. Thanks for putting up with me, asshole mode and all.


  Thanks to Jove Belle for her continued guidance and honesty. To the fans, both the old and new...thank you for the boost. Last but not least, thanks to my family for the support.


  Kelli took a long swig from her beer and flipped through the channels on Nora’s TV. She stopped on Sex Sent Me to the ER. She had to give it to The Learning Channel; there was always something interesting on. Despite that, Kelli yawned. She was tired as hell and still getting used to marching the concrete trail through the city for work. Thank God, she didn’t have a lot of open cases. Or maybe the lieutenant was going easy on her. Good thing Nora’s bed was the expensive kind of comfortable. Not that they did much sleeping… Not at first, anyway. They had settled into a routine over the past couple weeks, especially with Kelli back on active duty. No matter how late Kelli worked, they made time to be together. As far as Kelli was concerned, it was the best way to end her nights, especially after dealing with the shit stains of Seattle.

  Dinner smelled incredible. She didn’t know what it was, but the aroma made her mouth water. She was smart enough to stay out of the kitchen. Anything Kelli touched usually turned out like hot garbage. She was fine with take out, but cooking was Nora’s way of taking care of her. Kelli should have felt smothered by all the attention, but she didn’t. There were times when she still wanted more…more touching, more laughing, just more. Twenty-four hours wasn’t long enough to fit it all in. Kelli had no problem admitting that she was a greedy fucker when it came to Nora. Needing…wanting…someone like that was definitely new.

  The doorbell rang.

  Kelli glanced toward the kitchen and called out, “You expecting anybody?”

  Seconds later, Nora poked her head out. She looked surprised and a little confused. “No. I have no idea who it could be. Would you take care of it, please?”

  Kelli nodded and stood, but she instantly went on alert. It could be family dropping in, but that was unlikely, so she checked the camera feed on Nora’s iPad.

  Taylor Fuller, the intern who had sued Nora for sexual harassment, was standing at the front door. “Holy shit.” Kelli wished she could melt her with heat vision or, better yet, drop a piano on her, cartoon style. She enlarged the image to get a better look. Fuller was very fidgety. She couldn’t decide whether to cross her arms over her chest or leave them hanging. Taylor shifted from foot to foot, and her hands were balled into fists. She sure as fuck wasn’t coming over for high tea. Kelli studied Taylor, searching for obvious weapons and bulges in her clothes. There were none, but her mouth was moving. It looked like she was muttering “bitch” over and over again.

  Dammit all to hell. No one could be this stupid. Nora didn’t need this. For the first time in weeks, things were going well for her. Kelli would deal with this herself. She retrieved her gun from the lockbox Nora bought for her and clipped the holster to her belt.

  Seconds later, she jerked the door open. “Have you lost your goddamned mind?” Kelli didn’t wait for a reply. She grabbed a handful of Taylor’s shirt, dragged her back a few steps, and closed the door behind her.

  Taylor’s eyes went wide and, for a minute, she looked scared as hell. Good.

  “Didn’t count on me, did you?” Kelli gave her a little shove.

  Taylor pushed Kelli’s hands away and put her nose in the air. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t care that you’re here.”

  “I’m a cop, dumbass. You’d better care. Now, get the fuck outta here.”

  Taylor’s face reddened, but she had the balls to stand her ground. “No…no! She was always on my ass. She ruined…everything. I made friends here! Now I have to—”

  If she didn’t think Taylor coming here was dumb as fuck, Kelli might have been impressed with her nerve. “Listen here, little girl.” Kelli deliberately got in her face and thoroughly enjoyed watching her flinch. “Grow the fuck up. Sometimes you have to work for shit. Obviously, you didn’t want to. That’s not Nora’s fault. Get your shit together and move on. You lied. You were caught. Now you have to pay for it.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are? You don’t touch me. And you don’t tell me what to do.” Taylor took a step toward Kelli.

  “I’m going to touch you all the way into a pair of handcuffs if you don’t back the fuck up.” Kelli crossed her arms over her chest and smiled.

  “Don’t you fucking laugh at me. I’m not going to just let this go. This is the last time someone treats me like shit.” Without warning, Taylor lashed out and threw a punch at Kelli’s face.

  Kelli dodged the swing and almost laughed when Taylor pitched forward. Before she could try again, Kelli caught Taylor, twirled her around, and wrenched her arm behind her back.

  Taylor cried out in pain.

  “Assaulting a police officer is up to five years in prison. Is that what you want? Is it worth it? Is it?”

  “No, please!” She turned to look at Kelli. The pain and fear in Taylor’s gaze was obvious, but Kelli didn’t expect the tears.

  She wasn’t moved at all. “You sure? I’d be more than happy to oblige. If you come anywhere near Nora… Let’s just say I’m not a good person to cross.”

  Taylor stopped struggling, and Kelli let her go.

  “Believe me?” Kelli asked.

  Taylor wiped at her face with the back of her hand. Kelli had no doubt that the tears were real, but Taylor didn’t look all that scared now. She glared at Kelli, but had the common sense to step away. “Yes, I believe you.” She smiled, and Kelli expected to see a snake’s tongue flick out. It was that slimy. “But you should believe me, too.”

  Kelli threw her hands up in the air. “Oh come on! Don’t be so fucking clichéd. Let it go. You’re young enough to start over. Be smart and be done with the dumb shit. It didn’t work out the first time, and it won’t now. You probably wanna tell your boyfriend too.”

  Taylor laughed. “He got me into this mess. He can rot in hell for all I care.”

  “Well then, you got a shit load of enemies, little girl, and there is just one of you,” Kelli continued.

  “Whatever. I think I’m going to do just fine on my own.”

  “Uh-huh, it’s good to have high self-esteem. Now, get outta my face,” Kelli said. This fake sparring match had gone on long enough. Kelli had won, hands down.

  Taylor backed away and continued to glare.

  Kelli waved and smiled. That girl was a bad egg, but they were easy to get rid of… Just throw
them in the trash. Taylor was full of shit, but there was always a chance that she was serious. Kelli was just going to have to stay here every night to make sure she didn’t come back. She snorted. Like she needed an excuse in the first place. Kelli watched Taylor’s car disappear up the road. After a few more seconds, she turned back toward the door. When she opened it, Nora was waiting just inside. The soft look in her eyes made Kelli’s heart turn over in her chest. “I’m not sure if we need to watch out for her or not, but I didn’t want her to ruin—”

  Nora interrupted her with a kiss.

  Kelli smiled and pulled Nora closer to deepen the caress. Slowly, they parted.

  “I can go smack around a few more people if that’s what it gets me,” Kelli said teasingly.

  Nora grinned. “Dinner’s ready.”

  “Mmm, don’t know if it’s gonna be this tasty,” Kelli said, as she nibbled on Nora’s neck.

  Nora laughed even as she turned her head to the side to give greater access. “Did you just say—”

  Kelli groaned and steered them toward the kitchen. At least she could help dish everything up…maybe. That didn’t really take skill. “Yes, I did. Who knew I was so goddamned corny?” What was next? Poetry? She remembered a couple dirty limericks.

  “It’s not the first time, but I won’t complain,” Nora said.

  “Good to know. What’s for dinner? Because that smell—”

  “Flank steak with chimichurri sauce, fingerling potatoes, and honey-glazed carrots.”

  “I have no idea what a chimi-what’s-it is, but you had me at steak and potatoes.”

  “I knew I would.”

  Nora had her even if she’d made gruel.


  Nora was not one to cuddle, but that didn’t keep her from snuggling closer to Kelli. She certainly wasn’t prone to waxing poetic, but that didn’t keep her from taking advantage of the tiny bit of moonlight that filtered inside the bedroom to watch Kelli in slumber. She was an ugly sleeper. Kelli’s mouth was wide open, and Nora even saw a glimmer of drool. Her forehead was wrinkled as though she was deep in thought, even while asleep.

  Nora smiled into the semidarkness. That she thought it was truly adorable said volumes about how deeply Nora was wrapped up in Kelli. She traced the contours of Kelli’s face with her gaze and then reached out with her fingertips to do the same over the crinkle in Kelli’s forehead, to her nose and her cheeks.

  Kelli mumbled, “Wassit…huh?”

  “Shhhh.” Nora made comforting noises, hoping to lull Kelli back to sleep.

  Kelli grumbled, fidgeted, and threw a leg over one of Nora’s before she stilled again. Nora wiggled to adjust, until their naked bodies were flush against each other. Even in her sleep, Kelli shivered and moaned in reaction.

  Nora took a deep, shaky breath. She had never affected someone like this before and vice versa, but that was obviously what led them here…now. She wasn’t sure why she was awake. Perhaps, she just wanted to bask in what she had, something incredibly special. As a lover, Kelli could be commanding, but she was gentle when Nora needed her to be, which helped to ease Nora’s fears of losing herself in this thing between them. As a result, Nora felt safe enough to let Kelli into the deeper parts of herself. Kelli was also a generous, caring person and, somehow, she always knew what to say…what to do to make things better, to make Nora laugh, to make Nora feel. All of this was starting to be too good to be true. She pressed her face into Kelli’s neck and refused to allow doubt to creep up on her.


  Nora covered her mouth as she yawned. Residual sleepiness was a small price to pay for her late night pondering. She rounded a corner in the ICU. The sound of rapidly approaching footsteps caused a moment of trepidation layered with irritation. Rader was gone, and Taylor was…she didn’t want to think about that. Kelli didn’t seem too worried, so she wouldn’t be either. When she realized it was Kelli’s brother, Sean, trying to get her attention, Nora’s nerves settled. She waited for him to catch up to her.

  “This is ICU.” Nora deadpanned.

  Sean rolled his eyes. His sister, however, had perfected that gesture. “Yeah, I know. I was just going to see Travis. I was gonna come find you after, but here you are.”

  Curious. “Do you see anyone else running and yelling in the hallway?” Nora bit the inside of her cheek and attempted to keep a straight face as she continued her teasing.

  His eyebrows shot upward. “Uh no.” Sean grinned. “Do I get a spanking?” He paled. “Um…I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

  Nora sighed. The McCabe charm… It just oozed. “I’m sure.”

  “You could get one of the nurses to do it.” He smirked.

  Nora tried to glare at him, but she couldn’t hold her smile back. “I think your sister has probably sullied the McCabe name.”

  “She always steals the show. Speaking of…” Sean pulled an envelope from his pocket. “Saw her at the precinct. She was sure it was gonna be late when she made it to the hospital. Said something about not breaking the pattern?”

  Nora melted, and her face heated as she took the letter.

  “I was really tempted to read it, but I was scared it was going to be something dirty.”

  So much like his sister. “I appreciate that.”

  “Thought you would.” Sean smiled and stood there.

  “Was there something else?” Nora looked at him and waited.

  “You’re not gonna read it?”

  “In the privacy of my office,” Nora said, and started walking again. Sean fell into step beside her.

  “Aww, where’s the fun in that? I would love to see the look on your face. I need ammunition for the next time you come to dinner.”

  “That’s… I’m not sure how to respond.”

  Sean laughed. “Very carefully.”

  Nora grinned. “Yes, you McCabe’s are very dangerous.”

  “You’d better believe it.” He paused and moved toward an open doorway. “This is my stop.”

  Nora peered into the room. Gerald Travis Jr. waved at her, and she smiled in return. “I see.”

  “Later, Nora,” Sean said.

  “Have a good day, Sean.”

  She really did like him, but it was odd, in a way, to engage with a man…with anyone, really, whom she had no intention of having sex with. Yet, she was enjoying the process. Nora looked at the letter in her hands. Anticipation got the better of her. She walked quickly toward the on-call rooms at the other end of the hallway.

  A few minutes later, she opened the envelope carefully. There were only a couple lines written on the paper.

  I must really like you. That’s the fourth time I’ve caught you watching me while I’m sleeping, and I don’t mind it at all. Tell you what, though, I know for a fact that you look way better.

  Nora laughed as the habitual warmth she associated with Kelli filled her. It was amazing how she could be amused and so completely touched at the same time.


  Kelli glanced at her watch as she entered the hospital. She only had thirty minutes until visitation hours were over, but it was better than nothing. She had talked with Travis throughout the day. It was their own little ritual, and it made her feel better to see him. Kelli had to know he was getting better and witness it with her own eyes. Williams had always been a good partner, but Travis fit her perfectly. She wanted to show her appreciation by visiting him daily. Kelli crinkled the bag in her hand. This time she came bearing gifts—chili-cheese fries.

  When she got on the elevator, Kelli was pretty much alone. She pressed seven and leaned against the railing. She was glad to be back at work. Really, she was, but she was tired as fuck. Getting shot had taken the wind out of her, and she needed some time to get back to where she used to be. She hadn’t done much today besides some canvassing and evidence review, but that was enough.

  Kelli exited the elevator and made her way down the hall. She didn’t bother looking for Nora, because she was at home. Kelli smiled. How weird an
d great was that? There was a woman at her place…waiting for her. Shit was awesome. More than she ever thought it could be. Kelli waved at the wary-looking nurses when she passed their station. She leaned against the doorway to Travis’s room and watched him for a few seconds. He was sitting up and flipping through the channels on TV. In other words, he looked supremely bored, but the eye roll and the sigh really sold it.

  “They should have DVD players in this place,” Kelli said, as she walked in.

  Travis smiled. “I know, right? Or porn. It’s kinda like a hotel. Why don’t they have porn?”

  Kelli chuckled. “There’s a suggestion box right outside your room. You want me to get you one of the forms to fill out?”

  “We’ll see. You must be going full steam at work. You’re visits are getting later. You don’t have to come, you know?”

  Kelli held up the white paper bag and tossed it on the bed. “Yes, I do.” She sat down.

  “You can if you’re bringing contraband of the greasy variety.” Travis reached into the bag, took out the Styrofoam container, and opened it. He stuffed a fry in his mouth. “Seriously though, Kel, I’m fine and you have better things—”

  “You give Sean this speech when he comes to visit?” Kelli stared at him. She knew the question would give him pause.

  Travis shrugged. “Well…no, but he doesn’t have a life. You do.”

  Kelli was slightly aggravated by his statement. “So I must be coming here out of obligation, right? You know me better than that.”

  He shook his head and looked her right in the eyes. “I do. I just want to make sure that I’m not doing anything to hold you back.”

  “I’m living my life, and you’re a part of it. Understand?” She knew what it felt like to see life just go on, so Kelli had to reassure him.

  “Yeah, I got it.” He ate another fry. “These things taste better with beer.”

  Kelli snorted. “Yes, they do.”

  “You’re taking it easy, right? Getting enough downtime? And I don’t mean just with Nora.”

  Kelli smiled sheepishly and scratched at the back of her neck. Nora relaxed her really, really well. “I don’t have time to bar hop right now.”


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