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Bound to the Billionaire

Page 9

by Natalie Dae

  “I had these flown in fresh from Argentina yesterday. They have a sweeter taste than many of the others and aren’t that easy to come by. But I enjoy them the most. Do you like the flavour?”

  Teri nodded, her jaw still working as she chewed delicately.

  Giving in to a sudden urge, Micah picked up a small fruit knife from the plate and another strawberry. He cut off the hull and sliced partway down through the middle of the fruit.

  “You may move your hands,” he said. “I want you to hold your breasts out to me and support them on your palms.”

  She raised her eyes, questioningly, then lowered them at once. He hadn’t told her she could look at him. He chuckled. He wondered if the minx had done it deliberately. Wiping all traces of humour from his face he said, “You know that earned you another punishment session. And more than ten strokes this time.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Was that a tiny little smile playing at her lips? Oh, yes, he’d teach her a good lesson.

  He took one of the strawberry slices and slipped it onto one nipple, admiring the way it looked on her nicely rounded breast. Carefully he prepared another piece of fruit and did the same with it to the other breast.

  “Yes. Just like that.”

  She had finished eating her own strawberry by now and as before he took his time licking the juice from her skin. Then he bent and carefully ate each strawberry from her nipples. Jesus! Everything he did with her turned him on.

  For the next half hour or so he fed her from the fruit plate, alternating with sips of water to keep her hydrated and more strawberries on her nipples. He even slid wedges of pineapples through the moist flesh of her pussy and licked her essence from them before slowly devouring each piece. Just watching the play of her muscles in her throat as she swallowed was hugely stimulating. Although if he was any more aroused he’d lose control of this party.

  When the fruit was gone he rose from the couch, leash in hand.

  “Up, girl. You may lower your hands.”

  He led her back to the dungeon, mulling over as they walked which punishment he would administer this time.

  “I think for your deliberate disobedience,” he said, “we should move to the cane. We haven’t used that before.”

  He heard her sudden intake of breath, but she didn’t flinch. He had shown her canes in his condo and asked her if any of her previous Doms had used them. She’d told him no, so the fact that he would be the first excited him greatly.

  Leading her to a short leather bench, he urged her to lie face down with her head resting on a pillow extension and her legs hung over the edge. Pulling up cuffs from the floor, he fastened them around her wrists, then did the same with her ankles. No spreader this time. He’d arranged her so her legs were spread wide and the pink flesh of her pussy was just visible. His mouth was dry as he lifted a thin cane from the wall. The thinner the cane, the sharper the pain. Time to see if Teri Choate really meant it when she said she wanted him to take her to a higher level.

  “Relax the muscles in your ass.” He smoothed his hand over the curve of her buttock, stroking the still-reddened skin. “You’re still sensitive from the paddling, so relaxing is important. And remember, girl—you can use your safe word at any time. Nod if you understand me.”

  She nodded once.

  He was sure, however, that it would take a lot for her to do that. She was determined to go with him to whatever place he chose to take her. To be the one who could complete him and be the one partner he wanted.

  Micah let out a long breath. All right, then.

  The first stroke landed across the middle of her ass, leaving a bright red stripe. He saw the muscles tighten briefly then forcibly relax.

  “Take slow, deep breaths,” he told her. “Concentrate on that.”

  He applied the cane at will, no pattern to his strokes, sometimes two or three close together, then the next two spaced apart. He wanted her waiting to see when the next blow would fall. By the time he reached the sixth, she was crying out with each kiss of the cane, her hands clenched into fists, but she never asked him to stop. Exactly the opposite. Her cries were not of pain but of intense pleasure. Whenever he paused and slid his fingers into her cunt, he found her soaked, her inner muscles trying to clamp down on him.

  Oh, yes. She was getting as much pleasure out of this as he was. He might make her hold off on her orgasm but he wouldn’t be able to wait much longer for his.

  When he hit number twelve he stopped, again stroking her tender, reddened flesh, and tossed the cane aside.

  “I’m not sure you have quite learned your lesson yet, girl. So I have something special for you.” He gathered what he needed and brought the items back to the bench. “We have never tried figging but we discussed it, remember?”

  Again she nodded.

  “Good. This will add another element to the pain and drive you closer to the need for release, just as I promised.”

  First he slid a pillow beneath her tummy to elevate her hips. Then he held a carefully carved and trimmed ginger root where she could see it. “I had Trent purchase it and trim it to my specifications.” He submerged it in the glass of water in his other hand then set the glass aside. “The water cools it initially, but as it responds to the flesh of your rectum, it warms rapidly. It should be a nice companion to the heat from the caning.”

  Tears had streaked her cheeks but she simply smiled at him. It was obvious she really wanted this and he wondered if there would be a level of play that would ever be too much for her.

  “Ready, now. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Relax your muscles.”

  As she did so he separated the cheeks of her ass and very slowly inserted the ginger root. He watched her muscles tighten then relax as the spice moved deeper into her body.

  “Now clench your muscles around it. When you feel the first sensation of burn raise one finger.”

  It only took seconds before she lifted the forefinger of one hand. His heart swelled at the way she accepted this new assault on both body and senses. It gave him hope for their relationship, a hope he’d never had with any other partner. Nor had he ever had the desire.

  Micah rapidly stripped off his clothes and moved to stand in front of her. His cock was so swollen and hard that it stood out straight from his body. The bench was at exactly the right height for his shaft to rest on her lips. He touched the head to her mouth, letting the fluid sitting at its tip wet her lips. He cupped her jaw with one hand to support it.

  “Take me in your mouth, girl. All the way in. Suck me dry, while the heat from your punishment burns through your body.”

  Obediently she opened her mouth wider and he slid his shaft along her tongue until she had taken a good portion of it into her warm mouth. Holding her head, he rocked his hips, setting up a steady rhythm, the slight noises he made as he moved in and out of her mouth making his blood pump through him even faster.

  “Remember to keep your buttocks clenched tightly now. Can you feel the heat of the ginger? Is it warming that lovely rectum of yours?”

  “Mmm,” she mumbled around the thickness of his cock.

  Knowing her body was reacting to the dual assault on her senses from the figging and the caning fired his nerve endings. His orgasm began unwinding inside him like a steel coil ready for release. As Teri moaned again around his cock he exploded into her mouth, spurting cum down her throat. Against the hand holding her jaw he felt the flexing of her throat muscles as she swallowed again and again.

  When at last he’d emptied himself he slowly withdrew from her mouth, brushing the head of his shaft against her lower lip, then knelt in front of her.

  “How are you doing, girl?” he asked in a soft voice, stroking her cheek.

  With a gentle swipe of his fingers he brushed away the tears staining her skin. She had accepted her punishment and performed very well. Now he needed to balance that pain and soothe her, a responsibility he never took lightly. He knew what it was like to endure punishment wit
hout that balance. And while he never lost sight of his role as a Dom, he had schooled himself never to forget tenderness.

  From a drawer in a carved chest he took out a tube of zinc ointment and smoothed it slowly and gently onto the abused skin of her ass.

  “Caning can leave a great deal of residual pain,” he explained. “This will soothe and help you to heal.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” she managed. “You are very good to me.”

  He smiled to himself. Teri Choate was an excellent sub but the feisty personality that always made her push the boundaries intrigued and aroused him. It was this spirited part of her personality that had first piqued his interest and later made him think that just maybe they’d be well suited for each other. He had more wealth than he could ever use, but up until now he’d searched in vain for a woman who could not just match him sexually but be his equal in everything else. By the end of this weekend he’d know for sure if he’d found her.

  When he’d finished applying the ointment he capped the tube and tossed it back into the drawer. Releasing her shackles, he rubbed her arms and thighs to ease the tension from being stretched out before helping her up from the bench. The leash dangled between her full breasts, now stained with the juice from the strawberries. Impulsively he leant forward and licked every bit of it from the surface of her skin, the taste flavourful on his tongue. Maybe tomorrow he’d tie her up in an intricate rope pattern and slowly lick every inch of her skin. The thought of it made his mouth water.

  He brought a bottle of water from the small fridge in the room, cupped her chin and held it while he gave her several sips of the cool liquid.

  “If you feel weak at any time you must let me know. Understood?”

  She nodded.

  “Good. Can’t have you passing out from lack of nourishment.”

  “What about—” she started to say, then bit her lower lip. The sight of those white teeth sinking into the ruby flesh was enough to stir his cock to life again.

  “Uh-uh-uh. The ginger root stays in for now. Do you feel its heat?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Your ass should be nicely warmed inside and out.”

  Taking the leash, he led her to an elevated padded table on the other side of the room. He spread a wool blanket on it before helping her to lie down. She flinched momentarily as her abused ass touched the rough fabric. Micah bent over and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “That should be a good reminder of who’s in charge here and what happens to impertinent subbies.” He reached above him to a hook dangling from the ceiling and fastened the leash to it. “I could cuff your ankles and wrists again but I think this will be a test of both your stamina and obedience.”

  She looked up at him, a question in her eyes.

  “Did I ever tell you at one time I wanted to be an artist? No?” He released a latch and pulled out a shelf from the foot of the table. From the chest he gathered six candles of varying colours and a long-handled lighter. “Well, I did. But I had practically no talent for it. Then I learned about wax play and discovered I had a talent after all.”

  He placed his hand on her midriff then slid it down over her naked cunt, letting the tip of his little finger trail through her wet slit.

  “You enjoyed the small amount of wax play we indulged in before. Right, girl?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her eyes gleamed with anticipation.

  Oh, yes, he knew she’d enjoyed it. Her eyes had shone with the erotic sensation of the hot wax dripping on her skin. She’d been completely turned on as she felt the heat of the substance land on her body. Well, this time she’d become a canvas for his art. The wax would be hot enough to solidify and heat her skin but not to burn her. He’d never been into pain that disfigured.

  “You know,” he said as casually as he could, “in some groups wax painting is considered a sign of ownership. Would you like to be owned, girl?”

  He held himself still as he waited for her answer.

  Her eyes widened. “If it was the right owner I would. Sir.”

  Was that a smile teasing at her lips? Well, he’d tested the waters with that little bit of conversation. He’d see how things went. He’d been so afraid to open himself to anyone for so many years. But now, with Teri, he’d begun to hope things could change.

  He lifted a bright red taper and lit its wick, holding it inches from her body as it flamed. “I like to use tapers. They contain a lot of stearine and burn at a hotter temperature. They also last longer.”

  He held the candle horizontal to her until it began to drip. Then he drew a thin line just beneath her breasts. She jumped slightly and bit her lip again. He knew the blanket beneath her was irritating her ass and the ginger was warming her from the inside. Now he was heating the rest of her body, dripping the wax on her very slowly.

  “I enjoy making designs with the wax,” he continued in a conversational tone, lifting another candle. This one was a deep blue. “It’s my own form of body art.”

  Silently, his eyes glued to her, he continued to paint her body with the candle wax, mixing the colours and designs—now a straight line, now a swirl or a curve. Teri held herself still as the hot wax dripped onto her skin but her breathing increased and he saw the heat simmering in her gaze. He used all six colours, mixing green and purple and yellow and pink with the others. The wax formed solid pools on her tummy and around her breasts, dripping artistically down the sides of her ribcage. As he added each new colour, each new element of design, he saw the hunger in her eyes grow and her pulse throb more heavily in the delicious hollow at her throat.

  With the purple candle he traced lines around each breast, using the pink to cover each stiff nipple. From the top of her mound he drew the outline of a penis, using her navel as the pattern for the head. The sight of her decorated this way, knowing heat was invading both from without and within, made his balls tighten and his body ache with need. When he finally fucked her, he knew it would be the most explosive orgasm either of them had ever experienced.

  He nudged her thighs apart and saw her eyes widen but she didn’t question him. He slid his fingers through the drenched folds of her cunt, rubbing the sensitive skin. Oh, she was fully aroused. No mistaking that. Her release, when he gave her permission to let go, would shake her entire body.

  Holding a taper in one hand, he pinched her clit with the fingers of the other. He saw the effort she made to hold herself completely still and gave her a tiny smile of appreciation, but kept rubbing it with the pad of his thumb. When she shifted restlessly beneath his touch he angled the taper and drew a thin line of wax along each seam where thigh and hip joined. She watched every move intently.

  Picking up another candle and lighting it again, he let the wax drop in an amorphous pattern at the top of her mound before holding it over her reddened clit. When the first drop hit she flinched but then she curled her hands into fists to control herself. Micah didn’t stop until every area of her pussy was covered in a kaleidoscope of colours, her clit protruding sharply.

  At last he pushed all the candles aside and thrust two fingers inside her through the opening he’d left in the wax.

  “Wetter and wetter.” He smiled at her. “Such a succulent little cunt. And the wax only enhances it.”

  He fetched a small digital camera from the chest and took several photos of her from every angle. The design represented a work of art—his work—and he wanted to relive again and again. She was so gorgeous lying there, a living exhibit of his talent. In all aspects she seemed to be made for him. But he had to know for sure. To be absolutely convinced. His past stood in the way of so much, events that had caused him pain and humiliation and shaped the rest of his life. Teri Choate had been the first person to give him the confidence to step beyond it. But if indeed this became a real relationship, he’d have to open himself to her and tell her his secrets. Could he really do that? By the end of this visit he’d have to decide one way or another.

  He stood a moment longer, admiring his w
ork before unhooking the leash and helping Teri up from the table. She flinched slightly as her ass rubbed on the rough fabric beneath her at the same time she tried to hold herself stiffly to keep from breaking the wax.

  “You’re doing so well,” he praised her. “And you are giving me such great pleasure. I think as a reward I’ll remove the ginger from your ass.”

  She wet her lower lip. “Thank you, Sir. Very much.”

  By this time he was sure her tissues were sore enough from the burning spice. Time to reward her for not complaining.

  “On the floor, sub, on all fours.”

  Her body was all grace as she arranged herself on her hands and knees. Micah dropped the leash and knelt behind her. Spreading the cheeks of her ass with one hand, he used the fingers of the other to slowly remove the carved stick of ginger. She gave a tiny whimper as it scraped her tissues then sighed when he’d pulled it completely free.

  “I think tomorrow we should set aside some time again for this. Maybe a good part of the day.” He saw her body tense at his words then forcibly relax. “We’ll see. I have other pleasures in mind.”

  Squirting some soothing gel onto a finger, he slid it inside her hot, dark tunnel and worked it into the folds of skin. Her heat scorched his fingers and zinged through his body. Tonight he’d fuck her in this gorgeous bottom until they were both exhausted. With her hands cuffed behind her. And clamps on her nipples.

  His shaft, which had been doing its best to come to life again, now stood out full and thick. Impulsively he eased Teri onto her back and used the leash to bind her hands over her head. On his knees beside her he stroked his rigid shaft, Teri watching him avidly.

  “I like working in mixed media.” He gave her a tight smile. “Let’s see how this mixes with wax. And do not move one muscle until I’m finished.”

  She held herself rigidly, fascinated, as he stroked himself to completion. When he spurted onto the wax covering her, he felt it through his balls and along the length of his spine. Teri lay still in front of him but desire lit her eyes and she swiped her tongue across her lower lip.


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