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Journey To You

Page 10

by AJ Adaire

  “Let’s go take a look at the cabin. If it looks like someone is there, we’ll back away. If not, maybe we can find something to dress your hand with. If we don’t find anything we can turn back and see if we can get a rabbit or, don’t you dare laugh, a squirrel or two.”

  Paige worked hard to control the grin that threatened to spread over her face. She was moderately successful.

  Peri rolled her eyes. “Come on, before I shoot you for dinner.”

  Less than ten minutes later, Murdoch stopped, sat down, and looked back at Paige. “What is it, boy?” They approached where he sat. Through the trees, nestled in a little clearing, sat the small cabin and the outbuildings they’d seen from above. An old pickup truck was tucked under cover in the shed. “Murdoch, stay. Peri, I’ll check it out. Watch my back.”


  Kim awoke in a pool of sweat. Finally, my fever broke. I feel human for the first time in what feels like forever. After crawling from her sleeping bag, Kim poured some water into a pan. Alone in camp, she took advantage of the privacy and stripped down to wash herself. I feel like a new woman. She reached for her pack and flipped open the flap. As she pulled a clean shirt and pair of jeans from the pocket, a piece of paper fluttered to the ground. Puzzled about its origin, her brows arched. She placed it between her lips until she was dressed. Cross-legged on top of her sleeping bag, she checked the signature at the bottom of the note. Hmm. Jennifer. Wonder what this is about…

  Dear Kim,

  Despite all that is going on with the world, I wanted you to know that I have never been happier, or more content than I’ve been while you’ve been here with my family and me. I know that what I’m about to say may seem hasty or sudden to you, since we only spent a few days together. Trust me, it’s not. Although I’m younger than you, I’m a strong woman who knows my own mind. I know that I’ve never, ever enjoyed being with someone as much as I have being with you. We were so comfortable together. We talked and laughed with such ease.

  There was more to it than that, though. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. I found myself wanting to be close to you, to touch you. I told you I had a question I wanted to answer. The kiss we shared told me that what I’d been feeling was true caring. Besides that, there was something else as well. There was wanting. Your kiss made me want more. Much more.

  I have feelings for you, Kim. I can’t say I’m in love with you yet, because we haven’t spent that much time together. What I do have is a hope for love. Please, when you get to your destination, think about what I’ve said.

  I know you made a promise to your friends to go with them to Allie and DJ’s. But, when you get there, if you ever think of me, and think we have a chance, I’d love for you to come back to me.

  My uncle is a believer in the goodness of people. He thinks that it won’t be too long before law is restored and we can be safe again. When that day comes, Jeff and I plan to return home to our parents’ house and do what we love, farm the land. We’ll make a life for ourselves there. I’d love to share that life with you. So, I hope you’ll think about it. Don’t think I’m hasty when I tell you I want you. That want is based on strong caring. Please, come back to me to explore our beginning and see if it could lead to love. I think it can. Do you?


  Kim tapped her finger on her top lip, as she reread the note. Wow! She really laid her heart on a plate here. Kim laid her head back and looked up at the sky, recalling the kisses they’d shared. Jennifer’s lips were soft and her tongue was so insistent. Kim remembered the flood of passion that had traveled from her lips to her breasts, and then settled between her legs that day.

  The memory excited Kim. She reached down to relieve the pressure the seam of her pants was putting on her most sensitive part. She moaned as she grasped the seam and brushed her clit. She closed her eyes, picturing Jennifer’s sweet face and blue eyes, as she slid her hand inside her pants. She was wet and ready. Her breath was coming quickly and her muscles contracted and throbbed as she moaned in release.

  As Kim slid her hand from her pants, her eyes filled with tears. I’m sorry Becky. She couldn’t help feeling a bit disloyal to her deceased partner. It was the first time she’d had any sexual activity since her partner’s death. You’d like her, sweetheart. She’s sweet and kind. The picture of Jennifer’s face came to mind again, as she looked seconds before Kim had lowered her head and kissed her. And she’s hot.

  Kim’s head snapped around as Murdoch came bounding into camp. “Hey, Kim! Wait until you see what we found.” Paige strode into camp shortly after her dog, followed by Peri. “Are you feeling up to walking a little bit?”

  “I think so. What’d you find? Something good?” She looked at the pair. “You two look like you’ve been mud wrestling. Paige, what happened to your hand?”

  Paige glanced at Peri. “We had a little tumble. I cut my hand on some vines. Come and see what we found.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  PERI AND PAIGE WORKED quickly, eager to break camp. They helped carry some of Kim’s load as they hurried toward their destination. “We can’t wait to show you our discovery. Look.” Peri pointed. “We can sleep indoors tonight.”

  Kim frowned as she surveyed the cabin from the safety of the trees at the edge of the forest. “How do you know we won’t have unwelcome company?”

  “Trust us when we say we’re sure the owner won’t be back. We know this for a fact.” Paige didn’t want to go into details about the gruesome discovery they’d made near the woodpile. It had taken them the better part of an hour to dig a hole in the rain-softened ground and bury the remains they’d found.

  They hiked the three hundred feet and opened the door. Paige led the way. Fresh air from the windows they’d opened earlier had done wonders to remove the stale odor of the log structure. They entered through a door located near the corner of the north side of the cabin. Inside, the bark had been shaved from the trees used to build the walls. Between them, chinking filled the gaps. A single bed was tucked in the corner of the south wall, there was an alcove holding another bed, a three-quarter size.

  A potbellied stove, and a decent space around it for safety, took up most of the west side of the cabin. An empty cook pot still rested there. On the opposite side of the room from the beds, a sturdy table sat in front of the small, makeshift kitchen. A sink and a counter was about all there was to it. A mini fridge was tucked in the corner.

  “Look.” Peri opened the mini fridge. “Want a cold beer?”

  “What’s the sense in having a mini fridge? I can’t imagine he ran a generator full time to keep his beer cold.”

  Paige grinned. “Nope. This guy was the king of solar power. Watch.” Paige flipped the switch on a table light, next to the door.

  “Wow! That’s amazing. All the way out here. Imagine that.” Kim walked across the room, took a seat in the rocker, and looked around the cabin. “I could get used to this place.” She leaned back into the comfortable chair. “I’ll take that beer you offered.” A big grin showed off her dimples.

  Peri got them each a beer. She and Paige each took a seat on the bunk.

  “So, you think it’s safe here?” Kim asked.

  “There’s been nobody here for a number of weeks.” Paige gestured with her thumb between herself and Peri. “We found a newspaper the owner must have brought with him when he came here. Our guess was he got sick. No sign of anyone since then.”

  Kim glanced around. “Why would you put a rug in front of the stove?”

  “What do you mean?” Peri said. “Why wouldn’t you?”

  “I don’t know.” Kim scratched her head. “I can see putting one on the floor near the beds, where you step out onto the floor. It doesn’t make sense. Why would you cover part of the stone hearth with that flammable fabric? A spark could start a fire.”

  “You have a good point.” Paige stood up and threw back a corner of the rug. Recessed into the floor was a metal ring.

  “What do you think is down th
ere?” Peri came to stand next to Paige.

  “One way to find out. I suspect it’s a root cellar.” Paige bent over and gave the ring a tug. The trap door opened, revealing stairs. Pulling a small flashlight from her pouch pocket, she led the way down the steps. “Kim…today is your lucky day. There’re vegetables down here. Potatoes that are still pretty good and some carrots. Plus there are cans of stew, tuna, and chicken. There’s some flour, sugar, oil, and powdered milk.” Sounds could be heard of Paige rummaging below. “Hey, look here! There are a couple of canned hams. Oh my God, who knows how to make pancakes? That’s what I want for breakfast.”


  “You cooked dinner, Peri, so I’ll clean up.” Paige carried the plates to the sink. Murdoch was already asleep in the corner, under the cot, after consuming a cup of kibble and a can of beef stew.

  Kim rocked in the recliner, while Peri caught up with her journal. Paige took Murdoch out for a walk and when she returned, she cleaned all the guns with tools she found in a closet.

  “I can’t keep my eyes open.” Kim pushed up to a standing position. “I’m not up to a hundred percent yet, I guess. I’m going to catch a few winks.” She returned from the outhouse, brushed her teeth, and washed her face. She laid her sleeping bag on the bunk in the corner of the living room and was soon snoring.

  Paige stood and put on a jacket. “I’d better take Murdoch out and have a look around. Want to come?”

  “No, thanks. I think I’ll tidy up here and check on Kim.”

  Peri was shuffling cards when Paige returned.


  Peri smiled and shook her head. “Yes. But we could play gin if you’d like, or rummy.” She set the deck on the table.

  Murdoch drew the attention of the two women as he stretched and agilely hopped into bed with Kim. She sighed as she turned on her side, wrapped an arm around the dog, and snuggled in.

  “Bet she’s having a hot dream.” Paige winked at Peri. “She looks like she’s settled in for the night.”

  “I guess that means you’re stuck with me in the other bed.”

  “After our fall today, we shouldn’t have any trouble sharing. I think I’m almost as familiar with your body as I am with my own.” Paige’s direct gaze made Peri blush. “If you’d rather, I could sleep on the floor after we sweep up the dust.”

  “Don’t be silly.” Peri glanced around, a slight curl to her lips. “God knows what’s on that floor.”

  “Umm…that’s true. If we’re going to spend a few days here and let Kim regain her strength, we can clean it tomorrow.” Paige strode to the table and picked up the deck of cards. “Hey! I bet I could beat you at a game of Five Hundred Rummy. We can play for who gets the inside position on the mattress. That’s probably the better spot if the bed is against the wall. Less chance to fall off on that floor.” Paige grinned as she looked down.

  “You’re on. You can deal.” Peri reached for the pen and paper. “I’ll keep score.”

  Paige smirked. “Are you going to be honest?”

  “Just for that comment, you have to make breakfast tomorrow morning.” Peri picked up her cards and tossed a defiant look in Paige’s direction, causing her to chuckle.

  An hour and forty-five minutes later, Peri said, “That does it. You get the inside. Congratulations.”

  “It was close. I won’t hold you to the bet.” Paige said, when they had both brushed their teeth and washed up.

  Peri shook her head. “Nope, a wager is a wager.” She grinned. “It’ll be fine.”

  Paige unhooked her bra and slipped the straps off her arms and through the sleeves, leaving her T-shirt in place. She pushed her pants off and hung them on the hook on the wall. “Do you want to use two bags, or put one on the bottom and cover up with the other?”

  “I think it’s too hot to sleep in the bag. Let’s do top and bottom. That way, we can stick out a leg if we get too warm.”

  Paige laid her bag on the bunk and Peri put hers over it.

  “After you.” Peri watched Paige climb into bed before removing her own bra and pants and hanging them on top of Paige’s. Peri slid into bed and turned onto her side, against the edge of the small mattress. She was as far as she could get from Paige, trying to not make body contact.

  “I won’t bite,” Paige whispered. “Besides, like I told you, I already know how your body feels.” She wrapped an arm around Peri, pulling her closer, and casually tossed a leg over hers.

  Peri cleared her throat, not trusting herself to speak right away. Paige was spooned against her back, her skin warm and smooth where it touched her. She wondered if Paige could feel her heart racing where she’d tucked her hand around her middle. “I, uh…” Her voice trailed away before she managed to say, “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Would you be more comfortable with Kim?” Paige’s breath was warm against her ear. “I can call my dog. We can wake Kim and get her to move over for you.”

  “No, it’s okay. It’s just…”

  “A little too cozy?”

  Peri adjusted her hand so that she cupped Paige’s hand where it rested against her stomach. “Yes. I guess.”

  “You slept with Kim at the Hall’s. Did that bother you?”

  “Um…” Peri tried to organize her thoughts. She could feel Paige’s breasts against her back, and Paige’s legs and stomach cupped her bottom perfectly. “No. With you, it somehow feels more…”


  Peri chuckled. “Yes. I guess. This feels different. Kim and I are friends.”

  “And we aren’t?”

  Peri leaned almost onto her back, adjusting her bottom so it was turned away from Paige’s heat. “Yes, we’re friends.”

  “I’m hoping there’s a but?”

  “There is. Kim’s my buddy. It’s not that she’s not cute. I don’t know why, but I’ve never been attracted to her. Maybe it’s because we were both paired when we met. The thought of being her lover just feels foreign to me.”

  “And with me?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure. There’s a different feeling with us. I can’t even think about it though. I still miss Trish terribly.”

  “I know. I miss my family, too.” Paige took a deep breath. She linked her fingers through Peri’s. “I like being with you, Peri. It makes me feel a little guilty that I’m enjoying holding you and being close this way. Not guilty enough to not do it.”

  “Me too. It feels good being held. Somehow, it makes me feel a bit sad that I’m enjoying it. I feel emotional thinking that no matter how we wish they were still alive, we won’t wake up tomorrow and find them back with us.”

  They fell silent, each absorbed in individual memories. Eventually, they drifted off to sleep.


  Paige traced the contour of Peri’s face with her fingertip. Her touch was so light, Peri wondered if she’d imagined it. Then she felt Paige’s mouth on hers. The kiss was sweet and gentle, even tentative. A surge of heat seared through Peri. She turned and met Paige’s lips, demanding more. She tested with her tongue and Paige opened for her.

  Paige pulled Peri to her, wrapping her strong arms around her. Peri responded by sliding her leg between Paige’s. She could feel the heat and moisture of her desire as Paige adjusted her thigh, pressing against the warmth between Peri’s legs. Peri buried her face against Paige to muffle the groan that escaped, as she shifted her hips.

  Paige exhaled a long sigh and murmured into Peri’s ear. “We have to stop.”

  Peri could feel Paige’s heart pounding in rhythm with her own. She adjusted so that Paige’s leg was against her throbbing clit, enjoying the pressure. “Don’t move,” she whispered. “I need to cool down a bit.”

  Paige slid her hand up and cupped Peri’s breast, tweaking the erect nipple through the fabric. “I so want to touch you.”

  Peri kissed Paige and smiled against her lips. “I so want to be touched.” She turned and Paige slid her hand under Peri’s T-shirt, palming her breast. �
�Don’t move,” she whispered in Peri’s ear. “I want to feel your heart beating.” She nuzzled Peri’s ear. “This is right, Peri. Can you feel it?”

  Peri nodded and slid her hand up to rest it on Paige’s, pulling her hand tighter.

  “I want you, but not like this. I want to be able to make you moan when you come.” Paige thumbed the nipple and Peri’s heart picked up its pace.

  Peri awoke with a start. Paige’s slow and even breathing helped her realize she’d been dreaming. Her heart was still pounding. It took a while before sleep welcomed her again.


  The sunbeam crept across the floor and onto Peri’s face. She opened her eyes. Immediately, she felt her face go hot over the dream she’d had. She slipped from bed and pulled on her pants. Murdoch’s head popped up when Peri walked toward the door. Without a word, she patted her leg. He looked in the direction of the other bed then back to Peri. I can read your mind. Are you coming or not?

  As if he could hear her, Murdoch jumped to the floor, stretched, and came over to sit at her feet. He looked up at her as if to say, “Well you made me get up. What do you have in mind?”

  Peri opened the door and led the way out. Murdoch immediately ran to the closest tree to make his mark. Upon her return from the outhouse, she fired up the burner on the gas grill. She filled the pot with water from the bottles stored on the porch, and set it in place. While waiting for the water to boil, Peri sat on the porch rocker and watched Murdoch sniff and sprinkle his way around the yard. Once he’d satisfied his need to establish his boundaries, he sat and leaned his solid body against her. He rested his big head on her knee and looked up at her with beautiful, intelligent, chocolate-brown eyes.

  “You have a sexy mommy, Murdoch. I had a very hot dream about her last night.” She scratched his soft ears. “I think I’m starting to care about her, and I’m already in love with you.”


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