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Journey To You

Page 20

by AJ Adaire

  “You’ve left off the house chores, Allie.” Peri said. “We need to add laundry, cooking, and cleaning. Food prep takes a good bit of time. Maybe we can take turns.”

  “Also, the patrol of the fences and maintenance of the alarm system. Murdoch and I can do a quick loop in the morning. I have to walk him anyway. We can do a different section each day. Don’t forget to add any repairs that might be needed. I’m pretty handy with that sort of thing.”

  They signed up to do different chores for the remainder of the week. Allie put the list on the sideboard, where everyone could see it, before she served the dessert.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  DAYS TURNED INTO WEEKS, and before they realized it, August was upon them. They’d already harvested a good number of the crops Allie and DJ had started in the garden, and transplanted the late-season crops from the hoop house to the field. Their days spent preserving or storing the crops were long and arduous. Before harvesting the plants, they designated some of their crop yield for seed. Leaving it in the field, they allowed it to mature for seed collection. When the crops were ready, they collected and dried the seeds.

  “These are good to store now,” Allie said, as she placed the dry seeds into a plastic bag. She squeezed as much air out of the bag as possible and pressed the seal closed. With care, she placed the sealed bags in her seed box in the cold storage cellar. “These are solid gold for us now, if we want to continue to survive on what we grow.”

  They’d been working most of the day, canning the peaches they’d picked over the past couple of days. Peri and Paige set up a table and sat on the porch peeling the blanched peaches before they cut some of them in half and others in quarters. After detailed instruction by Allie, Kim washed and sterilized the jars and lids. Once cool, she checked the jars for cracks, while Allie made the syrup. She preferred a light, three cups of water to one cup of sugar mixture. They worked together to fill the jars with the peaches. “Put the pit side down. They look nicer that way,” Allie told them. Once all the jars were filled Allie poured the syrup mixture over the peaches and made sure no air bubbles remained. The others followed behind placing the lid and screwing the ring on tight. Allie had two canners, which helped speed up the process. Canning was time consuming, since each set of jars had to be covered in warm water, brought to a boil, and simmered for thirty minutes.

  “There,” Allie said as she removed the last of the jars from the canner with her jar lifter. “That’s the last of them.” As if to punctuate her sentence, one of the jar lids popped as it sealed, causing them all to laugh.

  Everyone froze in place when the alarm sounded. Allie immediately headed for the gun cabinet. Paige reached for her revolver and the gun she’d taken from Buck. The others armed themselves and headed for their positions. They’d already discussed how they would defend the house. Their plan called for them to separate and take cover in or behind different outbuildings. They hoped if one person was captured, the others would be able to free her.

  “Murdoch, come.” Paige slipped out the back door, and circled around through the woods toward the main gate, the source of the alarm. She hoped to get behind the intruder.

  An ATV drove down the drive. Paige’s face registered amazement when Murdoch started to bark and wag his tail. Trusting her dog, Paige stepped away from the tree she was hiding behind.

  “Don’t shoot me, woman! I’m looking for a hug, not a bullet.” Zeke stepped from the ATV and Murdoch looked up at Paige for permission to move forward.

  “Go ahead, boy.” Paige moved toward Zeke, as Murdoch raced to the visitor and stood up on his hind legs to place his paws on the big man’s chest.

  “Okay, Murdoch, down. It’s my turn.”

  Zeke wrapped Paige in a bear hug. A nearly full-grown, but slightly underweight, shepherd jumped from the ATV and approached Murdoch. They sniffed noses.

  Zeke grinned. “Come meet my new friend, Lola.”


  Zeke chuckled. “Yeah, whatever she wants, she gets, so I named her Lola. She just showed up one day. She was so hungry. I fed her and she won’t leave me alone. She’s like glue. I’m kinda enjoying it.” He glanced around and asked. “Where are my other two gals?”

  Paige turned and yelled, “Come on out. It’s safe.” Peri and Kim came on the fly and hurried to Zeke to collect a hug.

  “It’s so good to see you…” He stopped mid-sentence when Allie stepped from behind the shed.

  Zeke’s eyes were riveted, as Allie approached the group. Paige pulled her forward and wrapped an arm around her. “Zeke, this is our friend, Allie. Allie, don’t let his appearance fool you, beneath all that hair is our handsome friend, Zeke.”

  Zeke brushed his hair back. A genuine smile spread across his face. “Please, don’t take this the wrong way. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  “Oh stop!” Allie blushed clear to the top of her hairline. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Please, come in. We’ll have something to drink.” Allie led the way.

  Zeke lagged behind. He caught Peri by the arm. In a hushed voice he asked, “Can you give me a haircut and trim? Please? Preferably as soon as possible.”

  “Sure.” Peri called out, “I’ll show Zeke where he can clean up after his trip. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  The others gathered in the kitchen. Allie gave Lola and Murdoch a cold drink of water. Kim and Paige organized some homemade cheese and fresh baked bread for a snack, along with mint tea. She set honey out to sweeten the drinks.

  Everyone settled in the living room. Not too long after they’d assembled there, Zeke and Peri showed up. His hair was much shorter, and his beard neatly trimmed.

  Allie’s eyes widened when the new and improved Zeke made an appearance.

  “You’re here early for the swap meet, aren’t you?” Peri asked. “Not that we’re unhappy to see you, I just didn’t expect you so soon. What’s up?”

  “I’m coming back for that. This is just a social call. I was sitting there in my house and had nothing to do. Coming by the road in the ATV, it’s really not all that far. I got stopped a couple of miles from here by someone named Ernie Parker. He said to give you his regard.”

  Paige chuckled and told Zeke of their initial encounter with the hunting club. He laughed when Paige told him how she’d left the men in the road.

  Zeke took a long sip of his tea and wiped his mouth on his sleeve. “Ernie told me some good news. He’d been talking to others on his radio. It seems that former military personnel and guard members have begun forming a militia. They’re starting to get the cities under control. They are covering the main roads now. He said that it’ll be a while till all the roads are safe to travel out this far. I didn’t have any trouble though. I think out here, so many people are self-sustaining that there’s no need for violence. Normal safeguards and suspicion are sufficient to protect ourselves.”

  As dinner approached, Allie invited Zeke to stay. “You’ll have to excuse me, it’s my turn to milk the goats. I won’t be long.”

  “Perhaps you’ll let me help?” Zeke stood up. “Afterward, maybe you could show me around your property? I’m confident these capable women can handle dinner.”

  Their voices faded, and once they were out of earshot, the three friends started to giggle. “Wow!” Kim looked to the other two. “I had no idea Zeke was that smooth.”

  “He’s almost suave enough to sway me,” Peri said, a twinkle in her eye.

  “Hey, watch it.” Paige pulled Peri to her feet. “You’ll make me jealous.”

  Peri pulled Paige down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “No need to worry. I’m not going anywhere.”


  Paige, Peri, and Kim prepared a delicious meal. First up was a salad. They diced lettuce, tomato, onion, and green peppers they’d picked fresh from the garden. The rest of the menu included roasted chicken and potatoes. Dessert was crumb topped sliced peaches that Allie had baked that morning.

  Zeke lean
ed back and patted his stomach. “Thank you, for the best meal I’ve had in months.” He stood and placed his clean plate in the sink. He turned and gave Allie a megawatt smile. “Would you do me the honor of joining me for a stroll? I’d love to see the orchard.”

  The sun started to dip over the hills beyond. Peri, Paige, and Kim sat on the porch and watched Allie and Zeke stroll arm and arm toward the house. “I think our friend is deeply smitten,” Peri said.

  “You mean Zeke? Allie seems flattered by his attentions, too. He’s a handsome and personable man.” Kim stood and excused herself. “I’m going to turn in early tonight.”

  “You okay?” Paige asked.

  Kim smiled a sad smile. “Yes. Feeling a little out of place. You know, fifth wheel and all that. I’ll be fine by morning.”

  Peri tried to reassure her that she was wrong.

  “It’s nothing anyone has said or done. I know it’s me and the fact that I’m feeling…” Kim sighed. “I guess, maybe, I’m feeling more than just alone. Tonight, I feel lonely.” She stuck her hand in her pocket where she carried the letter from Jennifer, drawing some sense of consolation from it. She crossed to where her friends sat. “I’ll be fine. Honest.”

  Allie and Zeke climbed the steps to the porch.

  “Here, Zeke, take my chair.” Kim stood and walked to the door. “I’m calling it an early night and turning in. Good night.” She closed the door behind her after going inside.

  A flash of concern darkened Allie’s face as Kim went inside. “Is she okay?”

  Peri nodded. “I think so. She’s feeling a little…tired.” She and Allie exchanged a look.

  Zeke sat and relaxed. The group chatted for a short time, until Zeke said, “I’m ready to turn in too. I guess I’ll go set up my tent.” He looked to Allie. “Is it okay if I pick a spot up toward the pond?” Zeke started to stand up.

  Allie stayed him with a touch on the arm. “I won’t hear of it. You and Lola can sleep in the living room. We’ll close the doors and you’ll have privacy. I have a cot you can use.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.” His grin was broad as he settled back on the bench. “So, tell me, Allie, how did you and your husband come to settle way out here?”

  At the first break in the conversation, Paige and Peri bid Zeke and Allie goodnight. The pair gave an idle wave.

  Inside, Paige and Peri laughed. Peri expressed their shared thoughts. “It appears they won’t miss us.”

  Chapter Thirty-two

  PERI LAY WITH HER eyes open, her mind dwelling on the fact that fall was fast approaching. It meant that Paige might decide she wanted to leave. She didn’t remember when her feelings had morphed from attraction to Paige and caring for her, to feelings of love. Her mind raced. At first, I doubted my heart. How could I still be missing Trish and have feelings of love for another woman? I know I love Paige. Of that much I’m sure. I’ve waited to reveal the fact, because I’m still unsure of Paige’s feelings. Our sexual relationship is fantastic. We have good communication. How could we have never discussed our feelings for each other? Neither of us has mentioned what will happen after the harvest.

  Paige reached for Peri’s hand and tugged, requesting that she come closer.

  Peri slid over and draped a leg across Paige, snuggling against her. Her hand gravitated to Paige’s breast, lightly brushing her fingertips across the smooth skin above her nipple. She was quickly rewarded by it puckering to attention. She leaned over and sucked the aroused tip of Paige’s breast into her mouth. Tonguing it, she waited for Paige to moan. She rolled on top of her lover and settled between her legs, loving her breasts with her lips and tongue. She slid up so she could reach Paige’s lips to place a kiss there. “There’s something I’ve been thinking about.”

  “Can you keep doing what you were doing and think about it at the same time?”

  “Don’t ruin it. I need to tell you something serious.”

  Paige reached her arms around Peri and rolled her onto her back. “I’m sorry.” She rose up on one elbow. “I love the way you feel so free with my body. It’s so different from what I was used to. It’s like I can’t get enough of you and how you love me…how we love each other.” She kissed Peri lightly on the lips. “So tell me, what was it that was on your mind?”

  “I need to sit up.” Peri tossed back the sheet.

  Both women sat up, facing each other, legs crossed yogi style.

  Paige cleared her throat and dragged the sheet across their laps. “If you expect me to listen with all of my attention, we need to cover up.”

  “Oh stop! It’s still too dark to really see anything.”

  “I can see you in my mind’s eye.” She leaned forward. “Bribe me with a kiss and I’ll be serious, I swear.”

  Peri touched Paige’s face and met her lover’s lips, pouring her love into the kiss.

  “Umm. I want more of that. But, I gave you my word. So hurry up and tell me, before I break my promise. What’s concerning you?”

  “I just did. I just showed you what I’m feeling. I love you, Paige. I love you with every breath I take, with every kiss I give you, and every touch we share. I can’t imagine not waking up with you every morning or not going to sleep with you every night.”

  In the bright moonlight streaming through their window, Peri saw tears glisten in Paige’s eyes. “Paige? What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve wanted to tell you I love you since the first night we made love. I was afraid you’d reject me. I know you still love Trish.”

  “I do love Trish. I always will. But she’s part of my history now, and you are my life. Hear this, Paige. It’s you I’m in love with. It’s you I want to spend the rest of my years with. I want us to build a life together. Will you do that with me, Paige?”

  “If you’ll have me, I’m yours.” The love they made that night was the sweetest they’d ever shared. As they lay spent, Paige whispered, “I love you. I never knew love like this. You make me feel cherished. I love the way you touch me. I can’t get enough of the way you love me. I hope I show you how much I love you.”

  Peri kissed her. “Every day, my love. Now go to sleep. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  “Come here and let me hold you. You can’t be close enough to me tonight.”


  “You awake?” Paige whispered as the night started to lighten in preparation for the day.

  Peri slid closer to her lover. “Yes. Just thinking.”

  “Should I be worried?”

  “No. I was thinking about our future together. We’re going to have to decide what we’re going to do. Have you given it any thought?”

  “I’ll do whatever you want to do. If I were making the decision for me alone, I’d go back to Villy’s cabin. I talked with Zeke before we left to come here. I told him I might come back and stay at Villy’s. He was open to that, encouraging even. By remaining here this summer, we’re ill prepared to survive a winter at Villy’s without food though. Maybe Allie will give us enough to help us make it through the winter. We’ve learned from her how to grow our own food, how to preserve and keep it from spoiling. It’s taken four of us to do everything here this summer. She said that because there were four of us sharing the workload, we’ve had a bumper crop this season. Plus we were able to do the late planting of a second crop of cooler weather vegetables that are close to ready for harvesting and storing. So she should be able to give us enough of the crops to survive for the winter.”

  “If we leave, what will happen to her alone here all winter?” Peri sighed. “We can’t just leave her.”

  “I know. This is a big place, too big for one person. There are the animals to care for, wood to chop and bring onto the porch. She has enough food. Sadly, that’s not the only consideration. The winters here can be harsh…snow, ice.” Paige tucked her hand behind her head. “Have you talked to Kim about her plans? Maybe, if Kim stays, the two of them could make it.”

  “No. I always assumed her intention was to stay. She see
med upset to see Allie with Zeke last night. Do you think she thought Allie might want to be with her?”

  Paige shrugged. “I think we need to discuss plans with them sooner, rather than later, don’t you?”

  “Yes, that’s a good idea. If the opportunity presents itself, maybe we should involve Zeke in the discussion.”

  “What are your thoughts about returning to Villy’s with me?”

  “I don’t care where we live as long as I’m with you. Wherever you are, as long as I’m there with you, I’ll be happy. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Paige kissed Peri. “Now come here and let’s show each other how much.”

  Chapter Thirty-three

  “HEY, WHAT’S GOING ON?” Allie found Kim sitting in the corner, in the rocking chair.

  Kim looked over and shrugged. “I’ve been thinking.”

  “Is that what’s causing the burning smell?”

  “Oh, funny. That joke’s at least as old as I am.”

  Allie sat on the bed and patted the mattress beside her. “Come on over here and talk to me.”

  Kim did as requested. She turned sideways and drew her knee up on the mattress between them. She took a deep breath. “I am thinking that I might head back to Jennifer’s uncle’s house and see what’s going on with her and her brother. You’re in good shape here, and you have the other two to help you, and maybe Zeke, too.” Kim winked.

  “Hey! I just met the man, Kim. I was kind to him because he’s your friend.”

  Kim’s direct gaze brought an additional comment from Allie. “I will admit that he’s awfully nice…and quite handsome. He’s like a big furry bear.”


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