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Golden Trail (The 'Burg Series)

Page 66

by Kristen Ashley

  Eyes came to him, including Blondie’s, excluding Jasper’s.

  “Hey Dad,” Tripp called.

  “Pal,” Layne replied.

  “Yo Dad,” Jasper said, he had a video game in his hands over his face and he didn’t even look at his old man.

  “Yo,” Layne repeated, his eyes moving to Rocky who was watching him move, her lips smiling, giving him the dimple.

  Layne stopped at the side of the sectional, put his hands on his hips and Blondie jerked, rolled to her belly and her neck twisted so she could stare at Layne, her dog eyes showing she was trying to understand his intent. Did his presence mean he was going to pet her, let her outside and go with her to throw her ball or was he there to give her dog treats?

  “Good call, sweetcheeks, this couch,” he tipped his head to the couch.

  “It’s comfy,” Rocky replied.

  “It is, Dad, totally comfy,” Tripp agreed. “It’s the shit. Giselle and I are gonna study here.”

  “No you’re not, me and Keirry are,” Jasper returned and Layne knew he was serious about staking this claim because he moved the video game from his face to pierce his brother with a stare.

  “I called it!” Tripp shouted.

  “So? I’m older than you,” Jasper shot back.

  “So?” Tripp returned, “That doesn’t mean anything.”

  Layne moved to the other end, over Jasper’s head, and he shifted his body into the couch, claiming Rocky, he settled into the corner and she curled into his body and his arms as Blondie got up, walked over Jasper, got close and snuffled Layne’s hand. The minute he started scratching her head, she dropped to her belly and rested her jaws on his abs just over Rocky’s forearm.

  Yeah, the couch was comfortable all right. Heaven on earth.

  “It means everything,” Jasper retorted to Tripp.

  “Guys,” Rocky put in, “I don’t know if you noticed this but there are four people and a dog on this couch and none of us are touching, except, of course, me, your Dad and the dog. I think you and your babes can share.”

  “Right,” Tripp grinned at her, seeing Roc curled into his old man and visualizing something else entirely.

  Fucking hell.

  “I want privacy with my babe, Tripp-o-matic,” Jasper started, “you and your babe take off.”


  “Same here,” Tripp shot back.

  “Jesus,” Layne muttered, thinking of his two hormonal, teenaged boys, he looked down at Roc. “Maybe this couch wasn’t a good idea.”

  “They’ll get used to it,” Rocky muttered.

  That was what he was afraid of.

  “All right!” Vera shouted, pretending to walk down the stairs casually. “The Colts game starts at one and I’m making my Mexican layer dip. I need to go to the store. Does anyone want anything?”

  “Mexican dip sounds awesome!” Tripp cried even though he’d downed five pancakes a half an hour earlier.

  “I’m good, Gram,” Jasper replied.

  Vera disappeared into the kitchen, calling, “Rocky, honey?”

  “I don’t need anything, thanks, Vera,” Rocky answered.

  “Tanner?” his mother shouted.

  “Nothin’, Ma,” Layne returned and Devin came down the stairs.

  When he did, both Jas and Tripp went still and their eyes were riveted on Devin. Obviously having missed their ascent, they nevertheless cottoned on immediately to the fact that both Vera and Devin were upstairs, this was unusual and they were up there together for reasons unknown and therefore suspect.

  Devin made matters worse when he turned to the crew on the sectional and announced, “I’m goin’ with Vera.”

  Vera rounded the corner hitching her purse on her shoulder and her eyes came to the couch. “Be back soon,” she declared on a huge smile and, after securing her purse strap, she gave them a finger wave.

  All the eyes on the couch, except Blondie’s, watched Vera and Dev walk to the door, out of it and then they all looked through the window, Jasper even curling up and shifting to get a view, as Devin helped Vera into the Calais, Dev rounded it, got in and they drove off.

  Rocky and Layne settled back in but Jasper and Tripp kept their eyes on the window even when Vera and Dev were out of view.

  Then his boys’ eyes came to him.

  “What was that?” Tripp breathed and Rocky giggled.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think Dev even liked Gram and he, like, held her door for her,” Jasper whispered.

  “That’s the gentlemanly thing to do, Jasper,” Rocky advised him and Jasper’s eyes cut to her.

  “Dev’s not gentlemanly.”

  Rocky giggled again.

  “How about we let that play out how it plays out,” Layne ordered through suggestion.

  “Let what play out?” Tripp was still talking on a breath.

  Rocky giggled again.

  “Whatever,” Layne muttered, confronted with the possibility of a Devin and Vera couple, live and in person, not knowing how he felt about it and deciding he was just not going to think about it at all.

  However, Layne was not going to get this because Roc decided to educate the Layne men.

  “A woman doesn’t stop being a woman just because she becomes a grandmother.”

  “Roc,” Layne said low as three sets of male eyes focused on her.

  “It’s true,” Rocky returned and added, “I think they’re cute.”

  “Euw,” Tripp mumbled then Jasper and Tripp stared at her with identical expressions on their face that clearly stated, gross.

  “Let’s stop talking about this,” Layne ordered.

  “Why?” Roc asked with sham innocence.

  “Because she’s my mother, he’s the finest man I know and I want them both to be happy but I still don’t know whether to slap him on the back, threaten him, punch him or vomit on his shoes,” Layne answered.

  Rocky’s body started shaking but she managed to get out a strangled, “Okay, sweetheart, we’ll quit talking about it.”

  “Obliged,” Layne muttered.

  “Dad,” Jasper said in a quiet, guarded voice.

  Layne’s eyes went to his boy to see Jasper’s were pointed to the window. Layne looked over Rocky’s shoulder and both Dave and Merry’s cars were pulling to a stop at the curb.


  “Cool, Dad and Merry are here,” Rocky observed and Layne turned her to face him.

  “Roc, I’ve got two seconds but I’m goin’ out there, havin’ a word with your Dad and brother and no matter what you see, I want you to promise to stay here with my boys. Yeah?”

  Her eyes widened and she stared at him as she asked, “Why?”

  “Just promise and trust me, yeah?”

  “Layne,” she whispered.

  “Two seconds are up, sweetcheeks. Do I have your promise?” She hesitated so he prompted, “Baby?”

  “I promise,” she whispered, he touched his mouth to hers and he moved swiftly off the sectional and to the door, giving both his boys a look full of meaning before he stepped out the door.

  He met them both in the yard and Dave spoke instantly. “You aren’t keepin’ me from my girl.”

  “No, I’m not,” Layne returned and Dave’s body rocked back.

  “You aren’t?” Merry asked.

  “I’m not,” Layne answered. “That doesn’t mean we aren’t going to get a few things straight.”

  Both men tensed.

  Layne spoke. “I was hard on you both last night. I had reason, I think you get that.”

  “We get that,” Merry said quietly.

  “You stepped over the line,” Dave said antagonistically.

  Layne’s eyes cut to Dave. “No, Dave, I didn’t and you know it.”

  “You threw a lot of shit in my face, Tanner, and kicked me out of your house without letting me see my daughter,” Dave reminded him.

  “Yeah, Dave, it was last night, I remember. I also remember watchin’ Rocky have her episode and I remember it in a way I kno
w I’ll never forget so my guess is, even though it was eighteen years ago, your episode with Rocky lasted two days and it freaked you so you know exactly how I felt yesterday.”

  Dave pressed his lips together.

  Layne’s voice lost its animosity and he said softly, “You didn’t do right by Rocky and you didn’t do right by me, then and now.”

  “Are we gonna stand in your yard in the cold and go over last night’s territory, Tanner, or are you gonna let me see my girl?” Dave asked tersely.

  “I wasn’t done,” Layne replied.

  “Then get to it,” Dave ordered.

  Layne sucked breath into his nose and then let it out.

  “Okay Dave, I’ll get to it. That said, that’s done. This is now. We’re movin’ forward. Roc and me. Roc, Jasper, Tripp and me. And you’re family so you’re movin’ forward with us.”

  “Sounds good,” Merry stated cautiously.

  “With conditions,” Layne continued.

  “Shit,” Dave muttered.

  “Cecilia existed,” Layne told the old man and Dave winced then he cleared it and glared at Layne. “And she died a terrible death. That shit isn’t under the carpet anymore. Rocky needs her mother and the only thing she has left is memories so she’s going to be allowed to have them.”

  “I –” Dave started.

  “She visits her grave,” Layne cut him off and Dave’s lips parted as Merry’s body visibly went still. “When she needs her, she goes to her. I’m guessin’ from your reaction you didn’t know that.”

  “No,” Merry whispered.

  “Well she does,” Layne returned, his eyes locked on Dave’s and his voice got quiet. “I remember her, Dave, I remember that she was always smiling.” Dave closed his eyes, Layne ignored it and kept talking. “She died and that was tragic, her missin’ out on life, you losin’ her, her kids losin’ their Mom. But Carson Fisher killed her, Dave.” Dave’s eyes shot open and he stared at Layne. “You didn’t do it, you just were doin’ your job. Rocky didn’t do it by not putting herself in danger to help her Mom; she did what her mother needed her to do and stayed safe and alive. Carson Fisher is solely responsible for what happened to your family. You have all got to learn to quit blamin’ yourselves, feelin’ guilt which means you cut out memories of Cecilia and connections with people you care about.” His eyes shifted to Merry. “Start living again and bring Cecilia back where she fuckin’ well should be.”

  “Why don’t we focus on the matter at hand and you leave Mia out of this?” Merry suggested, his voice edging toward hostile.

  “What makes you jump to the conclusion I’m talkin’ about Mia, Merry?” Layne asked and Merry’s jaw got tight. “Okay then, just to confirm, that reaction right there means I’m talkin’ about Mia, brother.”

  “Jesus,” Merry clipped.

  “You gonna heal all my family’s wounds on your front lawn, boy?” Dave asked.

  Layne’s eyes sliced to him. “No, but I’m going to tell you when Merry told me Rocky was intending to put herself out there to out Harry Rutledge and I went to talk to her, she spoke about you and her Mom. She did it with fierce pride, Dave, and that was pride instilled in her by her mother. Cecilia was proud of who you were, what you did and what you stood for and she taught her daughter to feel the same way. You wore the white hat, Dave, your son does it now. Your daughter is proud as hell of that. Now, I don’t know, I’m not you, but I know my boys are proud of me and I know how it felt when Jasper told me that, straight out. So I get it, that wound runs deep, it’ll never heal but I can’t imagine knowin’ your wife felt that way and your daughter still feels it, that doesn’t help, even a little bit.”

  Neither Merry nor Dave spoke and Layne waited but they still didn’t speak.

  So he did. “Vera’s out with Dev gettin’ stuff for Mexican layer dip, we’re gearin’ up for the Colts so it’s not noon but I’m havin’ a fuckin’ beer. You can come in if you want and you can stay as long as you like. Just understand, when Vera and Devin get back, I’m not discussin’ the possibility that they’re becomin’ an item because it freaks me way, the fuck, out.”

  Both Merry and Dave’s mouths dropped open.

  Layne finished, “You can follow me and hang, you can come in and see Roc’s all right, go away and plan my death, you can do what you want, but I’m havin’ a beer.”

  With that, Layne turned and walked into the house.

  The door didn’t even begin to close on his back because Merry had his hand on it and he and his father were moving in right after Layne.

  “Hey Uncle Dave!” Tripp shouted. “Merry!”

  Merry and Dave went to the sectional.

  Layne went to the fridge.

  * * * * *

  It was halftime of the Colt’s game, the Mexican layer dip was decimated so they’d moved on to crackers and cheese squirted from a can and Vera had whipped up an emergency batch of sour cream onion dip for chips. She’d put out some carrot sticks with the chips with more hope than realism. Blondie had stolen a carrot stick and then spat it out on the floor by the couch. No one else had touched them.

  Merry, Devin, Dave, Blondie and Layne were outside.

  Merry was sitting and smoking.

  Dave was standing and tossing a ball for Blondie.

  Devin was sitting and scowling at Dave and the dog.

  Layne was sitting, drinking beer and looking over his shoulder into the living room.

  He’d left the couch where Rocky was lying with her head on his thigh, her feet in her father’s lap. Now, she was sitting between Tripp, who was turned toward her, his mouth moving, and Jasper, whose head was bent and his cell was in his hands. His boys had both moved from the floor to her before his and Dave’s asses were out of the couch.

  Vera was in the kitchen, likely assessing ingredients to concoct a dinner later which would sit like a lead weight in his gut after all that junk food but which his sons would burn off in approximately twelve minutes.

  “Jig is up, brother,” Merry muttered and Layne’s eyes turned to Merry.

  “We lost Towers,” he surmised and felt Devin and Dave’s attention shift to them.

  “Yep, she’s gone. Lost her tail and vanished. Even her army is laying low. The word is out they’ve been made and they’re off the grid,” Merry confirmed.

  “Fuck,” Layne whispered.

  “Goulding?” Devin asked.

  “Picked him up. Charged him with identity theft times two, Gaines and Aubry. Informed the authorities in Tennessee we’ve got him. We’ll process him but he’ll go down there first to answer to those charges. Don’t expect we’ll see him back in Indiana for awhile,” Merry answered.

  It wasn’t much but it was something.

  Layne’s eyes went to Devin and Devin nodded. Layne needed to tell his man in LA. Marissa didn’t need to know, it was unlikely any of this shit would blow west, but his man needed a head’s up, just in case.

  “Colt, Sully and me went to the Captain yesterday with what we have on Rutledge. He’s called an investigation,” Merry went on.

  “Just like that?” Layne asked.

  “Not exactly. Cap wasn’t big on us keepin’ this under our hats but he had his own suspicions. He said he didn’t want to think that of a cop in his Department which was why he didn’t move on it himself. What he means was, he’s too fuckin’ lazy not to mention worried what it’d say about him that a cop turned under his watch,” Merry replied.

  “Rutledge been picked up?” Layne asked.

  “Yep, late afternoon yesterday. They were still talkin’ to him after I got home from here last night,” Merry answered.

  “Did he roll over?” Layne asked.

  “Investigation is off-limits to those officers not assigned to it but since he went home last night, my guess is no,” Merry answered

  “He bolted?” Layne asked.

  “Not yet, got a man sittin’ on The Brendel,” Merry replied.

  “He’ll bolt,” Layne stated.

“I know, the interesting thing will be, where will he bolt?” Merry returned and Layne’s eyes went to his. “Goulding is stupid but Rutledge is a piss ant. He’s not gonna wanna go down for other people’s shit.”

  “You think they can get him to inform?” Layne asked.

  “No, I think he’s gonna go lookin’ for help outta this tough spot,” Merry answered.

  “Wanting to keep his job?”

  “No way, wanting a lifetime guaranteed lounge chair in Brazil or wherever the fuck he intends to go.”

  “Shakedown,” Layne muttered.

  “Be my guess,” Merry replied. “He’s not keepin’ whatever money he got from her in his accounts, we know that, it’s probably in his mattress. But he lives at The Brendel. Roc tells me his clothes are nice. He drives a top of the line, Hyundai Genesis Coupe. He has a standard of living. He’s the type of man who’s gonna wanna keep it. He’s not dumb, but he’s just stupid enough to make that play.”

  “So we’re not done yet, you reckon?” Layne asked.

  “Nope,” Merry answered.

  Layne’s eyes went to Devin. “Bugs.”

  “Can I finish the Colts game?” Devin asked.

  Merry pulled out his phone and flipped it open. “Let me see where Rutledge is. He may be watchin’ the Colts too. Obviously, I know nothing about illegal listening devices being planted in the home of an officer of the law, but I might be able to arrange to know when Rutledge leaves his apartment, where he’s going, if it’s safe for someone, say, theoretically, to plant illegal listening devices, and I might be able to arrange for that someone to know when Rutledge is on his way back.”

  Layne turned away from Merry and grinned at the mouth of his beer. Then he took a slug.

  Merry ascertained that Rutledge was home and asked for updates on his activity. Devin and Dave wandered inside, taking Blondie with them. Merry shook another cigarette out of his pack.


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