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Hauntings in the Garden, Volume One

Page 7

by Wild Rose Press Authors

  “Yes, still there. What’s going on with you?”

  “Still at Jarman. We’re actually discussing a charity haunted forest the hospital is putting on.”

  “Nice. Need any help?”

  Emily swallowed a knot in her throat. Working with Reese again? Based on her reaction to him now, that wouldn’t be wise. In spite of the logic of her thinking, she heard herself say, “As a matter of fact, we just learned our Michael Myers actor backed out.”

  His grin did funny things to her insides. “Hey, that’s perfect. I know how to walk slowly, and I’m good with knives.”

  Emily laughed.

  In a so-sweet-it-was-sarcastic tone, Rachel said, “Plus, you’re tall and evil.”

  Caster threw his head back and laughed. “Ah, Rachel, I’ve missed the barbs.”

  She flipped a handful of platinum blond hair over her shoulder. “There’s plenty more where that came from.”

  Emily blew a breath out. “Come on, now. We’re adults here. Can’t we have a fresh start?” Although he’d broken her heart, she was ultimately relieved, because he would never give her what she wanted—marriage and children—so marrying Joey had been the smart move, despite its tragic ending.

  “I’m game.” Caster lifted his brows to her friend. “Rachel?”

  Her lips tightened, then she gave a quick nod. “Fine. I guess if we’ll be working together, I can be civil.”

  “Working together?”

  “Yeah, I’m helping with the haunted forest, too.” A wicked gleam came into her eyes. “Better watch your step. I have an ax.” At his confused expression, she said, “Lizzie Borden.”

  “Touché.” He grinned and turned to Emily. “So, maybe we can get together this evening, and you can show me the ropes?”

  “I’m sorry, I have a da—dinner. I have a dinner this evening.” Why was she reluctant to tell him about her date?

  “How about tomorrow?” He looked at his watch. “I’ve got rounds at Covington Special Care until five, but I can come by after that.”

  “Covington Special Care?”

  “Yeah. I volunteer at the nursing home here once a week, provide health care to the elderly.”

  She couldn’t control a surprised lift of her brows. She hadn’t known of him doing anything so selfless when they were together. Was it possible he’d changed? “What a coincidence. Our charity is for elder care.”

  “Well, then, I guess this was meant to be. So, I’ll see you tomorrow evening?”

  She nodded. “It’s being held on my property south of town. A crew will be there tomorrow to start building walls.” So we won’t be alone. “Tomorrow is perfect.”


  The next evening after work, Emily pulled into her drive, tires crunching over scattered orange and yellow autumn leaves. Her mood was a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She would be seeing Reese this evening, and if he actually went through with his offer, she’d be working with him for the next three weeks—one week of rehearsals and two weeks while the haunted forest was in operation.

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. You can do this. The thing with Reese ended a long time ago. And she’d been married to Joey for three years in the interim. So why couldn’t she put aside the memories of another man?

  With a long sigh, she climbed from the car. The sound of a vehicle behind her sent her pulse racing. He was early. She wasn’t ready to face him yet. Her body tensing, she turned. A flash of relief when she saw it was Ken Anderson, not Reese, quickly morphed into irritation.

  What was he doing here, uninvited?

  The man was nice enough—and easy on the eyes, with his ripped physique and piercing blue eyes—but he was coming on awfully strong. They’d known one another for a month, and he’d been after her to go out with him. She’d finally agreed. They’d been on three dates, and now he was showing up at her house uninvited?

  Ken climbed from his car and approached, greeting her with a big smile and a kiss on the cheek. “Hi, hon. I missed you.”

  Hon? Missed her? She’d seen him last night.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He pulled his arm from behind his back and produced a bouquet of multicolored carnations. “I wanted to bring you these. And to see if you’re free for dinner.”

  She took the flowers. “They’re lovely, Ken. But as I told you earlier today, I have plans this evening.”

  “Right. I was hoping something changed.”

  She gritted her teeth. The sound of an engine drew her attention. Her heartbeat sped up when she recognized Caster, arriving in a black Lexus.

  “So, that’s your plan?” Ken’s voice sounded peevish. “What’s this all about?”

  Before she had a chance to tell him she didn’t owe him an explanation, Caster was striding toward them. The evening sun reflected like sparks of fire in his jade eyes. She struggled to swallow a lump in her throat.

  “Hope I’m not late.” He looked at Ken and stuck out his hand. “Reese Caster.”

  Ken introduced himself and shook Caster’s hand, but his mouth was set in mutinous lines.

  Emily said to Ken, “I’m going to show Reese around. He’ll be playing Michael Myers. So, if you’ll excuse us?”

  Ken frowned, but gave a quick nod and headed to his car.

  Caster turned a dimpled smile on her. “The guy seemed a little ticked. Did I interrupt something?”

  “No, he just wasn’t happy that I had plans.”

  “So…are you two…”

  Emily shook her head. Was that accusation she saw in his eyes? He and Joey had been good friends. Maybe he thought she was betraying Joey’s memory? “We’ve gone on a few dates.” She drew in a deep breath. “You know, Joey’s been gone a year. I—I miss him, and I always will, but I have to move on.” Tears rose in her eyes, and she quickly thumbed them away.

  “Hey, hey.” His voice was low, soothing. He hooked his finger beneath her chin and tilted her face up. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. I understand.” He brushed his thumb across her cheek, sending goose bumps over her flesh. “You okay?”

  She nodded and stepped back from his touch. She couldn’t breathe when he was that close. “Yes, I’m fine. Sorry. I guess I sound a little defensive. Probably just guilt about dating again. I’m not exactly—comfortable with the idea.”

  “You need to do things in your own time. No one except you knows what that timetable is. And, if this Ken is a good guy, and you enjoy being with him, then give him a chance, see where it goes.”

  That was just it. She really didn’t enjoy being with him, not all that much. And now that she’d seen Reese again, all her memories of him came rushing back. They’d dated a few months, and she’d fallen fast and hard. He was charming, sexy, kind, and his lovemaking, his kisses…tingles traveled over her skin. Involuntarily, her eyes went to his lips. Her mouth dried, and she pulled her gaze away. “Yeah, we’ll see where it goes. Now, let’s find that costume, and I’ll show you around.”

  She led him up the porch steps. He glanced around at the white swing and pots of colorful fall plants.

  “Beautiful place you have out here.”

  “Thank you. Joey and I dreamed of having it built together. I finally did.” Sadness clogged her throat. “But not until after I lost Joey.”

  Caster put his hand on her arm, a small touch, but it sent quivers to her toes. “I’m really sorry. It was difficult for me, too.”

  She sniffed back tears. “He was a good man. We had a wonderful marriage.” She smiled. “And without you dumping me, I’d never have met him.”

  He winced. “Uh…you’re welcome?”

  She smiled. “Let me put these in water, and I’ll grab your costume. Would you like anything to drink?”

  “No, thanks. I’m good.”

  She added water to a crystal vase, then put the carnations in. They were pretty, but the rainbow colors clashed with her dark red cabinetry and red and brown checkered handmade throw rugs. She placed
them on the breakfast nook anyway, and returned to the living room.

  Caster was roaming around, among the antiques and plaid furniture. He looked up at her. “You know, this has a real homey feel, but it’s not too feminine. A man could be completely comfortable here. I bet Joey would have loved it.”

  “I like to think he would have.” They’d planned it out together. Now, he’d never see it, never share it with her. Sadness weighted her chest, but she forced a smile. “The costumes are this way.”

  He followed her into the den. She lifted a box onto the sofa and opened the lid, retrieving a jumpsuit, mask, and a large, plastic—but very authentic-looking—knife.

  Caster took them from her and chuckled. “You always did like those Halloween horror flicks.”

  “Yeah, and I think they scared you a little.”

  “Who me?” He winked. “Nah, they scared me a lot. Maybe playing the psychotic slasher will be therapeutic.”

  “Glad to be of service.”

  “I’m sure you are.” He chuckled. “You hungry? I’d like to buy you dinner.”

  “Sure, that would be great.” Her pulse skipped, and she had to remind herself, it’s only dinner…

  Chapter Three

  The next few weeks went by in a whirlwind of work, rehearsals, and dates with Ken. Emily had gone out with Caster a few times, but she’d made sure it wasn’t any more than that. Made sure she spent more time with Ken than with Caster. Not because she had feelings for Ken—she didn’t. And she might be leading him on a little—using him as a buffer to keep her from falling for Caster all over again.

  Because falling for Caster would be a very, very bad idea. Ken was more settled, more open to marriage. Not that she knew him even remotely well enough to consider the prospect, but at least with him, marriage was on the table. Ken had actually hinted at the idea a few times. She’d quickly steered the conversation to other topics, but she had a gut feeling he was racing toward a proposal, even though she’d known him less than two months.

  With Caster, there was no way in hell he’d ever commit to a woman. That’s why, as difficult as he was to resist, she’d made certain to keep their outings casual. Just a few dinners. She’d made a point to make comments like, “It’s great to spend time with an old friend of Joey’s” and “Being around you somehow makes me feel closer to Joey”—keeping the specter of her deceased husband between them. She had to put up some kind of barrier between her and his irresistibility. Being swept up into Caster’s sexual charms made a woman forget every other man she’d ever known.

  She shook off thoughts of her love life and focused on the event at hand—opening night of the haunted forest. Tickets for the first few nights of the event had sold extremely well. Word of mouth would likely determine how the remaining nights went.

  “Emily!” Pennywise the psycho clown—aka Bob Ferrell—rushed up to her. “Have you seen Megan? She’s not here and now, Destiny is saying she’ll be Michael’s victim instead of mine. I need a victim, asap.”

  Emily rolled her eyes. No doubt the curvy, young blonde would love to trade out horror monsters—Michael aka Caster had it all over Pennywise aka Bob. “Destiny will be your victim, just like we rehearsed, if she wants to be a part of this at all.” Destiny was a switchboard operator at the hospital who was bucking for a promotion, so she’d likely do whatever the administrative assistant asked of her. “I’ll call Megan, and if she doesn’t show then—”

  “Then maybe you can be my victim?”

  Emily turned at the sound of Caster’s voice. He wore the Michael Myers jumpsuit, but was holding the creepy mask beneath his arm, making it look even creepier.

  “Uh, yeah…well, I’m sure Megan will be here.” Granted, it was do-able. She wasn’t needed to actually run the haunted forest. A few of the nurses from the hospital were manning the ticket desk. Everything was in place, and everyone had their roles. She was just there for problems that might arise. But being held in the dark so close to Caster…she shuddered. More dangerous than encountering the Michael Myers.

  She stepped away and dialed Megan. The girl answered, sounding like she’d swallowed sandpaper. “What’s wrong?” Emily asked. “Are you sick?”

  “Yes,” she croaked. “I thought I’d texted you. I’ve been so out of it.”

  Emily could tell speaking was agony. She bit back a groan and took mercy on her. “That’s okay. I’m so sorry. Get better soon.”

  Very soon. Otherwise, Emily would be stuck with the delightful torture of being way too near Caster for too many nights.

  She walked back over to the group. “Well, looks like I’ll be Michael’s victim. Megan is ill.”

  A smile curved Caster’s mouth. He leaned in and whispered, “Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle.”

  His warm breath vibrated against her ear, sending the blood rushing hotly inside her veins. Gentle? Right, when the slightest look, the slightest touch set off tiny explosions through her entire body.


  Slivers of moonlight filtered through the leaves of the oak trees above Emily’s head. Thick fog floated on the ground, leaving only the tops of the phony headstones they’d set up showing. The fog was phony too, but it looked so real, the effect was downright spooky—as was standing in the woods with Michael Myers. Even though she knew Caster was beneath the mask, a little quiver of fear raced over her skin. She gave a breathless laugh. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  “I’m ready,” he said, his voice muffled beneath the mask.

  She turned her back to him, and he slipped an arm around her waist. The large plastic knife in his left hand was pointed toward her chest. Cold wind blew through the trees in the dense woods, but her shiver had more to do with being pressed to Caster’s hard, warm body. She ground her teeth together, fighting the urge to sink into him. To tilt her head back and feel his hot mouth on hers…

  Just when she thought she couldn’t stand it any longer, the sound of laughter and squeals rose in the night air. The first group was close.

  “Showtime,” Caster whispered in her ear.

  Emily’s heartbeat escalated. She had no time to think about the heated blood pumping through her veins. She had a performance to put on.

  As the group rounded the curve in the path, Caster lifted the knife and plunged it downward. Emily let out an ear-piercing, terrified shriek. Girls in the group screamed, and a couple of the guys with them laughed.

  Caster pushed Emily aside and held the knife above his head, moved slowly toward the group. The teens backed away, stumbling into one another, then took off in a dead run toward the exit through the gate.

  Caster chased them, wielding the knife. Once they were out of sight, he returned to Emily and pulled the mask from his head. In the light of the moon, his green eyes glittered with mirth. “That was the most fun I’ve had in ages.”

  Emily rested her hands on her hips and shook her head. “I think you have a sadistic streak, Reese Caster.”

  He sauntered up to her and stopped with only a few inches separating them. “Yeah, but it’s one of the things you love about me.”

  A heavy silence settled between them. Love? The comment was meant to be offhand, but Emily couldn’t take it that way. At one time, she did love him. She wasn’t falling again, was she?

  She cleared her throat and stepped away. “The next group will be coming by soon.”

  Caster replaced his mask and they once more took their places. He bent his head close to hers. “By the way, I liked making you scream. Reminds me of old times.”

  She gave a shaky laugh. “Cut out the suave playboy routine. Remember, I’ve been there, done that.”

  She felt him shake his head. “It’s not a routine. I haven’t forgotten how good we were together. And you haven’t either.” His fingers moved slowly over her stomach, slightly lifting her shirt until a cool breeze blew over her flesh. His fingers skimmed the strip of skin just above the waistband of her jeans. Her mouth went dry, and heat pooled between her thighs.

/>   “Come on, Caster. Knock it off.”

  “Tell me something.” His voice as a low growl in her ear. “Does the Ken doll make you feel like this?”

  In an instant, anger replaced desire. She jerked from his hold and whirled to face him. “It’s always been about sex with you, hasn’t it? Good God, Caster, there’s more to a relationship than the physical.”

  He shook his head. “It isn’t just about sex. Not with you. It never was. You know how much I cared about you.”

  She barked out a bitter laugh. “Yeah, so much that you dumped me without an explanation, then disappeared from my life.”

  He shrugged. “You were with Joey. Which, by the way, certainly didn’t take long after we split up.”

  She shook her head. “Are you kidding me right now?” A low growl of frustration rumbled from her throat. “I’m not sure what you expect from me, but the next group will be here soon. Let’s just drop it.”

  Reese seemed about to say more, then he gave a quick nod, replaced his mask, and resumed his position.

  Emily managed to get through the rest of the night without exploding, but each minute in Caster’s arms made it more difficult to remember the bad that had happened between them. Everything about him just felt so…right. And so damn scary.

  No way could she do this over and over again until the haunted forest was over. She’d have to find someone else to cover for her. Maybe Rachel would trade roles? Nah, she took too much glee in playing the ax-wielding murderess, and if she had to spend too much time around Caster, she’d likely become a real-life murderess. But there had to be something she could do. Whether or not Pennywise liked it, maybe it would be a good idea to switch out the victims.

  After everyone else had left, Rachel hung behind. She crossed her arms and scowled at Emily.

  “You’re doing it again.”

  Emily raised her brows. “Doing what?”


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