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A British Heiress in America (Revolutionary Women Book 1)

Page 11

by Becky Lower

  “Permission to board granted.” He held out his hand to her, and then to Molly. He stared at Pippa for a long moment. “This is a surprise.”

  Pippa shrugged. “I needed to return a gown.”

  “I could have picked it up the next time I needed to talk to your uncle.” He took the gown from Pippa. “But thank you for taking care of it.” He brushed a hand lightly over the cloth.

  He put his hand on Emma’s shoulder. “Allow me to introduce my daughter. Emma, this is Lady Philippa Worthington.”

  Emma stared up at Pippa. “Hello.”

  Pippa knelt to Emma’s level and achieved eye contact. “You did a wonderful job of guarding your father’s ship.”

  “I like to help Papa.”

  Pippa stood again and glanced at Daniel. “May we talk for a minute, privately?”

  He nodded and led them into the wheelhouse, leaving Emma and Molly behind. He placed his back to them and focused on Pippa without saying a word. Pippa took a deep breath. She’d asked for the audience, so she needed to begin the conversation.

  “Your daughter is lovely.”

  He nodded. “She’s the reason I do what I do.” He broke his stare and his gaze shifted to Emma. Pippa could see the love in his eyes as Emma talked animatedly to Molly, showing her the stick-rifle.

  “But you’re not here to talk to me about Emma. Why did you hazard a trip to the mean docks of Boston?” Daniel’s gaze flicked back to her. “Again, you’re in a place that’s not safe.”

  Pippa blew out a breath. “According to you, none of Boston is safe. I should be confined to an ivory tower somewhere, out of harm’s way. I thought I was bored when I attended the balls in London and had to converse with fawning men and silly women until I thought I’d go mad. One reason I left was so I could have an adventure or two before I settle down.” She stopped to catch her breath. “But other than the time spent on this ship, getting to America, my life has become as boring as if I was still in England. I crave some excitement.” She stared at Daniel, at his snapping blue eyes, at his tempting lips. Her hand rose of its own accord, to stroke his cheek.

  He latched onto her hand before it got to its destination. “Not in front of my daughter.”

  Pippa blinked and dropped her hand. He’d closed the door on her again. Damn the man. “Of course. I’m sorry.” She glanced out the window of the wheelhouse and noticed Emma and Molly were not paying the least bit of attention to them. So the man was putting up artificial barriers. This called for different tactics. She took a step toward him, lowering her eyes and darting her tongue out to moisten her lips. She glanced at him under her lashes and caught the bob in his Adam’s apple. He put a hand to her elbow, and a current ran through her body as he touched her.

  “You need to get on home. I have work to do here, and you are taking a risk being here. I’ll see you Saturday.” Daniel propelled her toward the main deck.

  She dug in her heels. “What is happening Saturday?”

  Daniel grinned for the first time. “Your aunt has invited me to the dance she’s hosting to welcome the new troops.”

  Pippa’s gaze met his. “I had hoped you’d be approved for the guest list, but Aunt Bernice didn’t tell me she’d done so.”

  “I had a chat with your uncle last week. He agreed that, even though I am but a lowly ship captain, I may have the opportunity to court you.” His grip on her elbow tightened. “This is America, after all, and society’s rules are a bit more lax than they are in England.”

  “Well, this changes things.” Pippa could barely control her legs, which threatened to turn to jelly. “I’ll see you on Saturday, then.”

  Daniel led her back to the dock where Molly waited. He leaned in, and whispered in her ear. “Thank you for asking to board this time instead of stowing away.” She caught his cheeky grin and her stomach fluttered.

  She bid a hasty farewell to Daniel and Emma and strode away from the docks with Molly by her side. Her aunt and uncle’s approval of Daniel was a definite help in her quest to aid in ending the conflict between the colonies and England. He was expecting her to fall into his arms, but she wouldn’t be so easy to manipulate after he’d rejected her, not once, but several times now. She’d use all her charms to bend him to her will at which time she’d pry out of him all the information she could about what the Americans were up to. She’d been craving adventure and now she had it. All she had to do was to control her heart for two hundred and forty-two more days.

  • ♥ •

  Daniel controlled his impulse to wring Pippa's neck, but just barely. His hands had clenched when he caught sight of her. He gratefully accepted the returned gown, but to carry it to the docks herself! In broad daylight! What had she been thinking?

  At least she’d had the sense to enlist the aid of a chaperone, not that Molly would be of much use if they were to be accosted by an angry band of rebels. But she’d had the sense to bow to decorum to some degree, anyway.

  Maybe Emma had the right idea. Stand tall and carry a big stick. Pippa had been a bit intimidated by his daughter, at least for a moment. The sight of Emma staving off Pippa’s attempt to board brought a smile to his lips.

  And then Pippa had tried to touch his cheek in front of Emma. His smile turned to a frown. What had she been thinking?

  Perhaps prescribing thought to her was asking too much. Pippa seemed to act on impulse more often than not. Daniel could feel his forehead furrowing as his mind replayed the day’s events. He sat in front of the unlit fireplace in his in-law’s home. He glanced around the small room, scowling. While he was grateful his daughter had someone who cared for her while he was away, being forced to live with his in-laws grated on him every time he spent some time in Boston. He’d built a splendid home for Gladys and Emma only to have it ripped from him by the British. While Major Longfellow lived in relative luxury, it forced Daniel and Emma to spend their days here, in this small house that got even tinier once the two of them took up residence. And Pippa was now part of that problem, since she was now undoubtedly sleeping in Emma’s bedroom.

  Daniel scrubbed his face with his hands. As irritated as he might have been this afternoon, he had spent weeks with Pippa and was well aware she was no brainless chit. She had some reason for appearing at his ship today, and it wasn’t to seduce him, to remind him of her charms. There was no need for that. He tried, and failed, to put the image of her naked torso out of his mind, but it was as if it had been seared into his brain. He was well aware of what treasure lay beneath the layers of cloth she wore.

  “Christ, man.” His whispered oath did nothing to discourage his man parts from making a tent of his trousers.

  There was only one other reason. If she was trying to gather intelligence to help her uncle, he’d best her at her own game. His four years’ of abstinence might work in his favor. He could manipulate Pippa to the edge of bliss while maintaining control of his own emotions. She’d spill any secrets she may have overheard while dining with her uncle and his subordinates without even being aware of what she was doing. She may have been an accomplished flirt in the London ballrooms but they were playing on his turf now. He’d toy with her like a fish on the line.

  And carry a big stick.

  Gladys’s mother, Sarah, entered the room and sat opposite Daniel, who positioned the book he’d been reading over his wayward manhood. He glanced at the thin woman whose blonde hair had turned to silver. This is what Gladys would have become, had she lived long enough. His chest ached.

  “You look tired, dear boy.”

  Daniel smiled. Gladys had always called him ‘dear boy’ too. “Long day getting my ship repaired, but we’re almost there.”

  “So will you be taking off again, bound for England, soon?”

  Daniel drummed his fingers against his thigh. “I’ve got a couple more weeks yet, hopefully. My next mission is to take a bunch of their wounded back to England and then return with supplies. But I have to wait until the men are well enough for the journey.”r />
  Sarah gave him a quick glance before returning her gaze to the empty grate. “That doesn’t sound like a pleasant voyage for you.”

  He shrugged. “I do what I must.”

  “Have you spent much time with Sam lately? I'm worried about that dear boy, too.” Sarah's eyes darted around the room, and her voice lowered to an almost whisper.

  “I’ve seen him a time or two. It isn’t good for us to spend too much time together.” Daniel canted his head toward her.

  “I just worry so about him. He’s such a hothead, and I have a feeling things will not go well for him before this conflict ends.” Sarah wrung her hands.

  Daniel stilled Sarah’s hands. “Sam’s a grown man, Sarah, and can take care of himself. He’s a mighty cog in the wheel of independence.”

  “So are you, Daniel.”

  “I’m one little spoke is all. And, it’s all to benefit Emma. She needs to grow up in a free country.”

  Sarah shrugged. “I don’t question your motives, Daniel. But she’s already lost her mother and her home. Losing her father as well, all in the name of freedom, would be too much for her to bear.”

  “I agree, Sarah. I’ve been extremely careful so far, and will continue to do so. Now that we have General Washington in charge, maybe things will start turning in our direction.” He grinned. “Emma named her new doll Georgia in his honor. Did she tell you?”

  Sarah smiled and rose. “She’s a good child. James and I love having her around, especially now that she’s taking on her mother’s appearance.” She ran a hand lightly over his hair. “And you’re a good man. Just be careful.”

  Daniel tugged a cheroot out of his pocket and lit it. He sat in the deepening dusk and concentrated on the glow of the tip of his cigar as he inhaled the smoke. He’d have to be extra careful around Pippa. It wouldn’t take much to pry secrets out of her, if she overheard anything of worth. She responded to his touch. He could see that in the way her mouth pursed, her lips begging to be kissed, in the way she tried to touch him whenever they were together. It was as if merely seeing him wasn’t enough. She had to touch him to make certain he was real. To feel that spark.

  Unfortunately, he could feel that spark too, every time she laid a finger on him. She’d become another fine line for him to toe. Make her fall in love with him while keeping his own heart in check. Sam was asking an awful lot of him.


  Pippa kept Molly running the day of the dance. This may not have been her royal debut, but in a way, it was every bit as important and she must put together a beautiful outfit, even if some of the accessories were inferior to what she was used to. She was debuting herself as a spy for the crown. Her effort would please King George, and she was certain word of her subterfuge would reach his ears soon since she could not harbor any notion other than a successful outcome. But in order to gain the approval of the king, she needed to ferret out of Daniel some information that would be of use. It was no use to say you’re a spy if you can’t deliver the goods. So tonight, she was after the goods. And in order to catch Daniel off his guard, she must present to him a picture of such loveliness he would become putty in her hands.

  She recalled the afternoon aboard ship when she had unbound her breasts and he surprised her. How he remarked on their size and, despite his harsh words, kept returning his gaze to her bosom. Tonight, that same bosom would be on display for him to ogle to his heart's content. The turquoise silk gown’s off the shoulders design, coupled with its low cut and tight stays helped make certain her own goods would be front and center, the better to capture his. It wouldn’t take much at all for Daniel to tug the gown down even further and expose a breast to the night air. To his mouth. Maybe she could entice him to the terrace and let nature take its course. And while he was feasting his eyes, and possibly his lips, on her, he’d mumble something of value. Her knees weakened to the point where she had to sit, at the mere thought of Daniel’s mouth on her breast.

  Molly steamed the shiny ribbons, starched the petticoats, selected the jewelry from Aunt Bernice’s collection, and helped Pippa select the ideal scent of lilies of the valley to wear. Pippa placed a generous amount of the cologne between her breasts, so when Daniel leaned into her, he’d get a good whiff. Her hair had grown back a bit over the past few months, and Molly fashioned it into a chignon, using some of Bernice’s clips to hold Pippa’s hair in place. She glanced at Molly’s handiwork in the mirror, approving of the way it swept up off her neck. The drop earrings glimmered in the candlelight, providing the perfect finishing touch. Pippa stood in the center of the small room and pivoted in a slow circle while Molly cast a critical eye on her.

  “You are stunning, Lady Philippa.” Molly’s whispered words floated across the air.

  “Thanks to you, I’m now ready to impress everyone.”

  Molly grinned. “Including that handsome captain of the Gladys Maria?”

  Pippa took her time answering. She picked up her gloves and fan from the dressing table. If she couldn’t even pull the wool over her maid’s eyes, how could she be effective as a spy? “I’m not even certain the captain will attend the ball. He is an American, after all.”

  “Aye, that he is. And a very handsome American at that.” Molly clutched her bosom. “His little girl is so precious...”

  Pippa bit her lower lip. That ‘precious’ little girl had aimed a rifle stick at her as if she were a sworn enemy. Maybe she couldn’t handle this spy business. Her courage migrated to her toes, and she stood rooted in place.

  “Ready, my lady?” Molly opened the door and motioned with her head. It was now or never for Pippa. She took a breath and stepped forward. She could do this.

  Aunt Bernice chattered the entire carriage ride to the gathering hall. “You are a vision, my dear.” She leaned over and touched Pippa’s hair. “My clips never accented my hair the way they do yours. I’m glad your hair is growing out again. Short hair may be all the rage in England, as you say, but I still prefer to see young ladies with a proper hairdo.”

  Pippa swallowed her grin, turning it into a slight smile. Bernice had bought her story about why her hair had been short when she arrived on America's shores, but she had to agree with her aunt. Long hair on a young lady was akin to a siren song to men. And Pippa’s dark hair, coupled with her startling blue eyes, had reduced many a man into a puddle. “Thank you, Auntie. You are lovely, as well.” She turned to her uncle. “And you, sir, are the picture of a fine military officer.”

  “Thank you, Pippa. Although I must say my dancing will be kept to a minimum tonight, since my leg has yet to heal completely.” He took hold of Bernice’s hand.

  “Even so, I must admit, I’m excited about the evening.” Bernice opened her fan and shifted the warm early July air back and forth through the carriage. “After all the pain and suffering we’ve endured with our young men in uniform, we are due for a fine evening.” She patted Pippa’s hand. “You need to create some good memories of your visit here, and so far, all you’ve had have been difficult ones.”

  Pippa closed her eyes for a moment, letting the memory of her voyage, of her passionate kisses with Daniel, of her excitement whenever he was near, wash over her. She had excellent memories of the voyage, which would last a lifetime, but she couldn’t very well share any of them with Bernice. If she had any sense about her, she wouldn’t linger over them herself. She was in America on a mission. To help herself, she needed to help her country. If she could, in some small way, encourage this conflict to an end quickly, the soldiers would return home to their loved ones, and she would head back with them. Not only would she be a wealthy woman in a bit more than two hundred days, but she’d be hailed as a heroine. All the available men in England would grovel at her feet. Life couldn’t get much sweeter.

  • ♥ •

  Daniel approached the ballroom entrance slowly. His mouth was dry but his palms were sweaty. He brushed them on his pant legs and crossed over the transom into the room. This did not differ fr
om a hundred other times he’d hear and pass on information to help the Americans. Sam Adams and his friends were laying the grid to disseminate information to General Washington and his troops, and Daniel was merely one of the spokes in the machinery, gathering whatever intelligence he could. If the Americans hadn’t run out of gunpowder and bullets, they could have claimed victory at Bunker Hill. But Daniel sensed total victory was a long way off. Much more blood would be shed before this conflict was at an end, unless he could hasten things along. He stepped further into the room, nodding a hello to people he recognized. It was time to get to work.

  His heart thudded against his ribs when he spied Pippa, resplendent in turquoise. The gown left no doubt she was a fully formed, grown woman and not some lad. Her bosom was high, the gown was low. His previously dry mouth watered as he stared at the swell of her breasts. She raised her gaze to him and smiled.

  It was going to be a long summer.

  And hot to the point of boiling.

  He closed the distance between them in a couple strides. “Lady Worthington, you are lovely this evening.” He took her extended hand and leaned over to kiss her glove, not able to ignore the spark that crackled between them, even though there were layers of fabric between their bodies. And hundreds of spectators in the room.

  “Captain Simmons.” She held onto his hand for an additional moment before releasing it. “I thought possibly you’d changed your mind about attending.”

  The crowded ballroom closed in on him suddenly. A couple strode by, forcing Daniel closer to Pippa, so close he caught a whiff of her lily perfume. He brushed his shoulder against her bare skin and couldn’t catch his breath. “And miss the chance your uncle has granted me to court you? No ma’am. I had to put my daughter to sleep first. She insisted I read Gulliver’s Travels to her again.”

  His words had the hoped-for effect. Pippa’s eyes clouded over and she let her gaze wander to the opposite wall. The memory of their first day together roared back to him as well.


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