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Santa's Kiss

Page 1

by Isabel James

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Santa’s Kiss

  A Naughty Christmas Story


  Isabel James

  Copyright © 2017 Isabel James - All rights reserved

  Santa’s Kiss

  Copyright © 2017 Isabel James

  Editor: E. A. Barker

  Published by Isabel James

  Cover Design: Linzi Basset

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, business establishments, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Isabel James has asserted their rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this eBook only. No part of this eBook may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit scenes, and adult language that may be considered offensive to some readers. This book is intended for sale to adults only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase.

  Disclaimer: Neither the publisher nor the authors will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury, or death resulting from use of the information contained in this book.


  Author’s Note

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  The White Pearl

  Excerpt: The White Pearl

  More Books by Authors

  About the Authors

  Author’s Note

  Dear Reader,

  Santa’s Kiss is a special treat for a cold Christmas Eve. This short novella will tantalize your senses as you share the hot, sexy, and exciting journey of two lovers who had been travelling in opposite directions for too long.

  We wish you well, and hope you will enjoy this story.

  Warmest regards,

  Isabel James

  Chapter One

  “We don’t have anyone else to ask, Avery. Kim and I are already on our way to start preparations at the hotel for the Central Bank’s Christmas Eve party. You know how important that is for us,” explained Jill Copeland, one of the co-owners of Divine Catering.

  Avery sighed. She tried to curb the irritation at the untimely interruption but wasn’t successful. Her two friends knew how she hated to have her concentration broken. Worse still, they expected her to drop the intricate wedding cake decoration she was busy with.

  “What about Jesse? Can’t he handle it?” she grumbled while concentrating to keep her hand steady as she continued to design a mesh with a thin piping tube around the smallest section of the six-layer wedding cake.

  “Avery, come on! You can’t seriously plan on spending Christmas Eve working on that wedding cake? When was the last time you attended one of the parties we cater for?” asked a concerned Kim Langley, the third of the three owners of Divine Catering.

  Avery could hear they were on speaker-phone while driving, and defended herself with a short laugh. “Contrary to your beliefs, I do go out now and then.”

  She stepped back to critically eye her designs. She smiled with satisfaction as all the finely drawn squares of the mesh were evenly spread.

  “Partying with us and going grocery shopping don’t count, Avery. We always personally oversee our key clients, and you know how hard Kim worked to get this contract with Jenning and Lenox Trucking. We can’t afford to piss them off,” Jill censured.

  “Stone Jenning’s company? That Jenning and Lenox Trucking?” Avery asked with bated breath.

  “The one and only. Didn’t we tell you they signed the contract two weeks ago?” Kim asked, a little surprised by this oversight.

  “Humph, like you didn’t know that already,” Avery accused gruffly. “Why did you even take the job if you knew we were so busy?”

  “Busy or not, Stone Jenning is someone you don’t say no to in Minneapolis. Besides, at the time we weren’t as inundated with functions. We’ve been swamped over the past week. I’m sorry, Avery, but you’re going to have to jump in and help us out,” Jill explained. “The wedding is a week away and you’re ahead of schedule, as usual.”

  Avery sighed heavily. “Very well. Where, what and when?”

  “That’s the spirit!” Kim exclaimed. “It’s the Christmas Eve function for their staff. They’ve decided to have it in the barn on his farm.”

  “You’re not serious,” Avery said, lowering her face in her hands.

  Why the devil did you let them talk you into this, Avery Blaine? It’s Stone Jenning for heaven’s sake!

  “I actually think it’s a brilliant idea. The barn is massive and more than big enough to accommodate all their staff with a lot of space as a dancefloor. It’s not too far outside of Minnetonka. It borders on Whaletale Lake just off County Road 110 West. We’ll send you the coordinates. Oh, before I forget, you need to make a couple of Santa cupcakes. Twenty dozen or so,” Jill intoned evenly.

  “Twenty dozen! It’s ten in the morning already. Why are you only telling me now? What time does the party start?” Avery queried, already worried about timing.

  “He just phoned and asked for it. They’re going to dress up as Santas and hand out presents and cupcakes to all the kids,” Kim explained.

  “And I guess you didn’t have the sense to say: No, Mr. Jenning, it’s too late.” Avery snapped irritably. She began walking toward the industrial sized kitchen where she could hear their staff buzzing as they worked.

  “Well, no, silly. Stone Jenning, remember?” Kim chuckled as though the mere mention of his name should make Avery jump up and down.

  “Yeah, and I guess he called you sweetheart and your panties melted,” Avery grumbled as she pushed through the door into the kitchen.

  Kim giggled. “Something like that. He wants to hand out the cupcakes after dinner, which they want served around six, so the little kids are still awake for Santa. You and the team will have to be there around four to set everything up, and to start the dishes they can’t prepare in advance. Don’t worry,” Kim continued quickly, preventing another chilled response from Avery, “It’s not a very involved menu. They wanted something similar to a Texan cookout, without the barbeque. Said it would take too long and it was too cold out.”

  “Fucking right it takes too long and is too cold. How does he propose to keep the barn warm?” Avery asked as she turned to her head chef, “Jesse, we need twenty dozen mixed chocolate and vanilla cupcakes. Get Annie and Kathy started on those please.” Returning to the phone conversation once again, Avery stated flatly, “I’m waiting, Kim.”

  “Oh, it has built-in heaters. Seems he cares for his animals as much as for his employees’ kids.”

  “How noble of him,” Avery replied with more than a hint of condescension.

  “Okie dokie, then it’s all settled. We’ll speak to you in the morning. Thanks Avery, I know how difficult it is for you to walk away from a half-finished wedding cake,” Jill cooed sweetly.

  Avery s
hook her head at the crystal clear manipulation from her partners as she ended the call.

  “Right, Jesse. I need an update. Bring the Jenning menu and let’s see what still needs to be done.”

  Stone Jenning. How the hell did I end up having to spend Christmas Eve in his company?

  * * * * * * * *

  “Santa? You’re out of your fucking mind, Jaxon. I’m not making a spectacle of myself in front of all our staff,” Stone barked irritably as he took the corner. “Jesus!” He slammed on the brakes and the large GMC truck rocked to a halt a few inches from the cattle crossing the road.

  It was midday already and he was running late. Hopefully his foreman had already started clearing the barn for the evening’s party. He sat tapping his fingers on the steering wheel waiting for the one lagging behind to cross.

  “Come on, Stone. You’ll make a smashing Santa. Just think of all the happy faces of the kids,” Jaxon continued.

  Stone could hear the amusement in his voice. Jaxon loved to ruffle Stone’s feathers.

  “You know, I don’t know why I still put up with you. You always drag me into these hairbrained schemes of yours,” he grunted.

  He parked the truck in front of the massive farmhouse that he’d recently renovated. It was a majestic Southern style house but it was homey and warm once you stepped inside.

  “And just where do you propose to get Santa suits now? In case you’d forgotten, it’s Christmas Eve.”

  “Never fear when Jaxon is near.”

  Stone laughed. In all the years they had been friends, and it was too many to count, it was the one saying that everyone associated with Jaxon.

  “And what about presents? How many kids are there? Did you think this through, Jaxon? You can’t skimp on gifts for kids. You know how I feel about that.”

  “All taken care of, mate. You know my little sis loves to shop, and she has three kids of her own. If there’s one person who knows what to get a hundred or so kids, it’s her and her friend, Beryl.”

  “Hundred kids? Are you fucking crazy? Do you know how long it’s going to take to hand out that many gifts?”

  “Which is why there’ll be two Santas. You and the one and only, me.”

  “Ah, shit. I know I’m gonna regret this. Don’t kids expect treats of some sort?”

  “Yeah, but that has been arranged with the caterers already.”

  “It seems you have everything under control. Very well, Jaxon. Just be warned, I’ll be Santa, but I’ll fire the first fucker who laughs at me.”

  “Yeah, right, of course you will.”

  Chapter Two

  “Now that’s how a woman should bend over for a man,” Stone said with his mouth dry. He couldn’t seem to pull his eyes from the curvy female’s ass, which looked sinfully sexy, molded in tight black jeans. He could envision holding onto those hips while he buried his cock balls deep inside her pussy.

  He regretted talking when her body stiffened and she slowly straightened from the bend-over position in front of the oven, where she’d been peeking through the double plated glass.

  She tossed her dark-red tresses over her shoulders. His eyes followed the luxurious auburn strands, which cascaded in mesmerizing waves down her back. His lips curved upward at the way she squared her shoulders before she pivoted to face him. Her hair was feathered from below her chin to accentuate her perfect elfin features.

  His gaze moved over her face which blatantly took his breath away. Her beauty hit him with a punch in the gut that send a hot shard of lust straight to his cock and of course, that rowdy bastard rose to slow attention. When she dragged her tongue slowly over her lower lip, Junior did a double salute and pressed hard against the loose-fitting Santa pants.

  He didn’t miss a thing. Not the crease of her lovely brow or the down-curve of her full lips. And then he felt like drowning in her eyes; deep pools of restless gold, an ocean filled with sheer beauty, and the one telling thing he detected in their depths that he couldn’t resist. Passion. It turned her eyes into orbs of the brightest fire.

  “Don’t work too hard, little chef,” he said in a deep voice, glancing at the white chef’s jacket with Divine Catering embroidered in bright purple above her left breast.

  The frown deepened as she stared reproachfully at him, reminding him of his grade ten teacher—and he had the hots for her too. But not to the extend as he did for this little elf.

  “And why shouldn’t I?” she quipped in a sharp reprimand.

  “Because, my little sweetheart, as soon as I’ve done my duty to the kids, this Santa is going to demand his own present.”

  Avery didn’t have to ask what he meant. The lewd expression in those dark blue eyes said it all. The only section of his face that was visible, apart from his full lips which were pulled in an amused curve. He was fully geared up as Santa Clause.

  “Dream on, Santa. I’m not on the gift register,” she snapped.

  “Everything in my house is mine to command, sweetie, especially a little elf tempting me with her enticing ass stuck up in the air.”

  “That wasn’t intentional,” she hissed, looking around at her staff who eyed them with interest.

  “Maybe not but you’ve caused an itch and you, sweetheart, are the only one who’s going to scratch it.”

  “Look, Mr. . . .” Avery faltered. It would be a mistake to acknowledge that she knew who he was. A big mistake. She swallowed. “Santa. I’m not here as your entertainment. Got it?”

  He sauntered closer and crowded her against the kitchen counter. He was unperturbed that they were putting on a show to her staff.

  Stone enjoyed the flare of heat in her eyes and the way her lips flattened in annoyance but what he reacted to, what Junior responded on, was the little catch of her breath when he pressed his hips against hers. A trickle of remembrance flashed in his mind. He shook it off as he rolled them in a slow orbit, teasing her with the hardness of his cock against her softness.

  “You might deny it all you want, but you know as much as I do, it’s going to happen.”

  “Wh-what’s going to happen,” she stammered, desperately trying to gain some sense of control over her trembling body. The way he pushed his hard cock against her clit caused it to throb in time with her pussy that had been pulsing since she’d heard his deep voice behind her.

  “I am going to fuck you, sweetheart. I’m going to bury my cock balls-deep inside your pussy and I’m going to make you purr. After you beg me to fuck you.”

  Avery dragged a deep breath into her lungs. She tried her best not to become lost in the vision his words brought to mind.

  He took a step back, satisfied he’d made his intention known. He was very selective with his lovers, always had been and he never brought any of them to his house but this redhead nymph . . . Oh, hell yeah. I have to have her.

  Then she shot him a smile that could light up the night and he was completely smitten. He didn’t even try to hide the effect she had on him.

  “Dream on, Santa. I don’t purr and I never beg—for anything.”

  She was yanked into his arms so fast, she didn’t have time to blink. Then the world fell away as he kissed her. Avery didn’t think to deny him and kissed him back with equal fervor.

  His groan was loud, feral and evocative. Avery would remember that sound and the way it vibrated against her lips, echoing into her mouth, for the rest of her life. It caused her nerves to tingle with excitement. She felt the blood cascade through her, hot and thick, as her skin blossomed under his touch.

  Stone’s lips encircled hers, owning every puffy inch of them. Sparks set off inside as their bodies moved together, soft curves against his inflexible one. His fingers spread over the curve of her buttocks, pulling her firmly between his legs; he caressed the soft roundness and buried it in his memory banks―the feel of her softness that yielded beneath his hard hands, her lips that felt like it bled into his.

  Why does it seem so familiar?

  He dragged his lips away. He could
n’t shake the vague sense of familiarity that washed over him. His gaze searched her face.

  “Why do I get the feeling that I know you?”

  Avery did her best to keep her face emotionless but her body went numb.

  “Do you?” She tried to keep her voice low and finally managed to push away from his all too tempting body. “Look . . . er . . . Santa, you’re in the way. We’re trying to finish the food. Please—”

  His fingers on her lips quieted her. She stared into his eyes, feeling the furious beating of her heart thump against her chest.

  “Remember what I said, sweetie. You are going to purr for me. All night long. By tomorrow morning, you’ll be crawling to your car.”

  With another quick kiss on her gaping lips, he pivoted around and sauntered out of the kitchen.

  Stone still couldn’t shake the feeling. Not a memory per se, but echoes that called to his intuition. Somewhere, somehow, he had kissed the little redhead chef.

  “And before the chimes ring twelve, she will tell me where.”

  * * * * * * * *

  Avery chewed on her lip as she sagged against the kitchen counter.

  Way to go, Avery. One touch of his lips and you completely forget the little pep talk you had with yourself on the way here.

  And look where it had brought her. Straight into his firing range.

  Oh, shit! What am I gonna do?

  “Boss? I think the dessert is about ready to come out of the oven. Wanna take a look?” Jesse’s voice yanked her from her thoughts.

  “Oh, yeah, sure.”

  She followed him to the chef’s baking ovens in the corner of the massive kitchen. Someone in this household must like baking and cooking if all the equipment was anything to go by. She’d drooled like a little girl over her first Barbie doll when they’d walked in earlier. What she wouldn’t give to have such an extraordinary kitchen at her home.

  Jesse opened the oven and pulled out one of the baking dishes. Avery pressed her finger on the sponges to test their readiness. “Hm. Not yet, Jesse. Give them another five minutes.”


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