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Murder Mysteries # 4

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by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "He's like a really tall teddy bear Em. When we first met he was a total red neck male chauvinist butt head. I was on my first homicide looking for clues. When he drove up and swaggered out of his macho SUV. He made some sexist comments that I drove back down his throat. He spent the next year or more trying to redeem himself. He's almost made the grade, but he still thinks men rule. All that aside, he's nice guy and loves me to death. I teased him for a long time before I let him, as I say, bruise my lips. Basically he's a good guy with loving parents who, by the way, his father put me on to you."

  "Me!" she almost shouted, "I don't know any Caltex that I can remember. Let me research using my Em search engine and let's see what comes up. Anyway, thanks Mr. Caltex as this is heaven compared to the hell I was stuck in."

  "Thanks for the muffin and tea Em. I need to get organized or I'll never get this office the way I want it."

  A Trip up the River

  At seven pm, just as Stacy was walking out the door with Em, the office phone rang. Em hurried back to answer it with Stacy waiting at the door. Em listened and heard Em say, "I'll tell her captain."

  Em walked out and while locking the door said, "Captain Louver says 'you win'. Lance will pick you up at 7:30 am. The other thing is the autopsy is scheduled for 3 pm tomorrow. You're a busy girl Stacy," as they said good bye for the night.

  Emma hadn't found an apartment yet so she was staying with an aunt. Her aunt had recently lost her husband so she appreciated having someone around to talk to. Unfortunately for Emma, she never stopped talking!


  Captain Louver used both hands to stand up from his chair. His back was killing him. His head hurt even worse as he'd spent almost thirty minutes on the phone with Clancy Lane the dead girl's father. After telling Clancy what was going to happen regarding the investigation and the subsequent US Marshall consulting on the crime, Clancy could be heard moaning and groaning. He said, "Dick this investigation will ruin me. I'm done for without this crime being handled quietly without media attention."

  "Look Clancy, trying to keep a crime like this out of the news is impossible. You daughter was kidnapped, raped, and almost decapitated from having her throat cut. That is tantamount to breaking news Clancy. The best thing you can hope for is a quick solving of the crime. People are fickle when it's not news anymore, they look somewhere else. But if it lingers and certain reporters keep digging, then it's inside front page news for a long spell.

  Now this Marshall is a very good investigator with an excellent record solving homicide cases. She'll ask tough questions Clancy, but best not try and dodge the facts."

  "The investigator is a she," asked Clancy rather loudly.

  "Yes she is Clancy. She's also young and smart. Be careful what you say or she'll nail your backside to the cross. I'll do what I can Clancy," said Dick Louver knowing full well that was just lip service.

  After he was standing straight up, or so he thought, he reached into his drawer for a pain killer to get him home on. His wife was a good one. She'd have dinner ready for him and his slippers in front of the recliner. He smiled thinking he was just a little bit spoiled.


  When Lance arrived at the office, a surprise awaited Stacy. Inside the SUV riding shotgun was Cathy Miller from the Medical Examiner's Office. Cathy was the Examiner's office investigator. Along with a regular CSI team from the state police, the Lane County Examiner's Office had their own homicide crime scene investigator.

  Stacy climbed into the back seat where she reflected back to her days riding with Rory and Ben in the back of their SUV. That was fine with her as could see the road better from the back rather than the front seat. Stacy wasn't but a half inch under average height for a woman. However, being slight gave her a speed advantage over any adversary. Her martial arts training helped the much needed confidence of a smaller person.

  After the introduction, Cathy was eager to share with Stacy what they'd gleaned so far from the crime scene. Stacy was all ears as Lance made his way out to Highway 126 then the fifty miles or so to the Town of Blue River. The campground was but a few miles into the mountains at Blue River Lake up a US Forest Service road. Generally speaking it’s a lovely area with great lake fishing, but due to the horrible crime committed, the area reeked of evil.

  "Stacy, if I may call you by your given name……………"

  "Indeed you can," said Stacy. "Please continue."

  "Here are some photos you can look at while I talk." Cathy passed back a manila folder including a preliminary report. Stacy didn't immediately open the envelope as the reading and motion sickness were at odds in her being. She was content to listen for the time being.

  "We arrived at the crime scene at just after 2 pm. Clancy Lane had called our office and we left soonest we could. He swore he never touched anything. The victim lay inside the tent sprawled across a sleeping bag. It was noticed she'd been raped and with her throat cut no doubt she was deceased. We waited for the state CSI team to arrive. Meanwhile our photographer took the pictures you have. I taped off the area and called for some sheriff staff to protect the area. Dr. Rudy Slothover, our resident medical examiner was on standby.

  After the pictures, the crime scene gone over, I followed suit. Not much was discovered. Some gum wrappers, candy wrappers and we found an old cigarette filter, but that was most likely from a previous camper. Rudy looked for any signs of a struggle and found nothing. He did notice needle marks on her arm denoting an injection of some sort. He'll determine that after a drug scan is completed. The tent appeared new as well as the sleeping bag. However, both are found most anywhere. The victim still had her handbag and book bag. The contents didn't reveal anything unusual but that will be for you to determine Stacy. Also noteworthy is the fact her cell phone is missing.

  The time of death is established at around 8 am give or take, according to Rudy. Any questions so far," asked Cathy.

  "Any idea how many perps were involved," asked Stacy.

  "Clancy reported he only heard from one person," said Cathy.

  "Yes, in this day and age with smart phones, a person can hold sway over another while using a phone at the same time. Especially if the victim was drugged and or unconscious," said Stacy.

  "We've not had any rain so tire tracks are probably out, how about anybody see anything."

  "We stopped at the ranger station and found out Rick Loomis, a part time employee did see a vehicle that drove in and out a few times. It wasn't suspicious but he looked to see if anyone was camping and where. Registration is by hard copy filled out and dropped into a sealed box. Anyway, he saw a small late model pickup truck with a canopy on it. Its color was black and he thought it might be a Ford, but wasn't sure. The camp site 23 was registered to Tom Jones of Salem. All of the information was false. I've a copy in a file back at the office for you to look at," said Cathy.

  "Did Rick get a look at the driver or license number," asked Stacy.

  "The answer to both is no he didn't. He met the pickup both times on a curve and only glimpsed the male driver is all."

  "Did he see that pickup at 23 camp ground," asked Stacy, as they entered Blue River and then drove up Blue River Rd which turned into Lucky Boy Rd. About two miles is Blue River Lake.

  The drive from Blue River proper to the crime scene was in silence. It wasn't so much to respect the victim, but there wasn't anything left to say. Stacy took that opportunity to look at a few pictures before arriving at the site. In any event, the pictures weren't pretty. It showed the young college student completely naked with her head laying there at an awkward angle. The picture reminded Stacy of a happier time making an angel outline in the fresh snow. That's how Patsy Lane appeared. The only redeeming factor might be that she was so drugged, she never felt any pain. Lord what a sad thing to have happen to any person," thought Stacy as they pulled up to a stop nearby a sheriffs car.

  The deputy looked bored to tears, but that's part of the job. The officer sitting there reminded her of Dan Swollo
w soon to come and be part of the team. He'd put his time in and paid his dues sitting at a crime scene while the investigation was on going. But now for Stacy it was time to take a look at the crime scene; which she thoroughly hated. One small blessing was the body had been removed. At this time she wished Ben Razor was doing his clue search. Ben was a better than average detective that just did his job very well. What Stacy and Ben didn't know was that they would be teamed up again not so far in the future.

  Stacy got out and followed Cathy to the crime tape, bent down and went under. As she was looking around it appeared very typical of a forest service camp site: a thick wooden picnic table, a fire pit, if allowed, and a nice clean area for tenting.

  At this site a four man tent the color of forest green sat with its zip up door closed. The surrounding area was clean and pristine. It looked typical, but lacked the ice chests, back packs or fishing gear that other campers probably had.

  Meanwhile, Cathy had unzipped the tent flaps and stood back allowing Stacy to take a look. Stacy went to her knees, mindless of the bare ground on her jeans. She peered in, but needed a minute for her eyes to adjust to the darkness inside. The coppery smell of blood was still evident to her nose blocking out any good smell of lake and forest nearby. Stacy, after her eyes adjusted could see at first the large area where the neck had been cut. When the femoral artery is cut or sliced, blood sprays forth from a very powerful pump. The inside of the tent reflected that action. Her eyes came down the sleeping bag to an area where a little blood had been released. That she knew was the result of rape and it made her shudder to think of the unwanted invasion of a personal part of one's body. She had to force back her hate feeling, less they drive her mad wanting revenge.

  "Not nice Cathy," said Stacy rising to her feet. Lance was particularly quiet as he let Stacy and Cathy do their jobs. He was enjoying watching the actions of both investigators. Lance was not against women in, what was formally known, a man's world. His wife had spent years training him by example.

  "I agree," said Cathy. "I wonder how the perp enticed Patsy Lane to get into his vehicle. The obvious answer is that she knew who he was. However that's an assumption that one must be careful with. It's not uncommon nowadays for people to meet and then very quickly develop a friendship texting and chatting on FB for example."

  "I'm going to walk around for a little while Cathy. I'm fine and will return in a short while," said Stacy as she strolled off looking the area over. The campground sites were spacious and some distance between for privacy. The evergreens were tall and thickly gathered around the lake and up into the Cascade Mountains. Campsite 24 was vacant so she sat down at the large wood picnic table thinking about who might have seen somebody drive into and put up a tent in site 23. She'd see Rick about that later.

  I wonder, thought Stacy, if she was tied up, if so then she'd have marks on her wrists and ankles. If she was immediately stuck with a needle, she'd time to maybe fight the guy. That was assuming her kidnapper was a male, but what if an accomplice in the scheme of things was a female. The female picks her up, takes her to the lake and on the way they drink something. The date rape drug for example. After dropping her off to her partner, he does the phone calling while she drives back to Eugene. He takes advantage of Patsy and eventually murders her taking the money disappearing into the sunset.

  Then Stacy realized a dozen different methods or scenarios might have happened. She went back to somebody possibly haven seen her or the perps driving in and out. Well time to see Rick if he's available. Stacy walked back slowly also wondering if anybody heard any screams or noises. The campground store and swimming area was a long ways off, but who knows what somebody might remember. A good reporter needs to fashion the story asking for public help on the day prior and the day of the homicide.

  Stacy said, "I'm ready if you guys are. We need to visit Rick at the ranger office if he's available."

  "He's waiting for us now," said a smiling Cathy.

  Ranger Rick

  Rick Loomis was a handsome man in his own way, thought Stacy as they were introduced. He seemed very shy, but after he discovered that Stacy was only too human and a pretty thing at that, he loosened up.

  "Rick," said Stacy, "we need to find someone who might have seen site 23 occupied and or heard anything from a neighboring site. What do you have in your records to show us of anyone nearby or were all the tributary sites vacant?

  "I checked all of what you ask Marshall, but all the next door or even close by sites were all vacant the days in question. I told Ms Miller that I didn't see any license plate numbers or letters. Well, last night I was in deep thought about what I did see. I remember meeting the black pickup on a curve and seeing a male behind the wheel, but no time for a plate look see. Then I remember looking into my rearview side mirror and saw a 'VO……'. Obviously in a mirror the V and an O would remain the same; not backwards. Also there is no doubt the license plate is from Oregon."

  "Great news Rick," said both Cathy and Stacy, like an echo was in the room. Lance was grinning loving every minute observing the discussion going on without his direct involvement.

  "Lance," said Stacy, "call in the license with a beginning VO and see what comes up." Lance did as told and went outside to call in the license letter fragment.

  "Rick, and I know this is a hard one, but as campsite 23 is next to the lake, I wonder if any fishermen might have seen something," ask Stacy.

  "Wow, it's a good idea, but how would we determine who might have been fishing nearby on those two dates," asked Rick.

  "Well at the little store and where the boats are launched, a notice could be put up asking for help from any angler who was boat fishing or canoeing or anything on those two days," said Stacy.

  "I'm get right on it Marshall. Anything else," asked Rick.

  "Not presently, but here's my phone numbers Rick. If you wake up with another clear vision, call me," said a smiling Stacy standing up ready to leave.

  The Violation is Performed

  On the way back to Eugene, Lance stopped in the town of Blue River for lunch. He told Stacy and Cathy that an old high school sweetheart owned a local café that professed homemade style food. Stacy was game as she'd had nothing to eat but two slices of toast since early morning.

  They found out upon leaving, that it was true the home cooking was spot on. The special for the day, beings it was Friday, was baked fish that were locally caught. Stacy loved it and raved to the owner how nice it was to taste good home-style cooking. Lance was especially generous with a tip to his old flame, but she'd none of that stuff. She put the money in a glass jar at the cash register for cancer research.

  They were early arriving back to Eugene. Stacy was dropped off at her office and agreed to meet again at the autopsy. Stacy felt a little grimy so she went to a back room where a small restroom, just off her office, had a shower. After a quick shower, she sat down with Emma and from rote memory spun off the story of the fateful crime scene and interview with Rick Loomis.

  After finishing her report, Emma left to enter it into the computer. There were two calls that had come in: one from Dan Swollow and the other from Rory saying he'd be in town around 5:30 pm. Stacy called Dan. "Hi Dan, how's it going?

  "It's going good and I should be their Monday. My mother, bless her heart, found me a small apartment not so far from the office. The manager said she'd love having a policeman around. Anyway, I'll see you then Stacy," said Dan.

  Now it was time for the autopsy. Unlike the friendly office and personality of Dr. Marsha Stone, Stacy met Dr. Rudy Slothover, what Stacy found out later was euphemistically referred to as the Emperor by his staff. Also, because he'd heard of the new US Marshall, he was about to put on a show of his prowess. Backing him up was an assistant who seemed more at home around the stainless steel tables than Dr. Slothover.

  Of course in the autopsy room all were dressed in universal uniforms with a mask and cloth hat on. Consequently, Dr. Rudy really couldn't see much of Stacy oth
er than a slight form with sparkling grey eyes boring into him.

  He went to work with a booming voice as if the speaker hanging in front of him was down somewhere around Cottage Grove. The important things of note was the really sharp instrument that had almost decapitated the victim; the needle marks in her arm; the marks left where she'd been tied up both ankles and wrists; a small belly button ring; and a rose tattoo that had the word or initials KID just under it. The tattoo itself was just a fraction over the top of the public hair. Stacy thought it interesting, but not relevant to the case, most likely.

  Time of death was what was noted earlier and cause of death was the throat being cut severing the femoral artery. The tox screen would be forthcoming.

  After Stacy changed back into her casual clothes, she went back to her office to do some research on the victim. Also to make an appointment for an interview with the victim's father Clancy Lane.

  For the record, Stacy sat down to record observing the autopsy. When she'd finished, Emma and Stacy, obtained from the victim's mother, Patsy's FB account. From there Stacy became familiar with who Patsy was and who her friends were. Her profile picture was of a lovely young woman with shoulder length hazel colored hair that matched her eyes. In all respects she looked like a wholesome Oregon grown co-ed that would do justice to the universities cheerleader team. Sadly, that vivacious life had ended and for her mother, at least, the wound would never heal.

  The 'best friend' appeared to be Rhona Sharpe. She was another fine looking young woman who was African -American of light brown extraction. This was the best place to find her killer from an interview with Rhona Sharpe.

  It didn't take long to discover her cell phone number. First Stacy sent a text and then after receiving a text back, called her. Rhona was at home wondering what happened to her best friend that had just disappeared from the planet.


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