Murder Mysteries # 4

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Murder Mysteries # 4 Page 6

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "While we're on the subject of Rick, did Patsy come on to him and did they have a go at what she loved to do," said a slightly embarrassed Stacy.

  "She had her own tent and didn't share it with any females, it was male only visitor in her tent. To prove her point, she took Rick by the hand led him to her tent. Thirty minutes later he comes out with a shit eatin grin on his face. We ignored him as that was common place for Patsy. We're not kids anymore. Hey if you want jump someone's bones, have right at it," said Thor: who hated his full name of Thornton.

  "About how many times did Rick visit you guys at the camp? I mean, when was the first and when was the last time please," asked Stacy.

  Heads were swiveling talking or whispering back and forth. Finally Rhona leaned back and someone passed on a number for her. "Stacy we think he was there about five times overall. After the time with Rob, he was there one more time after that. We all think after two times with Rick, it was time for Patsy to move on."

  "I know, or we know you're all familiar with the date rape drug Rohypnol. That drug and another one more powerful were found in Patsy's system. Any idea who might have access to that drug or any drugs for that matter," asked Stacy.

  There was total silence around the entire park area except for the occasional car going by. Rhona said, "We all know about the date rape drug Stacy. As a tight group we'd never use or know of anyone who has used that drug. From what you've said about Rob, he'd be my first suspect to use such a thing. One thing we all know about Patsy and that is when she was finished with a boyfriend; he was history come hell or high water."

  "Alright, the floor or grass is open for questions. I'll preface that by saying I won't speculate on who killed your friend Patsy Lane or talk about her father's suicide."

  "Stacy, do you think we're in any danger here at campus or anywhere near the university," asked a student with no name tag.

  "I think we're always in danger miss. In this day and age, nobody is safe anymore from being attacked or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your university publishes guidelines; follow them and be aware of who and what's around you."

  "How confident are you that you'll catch this person who killed Patsy Lane," asked Chad.

  "I'd say we've an above average chance to put this guy away for a long time," said Stacy standing up ready to go.

  Back at the Ranch

  All were pretty much ragged out when they returned to the office. Cathy said bye and the rest went inside to wrap up the day. Emma sat down and with her recording and note pad entered the meeting at the park. Dan, seemed like a lost puppy dog hanging around not knowing what to do next. Stacy said, "Dan, ask Em for her records so far on the case and then catch up by reading the news paper accounts via the net. Also there are some faxes to look over that I've on my desk. Also there's an autopsy report, but not much revealing regards that document.

  Dan I think it might be a good idea to introduce yourself to Detective Lance Campbell. He's having a hard time dealing with a female detective and that would give us an inside look at what the state police know and are doing. Befriend the guy, but be honest about it. You get my drift Dan?

  "I got it Stacy. It's a man to man thing. I can do that very well. Besides we need a good relationship from what Emma told me about you and that captain Louver. Okay load me up with some reading material. When the office closes I'll take some for homework; if that's okay with you?"

  "Sure we've backup copies. I'm a little beat so I'm headed out. Emma has the security code and a key for entry or exit. I'll see you tomorrow. Here are my reports."

  A Chat with Dear old Dad

  At home Stacy looked through the fridge for something to eat. There was some leftover chicken and salad. She zapped the chicken, found some dressing and took it all to her coffee table. While eating she turned the TV on finding out it was time for the 6 o'clock news.

  The lead story was about Clancy Lane and his demise. The story went on to say that he'd no right to take his life that people forgive in the face of reality. The truth was she would have probably died anyway regardless of whether the FBI was called in or not. However, the newscaster said, "There's no excuse not to call the professionals. If your plumbing needs attention, call a plumber, kind of thing."

  There had been many condolences sent in by big name politicians who assured everyone they'd be at the funeral. But the truth was, few showed up. Most felt that Clancy Lane was a loser who squandered his career trying to out think a person bent upon taking a half million and leaving no witnesses behind.

  Dinner over, she dialed up her father. He was still in the shop working, but Fran was inside preparing dinner. "How's it going dear daughter?"

  "I'd say about where we should be given the particulars of a homicide case. The obvious suspect has left town with no forwarding address. He's a two time loser spending prison time for rape, assault and manslaughter. He was with the victim for the last month or so. The victim was heavily drugged and he had no prior use of drugs, but that doesn't mean he didn't change his modus.

  I'm concentrating on the people who were on the periphery of a group of students who hung together as a unit. All are career environmental studies degree seekers. I don't suspect any of them, but a few folks enter the party scene up in the mountains where she was found at their favorite campsite."

  "I'd say you're on the right path with the hanger on or part time visitors at the get together. I'm assuming the drugs you're talking about are the date rape?"

  "Yes, and an even more powerful one that is mainly used for surgery. Someone has to have a connection and the expertise to administer such a drug."

  "Look at the possibility that a wannabe party person was rejected. Revenge is a motive. Rory was down and filled me in a little. It sounds like the victim was a holdover from the hippie days where free love prevailed. Look for the reject."

  "When this is wrapped up dad, I'll come down to spend the day and night with you guys before you leave for warm weather," said a homesick Stacy.

  "I'd like that and so would Fran. I know Rory would. Okay dear daughter, Flo says hi and time for dinner. I love you Stacy dear," said her father.

  For Stacy she couldn't remember her father being so vocal about their relationship. It made her feel warm all over.

  Her thoughts went to Rory and his need for a mate to share his life with. The drawback for her was that she wasn't ready to commit to a long term relationship at her time and place. The truth was she liked him, but love—well—not so sure about that. No doubt he was a terrific guy working hard to balance his male hood with the real world of today. But the old 'however', raised its ugly head in this relationship.

  Here she was on a new career path that presented a future she desired. New people to work with, including old colleagues that she truly missed: Dr. Stone being one of those missed colleagues; and of course Rory and Ben. It took this case to see that the three detectives together made a formidable team. Actually she needed a fourth in Marsha.

  It didn't seem that she and Rudy would harmonize working as a team together. That would make solving a case more difficult without the sharing of thoughts and facts. However, Cathy was making up for it big time. She and Emma would, hopefully, blend together to meet the challenges ahead. Dan too would eventually play a large part in the team, but now he must learn both on the job and with books. It was good that time was on both his side and Stacy's. Both were young. Both were eager. Both were dedicated to hard work.

  Stacy yawned and shut the TV off. She would on the morrow, talk to Rhona and Chad, with maybe Thor and Aggie about a hanger on person lurking in the fringes. Stacy was almost sure the perp was either a wannabe or a cast off from the group.

  A Surprise Awaits the Curious

  It feels good walking into the new office building, thought Stacy. The lobby was not so oversized that it looked ostentatious. Emma reception area was tastefully arranged. Walking down the tiled hall made some noise if that person were wearing hard-soled shoes. The first
room was a large conference room that had not seen any use of yet. Across from that room was where Dan had set up shop. He was sort of like a buffer from the next-door down across from him where Stacy's office sat. It was wall to wall with the conference room. Also a locked door gave her access if needed back and forth.

  Next to Dan was the small kitchen area. It had room for six no problem. The last room next to the kitchen area was a computer room that if needed, visitors could access in times of need.

  In Stacy's office her desk was Government Issue for her position. Large, but not giant and she thought just right for her small frame. Across from her was the round conference table already used? The walls were bare just waiting for what tickled her brain to put up. An empty bookcase looked naked without some books, manuals and other publications the Justice Department published. She really did need to research the US Marshall Program more thoroughly.

  Stacy texted Rhona for a meeting. A message came rapidly back. Stacy called asking for a get together with Aggie, Chad, Thor and her.

  She called to say: "Can do Stacy. We can all pile into Chad's van and come to your office. How about 3 pm?"

  "Sounds very good and while I'm talking, think about somebody, male, who was a wannabe for your group at the campground or on campus. Maybe he was rejected by Patsy or something like that. Anybody that you might think suspicious?"

  "Okay, I'll pass it on. Bye for now," said Rhona.

  Next Stacy went over the autopsy report for mention of DNA. A one line said no foreign DNA found. That's funny she thought. Not even a hair discovered or obviously a condom was used for the rape. She needed more info so Cathy was her best bet. Cathy was as vivacious as ever when she called. It seemed to Stacy she had lots of energy on the happy side of life. "Hi Cathy and I need some more info on Patsy Lane and the lack of any DNA discovered."

  "Here's the story Stacy. No semen was discovered in our CSI search, no other evidence to harbor DNA was found either. From the autopsy, I think, and so did Rudy, that the male who penetrated her was very large and long. The blood came from the uterus. It would only be an assumption on my part that possibly a foreign object was inserted. However, that may have been what happened to cause some bleeding."

  "I'll have to give that some thought Cathy. Oh, by the way, I've a meeting at 3 pm with four of Patsy's friend for more questions. I'm looking at a perp on the periphery of the group who might have wanted in and was rejected; or something like that."

  "I'll be there and how about a 1 pm lunch at your digs," asked a jovial Cathy.

  "I'll clear the round table. See you soon."


  Stacy and Em both went to Dan's office to help him settle in. He was embarrassed as hell, but accepted the offer. Dan was no mans dummy and computers he knew very well. After Emma had him logged in properly, his filing system set up in a cloud, he smiled at the nice woman that was helping him. Stacy was setting up a bookcase to hold his increasing accumulations of written material.

  When it looked like he was all ready to go with his office, he called Lance for an introductory meeting. They were set up for 11 am. Stacy went back to her office to reread and rethink the whole case to date. She shut her door and asked for privacy. She rehashed from the beginning. On that Wednesday, Patsy had alluded that she was off to meet a guy around 4pm. She didn't tell Rhona who it was, but they assumed it was Rob Weaver. Then at 5 pm or after, she texts she's fine. After that, zippo contact.

  No word until a call comes in at around 8 pm to her father demanding half a million. At that point, twenty-four hours pass by until father delivers the ransom. A further 12 hours goes by until he discovers the body. That means Patsy was most likely in that tent for thirty-six hours. Let's see, she thinks, taking up yellow pencil and yellow legal pad, like her father the Bandon Chief of Police does.

  Perp calls 8 pm to deliver money by 6 pm next day. On Thursday night he put the ransom in the garbage can and drives home to wait out the twelve hour demanded waiting time. He arrives home around 8 pm. He's too nervous to sleep so paces around and probably argues with his wife. He inadvertently falls asleep until, say, 8 am or so. He drives to the campground, sees the tent, and the rest is history as he calls the medical examiner's office around 9 am. They arrive after noon.

  Stacy looked up and thought why wouldn't he have checked the tent at the campsite. His daughter was probably still drugged and not murdered until after the perp picked up his money. Or, maybe not.

  Next she went over the drug part of the case. It stands to reason the perp had access to or a friend or relative had access to prescription drugs. A plus for Rob, it was never part of his modus prior to this one.

  As for Ranger Rick, he had a sister who worked the campus health clinic, but it didn't stock any kind of prescription drug or medicine such as what was found in her body. Stacy put a little check mark beside the sister of Rick.

  Stacy was suddenly shocked when her desk phone rang. He heart was pounding when she found out it was only the phone ringing; it slowed down to normal afterwards. "Stacy this is Lance. We picked up Rob Werner over in Jordon Valley headed to Idaho. He's on the way to Salem as we speak. He vehemently denies any wrongdoing with Patsy Lane. He ran because he knew the police would drag him in for questioning. He says he got scared they'd frame him for her disappearance. He also said the last time he saw or talked to her was Wednesday afternoon around 4 pm. She told him good-bye forever. He took the hint and left for the tavern down towards Roseburg. He drank till closing time and passed out in his truck. The next day he hears from a fellow worker who had a source in the in Patsy's group that she was missing. The rest is history when he hears the news he runs over the mountains taking the back roads to Idaho."

  "What's your gut say Lance," asked Stacy.

  "He says he's ready for a lie detector anytime anyplace. I can't really say until we grill him. I'll keep you informed and by the way, that Dan guy is a good one. He went over just fine in our office. Even the captain liked him. Good choice Stacy."

  "Come by at 3 this afternoon for an interesting meeting upcoming Lance with some of the students."

  "I can do that. See you in awhile," said Lance hanging up.

  She goes over what Lance had told her about Rob. At first she didn't consider him for a suspect until his past record popped up. If Patsy had tossed him over, anger happens and he does the crime. Now, he runs, but denies any wrongdoing. However that remains to be seen. Also needed was an examination to check his unit size.

  Lunch with the Ladies

  Lunch seemed a good time to relax for all of them, except for Dan. He wasn't comfortable sitting and eating with three other ladies; especially when all three were very attractive. But for the most part, he endured the slightly stressful event.

  The talk surrounded the news of Rob Werner being apprehended in Eastern Oregon. Cathy asked, "Where is Jordon Valley and what, if anything, do the town's people do for a living?"

  "I was through there one time when I was a teenager. My father loved the back roads of Oregon. Every summer we'd take a trip across some desolate landscape. Jordon Valley is home to some ranchers and such people. I think the nearest town or small city is Caldwell, Idaho. It sits right on the border," said Dan.

  "It's a day or more driving to reach Salem. It'll be Wednesday before we can interview him," said Stacy. "Dan, take a trip after lunch to the health clinic on campus. See if you can discover how a student or person might obtain an illegal prescription drug. Pose as a guy looking for a 'relaxer' for his girlfriend to enjoy his coupling. Flash some dollars. Emma will see you have some cash in hand. It's a long shot, but who knows what might come up.

  Covert Dan

  Dan, with the help of Emma and her bus schedule, made the connections for Dan to take a bus to the health clinic. He'd have to hurry to be back by 3 for the meeting. After a half hour he stood on campus looking for the health clinic. A student walked by and he asked directions. Having the directions in mind, off he went to find the clinic.

>   Inside was not so busy. He went up to the window looking for a male and not a female to tell his story to. There were three staff behind the counter and one was a male. He caught the guy's eye and soon they were chatting up a storm. When Dan said, "Hey guy, I need a relaxer for my girl so she can enjoy some good sex. What can you do for me?"

  "I'll tell you what Dan, I don't know but Carol Loomis has a connection for the students. Let me go get her for you," said the guy hurrying off to catch up with Carol.

  Carol came back and looked Dan in the eye and said, "You'd like some relaxers huh?"

  "I've got cash and would love some help or whatever you might suggest," said a more confident Dan.

  "Let me write down a doctor who will fix you right up. It'll cost you but just tell her what you want and bingo, it's yours. Now please slip me fifty and we'll shake on the deal," said Carol Loomis holding out her hand.

  The Wily Nerd

  Dan came in out of breath from hurrying back for the 3 pm meeting. He was just a few minutes late, but nothing had been said yet. In the conference room, the big one, sat Rhona, Aggie, Chad, Thor and the office staff, Emma and Dan, with Cathy from the Medical Examiner's office. Stacy said:

  "What were looking for is a male, probably a student, who was seen hanging around your group of friends. He was close enough on occasion to overhear about the Blue River Lake retreat for parties. It's possible he may have even showed up there walking around, say with a fishing pole, a hiking stick with back pack. Maybe he even said hello?"

  The room was very quiet as each one thought about what Stacy was saying. Chad said, "I seem to recall earlier this summer a guy from our summer class hanging around looking really stupid and nerdy. It also is in my recall that I might remember him up at the lake; but I'm not positive about that."


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