Murder Mysteries # 4

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Murder Mysteries # 4 Page 7

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Aggie and Thor had their heads together and then Aggie said: "We both recall a student hanging around, but we, or at least I didn't, see him up at the lake. As class is over, finding out his name might be a slight problem. But Thor is a good artist and he'll sketch his face for the professor to look at. Let's hope she's around and not gone on a short vacation. Her name is Lisa Courtney."

  "This is good stuff," said Stacy. "Now, this is serious, but sort of a strange topic to discuss. Let me preface by saying that your friend and the victim was raped viciously. The autopsy report and from Cathy Miller who is an assistant to Dr. Rudy Slothover stated that the uterus had been damaged from deep penetration by either a gifted male or by a foreign object." She let that sink in waiting a few seconds.

  "Now having said that, did Patsy ever say to anyone here that one of her recent boyfriends was overly endowed?" Again silence went around the room. Chad and Thor sat with their arms crossed trying to look invisible. Finally, Rhona said:

  "Patsy told me that one reason she was going to dump Rob was he was ---well—a little small in that department. But I do recall about a month ago her saying about one of her boy toys that he was well endowed. She had to be the one on top to regulate the penetration. Jesus, this is not for table talk."

  "Thanks Rhona, but please remember, a murder has been committed and we need to catch the guy. Now if Thor can get the drawing and Professor Lisa Courtney is around, we might strike gold guys," said Stacy standing up. "I thank you all for coming."

  The students left mumbling with Thor and Chad bringing up the rear. Stacy thought, men are so sensitive about their units when they really don't need to be worried about size, but they should be worried about the true love that goes with the coupling.

  Crooked Doctor

  Just after the students left, Dan told Stacy he'd some information to share with her. Emma was there as they sat down in Stacy's office at the round table. Cathy left for her office behind the students. Dan said:

  "The first person I talked to at the clinic was a male, young, perhaps late twenties. I played the role. He turned me onto a female member of the staff. I told her I was looking for some 'relaxing' drugs for my girlfriend. She never batted an eye and said that she'd write a name down on a Post-it. It was doctor who wrote prescriptions for a price. Carol Loomis demanded a fifty spot and said the doctor would want more. The doctor's name is Sybil Dunsmire. Her office is just across the street from the health clinic on the main road."

  Stacy was starring at Dan with her mind racing. She thought, Carol Loomis is Ranger Ricks sister. Is there a connection or is it just a coincidence. Few believed in something being a coincidence anymore; especially in crime. "Dan we need to see Rick Loomis on the pretext of checking to see if there's been any person responding to the flyers. Also we need detective Lance to meet us in the morning to pay a visit to the doctor who is about to lose her license to practice. What we need is a picture of Rick Loomis to show the doctor. Also let's show the drawing by Thor of the nerd wanabe guy."

  "I'm sure the ranger station would have a picture of Rick. I'll call them now and maybe they could fax a picture down to us," said Dan.

  "Excellent idea Dan. Also, we need a picture of Rob Werner to see if he was a customer as well. Okay, Dan you call the ranger station, I'll make sure we have a picture of Rob and we have to wait on the drawing. Also we need to check right now to see if Professor Lisa Courtney is in town. I'll try to call her while Emma gets a picture from Rob's rap sheet," said Stacy moving to her desk and phone. Dan left for his office and so did Emma.

  Professor Lisa is Perceptive

  Stacy made a connection with Professor Courtney. She was happy to help in any way she could. It didn't take long until the both of them were on a first name basis. "I thank you for offering to help us," said Stacy.

  "Patsy and her friends are high level students who'll make a mark in the field of Environmental Studies. We acknowledge the loss and grieve for the victim. Now what specifically can I help you with Stacy," said Lisa.

  Stacy went on to tell her about an outsider who desired to enter the tight group of Patsy and friends. He'd be rather plain looking and rather nerdy. Few would probably notice him. Thor is making a drawing of his face as he seems to have a talent for drawing. I'm wondering where we could meet to show you the picture for a possible name to a picture," said Stacy.

  "I think I know who it is Stacy. He was in our summer class and I could see he wanted to join the regulars, but it appeared he couldn't make the entry. His name is Edwin Trailor. He certainly didn't look like a kidnapper, rapist and murderer. But you never know; do you?"

  "You've been a big help Lisa and when we get the drawing where can we find you?"

  "My office would be good. I'll be there from 9 ~ 5 tomorrow. After that I'm going over to Bend to spend some time doing some white water rafting before school starts again."

  Stacy called Lance to have him run check on Edwin Trailor. She also brought him up to date on what went down the last few hours. "I'll go with Dan tomorrow to the ranger station. That's providing he doesn't get a good photo of Rick. When you're ready to visit the doctor who needs her doors shut, let me know. Meanwhile, I'll get a search warrant for her office and home. Anything else Stacy," asked Lance.

  "I think that'll do it for now. By the way, how's your captain doing these days?"

  "His back is giving him fits. The super from Salem called him to come visit and the ride up and back took its toll on him. Ever since Clancy Lane took his life the captain has been quiet and introspective. Us peons think maybe Salem took part of his backside for almost alienating the new US Marshall. Other than that, we're posting an opening for an additional detective to help us out. If you know of someone, let us know," said an unseen face with a grin on it. It wasn't a secret that Oregon State Police Detective Rory Caltex was having a relationship with the new US Marshall.

  Stacy sat back and wondered if Ben Razor might not be interested. For as long as she'd known him, which was just two short years, he gave off the impression he was happy in the Coos Bay area. However, Rory had just told her he was not a happy guy lately. Stacy made a mental note to call Ben. He'd be an excellent addition to the Eugene/Springfield state police staff.

  Stacy let out a deep breath of air and realized she was a little tired. Whatever was on the agenda, it could wait until tomorrow. Besides, sometime tomorrow, maybe, Rob Werner might be available for an interview.

  She told all she was going home and went down the stairs to the underground parking for her vehicle. Because the office was federal, and a possible target for attack, the new office was rather unique.

  It was a four-story affair without an underground elevator for the four floors above the parking. It took both a card to swipe and a code to enter before the gate would open to let a vehicle in. Also in the basement a security guard was on duty 24/7. Stacy was happy with the security and felt comfortable coming and going. She, with a little embarrassment, really didn't know all the other federal branches or departments above her first floor. Nevertheless, she drove home ready for a rest.

  It was similar to the night before when she walked up the stairs to her second floor apartment, loneliness crept over her. She tried to shake it off, but for the last couple of years, she'd come home to her father whipping up one of his fine recipes to enjoy. Now as she opened her door, it was just as she'd left it that morning: dark and desolate, but it was home for the foreseeable future.

  It probably didn't help that the valley was covered in clouds all day. She remembered that Bandon was unduly blessed with clouds most of the year. She went to her bedroom to shuck off her clothes and put some sweats on. For protection, she always put her handgun on her nightstand. After that she went to the fridge to see what wasn't there. "Figures Stacy you dumb butt," she said to the kitchen. "What's to eat?"

  After scrounging around the kitchen area, she decided that dinner was out of the question. At last she fried off an egg for a sandwich and went to watch th
e TV. There was nothing on so she killed the TV. When her sandwich was gone, she looked at her watch. It was just short of 6:30. By rote she picked up her cell and called Ben Razor.

  Because he didn't recognize the phone number, he answered formally. Stacy said, "Hi Ben this Stacy. I was wondering how you're doing?"

  "To tell the truth Stacy, I'm fine physically, but a little off the mark mentally. Oh I'm doing my job just fine. Albeit a little quiet since you left. Rory told me you're doing good. How's it going for you so far?"

  "I no more than arrived here when I was asked to join the state police on a kidnap murder crime. We're right in the middle of it now Ben." She let that settle in and after a ten second silence, continued, "Ben, I don't mean to pry or enter into anyone private business, but Rory did tell me you didn't seem happy these days. And no, I'm not asking what is happening in your private life Ben, but I wanted to pass on the fact there's an opening here in Eugene for a state police detective. A new friend, who is a detective I'm working with, told me about the opening. I thought I'd pass it on Ben."

  "Stacy, I'll share with you some personal stuff. I thought my family liked it here in Coos Bay. Well, my wife shocked me when she said that she had a belly full of this coastal area. To make a long story short, I think God sent me a life ring. I'll contact the Eugene/Springfield office tomorrow. I can't thank you enough and I'll always wonder why you didn't pass this to Rory. However, that's not my concern at the moment. Be well and hopefully see you again real soon. Bye for now."

  Stacy was both shocked and happy for Ben. He was a subtle detective who fit a niche where it was badly needed. He was always concentrating on the evidence and the facts. He used a simple proposition when he said: 'If there are four wooden blocks in front of you; and you can see and feel four blocks; therefore it's logical that there're four blocks in front of you.'

  In one of their previous cases, where a victim was found dead upside down in a garbage can, with his feet super glued to the wall, Ben located the cast away plastic container. We had a suspect who used super glue to fasten some items to his wood working projects. Simply put, bingo, we had our killer. It was Ben who widens the search area finding the super glue container with prints on it.

  Enough for now Stacy, she thought. Suffice to say, he's a good one. But, oh my, Rory will have a fit if he finds out I turned Ben onto the open position here. I wonder if he'll understand that he can't be with me right now. I need space and a lot of it. Besides, he must realize that to keep the relationship from ending, visits must be infrequent.

  The last thing she remembered doing was watching a soundless movie listening to I-tunes.

  A Doctor in Hot Water

  A full-blown meeting was taking place at the US Marshall's office. From the Marshall's staff, Stacy, Dan and Emma; from the Med. Exam Office Cathy Miller; from the Oregon State Police, Detective Lance Campbell, with a host of officers waiting in the wings; and lastly the State Police, Captain Louver.

  All were gathered in Stacy's large conference room. She stood up and said, "Here is the plan. As a US Marshall, I'm assisting on this particular case. The warrant was obtained by the state police. Captain Louver and Detective Campbell, with me tagging along, will go in and serve the warrant. At the same time, a second warrant will be served upon Dr. Sybil Dunsmire residence. For backup we have patrol officers from the state police and we've notified the city police what is going down. Following the initial serving Investigator Cathy Miller will search for evidence to determine what prescriptions were written for what patients.

  Meanwhile Deputy Marshall Dan will meet Thor to take his drawing to Professor Courtney for an ID. Okay, any questions?" She didn’t see any hands go up.

  Dan would drive to the university and later pick up Stacy and detective Lance for a trip to Blue River Ranger Station.

  In the meantime, Stacy was riding with Lance and his captain. Captain Louver was quiet but polite and even a bit friendly. He said, "I apologize for not being around more often Marshall. My body seems to reject any position I give it. I hate to talk about my health problems, but it appears I might need another back operation. If so they'll send down a temporary captain. I personally would like to add that we, or I, got off on the wrong foot in our relationship. I wish we could back up time a little and start over. I hope you'll accept my apology."

  "Of course Captain Louver, I accept and there's really no need to apologize. Everything seems well in hand. I hope your back get better real soon. I think we can wrap this case up in a week or so; if all the pieces fall into place."

  "That would be a blessing," said Captain Dick. The paper has been ruthless and relentless that the State Police haven't solved this case yet. Everyday we've reporters hanging around our office. By the way, have you been pestered by the media Stacy?"

  Stacy caught the first name address, but that was fine with her. "No so much Dick," she replied. "I've had few chats on the phone, but nothing overwhelming."

  "We're here now. Let's get ready Stacy," said Lance.

  Captain Louver had warrant in hand as the door to the office gave off a chime announcing a visitor had arrived. A mouse of a receptionist sat behind an old war surplus grey metal desk. A desktop computer so ancient and bulky sat on one end while an electronic adding machine, about the same age as the computer, sat opposite. Ms. Fieldstone, the counter nametag said, looked petrified. Her mouth hung open at half-mast. Captain Louver, without wasting any words, "Here is a warrant to search the premises and we want to see Dr. Sybil Dunsmire immediately."

  With a stutter Ms Fieldstone said, "The---the---doctor is in the back."

  "Please go get her right now," said Dick. Stacy saw her hurry off to the back. Dick had given Lance the high sign to follow. The back door was covered by patrolmen. If the doctor tried to run, no way she could get away.

  Perhaps one minute passed and out came Dr. Dunsmire. Captain Louver said, "We have it on good authority that you write prescriptions for dangerous drugs that are not intended for public use. We will confiscate all of your records both here at your residence."

  "I resent the insinuation and the charges. I've done no such thing. My records will show how clean my written prescriptions are. I've a right to an attorney and I'll use it soonest," said Dr. Sybil Dunsmire who later in the afternoon confessed to the charges. She caved in when a few local pharmacists confirmed the prescriptions for drugs not for public use. In most cases, the recipient was just the errand boy with a valid excuse.

  It would take awhile to run down all the so-called patients who received those types of drugs. Most had used fake names. Stacy was in deep thought about the whole drug affair. She heard that most of the drugs were valium and such types of drugs. However the date rape and the surgery drugs were rarely written according to Dr. Dunsmire.

  Dan called to say he'd met the professor and Thor had shown her the drawing. Indeed it was Eddie Trailor. "I've his ID picture and address. I wonder if we could get a city policeman to check his address out," asked Dan.

  "Yes, call and notify we'd ID it's Edwin Trailor. Then ask if someone would see if he is still living there or not. I'm ready to go when you get here. We'll take Lance with us to Blue River."

  Ranger Rick on the Defensive

  Rick Loomis was all smiles when they arrived. He went on and on about how he'd put up fliers and cruised the campground sites quizzing folks. However, he told them that he'd not received any calls on his fliers. "I'm sorry detectives. I wish someone had come forward to give us some information."

  They were sitting at the number 23 campground that was empty of anything pertaining to a crime or occupants. The big table was even clean of dust. Stacy said, "Rick, tell us about your relationship with Patsy Lane."

  If his mother had seen the look on his face about now, she would exclaim he was about to pass out. He seemed to lean to the left and as he was about to fall off the picnic table, suddenly caught himself. Stacy waited for him to recover while she looks at a smiling Lance and Dan.

ck licked his dry lips and said, "I knew you'd find out sooner or later. Yes, we did have a fling that didn't last very long. That wasn't by my choice mind you; but her decision. Like an idiot I fell for her. Then I made a pest of myself hanging around. Even my sis tried to help but to no avail. I am smart enough to realize that you think me a suspect; and rightfully so. Tell me if I need a lawyer."

  "Tell us why you don't need a lawyer Rick," said Stacy.

  "During the time of her murder I was on duty driving around as usual. I've no real alibi to speak of. Also, on the day or evening of her disappearance, I was off that day. I went hiking and I saw nobody. I can't give a reason why I don't need a lawyer," said Rick.

  "Why do you think she dumped you Rick," asked Lance.

  "She told me that I was a lousy lover. Which is probably true. I've little experience in that arena. But I must say just because she dumped me is not a very good reason to kidnap, demand a ransom, then murder her. I'm not really that devastated about being told what a lousy lay I am." Stacy saw Rick turn within and wondered what was going on in his head.

  "Rick, we really don’t want to take you in, but what are you thinking just now," asked Stacy. She saw his eyes kind of glaze over. He gazed up into the trees that were gently swaying from a rather cool September day.

  "You know, my sister tried to help me learn about relationships with girls. Carol is not a blood sister. She was adopted and is three years older than I am. I guess it's kind of typical when a couple can't conceive, they adopt and then bingo the wife comes up pregnant.

  When I become a teenager, Carol caught me masturbating. She didn't laugh or make rude jokes. She said let do that for you little brother. After that, when our parents were out of the house, she taught me how to practice intercourse. It was like a school to me. Well, when I graduated high school and went to college, that all ended.


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