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Murder Mysteries # 4

Page 14

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "For one thing he's fishing buddies with Kevin Albright the post office guy. It's not what he said, but what he didn't say that struck me as pertinent to our case. He said Kevin is a great guy until, for example, he has a steelhead on his line and loses it. He comes unglued. One time, not so long ago, maybe a month at the outside, he said, Kevin had a nice fish on. But as it happens, just as he was about to land it, the fish gets away. He went off his rocker and took a big rock, raising it above his head, aiming for his pole lying on the ground, slammed it right on the reel. He said he heard Kevin say: 'Take that Harry.'"

  "Nice work Cathy. I'm not sure what it means, if anything, but let's put it in our notes. Well guys, what now," asked Stacy.

  "That's a darn good question Super," said Rory. "I'm still wondering where those two small pistols went. The one May had and lost is probably rusting in the elements not so far from the Amazing Tree. Whether or not she used it on our vic, she got rid of it because thinking even if her gun didn't kill him, we might try to accuse her anyway. Anyway, it's just a thought. The gun that killed old Harry was probably his own little pea shooter. Somebody lifted it, used it, and tossed it."

  ''Not bad Tall Man. However, who was the lifter, user and tosser," asked Stacy smiling revealing her true self. Rory almost melted seeing her face light up. His stomach did a flip flop.

  "Let's go find Anita and her husband Kevin for an interview," said Ben.

  "I asked Shelly to have Anita come here for an interview. I think you and Rory can see Kevin. Maybe you can discover why he's so angry and when did it begin, kind of thing. If I recall correctly, on that Saturday Anita was supposedly shopping in Corvallis, but somebody said she was going to the coast. See if we can get the true story on Saturday's where abouts," said Stacy.

  "Anita is due her in about fifteen minutes. Shelly is coming with her. We also need to interview Stanly Northrop. I need something cold to drink. I wonder if Maria can find something for us all to drink," said Stacy. Cathy jumped up making a bee line to Maria. Soon a picture of sweetened lemonade showed up. Stacy said thanks and greedily drank off half a glass.

  Shortly Anita Albright came in with Shelly. Anita appeared rather apprehensive as they slowly made their way to the long table. Stacy stood up to greet the two ladies. It seemed Shelly was quickly coming to grips with her loss. The funeral was scheduled for Wednesday in a family plot just outside town.

  Stacy leaped right in with her first question. "Anita tell us about what you did on Saturday past."

  "I left around 9 am for shopping on the coast. I get tired of going to Corvallis."

  "Where did you go shopping?

  "I went to Walmart is all," said Anita who was becoming slightly more relaxed. Stacy nodded to Cathy to take Shelly away from the interview. Cathy caught the drift and tactfully asked Shelly to come with her for some further questions.

  "Now Anita what time did you arrive at Walmart on the coast," asked Stacy.

  I'd say around 11 am. I shopped for an hour, picked up some take out and left for home. I enjoyed the free time."

  "What highway did you travel on going and coming back?"

  "I went over to Waldport and then up 101 to Newport. I came back the same way."

  "About how long does it take to drive one way," asked Stacy.

  "About two and half hours I'd guess," said a now more nervous Anita. Stacy could see she was aware this interview was going.

  "Let's talk about a not so nice subject Anita. How was your relationship with Harry Langer?"

  "I put up with him because we need the income. I don’t like to use the word hate, but let's say I don't or didn't like the man," said Anita not volunteering anything more.

  "Were you aware of the handgun in his night stand," asked Stacy.

  "Yes, of course I knew about it. It wasn't a secret and I cleaned in there regularly."

  "Do you have any idea what happened to the handgun?

  "None what so ever. I realize few people come and go in that house, but maybe he took it with him on the excursion," said Anita with a blink of the eyes looking off to Shelly chatting with Cathy.

  "No we don't think he took it with him because no small handgun was found on his person. As there was no indication of robbery, I'm afraid that he never had the gun in the first place. Now, sometimes we have to ask personal and pointed questions in a murder case Anita. Did Harry Langer at any time coerce you to touch him in areas that are private?"

  Stacy saw her swallow and her whole body became ridged. Stacy couldn't see her hands, which were in her lap, but guessed her knuckles were white. Anita looked around for help and wasn't any help available. Finally, she looked at Stacy and then placed her hands on the table. It seemed like she rose up with her back straight and said, "Yes, he did, but I refused and that's all I'll say about that subject."

  "Let me tell you a few things Anita. In a murder case we look for motive first. Then we look for opportunity. Evidence follows. You had opportunity to take his pistol; you had motive in that he wanted sexual favors done to him; you had opportunity on that particular Saturday. I'm thinking Anita Abridge you're our prime suspect. Would you care to tell me why we shouldn't take you in and book you for murder one?"

  "You do what you have to Marshall," said an increasingly defiant Anita Albright.

  Registered Delivery

  "Ben," said Rory, as they walked up the street to the post office, "we've not a shred of evidence at this point. Also it seems we've a ton of suspects and not a damn thing to point finger at any of them. We really need a break soon. Let's see what develops talking to Kevin the Post Master."

  A ding-ding echoed through an empty post office. A voice was heard from the back squeak out a, "I'll be right with you." A grim looking Kevin walked in from the back wiping his hand on his pants. Rory wondered what he was wiping off, the thought it might be ink of some sort. Kevin waited for either one to speak. Ben said, "Tell us again Kevin about your Saturday past day. Every detail is important be specific."

  "Okay, here we go. The wife and I had breakfast together. She told me shopping was her job for the day. I thought she was going to Corvallis, but as it turned out, she went all the way to Newport. As for me, I either like to go fishing or work in the yard. I chose to work in the yard. I broke for lunch and then went back to work. I quit about 3 pm, took a shower, laid down for a nap. I woke up when the wife came home. I don't know exactly, or specifically, the time she arrived home," Kevin said a bit sarcastically.

  "Do you have two cars," asked Rory?

  "Yes, one is fairly new and the other one is old, but runs good. We'll drive both until they stop."

  "Have you ever been to the Cape Perpetua Visitors Center Kevin," asked Ben. Both detectives saw Kevin start to tense up a little. A flittering of his eyes didn't go unnoticed.

  "Yes, a few times over the years, but not recently," he said looking down at the counter seeing a spot he scratched at with his thumb nail.

  "You've seen the Amazing Tree I take it," said Ben.

  "Yes, two times is my recollection," said Kevin.

  "We've come to understand you have a hot temper on occasion. Is that true Kevin," asked Rory.

  "Most people do detective. I'm about average, I think."

  "How did you feel about your wife working for Harry Langer Kevin," asked Ben.

  "My wife said he was a bit demanding, but we need the income. I really disliked him as he was a demanding customer without any regard of others."

  "Did your wife ever complain that Harry was demanding some things inappropriate to her responsibilities," asked Ben. Both Rory and Ben could see an increasing defensive attitude Kevin was taking.

  "She told me a couple times he wanted some help taking a bath. He suggested a full wash job and she refused to wash his private parts. After that she said nothing to me. I forgot about it and went about my business as Post Master."

  "Kevin," said Rory, "in a murder investigation, a lot of personal and private things come out. It's proven in crimes
of murder, a necessary part of the investigation is to ask hard and pointed questions. We know certain things from a dear friend of your wife's Celle. We stopped by for a visit and was entertained with some information germane to our case. Celle told us that Harry Langer was becoming increasingly demanding of sexual favors performed on him. What do you say about that Kevin,"

  Both Rory and Ben thought it might be a shock to Kevin hearing the facts from his wife's friend, but no he just stood there frozen as if in a trance. Ben deduced he was wondering how to respond to the information. "I guessed as much. I didn't want to know. I trust my wife implicitly. I'm not sorry the bastard is dead."

  "What did you do with the gun your wife took from Harry Langer's bed stand," asked Ben. Both saw the question hit Kevin between the eyes. He backed up half a step with his mouth half open. With his right hand he reached for his pen in his shirt pocket. Took it out, put it back without looking. He licked his lips, cleared his throat and said:

  "I know nothing about a gun. Are you accusing my wife of stealing her employer's gun?"

  "No we're not Kevin. However, few visitors come to Harry and Shelly's house. That doesn't leave many suspects besides your wife. That’s all for now Mr. Albright. However, there's no doubt we shall return for more questions," said Ben.

  A Group Huddle

  They were still using the Center for a situation room while in town. Stacy, Cathy and Emma were hashing things over trying desperately to find some evidence or facts to work with. Lot's of suspicion, but few tangible things in their favor. Stacy remarked, "We need a witness, a weapon with a finger print, a true confession would be nice. But, we've nothing but conjecture. All we have is circumstantial evidence. We need that evidence to lead to corroborative evidence really bad."

  "I'm at a loss as to where we go from here Stacy. You're our leader and what's next Marshall," asked Cathy with large sarcastic smile on her face. Both Stacy and Emma thought Cathy was a nice looking woman. All they really knew about her was she was a mother and they had no idea what the father did.

  "I'll tell you what our next step is and that is to bring somebody into an interrogation room and make or break them. However, we must be careful about that as to not be libel for a wrongful arrest suit. Ah, here come our two state detectives. Let's hope they've some good news."

  Rory and Ben sat down and related what happened at the post office. After a full report, Ben said, "I'm almost convinced he's guilty of the crime; but not totally. He had time on that Saturday to drive over to the Visitors Center. Waited behind the tree, used the hand gun his wife had taken from the bed stand, shot the victim, walked down the trail tossing the gun into the thick coastal foliage. If he's right handed and that he is, he'll have tossed it underhanded across his body. Where it is, who knows."

  "It sounds feasible and convincing," Stacy said. "However, we need some evidence to support that premise."

  All after hearing what was said about the interview with Kevin Albright, the door opened. All heads turned and it was Deputy Marshall Dan Swollow with a grin on his face that few would ever forget the why. In his hand he had a plastic Ziploc bag with a small pistol inside.

  The Missing Murder Weapon

  Dan looked like he'd gotten lost and panic running through the underbrush and trees. His clothes were ripped and stained green. His pants at his knees were worn through with his bare knees showing. Emma was worried he was hurt, but he told her he was fine. All he needed was a hot shower. His story:

  "On the drive over to the Visitors Center I kept thinking that the perpetrator, after shooting the victim, walked down the trail and not up. The perp knew he or she must get rid of the pistol. I reenacted the scene. I pretended I shot the vic and then I walked fairly quickly down the trail. I had a rock about the weight and size of the 32 in the bag. I looked to my left and with a medium toss under handed across my body, flung the rock. I stopped and saw where it landed. From that position on the trail, which I marked, I walked out about ten feet and then it was a hands and knees affair from then on. I kept line of sight and for the next, about an hour, I groveled looking and feeling like a blood hound on the trail of a fox. Okay, enough suspense, about twenty feet from the trail I found the pistol. I got lucky is all? I've not touched it and when I found it, like a ray of light from heaven reflected off the barrel. As you know it's a broken cloudy day with on and off sun."

  Stacy noticed Emma was just beaming. If Dan wasn't her man before, he certainly was now. Stacy said, "Great job Dan. Now if we can get a print off it—can we be so lucky?"

  All stood up and gave Dan a pat on the back or a high five. Emma hugged him which embarrassed Dan, but soon he was fine. Emma said, "You are smelly Dan Swollow, let's go home and clean you up."

  A Rush on Prints

  Before they left town, a rush finger print taking was in order. An hour later, all prime suspects, possible suspects and suspects had their prints taken. Rory and Ben took weapon and prints to their office. Dan drove while Cathy rode passenger seat. Stacy and Emma sat in the back. Stacy, as her usual self, said not a word. Dan was the only one who realized what Stacy was doing. He smiled thinking it wouldn't be long before she named the killer.

  That night, after coming home, Stacy, instead taking a break, went for a walk. Not knowing where she was going, discovered she was standing in front of the church she'd attended just last week. However, it dark inside and out, except a light on advertising it's name. Stacy turned to walk away when she heard a male voice say, "Good evening young lady. I remember you from last Sunday's service. I'm Pastor Robbie Plenty. I'm just on my way home. It's not very safe for an attractive woman such as yourself to be walking around at night. God is good, but He can't always protect is all the time."

  "Nice to meet you Pastor Plenty. My name is Stacy Foreham from Bandon. I'm the new US Marshall in Eugene. I don't usually walk around at night, but I'm armed and not without some self defense. I'm on a case right now and it helps me to sort things out with a walk around."

  "I did hear or read something to that end that a US Marshall was coming to our city. I say welcome Marshall Foreham. We hope to see you again on any Sunday of your choosing. I bid you good night and God speed," said Pastor Plenty walking off in the opposite direction Stacy was going.

  Later she told Em that Pastor Robbie was a nice young man and that for sure she'd attend church when time allowed. Absently she wonders if the pastor was married. He seemed really nice and a long ways from ugly.


  The next morning Stacy was at her desk at shortly after 7 am. Emma and Dan followed not long afterwards. It wasn't a secret that both coming in at the same time denoted a relationship was developing. After tea and coffee, along with some toasted English muffins, brought in by Emma, they talked about the case. Stacy knew Rory very well and if the prints matched, he'd not call but show up at her office with Ben.

  As it turned out, it was a long morning as later she was told there was some further work to do. Finally at just before 11 am the two state detectives came through the door. Neither one had a facial expression that would give away the print results. Stacy forced self to remain aloof.

  "Morning Super, would you care to guess who's prints we found on the murder weapon," asked Rory.

  "You know me as I don't speculate, but in this case I'll tell you whose prints were found on the pistol. The prints found are Maria Topaz. She murdered Harry Langer. She didn’t have a case of diarrhea, but a case of hatred for old Harry. You thought I'd fall into the trap of the prints being Kevin or his wife Anita. What say you to the prints Tall Man?"

  With a smile he shook his head and said, "Damn you're good Super. Here we go again, even though we had her as a suspect, but not prime suspect, I'd have wagered a month's pay it wasn't her that ended the life of an overdue person for his final resting place."

  Dan was seen with a broad smile on his happy face. Dan just shook his head. Emma stood beside Dan with her mouth partially open. Cathy came in at the end hearing the news. She h
igh fived the team and left.

  The Final Visit to the Senior Center

  In the next few hours, an arrest warrant was issued for Maria Topaz. Rory went back to his parents to finish his visit and he'd stop off in Salem to notify that he'd like the Bend area. Cathy went back to her daily work. That left Stacy and her staff. With warrant in hand, the Benton County sheriff's department notified to pick up a suspect for arraignment; they drove up to the Alsayia Senior Center.

  The Marshalls arrived just before 2 pm. The center was mostly deserted with only a few die-hards playing cards. Maria saw them right off and came over smiling thinking they were just back for more interviews. However, when she saw the look on Stacy's face, along with the somber look of Deputy Dan, she realized it was more serious than not.

  "I am sorry Maria, but we've an arrest warrant made out in your name. You're being charged with the murder of Harry Langer. Now I must read you your right – 'you've the right to ……………………'. Do you understand your rights Maria Topaz?"

  "Yes, I do. What is your evidence Marshall," asked a non smiling Maria.

  "We found the murder weapon with your fingerprints on it. I suspected you for a long time, but didn't have any evidence. Would you like to sit down we could discuss the case?"

  "I guess I don't mind. Let's take your usual table," said Maria.

  "I appreciate it and perhaps your telling us why you killed Harry," said Stacy nodding to Dan to call the sheriff's office to come pick up Maria.

  "Emma turned on her recorder and made ready for the confession. Maria said, "What part of story I told you about me made you suspect I murdered him," asked Maria.

  "Well, it was bits and pieces really. Most everybody here hated Harry and some wished him dead. However, aside from you, Anita Albright was the only two that had today's complaint. Well maybe Kevin Albright. Regardless, what piqued my interest was the fact he was the main reason more seniors didn't come to the center. A population minimum is this center's main problem. If not enough seniors, it's closed down and therefore, you're out of work. Also it would be nice to have a happy senior center. With Harry around, such was not the case.


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