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Murder Mysteries # 4

Page 16

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "I bet he just fell asleep watching TV in the motel," said Stacy. "I don't think Dan drinks much; but I'm not positive about that. Anyway, see what you can dig up on all the news items about the church pew body. Also find out what assembly plant in Salem put the furniture together. It might be a good idea to see if any similar types of cases have occurred in the last twelve months. It might be that we'll be involved in this case sooner rather than later."

  Emma hurried off to do Stacy's bidding. Meanwhile, as Stacy was sure Cathy was in her office, rang her up. She picked up on the second ring. "I was going to call you Marshall. I've the low down on the local detectives. I'm free for a few hours so if you're not busy I'll pop on over."

  "Come anytime. Also, if you've some photos, reports, anything medical on the church pew case, bring it with you. Thanks see soon."

  Stacy opened up her computer and used her secret password to access a direct government website that stored an enormous amount of information. First she put in homicide, then ID erasure, church related, particularly Methodist, recent within the last year, then she hit search. She sat back and waited while the search went through literally billions of pieces of information. Stacy realized this could take awhile, so she went to the kitchen for a refill and some breakfast snacks. What she was looking for was a muffin and it didn't matter what kind. She opened the refer and saw a fresh sack of bakery that Em must have brought in this morning. She was in heaven. Opps, don't need that analogy with the case coming up. With muffin in hand, she went back to see if any hits came up on her screen.

  Stacy was a little surprised to see some hits were displayed on her screen. The first one had a similar ID mutilation in Texas. The female body was found tied to a pew in a Methodist church. It was still an open case, but resided in the unsolved file. Close by, it wasn't, but not so far off that an inquiry wouldn't hurt. She hit print and went to the next one.

  Here was a case back east in Allentown, Pa. Stacy recognize that location as the head quarters of the NE region of the Methodist Church. Stacy did a humm-- and read on. She sat up straight as a body of a male was found lying on a newly delivered pew that was enclosed in a wooden crate just exactly like here in Oregon. Now she was getting somewhere. Another close but not similar happened up in Spokane. A mutilated male was found in a front pew with all ID removed from his body. This was curious as all were in their mid forties. Stacy sat back after making copies thinking about what a nationwide distribution of similar deaths had in common. A rap on the doorframe brought forth a beaming Cathy Miller with a large manila about an inch thick under her arm.

  "You always seem so happy Cathy. What's your secret anyway," asked Stacy.

  "Friends are the key to happiness along with our kids. For a long time I swam in the pits of despair about my husband suddenly up and leaving. Well, one day, my oldest, bless her little heart said to me: 'Mommy, me and Alice want you to laugh like you used to. We want you to read us a story book,' and you know that made me shed tears of happiness. I also started reading the bible too. Not sure why cause I never thought myself a religious person.

  Anyway, let's get to business shall we?" Cathy spread the contents onto the circle conference table. The pics are kind of nasty, but after we determined the victim was already dead, it wasn't so bad. From his clothing he was above average, but not high end. Judging from his hands, he was a professional without any sign of manual labor. His hair was from a high priced hairdresser. No tattoo or body adornment was evident. One more thing and that is he was fit and in good shape. A hold has been placed on the autopsy. No idea why.''

  Stacy looked at the pictures closely. Her father had given her a large magnifying glass that he'd had since a boy. Stacy made sure she took care of it well. After looking, she read the reports while Cathy went to get tea for both of them.

  The police reports were also included in the batch of documents. She noticed that after the pew was assembled in Salem, it went to a warehouse in Portland. Stacy wondered why that would be. It seemed rather inconvenient and curious. The crate was made out of cheap pine and metal strapping was used for holding the crate together after large staples were substituted in place of nails. Stacy wanted to see the crate if possible. She wasn't sure why, but maybe quality was what she desired to see. Her father would ask her about that end of things.

  "Here you go Stacy. A nice fresh cuppa," said Emma, following Cathy in to her office. I've got some reading material for you to strain your eyes over."

  Detectives Hypostatize

  "If you are ready, let me give you the low down our cities homicide guys. I'm not personally aquatinted with any of the detectives, but some seem nicer than others. I guess you could say that about most people huh," said a laughing Cathy.

  Okay, here we go. First is the captain. His name is Shawn Lewis. He's been here since before god knows when. He should have retired ages ago, but at around sixty plus, hangs on because he really, really knows how to play the game of politics. They say, whoever they are, that he's smart, clever and loves to see cowering underlings shrink under his gruff commands. However, some say he's fair and has an eye for the women. His wife passed on some years ago.

  Next we have under him Lieutenant Allan [Ace] Harmon. He's an over twenty year lifer. Both he and the captain graduated from the same school of knocks. Be careful of this guy as some say he's keen and mean.

  The sergeant is Phil Aarons. He's, as they say, a nice guy. He's many years detecting. Some say he's very sensitive of his completely bald head.

  Moving down the list we have a Detective II by the name of Stead Wilson. He's a twenty year man also. He's fair but hardnosed. Under him is Detective I Willie Westwood. Not much is known about him. The last but not least is Karen Franks. She's been around for eight years and smart as a whip, they say. Also she must have what it takes to be around this long."

  "I guess I'll start with the captain and work my way down. If he's a girl lover, I'd best put on some make up. I don't have any time or much time for a breast implant, but maybe a padded bra would do," said a smart mouth Stacy.

  At first Cathy thought Stacy was serious and then cracked up with the boob sarcasm. However, both girls realized how true it really was to see men open their eyes with seeing a healthy chest adorning a nice body. "I'll set up the appointment, if you'd like Stacy. My office would be perfect for some neutral ground. In the meantime, I'll see what Karen Franks has to contribute to the story. I know her a little, but not a lot."

  "I'm ready anytime Cathy. I think while you're doing that, it's time for a new hair cut. I'm thinking just off my shoulders would be a good length. What say you?"

  Cathy ran a critical eye over Stacy pretty face and long blonde hair. Well, mostly blonde and some would say 'dirty blonde'. Regardless, her hair shouldn't be real short as that would make her look like a teenager again. Yes, just above the shoulders would be good. "I agree Stacy. You'll look mature at that hair length. Some light eye shadow with a touch of pale pink lipstick will knock him dead. Forget the chest part as you're okay there. Look him in the eye and be careful not to antagonize him too much. He packs a big club around town."

  "Do you have a regular hair dresser," ask Stacy.

  "Here let me make a call and I'll give you directions. It's not far from here, but let me make sure she's not busy for say -- 1 pm

  "That works for me. While you're doing that, I'll look over the recent news media reports about the Pew Crime, as the media has named it." Stacy could see the media was curious why an assembly factory put the furniture together, put -- in this case -- a pew inside a wooden crate, and then ship it up to a warehouse in Portland. Why not just ship it down to the church? Stacy was with the media all the way with this curious anomaly. She made a note on her yellow legal pad with a yellow Dixon-Ticonderoga number two pencil. She smiled thinking about her father and his habit of having a yellow legal pad and a yellow pencil on top of his otherwise clean desk. However, the major difference was his daughter exercised the pencil and legal pad, while
his notepad remained clean and the pencil never required sharpening.

  "You're set for a 1 o'clock appointment. Her name is Jan and she'll talk your ear off, but she's nice. Don't let her get going on her bastard abusive boyfriend. The truth is she loves a little rough stuff. She told me it makes the sex better. Go figure. Hey, got to run as Rudy seems like he's fading rather fast into the sunset. Catch you later. I'll call the captain soonest and get back to you."

  Stacy sat going over what was written both by the media and police reports. It didn't take her long as what was documented wasn't much. An autopsy was necessary to determine what killed the victim. Better yet, where and when was he murdered? It couldn't be far away or a long time ago as decomposition would raise a red flag for sure. Of course the victim may well have kept on ice for a period of time; but why would someone go to such an effort to hide the time of death. She smiled thinking, well, that's why they call homicides a mystery.

  While she waited for Cathy to call back with an appointment with the captain, she downloaded Goggle Earth. She wanted a look see at the various locations that came up on the computer. Beginning with Allentown, PA, to Eugene, OR. From Eugene she drew another straight line to Texas. From Texas back up to Allentown. Stacy pondered what she had in front of her. She said aloud, "All I see are straight lines with points on the ends."

  Interesting, she thought, but how relevant was what she just did. Her ding a ling bell phone alerted a call was coming in. "Hey, you're set up for a 3 pm meeting with Captain Iron Balls, as some underlings refer to him, in my office. Just in case, wear your bullet proof vest he might see a potential threat to his job," Cathy said laughing.

  "Thanks for the help. Hey, have you any idea when the autopsy on the John Doe will take place," asked Stacy.

  "You know there's something funny going on over here. I went to see Rudy and he had a cardboard box he was putting things into. I wonder if he's giving it up. Well, anyway, nothing has been scheduled yet, to my knowledge."

  A D.C. Call

  Stacy had no more than ended the call with Cathy when her private line to Connie rang a soft tone. "Hi Stacy. I'll get right to it. This is what will most likely happen shortly. The resident pathologist Dr. Rudy Slothover is retiring very shortly. Now you'll love this one. His replacement is Dr. Marsha Stone from Coos Bay. She'll take over and also teach some classes at the university. We're not blind to the fact that she worked well with you and the state police detectives. We'd like for that to continue. Now, when she arrives in the next day or so, she'll perform the autopsy on the church victim. One more thing, I hope the meeting with the captain goes well this afternoon. Bye Marshall," said Connie leaving Stacy with the phone to her ear having not said a word.

  Stacy pondered the last words from Connie. She'd told her the meeting would go well. The 'I hope' was just a gloss over for what was really going to happen. Stacy sat back and gave the whole last few months and what was happening right now today, deep thought. First there came about a US Marshall's position in a new area centrally located west of the Cascade Mountains. The open position was offered to Detective Stacy Foreham of Bandon. After she and her mates solved a few homicides, her reputation expanded exponentially. With a criminology degree second to none, young, smart and the ability to solve a homicide, she was offered the US Marshall's job in Eugene.

  Her first case, she solved essentially on her own. Then suddenly a vacant position for a state police detective opens up in the area. Dan Razor is chosen for the position. It seemed kind of funny that two-thirds of her former homicide team was now in the Eugene area. Then the really strange thing happened with the second case involving a murder on the coast of a senior citizen visiting an Amazing Tree on a trail. Stacy is walking up the trail when the other one-third of her former team, Rory Caltex waltzes down the trail to join the investigation. Now the final happening is their former pathologist, Dr. Marsha Stone was coming to take over the coroner's position for Lane County. Suddenly, as she sat up straight, it dawned on her this was a golden plan from, maybe a year ago, by Connie Wilson of the Justice Department back east. Could this really be a plan, Stacy thought. She laughed thinking maybe all of her colleagues and new friends were part of a much larger scheme than anyone thought.

  Without knowing why, she shrugged her shoulders as she quickly looked at it from all directions, didn't see any harm done. The only part missing was Rory Caltex. It's probably the relationship that made her boss a little nervous. However, as she stood up, let's see what develops down the road as concerns Rory.

  Captain Shawn [Iron Balls] Lewis

  Following a snazzy new hairdo, Stacy entered Cathy's office at just before 2:30 for her meeting with the captain. She hoped Cathy had some time to talk. It was important to Stacy to know what was transpiring with the office of the pathologist. The autopsy was germane to the case and without a cause of death, along with a DNA sample and a missing person's country wide that could possibly match the description of the victim, need to happen sooner rather than later.

  At the city office of the medical examiner, there wasn’t any receptionist to help you find the office of whomever you were seeking. A nicely framed tenant board greeted the newly arrived. Stacy breezed down the hallway to Cathy's office in the back corner opposite the autopsy area. A rap on the door brought forth a 'come in' from a pleasant sounding Cathy voice. "Is that you Marshall," asked Cathy.

  "Indeed yes it is. Prepare for a new looking Marshall," said Stacy walking in making a twirl before facing an open mouth Cathy.

  "Old Iron Balls won't need his usual dosage of Viagra when he sees you Stacy," she said trying to keep a straight face, but losing the battle. "Simply wonderful and you look so sophisticated; not that you didn't before."

  "You don't think it's too extreme," asked Stacy fluffing her hair with gentle touches not wanting to disturb the setting. "I wonder, what it will look like in the mornings," she asked sitting down laughing.

  "Who cares about tomorrow? We haven't finished today yet. Okay, here's the latest lowdown on our current pathologist Rudy. He's done as of today. His physical body is shot and needs special attention in a warm dry climate. He has a good pension so that should take some weight off his shoulders. What I don't know who will perform autopsies when he's gone."

  "I think I can clear that up for you Cathy. My 'wine vine' told me the new pathologist is Dr. Marsha Stone from Coos Bay." Stacy let that settle in and waited for Cathy to respond.

  "Of course you know Dr. Stone," asked Cathy.

  "Yes, we became friends as well as a wonderful working relationship. She's very friendly, well, most of the time anyway. What an investigator likes is a quick approximate time of death. That is what Marsha provides and she's really close with her estimate. Some months back she was approached to teach at the university. At the time she turned it down. I've no idea why, but now she's coming in a day or so."

  Cathy was no mans dummy as she reflected on the recent events regarding new investigators and now a new pathologist as well. "Let's see if I've got this straight—a new US Marshall from the Coos Bay area come to Eugene. Then a detective from the same area arrives not long afterwards. After that, a freelance state detective from that same area pops in on a case. If I didn't know better, I'd say some kind of conspiracy is taking place in Lane County."

  "I understand what you're saying and can't really comment with any real basis of fact," said Stacy looking at her watch seeing it was awful close to 3 pm.

  A knock at the door produced Old Iron Balls. Stacy rose to greet him. He was about what she expected: medium height, a full head of white hair, sagging jowls, a nose direct from Germany and under his wide nostrils a set of thin lips were set in a grin. The body was of a portly man who looked upon exercise with a sneer.

  Stacy held out her hand. He never took his eyes off her as he gently took her had saying, in a voice that represented power, "Nice to meet the new Marshall. May I call you by your given name or do you prefer the title?"

  "Call me Sta
cy please and how about yourself captain. How do you like to be addressed?"

  "Let's forego the formalities and use our given names. I like my name as my mother thought it represented a person of higher intellect. Few call me Shawn. Please call me Shawn Stacy."

  Cathy said, "Let's go to the lunch room where you can all sit at a table. I'll make some tea and coffee. After that I'll leave the two of you alone to discuss what you think needs discussing."

  After Shawn wanted coffee and Stacy her usual tea, they sat down taking stock of each other for full minute. Shawn was the first to speak. "Stacy, let me say that your record of solving homicide cases is phenomenal. If I'm not mistaken, it's over ten cases in a very short time span. I'm impressed. Anyway, I'll make this short and sweet. The body in the pew case is yours with our pleasure. I think we both know this is not an isolated case. This case has far-reaching tentacles attached to a person or persons sending a horrible message of sorts. Anyway, you'll not find any opposition from our detectives.

  We think, or at least I think, this case will test your abilities and I for one will watch it carefully. Now on a personal note – I'm about to retire and don't want to rock any boats. I've ordered my complete staff to assist and not hinder your investigation. However, I've or we've a Lieutenant who might think otherwise. Watch yourself around Ace Harman. He too needs to retire. However, I'll not interfere in my staff. I told him to stay away or get written up. He just nodded his head. Any questions Stacy?"

  "I'd like any and all your records and interviews to date on the case. I thank you for the gentle passing of the baton. I'll tell you what Shawn, if and or when I solve this case, how about a glass of wine over a nice lunch," asked Stacy.

  Stacy saw his eyes pop open wide and after he licked his thin lips said, "You have a date Stacy. The captain stood up and shook her hand one more time.


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