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Murder Mysteries # 4

Page 21

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "This wasn't a random event at all. This is a very carefully organized vendetta against gays wanting to become pastors or even higher up into the, say, the governing body. To uncover the masterminds might be a little difficult. I'd suppose layers are in place; similar to what we have seen with government elected officials," said Ben.

  "I think it's time to inform my boss. Also Ben, a trip back up to Portland to see the parents is necessary. I'll keep Dan here to chaperone Paul when he arrives. I'm guessing he knows who the other two victims are. We definitely need to build a case showing what might have happened and or is happening."

  Emma said, "I don’t know about you guys, but I'm getting a little hungry. How about I run to the deli for some sandwiches."

  "Good idea and I'll call Connie while you're gone." Stacy had all of her notes and reports in front of her. She wanted back up when she needed it. She picked up her special phone. A fleeting thought ran through her head, what if I'm going in the wrong direction.

  "Good evening Stacy. Somehow I knew you'd call sooner rather than later. It's true I need some ammunition to continue the skirmish with the bishop and his cronies. Right now I'm at the Alamo with only Stacy Foreham at my side. Speaking of Texas, any word yet from that unidentified victim?"

  "Not at this time Connie, but I do have an ID on our Eugene victim. He's Clancy Struthers from Vancouver, Washington. He was a graduate student at Claremont Theological, a Methodist Graduate school. It's a very progressive thinking institution. However, if my thinking is correct, that premise is only window dressing. Our victim was gay living with his significant one, Paul Deveraux, who is also a graduate student. Both had or have aspirations of becoming pastors having a church of their own."

  "Sorry to interrupt Stacy, but what led to finding this person who ID the victim?"

  "A full report will soon cross your desk Connie, but in this case, the victim had a tattoo on the underside of his penis saying 'For Paul'. We splashed pictures across the news media. The significant other, Paul Deveraux called and after a short conversation, he's on his way to Eugene to give us a full statement. It appears that both the victim and his friend are members of a group who are struggling for acceptance of gays behind a pulpit."

  "Why didn't somebody file missing persons on this Clancy Struthers?"

  "Apparently, and I'm sending Ben Razor to Vancouver to interview his parents, the parents are not happy with their son being gay. They rarely visit and are pretty much estranged. The victim left the parents house for the airport to fly back to California. He never boarded the plane. Somewhere after he left the house and maybe at the airport, he was kidnapped. The rest of the story would only be speculation. One fact remains and that is the delivery truck drivers, after dropping off the wooden crate in Eugene, disappeared."

  "Which leaves little doubt this series of homicides is well planned and orchestrated. Your right, speculation is not a good idea, but keep digging. However, Stacy, I'm scared as hell as to what might be the driving force behind these murders."

  Lunch was well timed. To keep the brain working at optimum efficiency one must feed it good food and not junk food. Stacy thought of Rory as she chomped into her pastrami on rye. She wondered how he was doing. A little on the ironic side, she missed the guy. Why things slow down a bit, she thought, I'll call the Tall Man.

  A Spoke in the Wheel

  Meanwhile, it was waiting time for the other two victims, hopefully, identified. Her thinking was interrupted by a her cell chiming. "Marshall Foreham, this is Bill B calling. Our target has flown the coup. His tracking bracelet was severed and left in his living room. I've alerted the local police and informing you to be extra careful. I also alerted DC. I'm instituting an APB on him. He's armed and probably dangerous. Either I or DC will keep you informed. Your state police will keep you appraised at all times. It's my suspicion Marshall, he holds you responsible and for that reason, you're his target. Please wear you armor vest for the time being."

  "Thank you Bill. I'll take the necessary steps of caution."

  Emma said, "Stacy, the look on your face is uncommon to your usual confident self."

  "Some not so good news. It seems Ace Harmon has escaped his home detention. A statewide search is on. The person watching him says he's probably armed and dangerous. I think it's fair to assume he's blaming me for his troubles. I need to take safety measures. I remember back in college a course I took on this very subject. At the time I thought it a waste of good practical learning, but now I want to call my old professor to thank him for his wonderful class," said Stacy.

  "What is our first thing to do," asked Emma as she looked around at a stunned Dan and Ben.

  "First we call a hair dresser to change my looks. Second we change motels. Or I just hide out here for a few days. But, what if a few days turns into a few weeks?"

  "We need to put this guy away and keep him away," said Ben. "A trap is what we need. Let's lay the whole thing out to your boss lady."

  "Let's not forget this guy has a quarter of century of being a policeman. His thinking is only one subject and not ten like we're doing. He'll think of all the tricks. What we need is something he won't think about or anticipate. Let me call DC and see what Connie says."

  Stacy wiped her lips and drank off some ice tea. Afterwards, she went to the restroom to wash her face. It would allow her some few minutes to regroup and think straight. Walking back to her office, it was evident she'd have to be the bait. The worst part Ace would know she'd have on a bullet proof vest. With that kind of thinking, he'd use a rifle for a head shot. She shuddered thinking about it. Connie answered right away:

  "I got the word from Bill, Stacy. For at least a few hours, lay low out of sight. I'm sending a seven man team of swat type guys to form a trap. He'll know we are making a trap, but with his macho thinking, that won't be a problem for him. The men and women I'm sending are specially trained for this kind of situation. The key is to make Harmon think he's more clever than we are. In other words, the first time using you for bait, we'll look or appear sloppy. He'll gain confidence. The second time we nail his ass. I've a look-a-like on the way Stacy. We can't risk our Super Sleuth now can we," Connie said with a slight chuckle."

  "I'll follow your plan Connie. I'll change my appearance somewhat to place doubt of ID just in case. My thinking is he'll follow a vehicle that he thinks I'm in. That vehicle should go to a motel. My driver will look around like he's very curious as to who might be following. After that, my driver, Deputy Dan, will hang around outside the motel as if on security duty. Meanwhile our guys could be in the area watching to see if Harmon shows up. What do you think of this idea Connie?"

  "I like it and when our team arrives, the lead man is Krill. He's one sharp operator Stacy. Work with him. He and the others will be there in five hours. That will be, let's see, around 10 pm your time. The FBI will provide transportation for them at the Eugene airport. Let's use the state police office near I-5 for a meeting place. I presume Ben Razor is with you and you can ride with him."

  "Okay, I got it. Meanwhile, I sure hope Harmon doesn't have any tricks up his sleeve," said Stacy hanging up.

  Stacy went back to the kitchen to brief all about what DC was planning on doing. After she'd finished, Ben said, "I like the idea. I believe we must be under the assumption Harmon is clever. Or on the other hand, maybe he's over confident that he'll jump out there waving a firearm daring anyone to stop him. Either way, in my opinion, it's suicide mission. He won't go to prison knowing what he knows about cops being locked up. No, you'll probably see a small smile on his face when the slugs tear into his body. I know it sounds cruel, but he's nothing to live for."

  "Do you think Ben and Stacy, Harmon might be outside right now watching our building," asked Dan.

  "I think so," said Ben. The way I see it is to make him think we are making a run for it with Stacy inside a vehicle. For example, Dan takes his SUV and rushes out of the parking lot, past security, the roars down the street as if pursued by someo
ne they don’t want to catch them. We wait ten minutes and then slowly take a vehicle out of the parking lot, drive the speed limit across town to my office. I'd guess he'd follow the first car. But in reality, Stacy is in the second car."

  "I volunteer to double for Stacy," said Em. "I came here wanting more than just a face for visitors or as a go for this girl. Use me where you like."

  "We will just do that very thing," said Stacy smiling. You take the ride with Dan to a motel across the freeway and I'll ride with Ben to his office to wait for the DC team to arrive."

  While everyone was thinking, Stacy's cell jingled a call was coming in. It was Cathy. She said, "I heard that Ace is loose and probably gunning for you. What can I do to help?"

  "At this moment in time, nothing I know of Cathy. A special team will protect me, I hope. Please tell Marsha I'm not spending the night at a motel. I've no idea where I'll hang my toothbrush tonight," said Stacy.

  "Okay, you're busy now. Call me when you can. I'm headed home to relieve the babysitter," said Cathy.

  The Call to Action

  In Stacy's building with underground parking, didn't have any access from parking to the inside of the building. It had been deemed safer that way. From the parking garage to the entrance was by a covered sidewalk to the front door. Because it was a federal building, a no parking zone existed directly in front of the building. However, a vehicle dropping visitors off or picking them up was permissible.

  The security guard had been alerted for any suspicious activities going on. He was glad to help. Now it was time for the first part of the plan to begin. Dan would get his SUV from the parking garage, drive around front and Emma would dash to the back passenger door.

  Just before Dan went to the garage he looked out the front door to see what vehicles were parked across the street that might contain a shooter. The only slightly suspicious vehicle was a minivan with dark windows nosed into the sidewalk. When he went to get his SUV he memorized the plate number.

  Stacy was a little nervous, but tried to maintain her composure. Emma seemed fine. The weather was cooperating very well as a steady rain was coming down making the use of an umbrella and a reason to dash to a car. Ben and Stacy watched as Dan pulled up, Emma ran out the door and jumped in the back. Dan was off and away in a flash. Dan was hawking his side mirror for anyone tailing them. He was driving as if to elude anyone following. He saw no one so he slowed down and drove east to the motels lining I-5. Just as he went under the freeway, he saw the white van, or a similar van about a quarter mile back. He said nothing to Emma who was still in the back jabbering a mile a minute about nothing in particular.

  Dan hit a red light. The van slowed down much earlier than necessary. It was still too far back to read the plates. The light changed to green. Dan turned left down the frontage road to a low rent motel. He lost the van for a minute or so and then he spotted it turning off and park. Dan pulled into the motel. While he waited for the clerk to process the information he called Ben.

  About ten minutes after Dan and Emma had left, Ben walked slowly to parking garage to get his car. Ben saw nothing out of the ordinary. He drove up and around to the front of the building. Similar to Em, Stacy had an umbrella and scurried to the waiting car. They drove slowly off into a darkening rainy night. A few blocks away, Ben's cell rang. "It's Dan Stacy. Here you take the call."

  "We're at the motel Stacy. I spotted a white van following us. I saw the same van, well maybe I saw it across the street from our office front door. I think we need an unmarked car to check it out. It's parked not far from this motel. Here's the license number."

  "Okay, good work Dan. We're on our way now to Ben's office. He'll call it in. Meanwhile do as planned. Hang around as if guarding the place." Stacy told Ben who pulled over and called his office. His call was routed to a lieutenant who in turn called the swat team to action. Thirty minutes later an unmarked van containing six swat members located the van in question.

  After running the plate number, it came up stolen just about six hours ago. The swat team went into high alert. In this part of the outskirts were a few warehouses, motels, restaurants and no housing. The van was parked just on the street next to a restaurant parking lot. How to approach the van was a good question. The van's sliding door was facing the parking lot. It was decided that four vehicles would be used. It was agreed upon one vehicle on each end of the van blocking any forward or backward getaway. Another vehicle would be parking parallel within inches of the front driver's door. The fourth car would be parked in the parking lot used for protection against anyone inside shooting a firearm. Nobody from the restaurant would be allowed out until the scene unfolded and area secured. Also any traffic was halted both directions. Now it was time for action.

  First thing were the two cars in front and back raced into position. Second was the car blocking anyone from opening the driver's door. In the restaurant parking lot, swat members were waiting behind an unmarked car confiscated in a drug bust. In less than ten seconds all hell broke loose.

  The van's sliding door opened and bullets started flying at the swat team behind the restaurant car. The swat team returned fire riddling the van with bullet holes. A lieutenant using a bullhorn called for a cease-fire. All went quiet. He said, "You in the van. Throw out your weapons and come out with raised hands. You've ten seconds and after that we'll storm the van."

  Inside the van, Ace Harmon had taken one bullet to the shoulder. He'd been wearing his bullet proof vest. It had saved him from being killed, but had laid him low and hurting. Ace was breathing hard. He had a machine pistol and other weapons with him. He put in a fresh clip and made ready for his last move. His favorite movie was The Sundance Kid. The last scene when both decided it was time to go jumped out firing at the Mexican military knowing they were facing death. Ace Harmon jumped out of the van with his automatic weapon spitting fire at the car in the parking lot. The return fire was a carbon copy of the ending in The Sundance Kid.

  For the most part, the chapter involving Ace Harmon ended near the freeway that runs north and south from Canada to Mexico. Stacy went back to her motel room grateful for an excellent job by the swat team. The special team from DC was met at the airport and they too returned home. Bill came up to Dan and said, "Tell Stacy we've always got her back. We can't afford to lose investigators like her. You too deputy."

  Business Resumed

  Marsha called Stacy early the next morning for breakfast. Stacy agreed as she was still reeling from last night's event. At 7 am both professionals were sitting drinking their respective drinks. "You had a rough night Stacy?"

  "Well in retrospect, I didn't do much but ride around in a car for awhile. The Oregon State Police Swat Team did a fine job. However, you know it was Dan who spotted the van across the street from our office. He was observant and he'll receive a commendation for his alertness and acts of proper procedure under pressure. I'm very happy he's on my staff."

  "Emma seems like a diamond in the rough as well. She jumped right in the thick of the event. Stacy, the reason I wanted to see you alone was I got a call from our state pathologist who sets policy for us in the state of Oregon. It's a political position with the prerequisite being a suck ass. He inquired into the John Doe autopsy from the church homicide. I told him it was fairly straight forward procedure. He then hemmed and hawed about the alleged idea the victim was homosexual. I told him directly that few men would tattoo another man's name on his dick. I also told him about the guys friend, with the tattoo name called to ID the victim. He ignored me and said some pressure was coming from back east to suppress the idea the victim was gay. I essentially told him to go fly a kite."

  "The church is running scared now," said Stacy. "If the other two similar homicides are gay victims with attachments to the church in some way, tightens the noose around its neck."

  "Be careful Stacy. As I see it, you're the lead on this entire case. You're stirring a big pot of smelly contents that have dangerous fumes pouring out of it. Keep Da
n watching your back."

  "Thanks for the info Marsha. It's a given team work pays off. In some ways I wish Rory were here, but he'd only smother me rather than be on alert for outsiders seeking to do me harm. Ah, breakfast is here. For some reason I'm famished."

  Dan picked up Stacy saying he'd got a message that her apartment was ready for occupancy. Stacy was, on the one hand happy and on the other apprehensive about being alone with what Marsha had told her that morning. As she watched the rain splatter the windshield, she thought about what 'Bill' had said to Dan: "We've always got her back deputy."

  At the office, a smile for Emma and a quick step to her office, in a matter of seconds she had Connie on the phone. "Quite an evening huh Stacy," said Connie. "Sounds like everyone did their jobs and did them well."

  "Indeed they did Connie. However, my pathologist friend Dr. Stone told me over breakfast that she'd a call from the resident Chief Pathologist in Salem. He told her pressure was coming to deny or hide the fact the church victim was gay. She responded by saying she reports what the evidence shows her upon examination. She also warned me that this could become dangerous to the lead investigator. From what the victim's friend told Dan they were both graduate students desiring a church of their own to preach from. However, the church frowns on gays as pastors. That particular college professes a future thinking progressive philosophy to meet the 21st century and beyond. It seems a little hypocritical to me."

  "We're keeping 'Bill' on the job Stacy. He and two others are always watching you around the clock. At night when you're home we've two more making sure nobody sneaks up on you. Also, we've some really hi tech cameras to watch your front door of your apartment 24/7. Now as to the church and it's possible relationship to the homicides, tread carefully Stacy. Make sure of your facts and testimonies. Have back up support on all interviews for the official record."


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