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Dangerous Paradise

Page 2

by Debra Andrews

  Dismissing that as just another approach, he hardened his heart. He’d been fooled by the most conniving of her sex. She must have bribed a maid to let her in—something he would take up with the ship’s steward.

  Still . . . Despite everything, he found himself intrigued.

  Alex lifted her chin with his finger. “Well done. You’ve succeeded in attracting my attention.”

  “Your attention? But I need help.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, yes . . . my help.”

  She blew out a deep breath. “You believe me. Thank you.”

  Next, he guessed she’d find an excuse to throw herself into his arms. As he expected, she swayed toward him. His mouth quirked as, he caught her curvy body against the length of him. Damn it. She was good. Perhaps his initial guess was wrong and she wasn’t a lady looking for his favors––but was an actress. She played the damsel in distress to perfection with that phony swoon.

  No doubt, she thought he could help her career as well. If he hadn’t had to catch her, he would have applauded her acting talent.

  Why not play along and see how far she would take it? “Are you all right, love? Should I call the ship’s doctor?”

  “Oh, no.” Her warm breath on his bare chest sent a shiver through him. “I’ll be okay in a minute. I’m just a little ‘shook up.’”

  “I’m a little shaken myself,” he said dryly. His hands encircled her small waist, while her hair tickled his nose and reminded him of lavender flowers in an English garden.

  An unwanted tremor ran through him. She was good, really good. And with her full breasts pressing against him, his body responded on command. He’d have a hard time refusing her. That was probably her intention when she practically threw herself into his arms.

  Not wanting to reveal just how attracted he was to her, he held her a little away.

  Bloody, bloody hell. For the past six months, he’d successfully avoided women and their accursed lies and manipulations, but now, he couldn’t think clearly with this angel in his arms.

  Why not taste those inviting lips before he sent her on her way? “I don’t usually care for this approach, but you’ve been very persuasive.”

  Her eyebrows arched. “What . . . ?”

  “You know what I’m talking about, little one. You’ve won. I’ll help you.”

  He ground his mouth down on hers. For a brief moment, it seemed like she resisted him and her nails dug into his biceps. He assumed this was part of her act, because, dear God, she already trembled with desire.

  As he expected, her grip relaxed and her lips softened under his. His desire ran rampant. He wanted more. Why not take what she so freely offered? He cupped his hand on the back of her head, his fingers tangling into the thickness of her hair.

  He groaned inwardly and the ironic thought crossed his mind that clothing wouldn’t be an obstacle, since they were both nearly naked. “You are incredibly sweet,” he murmured against her lush lips.

  A part of him couldn’t believe he did this. He didn’t even know her name.

  Another part believed entirely.


  * * *

  To Kelly, time seemed in slow motion. His jaw scraped her chin, and his lips met hers. He deepened the kiss, widening her mouth, his tongue exploring. Heat shot through her and her knees wobbled. His English accent had been seductive, while the unexpected kiss stole her breath away and sent her senses reeling.

  Did he just say, ‘sweet’?

  Finally snapped out of her hypnotic state, she jerked her lips from his. “This is not what you think.”

  “What?” the stranger whispered, his breath warming her cheek. “You ran in here, begging for my help,” he said against her throat. “I’m only offering my assistance.”

  She struck her fist against his arm, meeting hard muscle. “What kind of assistance did you think I needed? Let go of me. I came in here to use the phone.”

  He loosened his hold, the passion vanishing from his eyes. “What game are you playing?”

  Whirling out of his arms, she caught her reflection in the mirror and gaped in mortification. No wonder he had the wrong impression. Her hair looked wild, and without the rest of her clothing, her penchant for frilly, pretty underwear made her appear provocative and sexy.

  She grabbed the white dress shirt from the bed and clutched it over her breasts. “I’m telling you the truth.”

  He ran his fingers through his damp hair. “You’re a tease.”

  “No. Please, let me explain.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, he nodded toward the shirt. “Put it on.”

  With her cheeks burning, she turned her back to him and quickly buttoned the shirt. Then she took a deep breath and faced him. “Someone was hiding in my bathroom. I ran in here to call security.”

  “Let me see if I’ve got this right. You ran into my cabin—practically naked and in that getup—because you feared someone hid in yours. How did you get in? Did you bribe a maid?”

  “No,” she said in exasperation. “Your door was unlocked.”

  He raised a skeptical eyebrow. “It locks automatically.”

  “I’m telling you, your door was unlocked.”

  He shrugged. “Perhaps it wasn’t shut properly or the lock is faulty. I’ll have maintenance check it out.”

  “And when I came in here, trying to get away from an intruder in my cabin, you . . . you attacked me.”

  His eyes narrowed as he leaned his beautiful face toward her. “Hardly. I thought you were here for another reason altogether, love.”

  Her mouth dropped open and then snapped shut. Although he was devastatingly handsome with his classic features and high cheekbones—and had a body and face of pure masculine beauty—surely he didn’t think a strange woman, wearing only her underwear, would come into his room and throw herself at him?

  “You are the most arrogant man I’ve ever met.”

  He had the gall to glare at her.

  “You entered my cabin, barely clothed, and kissed me,” he scoffed.

  “You kissed me first.”

  He shrugged. “You responded. Why you practically threw yourself at me.”

  “I was in shock.”

  “What was I to think? You’re almost naked.”

  “I was undressing to take a shower. Sorry, I didn’t take the time to be properly fashionable when I ran from someone hiding in my bathroom—someone wanting to kill me.”

  “Sounds like a farfetched excuse to me.”

  The towel around his waist unfurled. She caught a glimpse of a tan line, and as he turned to grab the ends of the towel, a bare white hip and muscular butt cheek. He tightened the towel and faced her, shooting her a cool look.

  Her cheeks burning, she blurted, “Now, may I use your phone?”

  “Be my guest,” he said with a curt nod.

  She picked up the telephone, checked the list of ship lines, punched in security’s number and made the report. After hanging up, she turned to find his gaze on her legs.

  Frowning, she tugged the shirttail downward and covered one bare foot with the other.

  “A security officer is on his way,” she said, using the most impersonal voice she could muster, treating him like the stranger he was—in spite of that crazy kiss they just shared. “He’ll meet me at my cabin. Thank you for the use of your phone. I’ll return the shirt later—”

  “I’ll help. I’ll go with you.”

  “No thanks,” she muttered. “I don’t need the kind of help you offer.”

  “With a killer on the loose,” he said, with a sardonic lift of an eyebrow, “I insist. It’s the least I can do to make sure you get back to your cabin safely.”

  He removed a shirt and shorts from his dresser and stepped into the bathroom to dress.

  * * *

  A few minutes later they stood in Kelly’s cabin while the security officer checked her bathroom. She stood frozen by the door, beside the handsome stranger.

  “I was telling you
the truth,” she said, giving him a sideways glance. “I didn’t run into your cabin for some kind of hook up.”

  The officer exited the bathroom and handed her a plastic cup. “This was on the floor.” He swung the door back and forth. “Your door does have a squeak. Salt air can do that. I’ll send maintenance to oil the hinges. Isn’t it possible that, because of the storm, the excessive rocking of the ship caused the cup to fall from the counter and the door to swing open and that’s what you heard?”

  Blood pounded at her temples and Kelly collapsed in the nearest chair. “I don’t know.” The cabin seemed undisturbed. Only gusting rain hit against the doors to the balcony. Had she been mistaken?

  The officer’s eyes revealed he thought she’d imagined it all. He strode to the door. “I’ll write a report, just in case, and have the lock across the hall checked, too. Call me if you’ve have any more problems.” The officer gave the man who had kissed her a wink before exiting the cabin and closing the door.

  Of all the nerve. Neither one of these men believed her. She wrapped her arms around herself. Well, okay . . . It didn’t matter what they thought. She’d be fine now.

  No killer here. Then she remembered the date and winced. Today was the first of April—she felt like the biggest fool.

  The man whose cabin she’d run to, bent down and retrieved the gray envelope from beneath the dresser. “What’s this?” he asked.

  She must have dropped it in her rush to escape. Here was the proof that she’d had a reason to be afraid. However, now she had no intention of telling this man anything. If word got out someone wanted to kill her, the old scandal would be dredged up and her father’s name would be blasted in the news again, hurting Cochran Investments’ chances for recovery.

  She watched as he frowned at the pasted letters on the front, which spelled out her name and address. Then he handed her the envelope.

  Grimacing, Kelly took it. “It’s nothing important. Thank you. Now can we please forget everything that happened today?”

  He didn’t answer, but his gaze searched hers as if trying to read what she had every intention of concealing. “I didn’t get your name. Or should I read the envelope?”

  “I’d rather you didn’t.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest and waited.

  She let out a deep sigh. “Okay. Kelly Cochran.” She waited for the accusations, but he said nothing. Being British, perhaps he’d not heard about her father’s U.S. embezzling scandal.

  “I’m Alex Drake.” He held out his hand to shake hers, but she ignored it.

  She rose from the chair. “Let me give you your shirt. I’ll be back in a minute.” She returned from the bathroom dressed in her robe, with Alex’s shirt in her hand.

  Alex turned from the windows. “I want to apologize for not believing you. Let me make it up to you. Have dinner with me tonight.”

  Aside from kissing her unexpectedly, he had looked after her safety and was gorgeous enough to be any woman’s dream date. However, she was Robert’s guest on this trip.

  “I can’t.” She held out her hand. “Thanks for letting me borrow the shirt. Should I have it laundered?”

  “No, I’ll take care of it.”

  When he reached out, her gaze dropped to the wedding band encircling his finger.

  “You’re married?” she blurted. “And you kissed me.” Was there no end to the audacity of the jerks she met? She should’ve known. By the way he’d kissed her, he’d given her every indication he had loose morals.

  He twisted the ring on his finger. “My divorce will be final—in a matter of days. I haven’t taken off my wedding ring because I’m not ready for a public announcement.”

  “Sure,” she scoffed. “What kind of idiot do you take me for?” She blushed, recalling how they’d already been in each other’s arms, practically naked.

  “You don’t believe me?” he asked with surprising bitterness.

  Robert’s face loomed in her mind. She had to get this man out of her cabin. “It doesn’t matter what I think. I’m with a friend . . . a boyfriend. He might be here at any moment. You’ll have to leave.”

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Alex regarded her with disdain glinting in his eyes. “Do you usually return passionate kisses from strangers while on trips with other men?”

  He had her there. The only excuse she had for that brief moment of insanity when she had melted into his arms was she had been in shock.

  She pointed toward the door. “Please, leave. Forget we ever met.”

  He shrugged and strolled to the door. After opening it, he swung around to face her. “I did think your being in my cabin was an excuse to meet me.”

  Folding her arms over her chest, she said, “How conceited.”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen a woman do something strange to get a man’s attention.”

  She couldn’t believe her ears. “You can be certain I wasn’t trying to attract your attention, Mr. Drake.”

  “Really? Well, I’d love to be a fly on the wall when you tell your boyfriend the entire tale. Don’t leave anything out.” His blue eyes glinted mischievously as he dipped his head in mocking farewell. “If you change your mind, or find yourself in need of help again, I’m across the hallway.”

  Chapter Two

  Still jittery from the afternoon’s events, Kelly took a deep breath as she stepped into the ship’s most elegant restaurant for dinner. Soft piano music, and the aroma of seafood and grilled steaks, permeated the air. In spite of her previous scare, she wanted to enjoy tonight’s black-tie affair.

  The security officer was probably right. No one had been hiding in her bathroom, ready to kill her. But then, how had the envelope gotten there? Fear was driving her crazy. Hadn’t she just allowed a perfect stranger to kiss her? Now that was crazy.

  His head bent, Robert wore a tuxedo and sat at a private table by the windows, studying a menu. Even from this distance, her tall and handsome friend radiated rugged sophistication. His black hair held just a hint of gray and she knew he kept in shape by boxing and playing tennis.

  Kelly smoothed the skirt of her evening gown. With her hair worn down, did she appear mature enough to date a man sixteen years older than herself?

  He lifted his head, met her gaze, and rose from his chair. As if an invisible current pulled her toward her destiny, she moved past the linen-covered tables topped with tropical flowers and lighted candles and approached him. His lips twisted into an appreciative grin.

  Her nerves tensed at his visible interest in her. He had been a long-time bachelor and sought after by women for years, but he’d never married. Wealthy in his own right, he owned Hillyard Pictures, a movie-production company.

  Tomorrow, at the next port, actress Vanessa Caine and her husband would board the ship. Kelly was thrilled at the prospect of meeting the world-famous movie star, especially since Vanessa and Robert were such good friends.

  He captured her hand in a firm grasp. “You look gorgeous, but you seem nervous.”

  She nodded. “I am a little distressed. I’ve had quite the afternoon, and I couldn’t find you.”

  “I was at the gym. I should’ve checked in with you.” He pulled out a chair for her across from his at the intimate table. “So, what’s got you so uptight? I wanted you to enjoy our one night alone before Vanessa arrives.”

  Kelly opened her beaded evening bag and pulled out the letter. “This was on my dresser this afternoon.”

  He took the envelope. “What the hell?” Then he tapped the postmark, his initial reaction softening. “I arranged for our office mail to be forwarded to the various ports. Your cabin steward must have delivered this letter to your room.”

  “I realized that later, after . . . never mind.” How could she explain that fiasco?

  He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t question her further. He tucked the envelope into his inside jacket pocket. “I’m sorry if you were frightened again by this thug. Don’t worry. We’ll take the letter t
o Detective Spagnola as soon as we return to L.A.”

  She sighed. “There’s still the possibility we’ve been followed. It would be easy to get rid of a person on a cruise ship. I’ve heard of people falling overboard, never to be found.” She stared out the expansive windows wrapping the restaurant on three sides. Under a twilight sky, the sea swirled black and turbulent. At the thought of someone flinging her into the vast Pacific Ocean, a cold chill swept up her spine. She turned toward Robert. “Will I always be looking over my shoulder, waiting for another attack?”

  “This letter is only a threat to scare you.”

  “It’s working,” she said, swallowing a lump in her throat. “I was spooked enough to think someone was in my cabin. I even called security.” She offered him a grim smile. “I just might lose my sanity before we find out who is behind this.”

  Although she disliked omitting her encounter with Alex Drake, she wouldn’t bring up the incident to Robert. She’d like to think Alex had forced himself upon her, but she had been lost in the feel of his lips on hers for that one brief moment. Frowning, she raised her fingers to her lips.

  “Kelly, don’t worry. I’ll keep you safe.”

  Obviously he had misread her thoughts . . . She grimaced and nodded weakly.

  “I’m sure these latest threats were incited by the Wall Street Journal article about your inheriting partial control of the company on your birthday.”

  “You’re probably right. The press always brings out the vermin.” She had experienced that fact after her parents had died. “I can’t endure all the bad press again. I just can’t do it.”

  He reached across the table and took her hand. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Your father left me trustee of your interests. I don’t take the responsibility lightly.”

  He didn’t. Other than Aunt Kaye, Robert had been the one constant in her life—an uncle figure to her. He had been there eight years ago when her parents’ plane had been discovered, crashed off the coast of France.

  She had become hysterical at the news. Robert had held her and soothed her until her sobbing had subsided.


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